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Loveable Christmas Angel: Book #3 - Romance and Heavenly Spirits! (Angels with Attitudes)

Page 5

by Mimi Barbour

  Chapter Ten

  Mano behaved fine as long as Pi accompanied them, but once he left to close down the house and make the arrangements for her aunt, the boy again became sullen and difficult with Leilani. He wouldn’t eat anything at dinner, nor would he take his clothes off when it came time for his bath.

  “I don’t want a bath in this place. I hate this silly room and I hate you!” His body shook with emotional intensity as he hurled these hurtful words.

  “Please, Mano. I just want to be your friend. We are cousins, you know—family. We have to stick together now that your Grandmother isn’t here. You know, she wanted me to look after you.” Leilani wasn’t above using any ammunition at her disposal, and if telling him her aunt had arranged this liaison, then she’d tell him that, and more.

  “Tutu didn’t even know you. I don’t know you. Go away!” He stomped over to the sofa and flung himself against the cushions. Curling up as small as possible, he hid his face against his knees.

  The knock at the door couldn’t have come at a better time. Leilani moved to open it and stood back as a well of gladness overcame her earlier frustration. “Hello Kale. Please, come in.”

  “I wanted to see if you liked your new accommodations and whether or not the staff had moved everything to meet your expectations.”

  “My goodness, Kale! This suite is like a palace. I don’t need such grand surroundings. I was quite happy.”

  He frowned at her words. “You’re not happy now?”

  “Silly, of course I am. It’s just that I didn’t expect you to spoil me like this. There was no need.”

  Rubbing his hands together as if to say ‘that’s settled then’, he leaned his head to the side, and a frown replaced his earlier smile.

  “What’s happened?” Direct and to the point, he demanded a reply.

  It never dawned on her to prevaricate. “My aunt passed away today. We only had a short time together.”

  Reaching over, he took her hand in both of his. Then drawing her nearer, he placed his arms around her slight body and leaned his chin on top of her head. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. After coming all this way, you must be devastated. Did she tell you why she’d sent for you?”

  “Yes! She gave me a wonderful gift.”

  “That’s nice. What kind of a gift?”

  “A little boy called Mano. He’s right over there on the sofa and he ha…hates me.” A tiny sob broke through, as her body trembled. Then she pushed away from his arms and straightened her shoulders. “Would you like to meet him?”

  Looking up into his face, she watched the myriad expressions that fought for control. Finally, a questioning look settled and he nodded, “Of course!”

  She led him over to where Mano now sat up, curiosity lighting his features. “Mano this is my friend, Kale Jordan. He owns this hotel, and others like it.” Leilani didn’t know why she addressed Mano first, but it seemed by his expression and in his opinion, she’d inadvertently done the correct thing.

  Shocked to her core, she watched him stand and graciously hold out his hand to shake with Kale. “How do you do?”

  Containing her grin was difficult, but Leilani forced her lips to stay firm. How delightful it was to see such a baby performing like a true gentlemen. He must have learned the manners from his grandmother.

  “I’m very well and you?” Kale played the game perfectly. Bending over slightly, he took the proffered hand and gave it the customary manly shake.

  Mano lifted his hand to a yawn that started out fake and ended up very real. “I’m tired. I’ll go to bed now.” He ran to the other room, where earlier, she’d tried to coax him into bed. With a glare in her direction, he closed the door firmly. Message sent - don’t intrude!

  Now what do I do? Leilani bit her lip and smoothed her skirt down around her thighs. Before Kale arrived, Mano had argued with her about taking a bath. No way would he be talked into removing his clothes anywhere near her.

  Different scenarios played out in her mind until a voice of reason prevailed. What the heck did it really matter if he didn’t wash for one night?

  Kale moved to sit down, reminding her she had company. Therefore, she eased onto the seat beside his and let the words gush.

