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Sacked (To Love a Governess Regency Short)

Page 3

by Jane Charles

  Jared grinned at the dressing down he received from Monique. He would not want to be on the receiving end of her anger again. The woman ranted and raved at him and he was unable to get one word in for a good five minutes. Goodness, he was waiting for her to beat him with something and she probably would have if he hadn’t finally interrupted her and explained. It took another good five minutes to calm the woman down and during that time Elizabeth was sitting by herself in the public room of an inn. He needed to get back.

  He pushed the door open. She was still huddled in the cloak sipping the wine. Dinner hadn’t been delivered yet. He hung his coat on a peg by the door and returned to his seat. Elizabeth was shivering. He reached over and touched her hand. She yanked it back.

  Jared retrieved his own and made no comment on her action. “Your skin is like ice.”

  “It is cold outside.”

  “I’ll need to get you warmed up soon so you don’t become ill.”

  Elizabeth averted her eyes and her cheeks turned pink. He meant to order her a hot bath but there were certainly other, more enjoyable ways, to warm a body. But, the fact that she jerked back from his touch meant they needed to address what happened first.

  “Elizabeth,” he began in a low tone. “About this morning.”

  Her eyes shot up to him, wide with fear. “Please, no, not here.”

  He glanced around. The room was full to overflowing and it was probably best this discussion took place in private.

  Mrs. McConnell placed steaming bowls of soup in front of them and a loaf of bread. “I am sorry, this is all we can do for now. I wasn’t expecting so many customers and there is little food left in the kitchen.”

  “It is quite alright, Mrs. McConnell. A hearty bowl of soup is the best meal a man can have on a day like today.”

  She beamed.

  The door of the inn opened again. A young couple entered.

  “Oh, dear,” she remarked. “I hope they don’t need rooms. We are plum out.”

  “Give them mine, if you wish.” Jared pulled out the key to his room. “I’ll share.”

  Mrs. McConnell snaked an eye to Elizabeth and arched her brow. “We don’t. . . “

  Did everyone think the worst of him? “With my coachman.”

  The woman at least had the good sense to blush at her improper almost accusation. Of course, Mrs. McConnell had the right of it. With any luck, he would not be sleeping with his coachman this night.

  Chapter 5

  Jared checked his watch for the tenth time and paced the confines of his room. How soon would she be done with her bath? How soon could he speak with her? He thought the dinner would never end. There was so much he wanted to say to her but couldn’t. Instead, they discussed how the girls were progressing in their studies and such, so similar to the many conversations from the past six months.

  He turned to John, the man who had driven him about for the past ten years. “If I do not sleep here tonight, you will tell no one.”

  The man had the audacity to grin.

  “If you do, you will be out of a job without a reference.”

  The smile fell from John’s face. “Of course, Lord Fairfield.”

  It didn’t matter what people thought of him, but it mattered a great deal what they thought of Elizabeth.

  Since her arrival he had ached with need for her. All she had to do was pass him in the hall, her scent of honeysuckle wafting past his nose, and he was ready to pounce. He had been bidding his time until this morning. And, now that he had tasted her, he couldn’t go back. He needed to go forward. To have it all.

  When they came face-to-face on that fateful morning he hired her, Jared waited for recognition. They had danced in London, twice, and attended so many of the same gatherings, but it was if they never met. Then again, why should she remember, he never courted her. He wanted to and was attracted and enthralled even then, but she had a court of a dozen men surrounding her at every event. He was lucky to obtain the few dances he did. And during the day, he often thought of calling on her, but found excuses not to. How he felt about Miss Elizabeth was worse than any schoolboy crush and he feared rejection. Instead, he admired her from afar. Then she was there, in front of him, chasing after Julia, who was chasing after a bunny, while he tried to get the rest of the girls into the carriage. And, she came home with him. He’d be damned if he lost her now.

