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Perfectly Imperfect Mine

Page 28

by Amelia Shea

  The room was silent. There were no more secrets. They were locked into each other. Eyes, body, and heartbeat were one.

  She inhaled a deep breath. “Now…am I going back to Cedar Bluff tomorrow?”

  His voice was hushed. “You aren’t going anywhere.”

  “Then you have to make me a promise, Stone.”

  “Anything,” he swore.

  “Fight for me,” Sadie said, holding his stare. He blinked and pulled back a little. She knew her words penetrated him.

  “Promise me you’ll fight for me. I’ve never had anyone fight for me, until you came along. I need to know when times get tough that you won’t just push me away, you’ll fight for me, for us. I need to know that we are in this together. I will always fight for you and I’ll never give you up, Stone, never,” she vowed, repeating John’s words from when Stone’s mom gave him up. Sadie repeated his words. She could see the recognition in his eyes. He knew that she knew.

  He continued to stare at her. Sadie knew this was taking him back to an unhappy place but she needed this from him. In order to give him all of her, she needed to know he’d fight for them. Her fingers lightly dragged over his arms. His breathing was steady but deep.


  He lowered his head down and his lips brushed against hers.

  “I love you, Sadie. I’m going to spend the rest of my life fighting for you,” he whispered fiercely. He kissed her again and stroked her lips to open for him, which she automatically did. She tasted him and moaned. He tasted like home. Their lips moved over each other. He slowed the kiss to soft pecks until he stopped. He reached out, turned his hand over and slid his knuckles along her cheek.

  “Sweet. I’m going to give you a lifetime of sweet.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.” She smirked. His lips quirked up.

  “Tell me you love me again,” he whispered.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby!” He turned to his side and pulled her into his chest. He dragged the covers over them and Sadie snuggled deeper into him. They were pressed together so tightly she should have been uncomfortable but she wasn’t. She could spend the rest of her life right here, just like this. Safe and loved in the arms of the man of her dreams.

  * * * *

  Stone woke up to the smell of bacon cooking, light rain hitting his windowpane and his beautiful girl nestled on his chest. Life was good.

  He stared at the ceiling in his childhood room. The first room that was his alone that he didn’t have to share. It was his safe place, his quiet place. His mom said it was important that all the kids had their own rooms. “Everyone needs their own sanctuary.”

  Stone remembered the first night he came to live with his mom and dad. His mom showed him this room. He tried to play it cool by just glancing around like it was nothing special but inside he was bursting. He had his own room that had things in it. Things for him. A closet and drawers filled with clothes. A big bed with blue blanket lying on top. Toys scattered throughout the room. That night, for the first time he could ever remember, he slept through the entire night. It was the most peaceful sleep he’d ever had.

  Until last night.

  Secrets no longer between them, Stone was at complete peace.

  Stone’s hand gently stroked Sadie’s hair. It was so soft and it smelled like vanilla. He breathed in his new favorite scent, his face nuzzled into her neck.

  “Mmmm…I like you all cuddly in the morning.” She was sleepy with her eyes still closed but Stone saw a smile playing at her lips when he lifted his head.

  Stone threaded his fingers through her hair again and kissed her neck.

  She groaned. “That feels good.” She rolled over to face Stone and climbed on top of him. She kissed his lips gently. Her soft wet lips glided over his as his arms wrapped around her back.

  “Stone?” she whispered.

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “I love you.”

  Stone eyes opened and met Sadie’s soft brown eyes gazing down at him with a look he’d only seen his mom give his dad. True and honest love.

  Stone may not deserve it but he was going to take it. Every second he was given with Sadie, he would take it.

  “I love you too, Sadie.”

  Chapter 27

  Sadie used to believe that the fantasy of her books were better than any reality of her life. The hero was always a strong handsome alpha male, a flawed but redeemable character. The main characters would have to go through their ups and downs but they would always get their happily ever after. Now as she stood on the porch watching Stone pack their bags into his trunk, she realized her reality was way better than any book ever written.

