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Pushed (Billionaire romance): Pursued By The Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 2)

Page 13

by Andria, Alexx

  She wasn’t sure if the president of the United States rode in such style.

  Biting her lip, she sank against the seat, silently marveling at the opulent beauty of the plane.

  The cabin was cozy with thick, comfortable captain chairs on one end and a sofa built into the wall at the other.

  And she’d thought flying business class was pretty uptown.

  This made first class look like the cargo hold.

  “Like it?”

  Tana drew her gaze to Reece, caught between gushing with shock and delight or playing it off with forced nonchalance.

  She ended up somewhere in the awkward zone…with a Robin Leech accent.

  “Yeah, cool. Pretty. Fancy and stuff. Very ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous’!”

  Reece laughed at her embarrassing attempt at an impression and her cheeks flared hot enough to burn paper.

  “You’re adorable,” he said with a wide grin that was both sexy and irritating at the same time. “Is it weird that I find you highly arousing with that accent? How do you feel about role play?”

  Tana gasped and covered her face with her hands. “I don’t know why I said that. Verbal vomit.” She dropped her hands and glared. “Okay, you know this is pretty amazing but I don’t want you to think that I’m so shallow that extreme wealth means anything to me but then, why do I care what you think of me? I mean, we’re not a couple, we’re fuck-buddies so our personal opinions shouldn’t matter to one another, right?”

  Great, now she was rambling.

  Could she possibly act more like a drooling idiot?

  “Are you finished?”

  Tana drew a deep breath and lifted her chin. “Yes.” Then added, “Your plane is nice.”

  “Thank you. It’s not mine, though. It belongs to the family business. However, it is a nice perk.”

  “I can only imagine.”

  His gaze met hers, his smile belying the intensity in his eyes. “Come here.”

  Oh no. She knew that look. “I’m pretty good right here. Safety first, you know.”

  “Tana. Come to me.”

  The command in his tone gave her shivers.

  Reece wasn’t a domineering jerk but there was something so enticing about the way he expected her to obey.

  And she wanted to.

  God, she wanted to.

  But if she gave in…what did that say about her?

  Tana held Reece’s gaze, each passing millisecond melting her already weak resolve, until she stood on shaky legs and came to him.

  “What now?” she asked in a low voice, already trembling with need. He did terrible things to her.

  And she was addicted.

  What if there wasn’t a cure?

  Reece undid her jeans slowly, jerking her to him. Tana held her breath as he shimmied her jeans free of her hips, revealing her white lace panties.

  “What if someone walks in?”

  “Such as?”

  “Um, a stewardess?”

  “Short flight. No need for a stewardess. It’s just you and me. And the pilot, of course. But he doesn’t leave the cockpit.” Reece rubbed between her legs gently, teasing. “Time to submit your membership application.”

  Tiny shudders rumbled through her. “Membership?” she repeated on caught breath, her brain fuzzy. “What membership?”

  “The Mile High Club, baby,” he answered with a dark chuckle.

  Tana didn’t have time to respond before Reece had drawn her panties down to slide his tongue along her slit, licking the dew from her lips.

  “I’ll never get enough of you,” he murmured, his tongue delving deeper, seeking out her clit. Tana threaded her hands through his hair, anchoring his mouth to her core, losing herself to the pleasure of his touch.

  This was heaven.

  Illicit. Wrong.

  So perfect.

  Her knees threatened to buckle as they began to shake, the beginnings of a sweet orgasm building.

  Reece knew just how to suck, nibble, lick and tease to send her into orbit. Such a devilish skill.

  “Ohh, Reece,” she groaned, his grip on her behind tightening as her breath quickened. “That’s it…oh God, yesssss….”

  And then she shattered, flying apart into a million pieces as her knees gave out and she actually crumpled into his lap, gasping as tiny pulses of sweet pleasure took over her body.

  Pants around her legs, panties askew, she must’ve looked a fright but when she struggled to pull her pants back on, Reece stayed her hand, pulling her back against him.

  “I love your pussy,” he said as if it were the most normal conversation starter.

  She blushed and he took that as an invitation to seal his mouth to hers.

  Tasting herself on his lips was an incredible turn-on. She couldn’t help the moan that escaped as he lightly petted her damp flesh.

  “I love everything about your body…the way you taste, the way you feel, the way you come so sweetly…what if I can never get enough?”

  Maybe he hadn’t meant to say that out loud but it was out there, sitting between them and they were both aware that if they weren’t careful, they’d both go and do something stupid like fall in love with one another.

  Tears threatened to spring to Tana’s eyes as an unknown emotion swamped her.

  NO. Falling in love with Reece Buchanan wasn’t an option.

  “Are we going to fuck or not?” she asked, being deliberately crass to break the moment. Sex she could handle.

  Real emotion?

  Not with him.

  Not ever.

  She wasn’t that brave.


  Reece knew Tana didn’t talk like that.

  He knew why she’d done it, too.

  And he was grateful.

  He hadn’t meant to reveal so much.

  “Undress,” he told her gruffly, needing to feel her closing all around him. A desperate, angry, hopeless feeling threatened to steal his previous joy and he needed to reclaim it.

