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With the Boys in the Band

Page 4

by Marie Medina

  “Tell me what you want,” he whispered.

  “To make you happy.”

  He drew back at the words, and the tenderness on his face made her breath catch in her throat. “You’re already doing that. My world is insane right now, but being with you feels so right. So good.”

  She ran her tongue over his lower lip. “Then make love to me.”

  Reaching down, he actually swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He bent to untie her shoes, taking his time even though his gaze never wavered from hers.

  “Are you always such a gentleman?” she asked as he set her shoes down.

  He pulled a sock off and kissed her ankle. “I try my best.” He removed the other sock and placed them on her shoes. His fingers massaged her legs as he moved up her body. He pulled her shirt off, placing kisses on the swells of her breasts as his fingers inched lower. As he unzipped her jeans, his mouth caressed down her stomach and into the widening vee. He traced a line along the waistband of her panties with his tongue before pulling her jeans off.

  She inched back on the bed as he placed her clothes on the chair in the corner. “Now you.”

  Where he’d been slow and gentle in undressing her, now he stripped his own clothes off quickly. His shirt went first, and she admired the smooth planes of his chest and stomach as he fumbled with his belt. On his left pec, right over his heart, he had a simple black tattoo of a howling wolf’s head. She reached forward to touch it.

  “I didn’t know you had a tattoo.”

  “Got it in college. Vince drew it, actually.”

  She ran her fingers over it, and then she flattened her palm, feeling his heart pound under her touch. She twirled the tip of her finger over his nipple, brushing a couple of kisses over the tattoo, at which he dipped his head to sweep his lips over her hair.

  He slid his pants and boxers down, and his cock bobbed in front of her as he backed up slightly to kick them off. Gazing up into his face, she reached out to grasp his dick. He groaned when she began to stroke him. When she dipped her head forward to lick him, he gasped and took hold of her shoulders. His fingers tangled in her hair as she sucked, using her tongue to find where he was most sensitive. The sounds he made as he gently thrust forward greatly enhanced the pleasure of feeling him slide in and out of her mouth.

  Pulling back, he took hold of her face and bent to kiss her, then gradually pushed her back on the bed and climbed on top of her. “I want to taste you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered in his ear as she twisted to undo her bra. Their fingers brushed at the waistband of her panties, and they kissed as he slowly slid them off.

  He spread her legs and stretched out on his stomach, simply gazing at her bare pussy. She squirmed a little under his scrutiny, and he kissed her thigh.

  “You’re beautiful.” He circled his finger around her clit. “I’m just admiring you.”

  She arched up to his mouth, and his tongue traced her slit. Then he delved inside, exploring, licking his lips when he pulled back. He looked so sexy as he drew her clit into his mouth. She couldn’t tell exactly what he was doing with his tongue, but it was sending tendrils of pure bliss all over her body. She stroked his hair, enjoying the feel of the silky strands between her fingers. He broke away and kissed her thigh again, his fingers replacing his tongue on her clit. When three of them moved into her very wet pussy, his mouth locked on her clit again.

  He flexed his fingers inside her, the middle one finding her g-spot. Her hips jerked up, and he sucked her clit harder. The pleasure coiled deep inside her, and she knew it would spring any moment.

  “Mmm, I’m coming,” she said breathlessly when his finger pressed harder and his tongue flicked her clit.

  He curled his fingers and with a moan he gently raked his teeth over her clit, making her scream out. Her hand held his head in place as she exploded. The pleasure spiraled up and up, engulfing her as stars danced behind her eyelids. She tugged on his hair, causing him to moan again. He kissed up her body until he reached her mouth. Wrapping her legs around him, she rubbed her hot core against his cock, enjoying the shivers of satisfaction that followed.

  His deep kiss tasted of her cream, and their tongues dancing together made her want more. “You just made me very happy,” he murmured against her lips.

  She sighed and laughed low in her throat. “Then just imagine how you’ll feel in a few minutes.”

  After giving her a sweet, heart-melting smile and a few soft kisses, he got up and went over to his bags. She rolled to her side to admire him as he moved, her eyes taking in the muscles of his back and thighs, as well as the curve of his ass. Her blatant gawking shifted down to his cock when he turned and came back to her. She leaned back as he moved on top of her again, sheathing himself and lowering his body over hers.

