Big Sky Blue

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Big Sky Blue Page 9

by Hildie McQueen

  Chapter Nine

  The day turned out to be enjoyable, much to Elizabeth's surprise. At first, Hank's stilted behavior made her wonder if he'd meant to invite her to spend time with him and his son, but after a few awkward moments, they'd played with Ashley and relaxed.

  From behind her book she watched Hank lying on the floor bouncing the laughing child on his stomach. She dared imagine this as her life and immediately remembered Hank's statement right before they'd kissed the night before. He did not plan to ever marry. From what her aunt told her, he had good reasons not to trust women, but that did not stop her imagination from running away.

  "I better lay you down, buddy," Hank told the boy a few minutes later when Ashley's head began to droop. He left with the child in his arms to his bedroom and emerged a few moments later.

  Elizabeth spoke not giving him an opportunity to find an excuse to not be in the same room with her. "The rain has stopped for a while now. Would you like to go for a walk? I need some fresh air and don't feel comfortable going too far from the cabin."

  He eyed her heeled shoes and ran his hand through his hair. "You need sturdier footwear. I have something, let me find them."

  He left and returned with a pair of women's boots that must have belonged to Ashley's mother. Elizabeth studied them before reaching for them. "I don't know if I should wear someone else's shoes."

  "My sister left them here for when she helps me around the house. You're welcome to borrow them."

  "Oh." Good not hers.

  Once outdoors, he guided her away from the cabin, through the trees past the pond. They ambled a few minutes without speaking much, other than Hank pointing out what he thought would interest her. Blue Astor grew abundantly, the sight of the large expanse of land covered in it took her breath away. "It's beautiful here. Look at those majestic mountains, don't they just fill you with awe?"

  She tilted her face up to see him smiling at her and found him just as eye-catching as the surroundings. "I suppose living here my whole life, I take it for granted." He peered across the land and nodded. "I'm thankful for this land, it's rich and fine-looking."



  "After the get-together at your parents tomorrow, will you take me back to town? It's time for me to leave."

  She watched as several expressions crossed his face. Uncertainty followed by a frown, which she couldn't decipher.

  Yes, of course. Are you afraid to live alone? What about your nightmares?" he asked and the thoughtfulness touched her.

  "They've been practically non-existent since the one night. I do believe the distance and distraction of Montana has helped."

  "If you're sure, yes I’ll take you."

  When her chest constricted, she turned away. The last thing she wanted was to leave, but the feelings she was developing for Hank Cole would only lead to heartbreak, and she was smart enough to know it was best to put distance between them.

  "Is something wrong?" He closed the space between them and placed a hand on her shoulder, the touch almost too much for her bear.

  "It makes me sad to leave here." She looked toward the mountains. "I have grown attached to Ashley and will miss him."

  "I told you, you're welcome to stay as long as you wish." His voice was rich with a deepness that called to her and she turned to face him.

  "I can't, Hank." I am developing feelings for you. "It's best for me," and my heart, "that I live in town. Although I must admit, I will miss seeing you every day."

  Elizabeth's blunt statement caught him off guard. Hank knew his eyes widened. When he stepped backward, she frowned and looked to the ground.

  He thought many things. "I don't know what to say." Please don't leave pounded in his head. He closed his mouth.

  "I apologize, I've spoken without thought. Mother always said I spoke too bluntly for a woman."

  Once again he neared her, this time cupping her face and lifting it until the beautiful dark green eyes met his. "Don't look down. I am not indifferent to you Elizabeth. It’s just that I don't know if I'm ready for more than taking care of Ashley, right now."

  "I don't expect anything from you. Although it's nice of you to say." She smiled at him. "I admire your dedication to Ashley, it's exactly what you should be focused on. Your son needs to be your priority."

  The woman thrust his thoughts in a million directions at once. Part of him wanted to run, get away from her as fast as possible, while the other half demanded he take her, pull her against him and never let her leave.

  He yanked her to him so fast, her head snapped back placing her in the perfect position for him to cover her mouth with his. The urgency of the kiss shocked him sending quivers of pleasure through his entire being. Her arms wrapped around his neck and the plushness of her body molded against his, ever so perfectly. Yes she was perfect.