  Jared glanced at the clock again. It had only been thirty minutes since they came upstairs and fifteen minutes since the water was delivered. Perhaps she bathed quickly and she was already dressed for bed. His cock hardened at the thought of Elizabeth in bed. He had to have her tonight. If she turned him away, he would have no choice but to sleep in the blizzard. That was about the only thing that would cool his loins at this moment.

  He snapped the case of his watched closed. Thirty minutes was more than enough. He exited his room, crossed the hall and knocked on Elizabeth’s.

  First, before he kissed her again, he needed to tell her how he felt, what he needed and hoped from her. He couldn’t just plunge again and begin taking. That is what sent her running from him in the first place.

  Why didn’t she answer? He must have stood here for a good five minutes. Or at least it seemed that way. Jared lifted his hand to knock again and the door cracked open and Elizabeth peeked out at him.


  “I need to speak with you.”

  She blanched. “It is not a good time.”

  “Please, Elizabeth. I need to speak with you, now.”

  She didn’t say anything at first and just looked at him. He wished he could see more of her face but she hid behind the door. “Give me a moment.”

  Jared didn’t want to give her a moment. She would shut the door in his face, put on that ugly proper gown (assuming she had already bathed and was in her nightgown), because it was the proper thing to do. He gently pushed on the door. “

  She lowered her eyes. “Very well.” She stood back and allowed him to come in. Jared shut the door behind him and turned to her. She wore only a robe. She hadn’t even put on the nightgown yet and her skin was still damp because the material clung to her. She must have still been in the bath. He glanced in that direction. He could still see the wet foot print trail from the tub to the door. He should have waited, but so glad he hadn’t.

  His eyes returned to her. The glorious red hair was piled on top of her head. Her face was rosy, probably from the heat of the bath, or embarrassment by her state of undress. Her breasts, nipples puckered, strained against the damp robe. His mouth went dry and his cock came to full attention. What did he want to talk to her about?

  He knew they should discuss his plans but his mind was befuddled by the sight of her, knowing the only thing that kept him from seeing her entire body in all its glory was a thin piece of material.

  “About this morning. . .”

  Her eyes pleaded with him. “Please, I wish to forget. . .”

  “I will never forget.”

  Her lips parted and brows knit together with worry. He needed to erase the concern. Jared took a step forward. She lifted a hand to stop him.

  “Please, Elizabeth, let me kiss you.”

  “It isn’t right.”

  “There you are wrong. It is the most right thing in the world.”

  She took a step back.

  He followed. “Can you deny your desire for me? I can’t deny mine for you.”

  She took another step. If she kept going she would end up in the tub. He needed to make her understand. “I have wanted to kiss you, touch you since London.”

  Elizabeth stopped. “London?”

  He smiled. “I am not surprised you don’t remember me. You had a large court and I was only lucky enough to land two dances with you.”

  “But I do remember. I didn’t think you remembered me.”

  Joy burst. At least she remembered, it was better than nothing and gave him hope. “I’ve never forgotten you. Your hair glowed in the candlelight, did you kn
ow that?” He reached up and plucked a pin from her hair. A curl dropped to her shoulder. “I was afraid I couldn’t compete with all of those dandies.” He removed two more and the curls fell.

  “Those dandies, as you put it, barely held my attention.” She tilted her head to look at him. “If you wanted to do those things in London, why only two dances and why not call on me?”

  Jared felt his own face heat. “I was nothing like those who courted you. I couldn’t offer flowery words, poetry and the like.” I didn’t think I stood a chance.

  “It would have been a relief not to listen to such prattle for a change.”

  Jared kicked himself a dozen times over for not having the confidence to go after her then. But, what did that matter now? He was in her room, she was in a robe, and they were very much alone with no chance of interruption. The bed was but two steps away.

  “It is a mistake I will not make again,” he muttered before he reached out and pulled her to him.

  “That doesn’t mean. . . “

  He silenced her with a kiss. They’ve talked enough already. Surely she understood his intentions.