  “I’ve imagined this so many times.” His head lowered to her breasts, and his tongue again worked an indescribable magic on her body. She circled a finger around her unattended nipple as his mouth worked the other. They ached deliciously, and he soon took the hint and gave the other the same treatment, after kissing and sucking her fingers briefly.

  He nudged at her entrance, letting the head of his dick play against her clit. She wrapped one leg around his back, and he cupped her face as he moved into her. He kissed her hairline as he thrust and gave her a little more of his cock each time. His thick length spread her wide, and her clit and nipples ached as his cock-head slid over her sweet spot. He took hold of her hip with his free hand and held her steady so he could stroke high and deep, finally giving her all of his cock.

  “So sweet,” he said against her ear before taking her mouth.

  He intensified their rocking, pushing her to the edge again. She felt his shaft swell inside her as his thrusts quickened. They moaned at the same time, and when he ground his body into hers, stimulating her clit, she shattered and came apart in his arms. He swallowed her cries, deepening the kiss as he drove into her three more times. Crushing her to the bed, he ran his hand roughly over her thigh, lifting it to playfully smack her ass once. He groaned in satisfaction as the kiss ended, and then rolled away to lie beside her. They lay panting, the fingers of his left hand brushing her shoulder lovingly.

  He rose and kissed her stomach before he slipped off the bed, disappearing into the bathroom. When he returned, he drew her into his arms and began tracing patterns on her chest with two fingers.

  “I love watching your hands. When I found out you weren’t gay, I went to watch you guys practice. I got pretty turned on watching your fingers move over the keys.”

  He ran a finger over her cheek, then traced her lips. “You want me to play for you?”

  “I’d love that.”

  He got up and pulled his boxers out of his pants and slipped them on. “Hang on.” He went into the bathroom and came back with a robe, which he extended to her.

  She wrapped herself up in it as he put his t-shirt back on.

  “Come on. There’s a piano downstairs.” He reached for her.

  She took his extended hand and followed him. “We won’t wake anyone?”

  “No one’s ever complained. I go down and play all the time when I can’t sleep. Vince loves it, says it helps him sleep.”

  She squeezed his hand. “He might need that tonight.” As they reached the ground floor she glanced to Vince’s door. Was he sleeping or lying awake? What might he be thinking about tonight? She wanted to tell Emerson to try to check on him again, but as he led her into a small parlor he kissed her hand. He looked so happy she didn’t want to bring to mind anything that might spoil it. Tomorrow, he would talk to Vince, and what happened would depend on how honest Vince was willing to be with his friend. She couldn’t blame Vince for being afraid, but even after their lovemaking, she felt Emerson cared for Vince in a deeper way than even he knew. He could hardly go even ten minutes without mentioning him, so she could only guess the extent to which the other man filled his thoughts.

  They sat together at the p
iano bench, and he began to play for her. As the sweet, soft melody filled the room, she hoped it would reach Vince and soothe him. She felt him calling to her, as if he were in the room, and as she enjoyed the bittersweet sensation she watched Emerson play. She couldn’t blame Vince for loving him—she could feel herself falling already. She leaned her elbow on the piano top and cradled her head, watching his fingers dance over the keys and enjoying the warmth filling her heart.

  Chapter Four

  Emerson rested his hand on the doorknob, hesitant to turn it. Taking a breath, he wrapped his fingers around it and twisted. The knob gave, and he opened the door. He slipped in and closed it again, turning to scan the room. Vince lay on the bed wearing only his jeans. The comforter had been thrown over the foot of the bed, and the sheets were twisted all around him. His head lolled to the side at the sound of the door, and their eyes met.

  “What was that you were playing last night?” Vince asked.

  Emerson went to the bed and climbed onto the mattress, sitting beside Vince and crossing his legs. “Something I wrote. I call it ‘Under the Stars’.”

  “Really? It’s beautiful.” He stretched and closed his eyes. “Made me think of all those nights in your backyard.”

  “That’s exactly what it’s about.”

  Vince opened his eyes again, and the brightness of their green held Emerson transfixed.

  “You look at me like that all the time lately. Like you’re both happy and sad.”

  “Are you happy today?” Vince asked as he sat up.


  “Because of Alicia?”

  He nodded. “Last night was amazing,” he said softly. “You’re the first person I want to tell all about it, but we need to talk first.”

  Vince lowered his eyes. “I haven’t always told you everything. I do have some secrets. And one of them has been … well … an issue lately.” He rubbed a corner of the sheets between his fingers, picking at a loose thread. He seemed to be debating something, but Emerson couldn’t venture a guess.