  Elizabeth panted, her lips parted and he took advantage, tasting her, exploring all the while she suckled at his tongue with greed.

  They fell to the ground and he pulled her over him to keep her from getting muddy. No longer in control of what he did, his hands slid down her back and he enjoyed the exploration of every thing that was her. The dip at her waist followed by the soft lift of her hips and round taut behind. She grabbed at his hair, her fingers lacing through it as she kissed his jawline and throat immediately sending heated blood to his core.

  He cupped her bottom and bucked against her with a loud groan. Mine. If he didn't have this woman, surely he'd go crazy.

  "Oh!" She cried out and shoved from him scrambling to her feet, Elizabeth raced away, heading toward the shelter of a cusp of trees.

  His heart pumped so hard it echoed in his ears, Hank lay on the ground with his hand over his groin attempting to push at the hardness wishing it gone. Finally once he was able to face her without embarrassing himself, he made his way to her hopeful she wouldn't be crying or hysterical.

  He prepared his apology with each step growing more irritated at his actions and his lack of control around her.

  Leaning against a tree, Elizabeth breathed heavily, one hand on her chest, the other arm crossed over her hips. She looked up with a wide smile, when he approached.

  "Well, it's obvious we can't be trusted alone," she mused.

  Her giggle took his apprehension away and he couldn't help but grin back at her like a fool. "I wouldn't say that." He replied.

  She lifted a brow. "Hank, if I hadn't gotten away from you, we'd be out there naked as jaybirds rolling around in the wet grass."

  Once again she surprised him with her honesty, and he shrugged. "I suppose you're right." Picturing her words made it more difficult to not reach for her. "We should probably head on back."

  "Give me a few minutes. I am enjoying the fresh air." She trained her gaze on the horizon.

  He didn't want to take the moment from her. While she remained transfixed on whatever was on her mind, he scrambled to find a way to get her to stay. She would never agree to be his lover and he wouldn't ask that of her. After all she clearly wished for a husband and family. It was best they parted ways.

  Yes...that was best.

  "What?" His mother frowned at him, eyebrows pinched together and her mouth in a firm line. "Why are you taking her back to town so soon?"

  They stood in his mother's kitchen, by a large window overlooking the expanse where the family gathered outside. Hank took a breath. "She is looking to begin a new life here, Ma. Wants to find a husband, start a family. She can't be doing that out here." He watched as one of his father's ranch hands, Luke Preston, approached the subject of their conversation handed her an apple and began to talk with her. Hank's jaw tightened and hands fisted.

  "I'd say she could find a husband very easily out here," his mother stated the obvious. "Too bad she has eyes only for you at the moment."

  A dish piled high with potatoes was shoved into his hands and his mother pointed to a table outside. "If you let that girl go, you're a fool, Hank Ashley," she snapped and tur
ned away to stir a pot.

  His sister, carrying another plate laden with food, walked out beside him and chuckled at his sour face and hard eyes when Luke hunched toward Elizabeth's ear and she laughed at something he said. "She's not Marjorie." Lisa said, her face calm.

  Indeed while Luke talked, she bounced Ashley on her lap and after biting a chunk from the apple she fed it to the boy. "Look at what she's doing, Hank. She loves your son. I don't know how you can separate them, she refuses to allow anyone to take Ashley from her today." Lisa continued moving away from him to lower the food onto a long table.

  The women would not goad him to doing something he didn't plan. He wouldn't allow it. He set his jaw and stomped toward his father who stood over the meat on the outdoor spit.

  "There you are," his father said in greeting. "I was wondering how long the women were going to keep you hostage in the kitchen."

  With his back to Elizabeth, he was able to relax a bit. "Is it almost done?" He pinched some meat and tasted it. "It's good, Pa."

  "Better be. I've been out here since sun up." His father sat on a nearby chair and drank from a cup. "I'm happy to see you moving on son. You're going to have to marry her, can't be living in the same house not married to this one."

  "I'm not..." he began, but his father peered towards Elizabeth not minding him.

  "A beautiful woman who is obviously classy and caring. This one will stay. It's good to see how she dotes on Ashley. And she's attracted to you. Her eyes have been on you since you walked out. I'm right happy for you, son."

