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Pushed (Billionaire romance): Pursued By The Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 2)

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by Andria, Alexx


  Pursued by the Billionaire

  By Alexx Andria


  By Alexx Andria

  © 2015 Alexx Andria. All rights reserved.

  No part of this NOVEL may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to an actual person is purely coincidental.

  Cover design by Kim Van Meter

  The following NOVEL is approximately 51,000 words and an original work of fiction.


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  Someone is about to get played.

  Tana Brooks is the only thing standing in Buchanan Enterprises’ way of demolishing the historic Tamarack Hotel and she’s determined to do whatever it takes to stop them.

  Billionaire Reece Buchanan has two choices: find a way to bring Tana down or lose everything.

  Tana better watch out.

  Buchanans play to win.

  By any means possible.

  Buchanan Romance by USA Today bestselling author Alexx Andria — No one loves like a Buchanan.


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  Chapter 1


  Reece Buchanan didn’t even try to appear interested in the proceedings going on amongst the lawyers assembled in the downtown New York Buchanan office.

  As far as he was concerned, this directive from the All-Mighty Dillon Buchanan, was a blatant power trip and Reece — like most of his family — had a problem with authority.

  Reece was just a figurehead anyway.

  A prop to put in the chair as a representative of the powerful Buchanan Enterprises, owned by his family.

  He flicked a tiny piece of fuzz from the fine mahogany table, bored out of his brain.

  What a colossal waste of his time.

  Why hadn’t Dillon or one of Dillon’s brothers come to handle this bullshit?

  Oh, because Dillon owned the controlling shares of Buchanan Enterprises, thus making them all his bitches, and whatever Dillon wanted, he got.

  And apparently, Dillon wanted some old building — or more specifically — the land beneath the crumbling thing.

  Reece shifted in the chair, irritated all over again.

  Besides, this was all a formality, anyway.

  The old man had already agreed to sell the building and it was a done deal, all that was needed was the man’s shaky scrawl across the dotted line and he would retire in style — if he showed up.

  Thus far, Harold Morris was a no-show.

  Reece checked his watch. Officially fifteen minutes late. Time to call it. “Well, gentleman, seems we’ve been stood up,” he said with a bit too much cheer. He was already thinking about a certain blonde who could wrap her legs around her head like a human pretzel and how he planned to benefit from that bendy-ness. “Not sure how we can close a deal without the owner present.”

  “I’m sure he’s just running a few minutes behind,” the man’s daughter, Donna Morris protested. “Just give us a few more minutes. I know he wants this. It’s all he’s talked about.”

  Reece didn’t care one way or the other about the deal. “Just call my office and we’ll reschedule,” he said, ready to blow this joint.

  But just as Reece grabbed his suit coat, the door flung open and a brunette with long hair and even longer legs strode into the office with all the piss and vinegar of an angry bee.

  “I’m sorry but this deal is off,” she declared, tossing a sheaf of papers to the table and shooting an angry glare at Donna. “My grandfather has given me Power of Attorney and the authority to call off any and all business arrangements between Buchanan Enterprises and Harold Morris, effective immediately.”

  “What are you doing?” Donna screeched, jumping to her feet. “This is ridiculous. Where’s my father?”

  “He wasn’t feeling up to listening to you scream at him. You’ve bullied an old man into bartering away his legacy just so you can bury yourself in luxuries. Mother, you’ve done many despicable things in your life but this takes the cake.”

  Donna turned to the lawyers who were busily conferring with one another while reading the papers thrown in their lap. “Aren’t you going to do something? She doesn’t have the authority to handle my father’s business affairs.”

  “Think again, Mother. I have all the right. It’s you who don’t have a leg to stand on in this instance.”

  “You haughty little snot,” Donna sneered, her face florid. “How dare you talk to me like this.”

  “Oh, I dare,” she shot back, not the least bit intimidated or willing to back down. “I dare like a mo-fo and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  Reece watched the drama unfold with mild interest.

  This was, by far, the most entertaining show he’d witnessed in a long time.

  And the woman, though not the usual type that caught his attention, was arresting with all that ire and self-righteous indignation flashing in her dark eyes.

  Delicious, family drama.

  If only he had a bowl of popcorn.

  Reece pushed forward with an easy grin. “And who might you be?” he asked, his gaze resting with interest on her features. Plain Jane with a splash of mystery but with curves in all the right places, he mused.

  “She’s my daughter,” the woman spat, clearly unhappy. “And she has no right to be here.”

  “I have every right,” the woman returned coolly before turning to Reece. “As for Buchanan Enterprises, you can tell your bosses that Harold Morris is never going to sell so they can just go suck the marrow out of someone else for their profit.”

  Undeterred, Reece extended his hand. “Suck the marrow? Well, that’s a visual isn’t it?” He couldn’t explain why but the woman intrigued him. Nice hips and tits but the fire in her brown eyes was likely to scorch if he got too close. “Who may I have the pleasure?”

