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Buying the Barista

Page 6

by Stella Stone

  Marching into the bathroom, I slam the door behind me and start the shower. Maybe the warm water will calm me down a bit.


  I wait a few seconds, listening to the shower water turn on, then decide to go after him. I don’t want to upset him, but I thought what Abbi said was what he wanted. Slipping into the bathroom, I make my way into the steaming shower as quietly as I can.

  Connery is standing with his back to me, the water spraying against his face. He turns around, his eyes closed, then reaches out and grabs ahold of my wrist, tugging me against his chest.

  “Abbi doesn’t know what I want,” he whispers, slowly opening his eyes. “She manages my home, and my business meetings but she does not handle my cock.”

  I nod, lifting my gaze up to his. He smirks down at me. “You handle my cock perfectly, sexy girl. She is an assistant, here to make our lives easier. She doesn’t tell you what to do or how to do it. I’ll make sure she knows her duties. Now…” his words trail off and he tilts his head down.

  Lowering to my knees, his meaning perfectly clear I sit back on my heels, looking up at him, and wait. I watch as he strokes his cock, right at my eye level, his gaze focused on mine.

  Without being instructed, I tip my head back, opening my mouth for him. Slowly, his cock slides down my throat while water splashes all around us. His body blocks it from hitting me in the face and I know he’s done it on purpose.

  He reaches down, wrapping his hand around my throat as he sinks farther down. His eyes are still focused on my own. “Relax,” he grinds out through clenched teeth.

  I let out a breath through my nose and close my eyes, relaxing my throat and jaw as he massages my neck with his hand. He slips farther and farther down my throat.

  Before I gag, he pulls out, then repeats the motion. He continues to do this, slowly speeding up. He groans, and I know he’s close, his movements become erratic and jerky.

  “Push those pretty tits together for me, sexy girl,” he rasps.

  Lifting my hands from my thighs, I push my breasts together and he quickly jerks away from my mouth. Opening my eyes, I watch as he strokes his cock and then his release spills onto my breasts in long ropes. He moans, with each pump until he’s finished.

  “Open your mouth for me again, Bexley,” he breathes. I do as he asks, opening my mouth. “Stick your tongue out, now,” he orders.

  Sticking my tongue out, he reaches down to my breast and gathers his cum with his finger, then he places it on my tongue. Without being told, I pull my tongue back in my mouth and swallow his release, then I open my mouth and stick my tongue out again.

  “Good girl,” he groans, repeating the motion.

  We do that until I swallow every single drop of his release. Then, he picks me up beneath my armpits and pulls my body flush with his.

  “You’ll be naked, when I look for you later,” he announces.

  I nod, suddenly tired from this morning’s activity. “I’ll be naked,” I rasp.



  Leaving Bexley isn’t what I want to do this morning, but I have to. Work takes priority over everything else in my life, it’s just the way I’ve always been. Which is probably why I had to buy a woman in the first place, but I try not to think too far into that.

  Abbi is sitting on the sofa in my office, her legs crossed and a great expanse of her small thigh showing due to her short skirt.

  “You’ll not hire a trainer, nor meal prepped food for Bexley without my consent. In fact, your only duty to her is to ensure her wardrobe is sufficient of her place at my side,” I announce walking behind my desk and sitting down.

  Abbi stands, straightening her skirt then slowly makes her way toward the front of my desk. I power on my computer before she leans over and for the millionth time, shows me her cleavage.

  “My part in making her acceptable to be at your side is ensuring she’s fit, and attractive to the eye,” Abbi states cockily.

  Leaning back in my chair I lift a brow, giving her a smirk. “She is attractive to my eye, and I am the only one that it matters too.”

  “You’ll be a laughingstock if you go to a party at the club with that whale on your arm,” she states, standing up straight.

  I shake my head. “I have more money than most of the members of that club, I could give a fuck what they think of me,” I snort. “I like her the way she is. If I wanted some anorexic society slut, I could have my pick.”