  “I tried everything I could think of to talk him into taking a bath. I bribed him with chocolate, which didn’t work. Then I let him inspect the gorgeous Christmas ornaments on the tree you’ve set up here, thinking it would get him to relax. It did for a few minutes, but he quickly reverted to being stubborn. I even begged. Nothing worked. He won’t do it.” She watched a smile play on the side of Kale’s mouth until it finally took form. His wicked eyes twinkled with old memories.

  “I remember being angry at my babysitter and wouldn’t take a bath for weeks. The fact that I swam every day from our beach didn’t register that by being in the water, I was meeting basic hygienic rules.”

  His words calmed her completely. She leaned back against the sofa and watched his lips forming the words. “Why wouldn’t you take a bath?”

  The twinkle faded, and his expression hardened briefly. “If I remember correctly, it was because my mother had travelled to one of the other islands when she’d promised to stay home for my birthday party. I re-acted by being childish, but it was the only way I could show her how angry I felt.”

  “Did she apologize? Or realize that she’d let you down terribly?”

  He swiveled in her direction and a frown replaced the earlier smile. “Why would you ask that?”

  It was the first time since the elevator that she saw his haughty attitude reappear. She hoped this reflected his true nature because she liked it, rather than the ingratiatingly suave character that she’d seen around the hotel.

  “Because you had a right to be mad at her, she’d let you down. I suppose it’s the way Mano is feeling right now. Angry and hurt that his grandmother left him, and he’s hating the feeling of not knowing his future. I guess since he sees me as part of that future, he hates me.”

  Kale watched her closely and gave a sound that could have been a grunt or an indication that he’d made a decision. Either way, it got her attention.

  Not that looking at the man presented a problem whatsoever. Keeping her eyes from eating him up or her lips from begging offered much more of an obstacle. He did have wonderful eyes. Her fingers ached to reach out and touch the long lashes that brushed his cheek whenever he blinked.

  “Leilani? Leilani, do I have dirt on my face? You keep staring.”

  “Sorry! No, your face is lovely. I mean you look fine, good. My mind is a million miles away.”

  “I noticed.” The dry note that entered his tone made her grin. “I need to visit my beach house tomorrow for the day. There are chores I wanted to look into which might take me a few hours, no longer. Maybe you and the boy could spend the time on the beach, and we could trick him into going in the water.”

  “I couldn’t possibly, Kale. Thank you for asking. There are too many things that need my attention.”

  “Not at all, Leilani. Pi stopped at the office earlier to say your aunt has been taken to the sanctuary where they will undertake all the arrangements for her service. He’s organized it all. In the meantime, it might be a good thing for you and the boy to have a break. Did you consider that being in different surroundings; you would have a better chance to bond?”

  “I never thought of it in that way. You might be right. I’ll check with Pi in the morning, okay? Can I let you know…?” The ringing phone cut off her words.

  As she spoke with her caller, she watched Kale pace the white-carpeted room. “Goodness, Pi. It’s like magic that you called this very moment. We were just talking about you. There must be a spiritual connection.” She laughed at her silliness.

  “Believe it, little one.” He didn’t laugh. “I called to tell you that everything has been arranged, and your aunt’s celebration will take place the day after tomorrow. Like we discussed earlier, I put a notice in the newspaper, and also passed o
ut some in her neighborhood. I will pick you and the boy up if you like and tag along.”

  “What would I do without you, my friend? Did you need me for anything tomorrow? Kale has invited Mano and me to visit his beach house. He’s thinking it might be a good break for the boy.”

  “He’s right. I think it’s a perfect idea. You must go, Leilani. You can organize the house and all the hundreds of other chores soon enough. Having a day’s rest is a Godsend.”

  Leilani heard a funny sound, as if the man had chuckled. Then he coughed, and she shook off the wondering.

  A few minutes later, she walked Kale to the door, opened it, and stood waiting. He seemed to be unsure of something, but then he shrugged, moved in, and hovered over her.

  With her neck arched, the weight of her hair pulled some of the pins loose and strands tickled the sides of her face. Not thinking, she blew them away from her cheek and watched as a smile broke up the seriousness of Kale’s expression.