  She ignored his outstretched hand as if he were offering a serving of ebola. “My name is Tana Brooks and I’m here to see that my grandfather isn’t taken advantage of by money-grubbing corporations, such as Buchanan Enterprises, as well as his own flesh and blood, who ought to be ashamed of herself.”

  “Mommy issues. I can relate,” he said with an easy smile, which seemed to throw her off guard for a brief second. Long enough for him to clasp her hand in his and raise it to his lips. “Enchanted.”

  “Gross.” Tana pulled her hand free with a crinkled lip. “If I wanted a kiss from a snake I’d visit a zoo.”

  One of the lawyers looked to Reece with a resigned expression. “Everything is in order. Miss Brooks is authorized to act as Mr. Morris’ agent. For the moment, we can do nothing.”

  “You little bitch,” Donna hissed, grabbing her purse. “We’ll see about that. You’re not going to ruin this deal for me, you hear me?” She stabbed a finger at the nearest lawyer. “Find a loophole and make this happen. We had an agreement!”

  “Guess you’ll just have to find a new husband to fund your lifestyle,” Tana quipped as Donna pushed her way past and out the door, slamming it for good measure.

  Pleased, Tana cast Reece a dismissive glance before saying to t
he lawyers, “From now on, all correspondence will go through me. As you can understand, my grandfather has been through a lot lately and would like to rest peacefully. Good day, gentlemen.”

  And then she left, leaving the room in a tizzy and Reece wondering how he could get her number.

  He also wondered how long it would take to get Tana into his bed.

  Hmmm….and just like that…Reece’s day was looking up.


  Tana couldn’t control the smile threatening to bubble into ecstatic laughter.

  The look on her mother’s face had been priceless! Should’ve taken a picture.

  That’s something Tana wanted to savor time and time again.

  The selfish toad woman.

  Donna Morris had to be the worst example of a human being that’d ever walked the planet.

  Over the years, she’d stolen, lied, manipulated, bullied, and coerced anyone who’d had the misfortune to cross her path.

  That included her own family.

  And when Donna had realized that her father’s building, located smack dab in the heart of Manhattan was prime real estate, she’d started working on her father to sell.

  Everyone knew it wasn’t the building that Buchanan Enterprises had wanted — it was the land.

  They were quite open about their plans to raze it to the ground so they could build a luxury high-rise for executive offices.

  And Tana couldn’t stomach the idea of her family’s legacy being turned to rubble.

  Her great-grandfather had built the building when New York had been young and hungry.

  He’d taken every dime in his bank account to build something grand, something that would stand the test of time.

  The hand-painted ceramic tiles imported from Italy were exquisite, not to mention the detailed woodwork in the crown molding and cornices.

  It just took someone with a discerning eye to see past the disrepair, the worn steps, and the broken elevator.

  Times hadn’t exactly been kind and the maintenance had swamped her grandfather’s ability to keep up.

  Still, there was no way she was going to let her dingbat mother bully her grandfather into selling, not to Buchanan Enterprises, anyway.

  Buchanan Enterprises was a mega corporation that swallowed up businesses, buildings, and people.

  Their empire was built on the bones of those they’d crushed to get to the top.

  And Tana wanted nothing to do with such a company.

  Besides, there was another builder, someone who wanted to preserve the building, to restore it, who was interested.

  Hopefully, if the restoration costs didn’t outstrip the value, a deal could be struck.

  But until then…she’d have to keep her mother’s grubby paws off the deed.

  Tana’s stomach growled, reminding her that she’d forgotten to eat breakfast and now it was past lunch.

  Thankfully, you couldn’t walk a block without running into a street vendor selling something, from peanuts to hot dogs and Tana was ready to bite into a “dirty water dog” as New Yorkers called them.

  “One dog, loaded, please,” she said cheerfully to the vendor, unable to keep the smile from spreading.

  The vendor handed her the dog but just as she went to pay, a man pushed a hundred dollar bill into the vendor’s hand.

  She startled, only to immediately scowl when she saw who’d been so generous.

  Reece Buchanan, the devil himself, stood there with an easy grin, looking as if he didn’t have a care in the world, because, duh, he didn’t.

  “Who said I wanted you to pay for my hot dog?”

  “I figured it was a good way to break the ice.”

  “Which is fairly presumptuous of you to assume that I want the ice broken. I happen to believe that maintaining a frosty distance from a Buchanan is a good thing.”

  Buchanans were the scourge of the business world, in her opinion. The fact that he’d just purchased her hot dog made her want to toss it.

  But she was starving and there was no way she was going to follow through with that thought.

  Reece motioned for the vendor to keep the change and she rolled her eyes, not impressed with his show of generosity.

  She tossed over her shoulder as she began walking, “Must be nice to just throw money at everything and everyone” hoping to leave him behind but he kept step alongside her as if they were enjoying a nice stroll through the city.

  Tana stopped, annoyed. “What are you doing?”