  “I’m trying to save her from being embarrassed, Connery, not just you. Speaking of, where did you find her?”

  Pressing my lips together, I push my glasses up my nose. “None of your concern. All you need to know is she’s my woman, she lives here, and you knock before entering my bedroom,” I state.

  Abbi’s eyes narrow, and she lifts her chin. “Fine,” she snaps. “When she fucks you over, I don’t want to hear a thing about it.”

  I almost laugh in her face, but I don’t. She starts going over my schedule for the day, which includes a meeting with the owner of a new facial recognition security company. He wants me to buy his product, and it sounds interesting but I’m not sure if it’s something I can use, or if it will be useful.

  Abbi leaves a few hours later, and I focus on my work. Lunch is delivered with little fanfare, and I force myself to eat it, when an email comes through.

  from: Detective Paul Roberts

  to: Connery Abbott

  date: Tues, May 8, 2018 at 1:23pm

  subject: Michael Collins

  Mr. Abbott,

  Here is the information I’ve found on Mr. Michael Collins. He is twenty-four-year-old male. He has been in jail ten times, for various reasons, including being in possession of drugs, illegal firearms, and stolen possessions.

  He has one sister, Bexley Collins, whom he had full guardianship when she was fourteen, and he was eighteen due to their parents’ death which was categorized as dual drug overdoses.

  He had several outstanding loans with Mr. Sam, a well-known loan shark in the area, due to his gambling habit. Those were inexplicably paid off, Monday morning and are free and clear.

  Mr. Collins can usually be found bartending, or in the audience viewing at Mr. Nasty’s strip club downtown.

  If you need anymore information, please feel free to contact me.


  I read over the email twice. Then stand. I have a visit to make. As much as I don’t want to go down to that strip club, I have some serious shit to talk to Collins about.

  Taking my phone out of my pocket I text Abby to hold all of my calls or send them straight to voicemail. Then I call Whitaker and Aldrich. I know that Sterling is busy with his woman, so I don’t bother him, but I want witnesses for this.


  After I’m showered, I pull Connery’s robe on, and go in search of food. I was so upset last night that I didn’t eat dinner, and with Abbi’s comments I hadn’t had breakfast or lunch either. I’m past the point of hungry, but if I don’t eat, I know that I’ll get sick.

  Unfortunately, my hopes for breakfast are dashed when I run into Abbi in the kitchen.

  “I’m glad you decided to come out of your room,” she smiles.

  It’s fake and evil looking, but I try to stand my ground and not show her that she affects me at all, even though she very much does.

  “How can I help you?” I ask, using all of my false bravado.

  She shakes her head, with a laugh. “I don’t know how you did it. How you arrested that man, but you have. I suppose I should congratulate you for it. I didn’t think he would ever settle… down that is,” she winks.

  I know what she means, but I don’t call her on it. She’s a bitch, and me calling her out won’t change that. I give her a nod, and wait for her to continue, which of course she does.

  “Your new starter wardrobe should be arriving this afternoon. I have everything you’ll need for now included. As
events come up, you’ll of course be required to have new dresses and things of that nature. I will of course make sure you have them at your disposal. Whatever else you need, just leave me a list and you will have it the next day,” she explains.

  Narrowing my eyes, I wonder why she’s being so, professional, and almost nice. Abbi’s eyes meet mine and she must read the question in them. She shrugs. “He made it clear you were here to stay for the foreseeable future. I may want to be in your shoes, but I want to keep my job more. So, I’m playing nice for now,” she winks.

  I watch as Abbi begins to walk out of the room, then stops and turns back toward me. “Oh, no meal plans, but if you would like to meet with a trainer that is still on the table. It doesn’t look like Connery is going to let you out of his mansion prison, and exercise is good for a person. Phillip is scheduled for tomorrow at ten in the morning. I can cancel him of course if you’d like me to?”