  His hands moved slow but sure, smoothing the loose curls toward her back. Then they cuddled her face, his thumbs caressing her cheeks and finally straying to her lips.

  As his eyes roved her face, she watched him inspect each of her features. He took his time. Seismic waves of hunger flooded her body, leaving her shaken and moist. Never before had she experienced a touch that filled her so full of emotion her next breath was threatened. If he didn’t kiss her soon, she’d whimper like a lovesick puppy.

  He slid his body closer, to fit hers perfectly, and he lowered his mouth only… to hesitate an inch above hers. The warmth of his breath drove her senses crazy and she had to clutch at his arms to stop from reaching up and forcing the connection. Her heavy eyelids closed, and she silently begged him to do whatever he wished, just do it now!

  As if he read her mind, he growled like in pain and placed his warm lips over hers. Then he proceeded to kiss her stupid, while greedily sucking the life right out of her heart, making it his captive. One kiss and Leilani knew she’d never be the same.

  Without hesitation, she opened her mouth to allow him entry and at that moment became his forever. Never before had any man made such an impact. Never again would she give another the opportunity to try. This was the man she’d been made for, and the sensory beauty that streamed between their two mouths couldn’t ever be replicated.

  His arms wrapped around her as he deepened their contact to where she felt positively tiny and completely mesmerized by his charisma. ‘Don’t ever stop’ was the mantra in her head.

  An opening door and laughing voices forced them back to earth. He stepped away first, and with one last kiss on her forehead, he whispered he’d call, gently nudged her inside, and then closed the door between them. Oh my God! Leilani began to shake, her whole body affected. What have I done?

  Chapter Eleven

  Kale stood outside of Leilani’s closed door and didn’t move. To keep from falling, he braced his shoulder against the frame and clung to the doorknob. Once some revelers passed by, he leaned against the wall, not trusting his weak legs to carry his weight.

  Never before had a kiss caused him to lose control. His senses were a mishmash of crazy alerts and warnings, the urge to go back to her the strongest of them all. Her mouth had driven him insane. The soft whimpers she’d made, and the thrust of her plump breasts mashed against his chest had all but brought him to his knees. How the hell could a man be expected to think clearly after that?

  Vacillating along the hallway, he emerged at the entrance to the elevators. Once inside, he rode to the bottom before he realized he’d forgotten to push the button that would have brought him to the penthouse. I need a drink!

  He hid his shaking hands in his slack’s pockets and nonchalantly leaned against the mirrored wall on the back of the car. Carefully, he kept his eyes averted. Thank goodness, the crowd ignored him, and he was able to stay incognito.

  Once inside his study, he hurried to the mini bar and grabbed a cold beer, drinking half on the first guzzle. Then he plopped down on the edge of his favorite chair, elbows balanced on top of his knees with his hands holding the frosty bottle in between. He reached up to drive the fingers of his right hand through his hair, and then he swore—long and loud.

  For the first time in his life, he felt weak with wanting. Wanting to pick Leilani up and never let her down, to keep her hidden away from the rest of the world, to keep her for his own.

  Her luscious body had tempted even before he’d kissed her, but no more so than any other female. He’d even admit to setting her up in the suite, organizing a special Christmas tree, and ordering fruit baskets and flowers to be delivered. All the things he knew women expected. Just so he could have a fling with the girl. It was the way of the world—his world.

  Then she had to go and kiss him. Now what the hell was he going to do? A sizzling but pleasant awareness unexpectedly flared into raging fire of need. The ache travelled from his hardened body, from his besotted head, and from the heart, he’d up until now, managed to protect behind an iron will. Bloody hell!

  Kale always planned his future around being a bachelor. Having occasional flings, sure, but he’d never wanted to make a commitment to one female. Give a woman the right to control him? Not in this lifetime! He’d had enough of that bullshit with his mother. She’d planned his whole future for him, and then tricked him into going along, making him care enough, that he couldn’t refuse her demands. Then dying and leaving him with her dream, her responsibilities, and her blasted hotels!

