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Naughty by Nature

Page 17

by Judy Angelo

  “Ruben’s a good coach.” Lydia reached over and patted his arm. “I still have a long way to go before I regain control of my hands but I’m grateful for where I am. So where’s this book you’ve been telling me about?”

  They spent the next few minutes flipping through the book and talking about what Tessa had learned, then she picked up her handbag.

  “Well, I’m off again, but it was nice chatting with you both.”

  “What? Running already? We expected you to stay for dinner. Wolf’s coming over this evening, you know.”

  That news made Tessa get all jittery. Which was weird because she’d been the one hunting him down these last few days. “Ah, no,” she said. “I have to go but thanks, anyway.”

  Lydia gave her a knowing stare. “What’s going on, Tessa? I can see as plain as day that something’s not right between you and Wolf. Just the mention of his name had you looking like a scared rabbit.”

  “Uhm, it’s nothing.”

  “Don’t give me that,” the older woman said. “Now spill it.”

  Ruben cleared his throat, beginning to look like he wanted to slip out of the room, but Lydia paid him no mind.

  Tessa drew in her breath. She might as well come clean. “Wolf and I…we had a fight.”

  “That’s too bad, dear, but all couples have fights from time to time. And it’s no secret that the two of you are a couple.” Lydia smiled. “Whatever it is, you can work it out. You love Wolf, don’t you?”

  Tessa bit her lip then she nodded. “Yes, very much.”

  “And did he tell you he loves you?”

  “He asked me to marry him.”

  Lydia gasped. “He did? That’s great news.” She reached out and gave Tessa’s hand a squeeze then she shook her head and on her face was a look of confusion. “So what’s the problem?”

  Tessa shook her head and sighed. “I said no.”

  “But…why?” Now Lydia looked even more confused.

  And so Tessa gave her the whole story, of her strange family, of her fear that she would spoil everything by marrying the man she loved. “And besides,” she said as she ended her explanation, “he was so angry, I couldn’t explain things to him then. He wouldn’t have listened.”

  Lydia gave her an impatient look. “You could have tried, Tessa. At least let him understand where you’re coming from. You owe him that much.”

  “I guess…” Tessa looked away, beginning to feel guilty all over again. She hadn’t told Wolf any of this. She’d been so angry she’d just thrown him out.

  “Your love is worth fighting for,” Lydia continued. “Your parents’ fate is their own, not yours. Go for what you want to be happy, and if Wolf is what you want then go get him.”

  Tessa grimaced. “If he’ll still have me.”

  “From what I’ve seen of my son, he loves you very much.” To Tessa’s surprise it was Ruben who was now adding to the conversation. “I know he’ll still want you.”

  Tessa looked at him, her face solemn. “I hope to God you’re right.”


  A flaming idiot, that’s what he’d been to believe that Tessa was any different from the other women out there, different from Vanessa. No, they were both the same.

  Wolf banged the saucepan down on the stove then turned to stare out the kitchen window. He’d bared his soul, made himself vulnerable a second time and, just like the first time, he’d proposed to a woman who considered commitment a four-letter word. Well, at least she’d spared him the trouble of having to break off an engagement.

  And then a thought crossed his mind. He’d always praised Tessa for being open and honest and that was what she’d been. She didn’t love him and so she’d said no. She hadn’t accepted his proposal as Vanessa had done, giving him false hope and then leaving him high and dry. He should be grateful. At least Tessa had spared him that. But although his reason told him he should be thankful all he could feel right then was pain.

  The hissing saucepan woke him out his trance. He turned back toward the stove and switched it off. He’d planned to fry himself a burger but, in all honesty, he really didn’t feel much like eating.

  He flopped down at the kitchen table and took a swig from the can of Ginger Ale he’d been drinking. Next time he proposed it would be a business arrangement. The matchmakers in India had it all right. Forget about falling in love. A well thought-out match was the way to go.

  After this, he’d never trust a woman with his heart again.


  The situation called for some drastic action.

  Tessa had called Wolf’s office, his home and his cell phone. He hadn’t picked up any of her calls. Her guess was that, once he’d seen her name on the screen, he’d decided not to answer.

  Well, he couldn’t run and he couldn’t hide. She knew where he worked and she knew where he lived. She would camp out on his lawn if she had to. And in a neighborhood like Lorne Park that would not go down well.

  It was Saturday, so chances were Wolf was right there at his house. Tessa hopped into her Audi and sped off to Mississauga. When she got to his house she marched up to the front door and rang the bell. It took four rings before he opened. He did not look pleased to see her.

  “What is it, Tessa? Are you here to rub it in?” He almost barked the words. “I don’t have time for this.”

  He made as if to close the door but Tessa pushed against it with such force that he stumbled back, looking surprised. She stepped inside and slammed the door shut behind her. “I have something to say to you,” she declared, “and you’d better listen.”

  Wolf stepped back, but it was not to welcome her in. He folded his arms across his chest then frowned down at her. “You already gave me your answer,” he said, his face stony and his voice emotionless.

  She mirrored his action and folded her arms across her chest, too. “And what if I told you I changed my mind?”

  For a second he looked taken aback, then his lips twisted in a cynical half-snarl, half-smile. “You take this as a big joke, do you?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “But I have something to say to you to make you understand me.”

  “And what if I don’t want to listen?”

  She raised her eyebrows. “You’d better, if you ever want to see your car and its contents again.”