  "Why do you think she'll stay, Pa? How do you know she won't leave after a few months, a couple of years? I may not be enough for her." Once said out loud, exposing his fears, he cringed at how weak he must seem to his father.

  "You're more than enough for a good woman, Hank Ashley." His father yanked him by the shoulder. "Don't you ever think that woman’s leaving had anything to do with you. She is sick, son, mentally unstable. You didn't see it because you thought yourself in love." His father looked him straight in the eyes until Hank nodded.

  "You're right, Pa. I didn't want to see it."

  "Now look at that woman over there." Hank turned and saw Elizabeth watching them with interest, as if prepared to come to his aid.

  "I have a feeling if I try to yank you again, she'll come over and defend you. That, my son, is the display of a wife, someone that will be there to support and protect you." He chuckled and hugged him tight. Hank relaxed against his father's large frame and fought to swallow past a lump that formed.

  "Thank you, Pa." They stepped back from each other with a lot of throat clearing and blinking.

  "Go on over there and spend time with your son and woman, leave me to finish up here."

  Hank lowered next to Elizabeth after he shot a "go away" glare at Luke who tipped his hat and did just that. He chucked Ashley under the chin and the boy stuck his thumb in his mouth, lying back on Elizabeth's chest with a hearty sigh.

  "He's a smart man, knows the perfect place to rest."

  Elizabeth colored prettily and smiled. "You are a relentless flirt, Hank Cole."

  "I am only stating the truth." He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Why didn’t you remain in Virginia and marry?"

  She blinked at his change of topic. "I had a gentleman suitor, his name is Melvin. He was nice enough, I suppose."

  "Sounds romantic," Hank replied dryly, immediately not liking this Melvin person.

  "Yes, well, I didn't get to know him as we'd only started courting right before my parents..." With glassy eyes, she took a deep breath. "Anyway, after the fire, I realized how precious and short life is and I decided I'd marry someone of my choosing. When Aunt Betty wrote inviting me here, I jumped at the opportunity."

  Her eyes danced across his face and Hank hated that there were so many people around. He wanted to be alone with her. "Do you still plan to leave tomorrow?"

  A shadow crossed her face and she nodded. "Yes, it's best I do."

  Hank looked toward his father, and words of what to say to her eluded him, so he let out a breath and settled beside her. Unable to concentrate on her without saying something stupid, he focused instead on his nieces and nephews running in circles and playing.

  Elizabeth and Mrs. Dawson left the next day, they turned down his offer to escort them, insisting instead on driving themselves and he'd not argued.

  It was for the best. The less time he spent with Elizabeth the better, especially after witnessing her tearful last moments with Ashley, who clung to her and had to be yanked from her arms before she climbed on to the wagon.

  "Goodbye." Her reddened eyes met his and she attempted to smile. "Please take care of him." She'd leaned over and caressed Ashley's face one last time, while the child struggled against him, stretching his chubby arms to her.

  Without watching them ride away, he went inside and placed his son on the rug in the front room with some wooden toys, then he sat and watched the child play keeping his mind clear of any thoughts.

  That evening, Hank drank coffee in the too silent kitchen thankful that his son had finally fallen asleep. When a sigh escaped he grimaced at the idea of sitting about like a forlorn love-struck teen.

  Yes, she had affected him like no other woman and the house felt empty without her presence. However, he'd adjust and become accustomed to not seeing her everyday, to not looking forward to her soft smiles and gentle ways. He'd not think about how fetching she'd looked after they'd kissed the day after the rain nor would he picture her with Ashley in her arms. No, he'd move on because although she was not Marjorie by any stretch of the imagination, he wasn't sure the woman would want to remain with him. After all, Elizabeth was a highbred society lady who deserved someone of her standing, someone who was good enough.

  He looked toward the front room and noticed she'd left her shawl, probably in the rush to go outside and keep Ashley from seeing her cry. Hank lifted the material to his nose. Instantly, her familiar scent alerted his body and begged to be near her.

  No. He wouldn't seek her out and he would stop thinking about her. Shawl in hand, he headed to his bedroom.


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