Big Sky Blue

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Big Sky Blue Page 8

by Hildie McQueen

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning, heavy rainfall woke Hank. It felt as if he’d just fallen asleep after spending hours wondering what brought Elizabeth to kiss him. He'd not intended on deepening the kiss, he'd intended on pushing her away when he'd taken her shoulders, but instead drew her closer. The sweet luscious body felt natural against him, bringing his blood to a boil. What followed had to have been his most incredible experience. Her kiss was like no other, their bodies fitting perfectly together.

  Thank goodness for Mrs. Dawson, he was not sure where things would have led if they'd not been interrupted. Had her aunt seen anything, he wondered. He supposed he'd find out soon enough, better to face the women and apologize. That part was easy enough; he'd take full responsibility for the occurrence, of course.

  The hard part was what to do about Elizabeth. It was imperative he pull her aside and speak to her in private. Ensure that she did not expect that he was the person to fulfill that fantasy of hers. He would not marry; it was best to raise his son alone. It was the only way to insure that neither his son nor he would be abandoned again.

  He placed his arm under his head and considered what type of wife Elizabeth Dawson would make, only for curiosity sake of course. She was nothing like Marjorie. She would never leave a child behind. From the few days he'd seen her with Ashley, it was easy to see she would make a good mother.

  Not wanting to continue that particular train of thought, Hank lifted from the bed, although he did not relish spending the day in the rain, it was better than inside with her. After the kiss that took his ability to think clearly, Elizabeth Dawson was to be avoided at all costs lest he do something irrational again.

  "There's your pa," Mrs. Dawson exclaimed holding up a smiling baby. "Good morning, Hank."

  Hank took the squirming child and kissed him. "Good morning, Missus Dawson. I'm sorry you had to share the bed with him last night."

  She waved him away already pouring a cup of coffee for him. "I meant to put him to sleep and ended up falling asleep with him." She laughed and pointed her finger at the toddler who watched her with interest. "Yes, you put me to sleep didn't you, little rascal."

  Hank looked down the short hallway to toward the bedroom where he knew Elizabeth was, and sat to drink his coffee while holding the baby on his lap. Mrs. Dawson pulled a skillet and placed it on the stove. "I'm going to fix a big breakfast. With all this rain, I expect you'll be staying indoors today." Before he could reply she continued speaking. "It's a good thing, too, because this wet weather makes my old joints ache bad. I'm going to rub them with some ligament and retire to the bedroom to read. Elizabeth has agreed to help you with Ashley, if that's all right?"

  He nodded and once again glanced toward the back of the house. "I may go out and check on the animals for a bit, but I won't be gone long."

  "Is that necessary? Isn't Sam capable of looking after things for one day? For goodness sakes, Hank, enjoy the time with your son, take advantage of this break. Before you know it, he'll be grown and you'll miss this."

  As if in accordance, Ashley's bright blue solemn eyes lifted to him. Hank hugged the boy close to him and kissed the top of his head. "I believe you are correct, Missus Dawson. I will do just that. Tell Miss Elizabeth she is welcome to relax. If I need anything I will call." Hopefully she'd stay in the bedroom and read as well.

  An hour later, he and Ashley sat on the rug before a roaring fire. He pushed a wooden block closer so the boy could pick it up and add it to an unstable tower.

  "Good morning, Hank." Elizabeth stood in the doorway peering at them, her hand on the jamb, the picture of serenity.

  Hank ignored the pitch in his stomach and replied, making it a point to look up only for an instant and then return his attention to Ashley. "Good morning, Elizabeth."

  "Do you require anything? I am about to make tea."

  Tea, what she'd been drinking last night, right before they'd kissed. Hank shook his head. "No, thank you."

  She disappeared into the kitchen and he picked up every sound she made, even when he talked to Ashley, he was strangely attuned to what she did. Finally he abandoned the pretense and left the boy to face her and discuss her expectations of him.

  Her back was to him and she stirred her tea, head bent. His gaze slid from her shoulders to her small waist, on past to the soft curves of her hips which had an immediate effect on his body. He wondered to how it would be to have this woman in his bed every night.

  "Elizabeth, can I have a word with you?"

  She turned, her brows lifted, a slight curve to her lips. "Of course," she replied placing the cup on to a small plate.

  "I just need you to...uh,"

  She leaned forward to set the tea on the table and her top sagged, offering him a view of the top of her breasts.

  His mouth went dry. "I want to tell you that..."

  Her gaze lifted to meet his. Had he noticed before how thick her lashes were, how enticing her lips?

  "Hank, are you unwell?" She neared and he stepped back and held up his hands, his posterior flattened against the wall. Elizabeth frowned and then looked past him to the doorway, as if wondering what frightened him. "What is wrong?"

  "You...I," Hank stuttered and dragged both hands through his hair. "I can't think around you.” He’d never tell her, how over and over, he kept imagining kissing her again. His mouth opened. “I keep thinking how much I want to kiss you again." What?

  "Ah." Her simple reply took him by surprise and he stared at her as she settled into her chair and pulled her book closer as if forgetting his presence. Hank cleared his throat and she looked up and bit her bottom lip, which of course took all his attention. "Yes?"

  He didn't reply just swallowed and wondered what to do.

  "Hank, please enjoy your day, I will remain in here. Drink tea and read. If it ever stops raining, I want go out and tend the garden. If you require anything, let me know. I intend to take my aunt tea in a few moments and allow her time to rest."

  His head yelled for him to walk away and let her be. His mouth opened. "You don't have to stay in here, please join us in the front room, it's less damp in there and plenty warm." Once again, the opposite of what he'd planned to say and do.

  She shrugged and stood. "Very well, I will, thank you. Honestly, I want to spend time with Ashley. Once I take my aunt her tea, I will join you.


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