  Thinking about her words, I decide that she’s right, to a degree. I’m not going to be leaving this place, and I do want to stay healthy and be fit. I just don’t want to necessarily be stick thin. “Keep him scheduled,” I smile. “Thank you.”

  She doesn’t respond to my thanks, instead she turns back around and walks out of the room. I reach for an apple on the center of the island and decide to go on a little walk around the house. I have to decide which room I’ll be waiting naked in later for Connery.

  A secret smile tips my lips as I think about later this evening. I have a feeling Connery will make this little game fun, and I hope that it is something he wants to do often, because I can’t deny the thrill that rushes through me at the thought of him hunting me throughout the house.



  Sitting in the parking lot of the strip club, Whitaker to my right, and Aldrich in the backseat I let out a breath. I didn’t have my driver bring us, I wanted to do this as quietly as possible.

  “This is a little sleazy, even for me, Aldrich announces from the backseat.

  Whitaker snorts. “You act like what you do is so out of the norm, Richie. Plenty of people go to sex clubs, you aren’t anything fucking special,” he announces.

  I glance up at Aldrich through my rearview mirror and watch as he smirks and rolls his eyes. “Shall we?” he asks.

  Lifting my chin, I kill my engine and open the car door. Together, the three of us walk toward the front door. There’s no bouncer at the entrance, so we just walk inside. Once inside we’re assaulted by a foul smell.

  “Smells like rotten crotch, weed, stale beer and cigarette smoke,” Whitaker chokes.

  I almost chuckle, but my eyes are too busy scanning the club. They pause when I see him. Sitting down, his back to me, his hair the same exact shade of Bexley’s, is Michael.

  There is a strung-out girl giving him a lap dance and judging by the way her eyes keep rolling in the back of her head, he’s giving her a little more than a buck as a tip.

  “Let’s go make ourselves be known,” Aldrich announces, his eyes locked in on the man as well.

  The three of us make our way toward the couple. We sit down on a sofa that’s facing them, and catty-corner to the stage.

  “Get lost,” Michael growls.

  “I don’t think we will, I need to talk to you,” I say, keeping my voice low.

  He turns his head and finally looks at us. He tilts his head to the side and smiles. “I don’t owe anybody a fucking dime anymore, get the hell outta here,” he barks.

  Aldrich reaches into his pocket and pulls out a hundred-dollar bill. He hands it to the girl. “Get out of here, sugar,” he murmurs.

  Her eyes widen, and brighten, as she takes the money from his hand. “Anything you want when you’re done, you let me know, I’ll be at the bar waiting,” she breathes before she hurries off.

  “Who the hell are you?” Michael asks, his eyes narrowing into slits.

  Leaning back on the sofa I give him a shit eating grin. “I want to know why you sold your sister you sonofabitch,” I ask. I keep my voice even, trying not to show any kind of reaction.

  His eyes widen, and I watch as sweat beads on his forehead. “Who are you?” he asks, his voice shaky.

  Placing my elbows on my knees, I lean forward. “I’m the motherfucker who bought her,” I grin.

  “Fuck,” he hisses. “If you hurt her…”

  I throw back my head with laughter. Unable to control it, it comes out in a bark. “Now you’re her protector?” I ask.

  He looks to the side, then looks back at me, guilt clearly showing in his features. I don’t let him talk though. I stand showing him my height and look down at the pathetic human that he is.

  “Stay away. You come anywhere near her and I’ll bury you,” I growl.

  His eyes meet mine. “You’ll take care of her,” he says, oddly. I don’t answer him, but he continues. “You’ll take care of her better than I could, better than my parents could. Had a feeling this was the right thing, now I know it was.”

  “You’re a piece of shit. I’m glad you feel good about yourself, you sick fucker.” Turning around, I walk away from him.

  Aldrich and Whitaker take my back and I suck in a deep breath when we’re finally outside. “Thought you were going to take him out,” Aldrich mutters.