  “Hey, girl! What’s doing?” Roxanne’s voice broke her train of thought as her footsteps approached from behind. Sadie didn’t see Roxanne at breakfast this morning; she was still tucked away in her room. She wondered if she was informed about what went down last night.

  Roxanne put her arm around Sadie’s shoulders, looking in Stone’s direction. She looked better today, happier. She seemed more herself, which Sadie was glad for.

  “Just packing up. We’re going to Stone’s place now and tonight we are heading back to Cedar Bluff.” She put her arm around Roxanne’s waist, smiling at her. “Got to get the rest of my stuff.”

  “When will you guys be back? We’ve got a lot to do before Christmas you know.” She was serious. Her expression had Sadie holding back her laughter

  “Rox, it’s still November, I think we have plenty of time before Christmas.”

  She gasped. “Oh, Sadie, we don’t mess around when it comes to Christmas. It’s an all month event with everything I have planned and the parties.”

  Bogs walked out the door behind them and sighed loudly. She turned to see him rolling his eyes. Sadie was thinking that Roxanne was in charge while the guys were her minions when it came to Christmas. She laughed at his expression, which was somewhere between annoyance and defeat.

  “Oh, shut up, Bogs, you love Christmas!” She playfully pushed him aside, released Sadie and wandered down to Stone’s truck. Sadie watched Roxanne walk up beside Stone and T and throw her arms around both their shoulders. Sadie couldn’t hear what she said to them but both guys laughed. Sadie smiled.

  An arm wrapped around her own shoulder. Turning her head slightly, she saw Bogs with a lopsided grin watching his brothers and sister. She looked back at them and leaned into Bogs.

  “We good?” he asked. Sadie knew what he was referring to. Everyone seemed surprised to see Sadie and Stone coming to breakfast hand in hand with Stone announcing their plans. She watched their faces change from surprise to relief then to happiness. They wanted them together.

  “Yep, we’re good,” she answered, not taking her eyes off of Stone, T, and Roxanne, who were now walking back to the porch.

  “Hey, asshole, get your hands off my woman,” Stone shouted at Bogs. He was wearing a scowl but she saw a glint in his eyes and heard the playful humor in his tone. Brothers teasing brothers.

  Bogs laughed carelessly as he gave him the middle finger. “What’s the matter, man, afraid of a little competition?”

  “No, dickhead, I’m afraid you’ll scare her away.”

  “Look, man, if your ugly ass face hasn’t sent Sadie running, then nothing will.” He released her arm to duck when Stone playfully swung at his face. Sadie thought it was playful.

  “Let’s go, babe, you ready?” His hands grasped her waist as he yanked her to him. He leaned down to kiss her when he abruptly stopped at an annoyed voice.

  “Fuck, man, five minutes, that’s all I ask. Can we go five minutes without having to watch you two make out?”

  “Shut up, T! Stop being a jealous asshole. I think they’re cute when they make out,” Roxanne said as she pushed T who was walking by her into the house. She turned back to Sadie and winked. She blushed.

  T was still walking in the door when he snorted. “Jealous? That’s a fucking joke.”
  Stone chimed in. “Can’t wait to meet the chick that’s going to have your balls in a knot. Can’t fucking wait, man!” he teased.

  T stopped and turned toward our group on the porch. He looked annoyed, almost mad. His tone was serious. “Not gonna happen! A chick that has my balls in a knot? The chick doesn’t exist, not for me.” He turned back into the house and walked in. They all remained silent.

  Bogs ended the silence and awkwardness. “Okay, get going, man, I’ll talk to ya later. Don’t forget to drop by the office when you get back. I hate to do this but we need you back by Tuesday at the latest.” He gave her a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, Sadie, business you know.” She shrugged.

  “I left the return open, hoping we can get back by Sunday.” Stone held her hand and squeezed.