  Elizabeth pushed at his chest.

  “Please, don’t deny me,” he begged. “I’ve dreamed of holding you, making love to you.”

  Chapter 6

  Elizabeth knew she should push him away, send him from her room, but any will quickly evaporated the moment his lips touched hers. And, he wanted her. What would be so wrong about sharing one night with him? She already knew any employment options were over. After this morning she knew in her heart of hearts she could never return to being his governess. Julia probably told the nurse and her sisters that he had been hugging her in his bedchamber. By now the entire household probably knew and any sterling reputation she once possessed was in shreds.

  As she intended to travel onto Scotland, no plans to ever marry, why shouldn’t she enjoy one night? Besides, her uncle could still find her and force her to marry his friend. If she were ruined, it would be out of the question. If he didn’t care, she would at least know what it was like to be loved by someone she loved.

  Elizabeth gave up the will to fight and allowed him to pull her into his arms. Her hands snaked around his neck and she opened to him, mating her tongue with his. Why did she ever fight this in the first place?

  His hands slid down her back and lifted her buttocks and pulled her against him. The rigid outline of his manhood burned into her stomach. Her nipples tightened and tingled and her private area grew damp again. It had never happened until today and she could only assume it was desire. It was the only explanation. Her mother never covered that particular detail.

  His mouth left hers and trailed down her neck. He paused at the mark he left earlier and gently placed a kiss there. “Sorry.”

  Elizabeth was robbed of words. She hoped he didn’t stop because of that mark, not now. Not when she was willing to surrender everything to him.

  Fairfield pushed the robe from her shoulders. Unlike her dress, it was loose and fell to her waist, where she had tied the belt. She shook her arms free and pulled at the shirt tucked into his pants. If he was going to have access to her bare skin, she wanted access to his. She had this one time and was going to explore to her hearts content.

  He stepped away for a moment and pulled the shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor. In the blink of an eye she was back in his arms. His lips pressed against hers. His rigid chest rubbed against her sensitive nipples.

  Fairfield untied the belt and her robe pooled on the ground around her feet. She shivered in anticipation, the heat of his touch. Any chill from earlier was long gone. He bent and scooped her up in his arms before he deposited her into the middle of the bed. Instead of joining her, he sat on the side and bent to pull his boots off. This moment without his touch made Elizabeth feel exposed. For which she most certainly was laying naked in the middle of the bed, and she pulled the side of the counterpane up to cover her.

  A boot hit the floor with a thud. A second followed and Fairfield turned toward her. He smiled, his eyes dark with passion and pushed the covers away.

  Elizabeth expected him to kiss her, but he lowered his head to her breast and took one nibble in his mouth. Jolts of pleasure shot to her groin and she arched when his hand lifted and caressed her other breast. He suckled and loved both, going from one to the other and Elizabeth thought she was going to die from pleasure. Her pulse pounded, especially in the area he had touched earlier and she hoped he touched there again. She drew her legs tight. The pressure added to the glorious sensations.

  * * *

  Elizabeth was already damp, ready for him. Jared bit the inside of his cheek to keep from moving too fast. She ran from him before and he would not allow her to run this time. She would only do so if he did not do this right. His need could wait. She would find pleasure first and hopefully several times before the night was over.

  He sank his fingers into her folds and Elizabeth’s legs fell open. He dipped his fingers further and pulled her slick juices back to her nubbin and circled before he gently rubbed against it. Her hips came off the bed and she moaned. He only dreamed of her returning his passion. This was so much more than he hoped for.

  His mouth left her taunt nipple and trailed down her stomach. He wasn’t sure if Elizabeth would allow him, but he had to taste her. Her musky sent drew him like bees to a pot of honey.

  When his lips met her curls she pulled on his hair. Jared looked up.

  “What . . . ?”