  His brows dropped immediately. “What the hell do you mean by that?” Now he was looking at her like she’d gone crazy.

  She felt like she was crazy. Crazy to be here, doing what she was doing, trying to get Wolf back. “I’ve planted a bomb under your car, activated by my cell phone. If I just press this button,” she waved the phone under his nose, “kaboom.”

  Wolf’s eyebrows shot up and he stared at her in obvious disbelief. “Are you insane?” Then he shook his head and gave a shaky laugh. “No, you’re joking. You couldn’t be that crazy.”

  Tessa gave a snort of disgust. “Of course I’m joking. I may be crazy sometimes but I'm not that wacko. I just needed to make you listen. Now…” she took his arm and led him to the chaise longue in the foyer, “…sit.” She gave him a shove and he dropped onto the chair.

  And that was how Tessa ended up explaining everything to Wolf, from her experiences at home to her fears for her future. “You know my parents,” she said. “I love them but they’re not perfect.”

  “Nobody is,” Wolf said with a shrug. “And anyway, they weren’t that bad.”

  “Oh, but they were on their best behavior.” Tessa gave him a rueful grin.

  “Still, where is it written that we have to be like them?” he asked. “We don’t. We forge our own path.”

  Tessa went and sat beside Wolf. “That’s what your mom said.”

  He gave her a look of surprise. “You told Mom about this?”

  She nodded and gave him a sheepish look. “I’m sorry but I went over to see her about something else and she asked about us and…I ended up talking about it. Lydia told me to fight for what I wanted, not to accept de
feat as my fate.”

  Wolf smiled. “Smart Mom.”

  Tessa twisted her hand in her lap then, realizing what she was doing, she sat on them instead. “And that’s why I’m here. I want another chance, Wolf. I want to fight for you. I want you in my life.”

  He stared at her for a moment, then he reached out and put a finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. “You want me?” he asked. “For today, or until you get tired?”

  “No,” she said, her lips trembling. “For always.”

  He released her chin then gave her a solemn look. “Why should I even consider asking you again? Why should I trust you?”

  Tentatively, she reached out and laid her hand on his. “I guess there’s no reason why you should, except that I love you like I’ve loved no other man in this world.”

  Wolf looked at her askance. “Oh, only in this world? So you’re saying I have competition in the other worlds?”

  “Oh, you.” She giggled. “I can’t speak about other worlds, only this one.”

  He looked away. “Hmm, let me think about this.”

  Tessa held up her cell phone. “Speak now or your car is history.”

  With a laugh, Wolf grabbed the phone from her hand and tucked it into his shirt pocket. “Enough pranking. Now it’s time for you to be punished for almost driving me insane.” He reached out and put his hand on her shoulders. “Tessa, will you be my wife?”

  “Yes, yes, always yes.”

  He took her in his arms then, and gave her a kiss so sweet and full of love that she thought, if this was the kind of punishment Wolf gave for naughty behavior, then she wanted his punishment all the days of her life.


  Dressed in white from the veil on top of her head to the toes of her satin shoes, Tessa stood at the entrance to the church, clutching her big pink bouquet. Then, at the sound of the organ, she took her father’s arm and walked proudly up the aisle to meet her husband-to-be.

  As she approached the altar she could not help beaming as her dear friend, Indie, now her maid of honor, smiled at her. And Stone, Indie’s husband, looked so proud in his role as best man, standing by Wolf’s side. And then her attention was on her soul mate, only on him, and he only had eyes for her.

  It seemed like she floated up the aisle and then she was there, where she belonged, standing beside her Wolf. Within minutes she would be Mrs. Wolfgang Armando Spencer. She’d take any name he was giving her, corny or not, as long as she’d get this man along with it.

  “Will you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” the minister asked, “to have and to hold, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to honor and obey, so long as you both shall live?”

  Tessa peeked up at Wolf. Through the veil she gave him a mischievous grin.

  He must have guessed she was planning something because he gave her a stern look but one so full of love that she didn’t have the heart to prank him. Not at his own wedding.

  She’d been planning to mess around with the vows, particularly the honor and obey part, but with Wolf’s eyes on her she decided to be a good girl. She repeated the minister’s words proudly.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  At the minister’s words, Wolf took her in his arms and gave Tessa a kiss that showed friends, family and the whole world that their love was for real... in this world and any other worlds that might be out there in the big, wide universe.

  And as Tessa kissed her husband a fleeting thought crossed her mind. In her new status as married woman maybe she should give up pranks for good?



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  The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series by Judy Angelo

  Volume 1 - Tamed by the Billionaire

  Volume 2 - Maid in the USA

  Volume 3 - Billionaire's Island Bride

  Volume 4 - Dangerous Deception

  Volume 5 - To Tame a Tycoon

  Volume 6 - Sweet Seduction

  Volume 7 - Daddy by December

  Volume 8 - To Catch a Man (In 30 Days or Less)

  BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES, Mega-Collection - Vols. 1 - 8

  BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES, Collection I - Vols. 1 - 4

  BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES, Collection II - Vols. 5 - 8

  (Two free stories in the Mega-Collection;

  one free story in each Collection I and II;

  purchase collections for yourself or as a gift - and save)

  The NAUGHTY AND NICE Series by Judy Angelo

  Volume 1 - Naughty by Nature

  Coming Soon:

  Volume 2 - Sweet Charlotte

  Volume 3 - Miss Independent



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