  Sadie knew he wasn’t thrilled about going back to Cedar Bluff. She offered to go back by herself. He did not like that idea. In fact, he was pissed off that she even suggested it. She didn’t have much back home but what she did have, she wanted. Besides, Sadie had to tell Bernie she wouldn’t be coming back and she wanted to say goodbye to Pearl and the girls, and then there was her mom to tend with. She would think about how to deal with her mom later.

  Sadie hugged Roxanne and then John, who had just come out to say bye. Stone did the same and started down the steps. Sadie was following behind when two hands gripped her waist and pulled her to a stop. She turned to see Bogs with a ridiculous grin on his face. He maneuvered her around to face him and embraced her in a hug.

  “You’re practically my new little sister, weather girl. You can’t leave without giving me a hug.” He smirked, on the verge of laughing. Sadie hugged him back and chuckled.

  “Weather girl?” John asked.

  “Yeah, inside joke, Pops. It’s hard to explain to someone who wasn’t there,” he teased, to which she punched his gut and ran down the stairs grabbing Stone’s hand. Stone smirked at her and back to Bogs who was now bent over laughing. Asshole.

  They got into the loaded truck and headed to his condo. Their condo.

  Let this happily ever after begin.


  Six Months Later

  “For fuck’s sake, let’s go!” Stone yelled impatiently from the front door. Sadie grabbed her shoes and hobbled out of the bedroom, down the hall and hopped down the stairs.

  “Baby, please stop yelling the F word at the front door. Think of the neighbors.” She sighed as she put on her shoes and reached for her purse on the foyer table. Sadie glanced down at the frame on the table, Stone and her from Christmas. Roxanne took it when they weren’t looking. It was Sadie on Stone’s lap. He was smiling up at her as she looked at her present with a huge grin and tears in her eyes. The present was her engagement ring. He proposed on Christmas.

  “Fuck the neighbors; they need to mind their own business. Let’s go. We’re already fifteen minutes late.” He was getting more agitated. She rushed past him out the door.

  “You’re insufferable sometimes, you know that?” she asked, exasperated. She heard the whack and felt the sting. She gasped and turned around to glare at him. He knew she hated it when he smacked her ass in public. He, on the other hand, saw nothing wrong with it. He locked the door and rushed to her before she had a chance to say anything. He picked her up around the waist as he carried her the ten feet to the driveway.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck. God, he was insufferable, but she loved this man. Her arms tightened around him and she placed her mouth to his ear. “You keep smacking my ass like that, baby, and we are going to be more than just a little late,” she teased with a giggle.

  He opened the door and tossed her on the seat. He kissed her hard before pulling back. “If I knew Roxanne wouldn’t cut off my balls, we would bail on this fucking party and I’d have you naked in our bed, bare ass up before you could even fucking blink.” He winked at her before closing the door. Yeah, she loved this man.

  Stone answered his phone while getting into the car. “What?”


  “Yeah I know but I’m running late as hell. It has to wait until tomorrow.”

  Another long pause.

  Sadie peeked over to see him looking out the front window. He let out a heavy breath and his lips twisted. He was pissed and by the looks of it, it wouldn’t wait until tomorrow.

  “Fuck.” The door flew open and closed quickly with a loud slam. Sighing, she watched him walk back into their house.

  This was a common routine. It was business and he never talked business in front of her or to her. She had told him she didn’t mind but he refused to discuss any part of the business with her. Stone said their home life was their family life, which didn’t touch his business. She knew it was his way of protecting her. John and Roxanne kept her as informed as she could be when he was out on a job. He’d call or text and they’d talk about everything except the job. It used to bother her until he explained why, one night when they were cuddled in bed together.

  “What I do, all of it, it’s my job but it’s not who I am. I believe in what I do, I’m good at but it’s not who I am.” He pulled her tighter into his body. “But here, with you, that’s who I am, Sadie.” His hand reached down to her stomach. “And someday this house will be filled with our kids, and you and them, that’s who I’ll be,” he whispered. She never asked him again. That answer was all Sadie needed.