  The only way was to sink himself deep within Tana.

  Tana was his happy place.

  Fucking fabulous.

  “Unbuckle my pants,” he said as soon as she was standing before him without her clothes.

  He watched as she knelt to do as directed, her fingers trembling but she didn’t stop.

  His cock was nearly bursting from his pants. He ached with the need to be inside her.

  He could fuck her every day, every hour.

  He’d happily fuck himself raw for her.

  Ahh hell, he was royally falling fast.

  What was he going to do?

  Fuck first. Question later.

  “Now get on my cock, sweet girl,” he growled, loving how high and tight her tits were, the way the nipples pebbled into hard little points that begged for his mouth.

  She sank onto his lap, his cock sliding into her hot, wet sheath like a hot knife parting butter.

  He lost himself for a heartbeat, the intensity of their joining something cosmic. “God, Tana, you’re going to break me…”

  She groaned as she rode his cock slowly, losing herself to the friction between them, finding her pleasure spot and grinding against it, using him to reach her climax.

  Tana — eyes closed, mouth partly open, glorious fucking tits heaving, sweat beading their bodies, the sound and smell of sex all around them — came violently first, crying out like a banshee as her core clenched around his cock, milking it for every blessed drop.

  And Reece followed.

  Shouting his release, he pumped jet after jet of hot cream inside her.

  It was always so primal between them, so wild and needy.

  Two souls doing their best to run from each other until they simply surrendered to the force binding them.

  Tana slowly rose from his chest, his cock still embedded in her hot pussy, their love juices beginning to trickle down, wetting them both.

  He should’ve been disgusted. He didn’t bat an eye.

  He like
d knowing his seed was all over her.

  Who knew that deep down, he was a fucking caveman?

  “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do with you,” he said, the words slipping from his mouth, too exhausted to stop them.

  Hell, just shut up already.

  The dazzling green of her eyes peeped behind half-mast lids and a drowsy, sated smile lifted the corners of her beautiful mouth as her head fell back with a contented sigh.

  “This is what insanity feels like,” she said.

  He agreed. “Too damn good.”

  Tana graced him with a brighter smile and lifted herself free, giggling when she saw the wetness left behind.

  High points of color dotted her cheek but she seemed to enjoy leaving something of themselves behind as well.

  Little delightful pervert.

  His perfect match if there ever was.

  If only they weren’t aligned at opposite ends of the spectrum.

  His imagination wasn’t so skilled that he could imagine Tana fitting in with his clan.

  The Buchanans represented everything Tana hated about wealth.

  And she only knew the surface stuff.

  “I’m going to clean up,” she said, leaving him to use the restroom. He tucked himself away, zipping and buckling his pants, his thoughts still centered on the impossible.

  For a brief moment he enjoyed the idea of introducing Tana to Dillon.

  Tana wouldn’t back down from his asshole cousin. Not for a moment.

  Knowing Dillon, he would actually respect that about Tana.

  Dillon had a thing for strong women, as evidenced by his wife, Penny.

  That woman was something else.

  Now that he thought of it, all the Buchanan women were pretty impressive.

  Shannon, Nolan’s wife, was a firecracker of a mom.

  She’d gone toe-to-toe with Nolan when she’d discovered she was pregnant with Nolan’s kid and hadn’t thought to include Nolan in on the situation.

  Of course, fate had had different plans.

  Now Nolan embraced fatherhood like a second skin.

  He was pretty good at it, too.

  Then there was Emma, Vince’s wife. A real hot-head with a thirst for justice. She’d met Vince under the pretense of trying to ruin him.

  Funny how things turned out.

  And finally, his own brother.

  Sutton had fallen in love with an artist who’d pretty much despised him for manipulating her into being his, okay, for lack of a better word, sex bunny.

  So sordid.

  And yet…everything had turned out as it should.

  They were all stupidly happy. As in, stars in the eyes, I’d-do-anything-for-my-love type of happy.

  What’s your point?

  A happily ever after with Tana?

  Not likely.

  Tana wasn’t like the other women.

  As soon as she found out about your deception…adios.

  That was a sure-fire fact.

  The only thing he could do was take his pleasure where he could find it — because sooner or later, this house of cards was coming down.

  Right on his head.

  bookmark: 18

  Chapter 18


  Cleaned up, Tana and Reece disembarked from the plane and climbed into the awaiting Towncar, which was rapidly becoming something Tana was accustomed to, and traveled from the airport to the university.

  Along the way Reece played the amiable tour guide, which was, admittedly, quite adorable, but Tana was still silently marveling over the fact that they’d hopped a private jet to visit another state for the day.

  As if that were normal.

  “Is this what growing up Buchanan was like?” she asked, looping her arm through his, enjoying the ride and the company. “Must be pretty cool to be able to go anywhere you like at the snap of a finger.”

  “It didn’t suck.”

  She laughed. “No, I suppose it didn’t.” Then Tana asked, “So what are you planning to do with me?” When Reece arched his brow suggestively, she laughed, saying, “with my clothes on, you perv.”