  “I am. Just not directly,” I state.

  He lifts a brow, waiting for me to continues. Whitaker chuckles. “You’re going to use technology to make sure he’s taken out, aren’t you?” he asks.

  I lift my chin, not verbally committing and slide into the driver’s seat of my car. I am going to take him out. It was my plan from the second I discovered he was the person who gave her away to Sam. He’s a dead man walking.

  Maybe she’ll hate me later for it, but I don’t really care, because he’ll be dead, and he won’t be able to hurt her ever again.


  It takes me all day long to find the first place to wait naked for Connery. I feel like the first time should be special, or at least memorable.

  I choose his office.

  He seems to spend a lot of his time there, and I want him to think of me each time he steps inside of the space.

  He’s been gone most of the afternoon, and on one hand I’m glad because he isn’t in his office, but on the other I’m curious as to where he could be.

  Walking into his office, I close the door behind me and stare at the lock, debating on if I should lock myself in or not. I decide I’ll be more comfortable in my nudity if it’s locked, assuming Connery is the only one with a key.

  Abbi’s clothing delivery was made today, and as much as I don’t like her, she does have great taste in clothes. Everything was not only gorgeous, but every item I tried on was beautifully flattering to my curvy figure.

  I’m wearing a belted navy shirt dress that feels almost like silk, the cotton is so soft. Slipping off my shoes, I place them next to the sofa then wrap my fingers around my belt and tug it off. Then, I pull the dress over my head and fold it, placing it on the arm of the sofa.

  Next, I shimmy out of my panties, then unhook my bra and slide it down my arms. Taking my time, I look around the room and try to decide on how, and where exactly I’ll wait for him.

  Walking around his desk, I hop up on the top. With my back to the door, I’m facing his chair, where he would be sitting if he were in here. Crossing one leg over the other, I hold onto the edge of the wooden desk, and I wait.



  The entire time I drive home, between dropping off both Aldrich and Whitaker I plan the demise of Michael Collins. I want him to suffer, tremendously, for the rest of his life for what he did to his sister. I don’t know why it’s so important to me, especially since I don’t plan on keeping her forever, but it is.

  Pulling into my circle drive my phone rings and I look at the screen before I let out a groan. My grandmother’s name flashes across the screen, and reluctantly, I answer.

  “Connery, you ha
ven’t been by lately,” she sternly scolds.

  I sigh, opening the driver’s side door and standing up from the seat. “I have been busy, grandmother,” I explain.

  She snorts. “You’re not too busy for me. I will be at your home tomorrow night. I expect a complete meal prepared to my specifications. I’ll forward you the menu for your chef. You know, my account isn’t looking as healthy as it used to. Have you lost money, or do you just not care about me anymore?”

  I don’t care about her, but I don’t tell her that. I also don’t tell her that the reason her account doesn’t look as healthy as it has, is because she spends too much of my fucking money. She’s my grandmother, and as much as I don’t like her, she’s the only family I have.

  “I’ll make sure some more is deposited in the morning,” I murmur, walking up my front steps.

  She tsks. “I have a woman I’d like you to meet. You’re alone too much,” she says, and I can practically see her waving her hand.

  I almost tell her about Bexley, but then, I don’t want to subject her to my grandmother, so I decide against it. I’ll just keep her in my room for the evening, she’ll understand. I’ll explain it all to her, and she’ll probably be happy she doesn’t have to meet the shrew.

  The house is quiet when I walk inside, hanging up with my grandmother, I ensure that her dinner will be made per her requests, and that her money will be deposited.

  I make a note on my phone about the money, then slip it into my pocket. As soon as I get the menu, I’ll forward it to my chef and pay him double to come in on short notice.

  Walking upstairs, I make my way into my master suite only to find it empty. A thrill shoots up my spine when I realize where Bexley is. She’s waiting for me, naked—somewhere.


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