  The last six months had been great but not without a transition period. It has been an adjustment. They fought and argued and then had incredible make-up sex. She might have even started a few fights on purpose just to have make-up sex. What could she say, it was hot! They had to learn to deal with and accept one another’s quirks. He’d come to accept that she left most cabinets and drawers slightly open. It was a strange habit of hers, she didn’t even realized she did it. But he just sighed and closed them. She no longer bitched when he didn’t put the seat down or hang up his wet towel in the bathroom. She just hung it up and remembered to always check the seat. Love was all about compromise.

  And compromise was something Sadie learned all about when she started planning their wedding. Well, actually Roxanne was planning the wedding with help from Emory. Sadie just got to okay all of it. Mostly.

  Originally, she wanted to elope, which had the whole family freaking out at Easter dinner.

  “What? Why would you elope? Oh God, are you preggers?” Roxanne screeched.

  Gasping, Sadie flushed from embarrassment. “Of course not!”

  “Sweetheart, I love Vegas as much as anyone but you can’t get married by Elvis,” Ethan said, his tone laced in humor.

  “Hell no, you can’t elope, this wedding needs a fucking epic party!” This came from Bogs, who had since proved that every event needed an “epic fucking party”.

  “Don’t you want a big wedding and dress and all that girlie shit?” Stone asked with sincere concern. She looked away when she shook her head.

  “Why not?” he asked, putting his finger under her chin and forcing her to look at him.

  “I don’t have any idea how to plan a wedding,” she quietly said.

  “I’ll help you,” Roxanne exclaimed as she jumped out of her seat. She rushed over to her side, grabbed her hand, and sat in the empty chair.

  “Me too, girl,” Emory added, bouncing in her seat at the table.

  “But I don’t have any family or friends who’ll come. There won’t be anyone to sit on my side of the church,” she rebutted. It would be so awkward to have all the guests sitting on Stone’s side and none on hers.

  It was a lame excuse but accurate. When she did go back to Cedar Bluff to tie up loose ends it didn’t go as smoothly as she had hoped. Her mom had been furious that she was leaving her. The irony of it made her laugh. She hollered and screamed. She called Sadie ungrateful and eventually got nasty, calling her a whore for chasing after a man. Sadie practically had to pull Stone out of the trailer after the last comment. He swore he would never hit a woman but told her he knew a few w
omen who would have no problem putting her in her place.

  “That’s not true, babe. Pearl would come, and maybe Melinda. Hell, my aunts and uncles like you more than me anyway, they’ll probably want to sit on your side.” He snorted and wrapped his arm around her.

  “Miss Trudy, too!” Ethan chimed in with a wink and a smile.

  “I’ll sit on your side,” T said in an impassive tone. She looked over to him as he continued to eat. Of course he would. For as tough and scary as T was, the man had a huge heart for the people he loved. And Sadie was one of those people now.

  “See? No more excuses,” Roxanne said triumphantly. She had to smile but it was a sad smile. There was one more excuse and this one legitimately bothered her.

  “But I have…” She never got to finish because John started to cough at the end of the table. The entire table turned to him. When he spoke in his deep voice it was directed to Sadie alone.

  “I am a father to five children. I dreamed of having children but never in all my dreams did I believe I would be blessed with the amazing five that God has gifted me and Darla. Although none of them share my blood, they share something far more precious. They share my heart.” He paused. “My heart has room for one more, Sadie. I would be honored if you allowed me to walk you down the aisle.” He held her watery stare as he placed his hand over his heart. “Truly honored, Sadie.”

  She nodded with tears streaming down her face.

  And so began the wedding planning. She did get to choose the setting. That was one thing that was all her. They would have the ceremony at St. Francis, the family’s church, and the reception would be held at John’s house. Everyone loved the idea, especially John. Sadie whispered to him, “I want Darla to be a very special presence on our day.” He hugged her close and kissed her head. He didn’t say a word, he didn’t have to.


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