  “Walking. Talking. The usual when you’re trying to get to know someone.”

  “I don’t want you to know me,” she said flatly.

  “And why not?”

  “Because I don’t like you.”

  “You don’t know me,” he countered.

  “I know enough.”

  A faint grin teased his perfectly shaped mouth. “Have we met? Did I forget to call you in the morning? Because if so, may I make it up to you with a do-over?”

  Was she imagining things or had he just implied that he wanted to sleep with her? Her cheeks burned instantly as she glared.

  “As if I would ever go home with you,” she managed with a healthy dose of derision. “I don’t think they make enough antibiotics in the world to protect me from whatever creepy-crawlies might be swarming your genitals.”

  “Ouch. So if we haven’t done the dirty…what’s your deal? Or is being openly hostile to complete strangers your thing?”

  “You’re not a stranger. You’re a Buchanan and that’s all I need to know.”

  “Are you always so judgmental?”

  Any normal man would’ve run away by this point but Reece seemed amused rather than insulted by her jabs and she didn’t know how to react.

  “Why are you following me?” she asked, nonplussed. “I have zero interest in whatever it is you think you’re doing. Go roll around in a pile of money or something. Or whatever else the obscenely rich do with their leisure time but do it elsewhere. I’d like to enjoy my lunch and you’re ruining my appetite.”

  “We like to tease the homeless with hundred dollar bills. Or buy ungrateful, bitchy women hot dogs from street vendors. You know, the usual.”

  She took a deliberate bite of her dog and ignored him but Reece was hard to dismiss.

  He was stuck like gum on her shoe and it was becoming a bit disconcerting.

  “Okay, so I get the message loud and clear that you don’t like me very much but as far as we’ve established…before that unfortunate encounter at the office, we’ve never met.”

  She stopped again, annoyed that he was preventing her from enjoying her hot dog. “I know enough about your family’s business practices to know that you’re not the kind of person I would ever hang out with or talk with socially.”

  “That’s a pity. I’m a fun guy.”

  She bit into her dog, saying around her bite. “Well, then I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding someone else to have fun with. Good day, Mr. Buchanan.”

  Tana picked up her pace but Reece lengthened his stride without breaking a sweat.

  He was obviously in incredible shape but then what else do over-privileged people do with their time aside from go to the gym for hours on end or play croquet?

  “I grew up in New York. I love this place. As of late, I’ve been soaking up the California sun but I do miss the urban stench of downtown.”

  “Are you stalking me?” she asked, completely flustered by this point. “Because I have a Taser in my purse and I’m not afraid to use it.”

  “We got off on the wrong foot,” he answered with a shrug then hit her with a blinding smile that should’ve been illegal. “My name is Reece Buchanan and you are…?”

  Tana deepened her scowl and stomped on the tiny tingle in her belly. “Annoyed.”

  “C’mon, where’s the harm in starting over? If you give me a chance, you might find you like me. People say, I’m pretty likeable.”

  “They’re lying and you’re missing the point — I don’t
want to like you. You’re the enemy.”


  “Because you’re trying to buy my grandfather’s building and tear it down. I take exception to the idea of losing something my family built with their own hands. It’s called familial pride, something I’m sure you’re not acquainted with because I doubt the Buchanans have ever done anything that would make anyone proud.”

  He laughed but his green-eyed gaze narrowed, causing her to shiver just a little.

  “Careful,” he warned with a silky, smooth tone that somehow seemed far more dangerous than if he’d started yelling. “You don’t actually know what you’re talking about. You should be more mindful about the things you let fall from your mouth.”

  Tana stiffened against the mild reproach, more off-kilter than ever by the conversation but she wasn’t about to let the enemy see her sweat. “And why is that?” she returned, faking boredom with his censure.

  When he didn’t back off as she expected, but rather tried a different approach, she couldn’t help but wonder why he was trying so hard.

  “I don’t give a shit that my family wants to buy your grandfather’s building,” he said. “So that shouldn’t be the reason you’re so adamant that I’m the devil.”

  “Why do you care what I think of you?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’m not accustomed to being despised for no particular reason and it bothers me. Or maybe I find you attractive and I want to get to know you better.”

  That tiny, irritatingly girly tingle returned to her belly with friends until she reminded herself that entertaining anything social with a Buchanan was a terrible idea.

  “Well, that sounds like a personal problem.”

  “How about dinner?” he asked abruptly. “I have a standing reservation at Franzia’s if you enjoy Italian.”

  Franzia? Was he kidding? People waited months to get a table at that exclusive place.

  “Do you always just snap your fingers and get whatever you want?”

  “Not always.”

  She found that hard to believe. Tana had no doubt that Reece was used to getting his way. With that lazy smile, killer green eyes, and a body like a Greek god, he probably got more ass than a toilet seat but Tana knew enough to steer clear from a pretty rich boy — especially one who made her stomach tingle in a discomforting way.


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