  “Ah, well, I want to show you where I spent most of my college years and I thought you might enjoy a change in scenery.”

  Tana smiled up at him. A change in scenery was a lovely idea.

  Since taking on her papa’s care, she’d shelved everything else in her life, from school to leisure activities, which included simply taking a drive upstate to clear her lungs of the city air.

  “I very much would enjoy a change in scenery,” she agreed, snuggling up to him. “This is very nice. North Carolina is beautiful. So green.”

  “And humid. The summers are brutal.”

  “New York is pretty humid, too.”

  “Which is why the smart people leave for the summer,” he teased.

  “Well, not everyone has the availability of a private jet to escape the summer heat.”

  “True enough. I pity those people.”

  Tana scowled at Reece and he mollified her with a sweet kiss. How could she stay irritated at the man when he could kiss like that?

  “Did you enjoy college?” she asked, curious.

  He took his time to answer. “Lacrosse was all I cared about. College was just a way to get to my sport. Once I was injured, I didn’t much care about anything. Getting my degree was just something I was expected to do so I did it.”

  “A degree from Duke is nothing to scoff at,” Tana said, thinking of the degree she didn’t have, but was so close it was heartbreaking. “A degree from anywhere would be something special.”

  Reece shrugged. “I guess. It’s just a piece of paper.”

  “A piece of paper that the rest of the world holds in high regard. You don’t understand how lucky you are. Some people would kill to have that piece of paper in their hand.”

  “Some people? Such as…you?”

  Ah, caught. Tana shouldn’t have been so passionate about the subject.

  Dead give away that he’d touched a nerve.

  Oh well, she supposed there was no sense in lying now.

  “Yes,” she admitted boldly. “I wish I had that piece of paper. I’m only a few credits shy of my engineering degree but you know, life gets in the way sometimes, and I had to put my college dreams on pause. But I’ll go back someday. I made myself promise that someday I would get those last few units, even if I was eighty and could no longer work in my chosen field. It’s the principle of the thing.”

  Reece’s expression turned pensive. “You’re an engineer major?”

  “Yeah,” Tana answered with a sigh. “Seems like a lifetime ago.”

  “You stopped because of your grandfather, didn’t you?”

  Tana looked at him sharply. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m just making an assumption because you’re his caregiver. Am I wrong?”

  It was on the tip of Tana’s tongue to bare her soul, to admit that her grandfather was slowly losing his mind and that she’d had to quit college because her money-grubbing mother had already started pressuring Papa to sell the property but she held back.

  In the end, Tana smiled and gave a short nod. “Yes. He needs me. School will always be there but Papa won’t.”

  “You’re a good person,” Reece said.

  “So are you,” she returned quietly and Reece glanced away with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  What was eating at him?

  Tana knew something was going on behind those sultry eyes, something that would probably break her heart if she let him.

  But before she could broach the subject, the car slowed to a stop and Reece looked relieved to exit the car.

  They stepped outside the car into the brisk late autumn air and Tana was astonished to see a towering castle-like building scraping the skyline with imperial majesty.

  “Holy crap,” she breathed, immediately taken by the gothic architectural beauty of private university, her senses tingling with delight. “The Duke Chapel�

  And then all was forgotten as Reece took her on a tour of all tours, her love of buildings and structural engineering taking over her brain, which was a blessed relief because her heart was quickly becoming confused as fuck.


  Reece hadn’t expected to find so much joy in showing Tana his old stomping grounds, but what was equally shocking was to find how knowledgeable Tana was about the buildings.

  He found her intellect incredibly arousing.

  Hell, everything about Tana turned him on.

  And that sexy brain of hers was an added bonus to an already hot-as-fuck package.

  How had no one snatched up this beautiful brainiac?

  The fact that Tana was still single baffled him.

  Clearly, she was surrounded by idiots.

  Eyes shining, Tana was breathtaking in discovery mode. “This place is amazing. Pictures don’t do it justice. I can’t believe you got to call Duke University your alma mater. So jealous right now!”

  “Where did you go to college?”


  “Good school,” Reece said with respect. “Not easy to get into.”

  Tana blushed with a laugh. “Thank you. I worked my ass off to get in. Leaving nearly broke my heart in two but it was the right decision. I don’t regret it.”

  Did she really think she was selling that bit of goods?

  If the false brightness in her voice wasn’t a dead giveaway, the heartbreak in her eyes would’ve been.

  Tana was straight up lying and he decided to call her on it. “I hate to break it to you but you would be a terrible poker player.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t have to sell me on a fabrication. I know you didn’t want to quit and you do regret leaving it behind. It’s okay to admit that it hurts. You’re not being disloyal to your grandfather by admitting it.”

  Tana blinked rapidly as if holding back sudden tears and his heart clenched at the sight of her raw, private pain.

  He’d taken college for granted.

  Actually, he’d hated everything after his injury. Getting his degree had been to get his father off his back.

  “It does hurt,” she allowed, her voice strangled. “It hurts a lot. Sometimes it’s all I think about. I think what kills me is knowing I was so close but none of that matters when you don’t have that piece of paper. Either you have a degree or you don’t. There is no place for almost.”


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