  All his life, he’d been the good boy, agreeable, even malleable. Truly, when it came down to it, he hadn’t been suicidal over his loss of choices. Rather, he’d made do. Eventually, he’d realized he had a gift as a manager. It came as natural as breathing for him to run things, make decisions and get the most out of the employees and what man didn’t like power? It had been bred into him from the first day she’d made him learn the business from the ground up. No doubt, he’d inherited his abilities from her, which pleased them both.

  There was another thing he did well, that no one ever had to force him into doing. A passion had seeded in him as a young man and he had to feed it every so often or lose his mind. Thank goodness, tomorrow he could spend some time finishing his finest work yet in the studio, where he did his best thinking. It was a good thing, because he needed to make some decisions. What the hell was he going to do about Leilani…and the boy? Most important, he needed to figure out a way to control his wayward heart.

  Chapter Twelve

  A helicopter ride coaxed the first smile from Mano since Leilani had forced him from his bed and tried to talk him into at least washing his face and hands, and brushing his teeth. A new set of clothes, that she’d ordered from the hotel gift shop, arrived and still lay crumpled on the floor where he’d thrown the bag in disgust, shouting, “No!”

  Kale’s presence had settled him instantly, and he’d obediently taken his hand as they made their way to the roof where the aircraft awaited.

  All the while, Kale dealt kindly with Mano, Leilani was able to eat the man up with her many glances. Had it meant anything to him last night that he’d stolen her heart? That she’d stayed awake most of the night reliving the tender moments repeatedly. Until her mind screamed Enough! Even then, the fantasies wouldn’t stop. Frustrated and wanting, she’d tossed and turned…and remembered.

  After he’d shut the door on her the night before, she’d slid to the floor and remained there for who knows how long. Desire had assaulted her body to where she’d hugged herself and begged the feelings to stop torturing her.

  Then this morning, she’d spent way too long getting ready for a day that promised to be casual. Her hair shone from the double shampooing and the vicious brushing she’d inflicted. Most of her clothes had been inspected and found wanting, until in desperation she’d grabbed her most expensive shorts and a shimmery red silky blouse that was her favorite top. She’d chosen her most provocative bikini, which truth be known, had twice as much material as most.
The pure white showed off her tan and made her legs look longer, so it went on under her clothes.

  After a breakfast of fruit and cereal, which she’d practically had to beg Mano to eat, they were ready and waiting. Now she sat behind Kale as he flew them over the islands while he pointed out different attractions to an excited boy full of questions.

  “Is that Diamond Head, Kale?” Mano’s voice came through loud and clear in the earphones.

  “Yes. See where the tourists are climbing the trails.” Kale pointed to the mountainside in the distance. “It’s a long trip, but the view is breathtaking.”

  “The people look so little.” Mano said.

  “Because we’re far above them. It’s just an illusion. Have you ever flown in a plane before?”

  “No but I wanted to.”

  “Then you’re a brave kid. I know grown men who are nervous to be in a helicopter. You seem to like it.”

  “One day, I will buy my own,” Mano asserted. Leilani smiled at the absolute surety in the boy’s voice. She had no doubt he would.

  Soon they had landed on a helipad in a wide area by the back of a large hanger. Kale took a few moments to lock down the aircraft and then led them to a side garage where a modern golf cart waited. Within a few minutes, they approached one of the most stunning homes Leilani had ever seen. Many terraces surrounded the sleek lines of the building, and brilliant flowering plants in pinks, corals, reds and purples wove between lush greenery adorned the gleaming white walls.

  The ocean, seen in the distance, embraced the villa making the setting rather mystical in its beauty. Leilani fell instantly in love.

  “I like your house.” Mano words were simple, but effective.

  “Me, too,” was all she said. There were no words that wouldn’t seem overly effusive and well…ingratiating.


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