  “Trust me.” He wasn’t about to explain, and would probably be shocked to her innocent core, but hopefully need would overcome any misgivings.

  He moved between her legs, pushing them open to allow for better access and touched his tongue to her button.

  “Oh, goodness.”

  Her words were faint, but encouraging all the same.

  Jared held nothing back and he licked and sucked. Elizabeth rose off the bed and he had to anchor her hip to keep her in place. Her moans grew more frequent and he knew she was close. Soon she would be his entirely.

  Jared slid one finger in to her channel, so tight, hot and moist. He almost came at that moment. Without breaking the rhythm of his tongue on her nubbin he inserted another finger and stretched her, pumping in and out, mimicking what he planned to do with his cock.

  Elizabeth was panting, straining against him. She tightened around his fingers arched and cried out. Juices flowed over his fingers and he slowed his movement, bringing her back to earth until her body lay spent on top of the bed.

  Jared stood, and looked down at her. Elizabeth’s eyes met his, dazed with the aftermaths of an orgasm. He quickly divested himself of his pants and joined her once again. This time he came over her and situated himself between her thighs. His cock probed her entrance. He wanted to plunge, sink into that tight, hot channel. But held himself in check. She was a virgin. The tips of his fingers had brushed against the barrier. He needed to make this as painless as possible.

  * * *

  What had just happened to her? Oh, my, goodness. Her breath still wasn’t regulated and the aftermath of pleasure, quicker than before, still thrummed through her veins. She never dreamed it was possible to experience such a physical, mind altering burst of ecstasy. Now he was above her, wanting to take her, and she was more than willing.

  She parted her legs as his member nudge toward her opening. Heat pooled once again and she didn’t think it was possible for her body to want more. Not after such an explosion, but it did.

  Elizabeth tilted her hips and he sank in a bit, stretching her. She knew this could not be all of him. She needed him deeper than this. She ached deep inside, much further than where he was. She tilted again.

  “Be still.”

  Elizabeth looked up at him.

  “I will take care of you, but for this time, I need you to be still and let me love you.”

  As much as she wanted to draw him into her, Elizabeth allowed Fairfield to decide what was best. He
certainly had more experience than she. He entered further, but not far enough and back again. Over and over, going just a bit further each time. Closer, but not yet close enough. She stretched, accommodating him.

  Fairfield pulled back, stopped. He leaned forward and took her lips with his and thrust deep inside.

  Something tore apart and tears sprung to her eyes. She had forgotten about her maidenhead, but Fairfield had not. That was why he was so considerate and moving slowly. It was now history but he still hadn’t moved. Certainly that wasn’t all. Her body cried out to move, but she was afraid to. He asked her to be still.

  He lifted his head. “I’m sorry.”

  She had no words, only a smile.

  “The pain?”


  He let out a breath. Withdrew and plunged again.

  Elizabeth moaned. Yes, this is what she needed.

  He stopped. “Did I hurt you again?”

  The concern on his face was so dear. Elizabeth reached up and pulled his face to hers and kissed him deeply and lifted her hips to draw him in.

  This must have been all the encouragement Fairfield needed. He held nothing back. He thrust over and over and the tightness wound inside her like a spring, just as before when he had his mouth down there. She tried to meet him thrust for thrust but could not gain purchase on the bed and wrapped her legs around his waist. He lifted her and plunged. The tightness inside gave and her body was awash with another explosion of pleasure, this time deep inside her womb.

  Fairfield stiffened and cried out her name, his seed pumping into her body. When he was finished, he sighed, rolled to the side and took her with him.

  Elizabeth rested her had on his chest and tried to come to terms with everything her body had just experienced. Maybe being his mistress wouldn’t be such a bad lot in life.

  Chapter 7

  Jared wondered if his pulse would ever return to normal, or his breathing. He was not without experience but with Elizabeth it was entirely new. Her moans and cries of pleasure drove him to the brink and over and it was an experience he would never forget.


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