  “What is it?”

  “You might laugh. Or think I’m crazy. Hell, you might fucking run away, I don’t know.”

  He couldn’t take it any longer, the vague replies and sad declarations. He grabbed Vince by the shoulders and forced him to look up. “There is nothing you cannot tell me.” He tightened his grip. “Nothing that will make me stop loving you.”

  Vince closed his eyes, nodding. “Okay, just don’t jump.” His lips trembled a little as he whispered the words.

  Jump? What the hell is he talking about? But then he opened his eyes again, and Emerson did jump, his hands dropping to his sides.

  Vince’s eyes had changed color, the green replaced by a dark yellow. The pupils were smaller, and his breath seemed heavier as he stared at Emerson. Vince reached out and grasped his hand. “I’m a werewolf, Em. I found out when I was fourteen. I’ll change completely if I have to.” He gripped his hand more fiercely. “I was the one howling yesterday. I’ve always been the one you heard howling here at night. Other wolves keep their distance and stay on the other side of the lake because they’re afraid of me. They know this is my territory.”

  Emerson’s vision blurred a bit, and he blinked to try to focus. What had he said? He couldn’t mean that. A werewolf? Aside from being impossible, it hardly explained Vince’s emotional state and the changes he’d seen in him the past few years. He pulled his hand away, but Vince lunged forward and grabbed both of his arms.

  “You asked what was wrong. I told you. If you walk away from me now, I will have very little reason to go on living.”

  That last statement pulled Emerson out of the spiral Vince’s revelation had thrown him into. “Don’t say that. I just need some room to breathe here.” He looked at Vince’s face and noted the tension there, the sweat on his brow. “Don’t ever fucking say that. I’m not leaving.” Vince began to shake, yet his grip intensified. “Vince, that hurts!” he exclaimed when pain shot through both of his arms.

  Vince backed off. “I’m sorry.” He moved away to the edge of the bed, dropping his feet to the floor and placing his head in his hands. “I’ve kept this from you for nineteen years. I’ve been alone dealing with this. I could take rejection from anyone but you.”

  Could he believe him? He could think of no other explanation for what he’d just seen happen to Vince’s eyes, but still. It sounded insane. Was Vince losing it? Had stress done this to him? Emerson didn’t understand how he could have missed other signs. He got on his hands and knees and crawled to the side of the bed. He sat beside Vince and put his arm around his shoulders.

  “I’ll never reject you.” He gave him a little shake and took a deep breath. “Go on. Show me.”

  Vince lifted his head. “Are you sure?”

  While he wasn’t sure he was ready to see such a thing, he didn’t want to continue entertaining the idea without proof. “I’m not going to run.” He twisted slightly to look into Vince’s eyes, which were still that strange, dark yellow. “I won’t make any guarantees about the face I might make, but…” He nudged Vince. “I know something’s wrong, and you never keep up a joke this long or this convincingly.”

  Vince gave a slow nod, closing his eyes and taking several breaths. Emerson leaned over and put his lips to his ear. “It’s gonna be okay.”

  Vince’s eyes snapped open, and he stood slowly. He unzipped his jeans and dropped them. Emerson had just taken in the fact that he was, for some unknown reason, sporting an erection when he crouched low and began to change. The shifting of his face proved too disturbing, as his nose elongated and his skull shifted, so Emerson focused on the rest of his body, watching his arms and legs twist and transform. Moments later, a wolf stood next to the bed, looking at him.

  It had gray fur that darkened almost to black around its face. It was about the size of wolves he’d seen in the woods around town over the years, but it wasn’t as thin as they tended to be. He moved slowly and went down on his knees in front of the wolf.

  “Can you still understand me?”

  It moved its head up and down in a nod.

  Emerson reached out his hand and gently touched one of its ears, watching it flick as his fingers brushed it. He let his hand slide down its neck. The wolf bent its head forward and nuzzled against his chest. After a moment, he realized it was rubbing its nose over his tattoo.

  “Is this why you’re always drawing wolves?” He still remembered the day Vince had drawn it for him when he’d mentioned wanting to get a tattoo on his chest. He’d laughed when he saw it, asking Vince why he’d thought a wolf would look good there. He’d shrugged and tried to take the picture back, but Emerson had snatched it away and gone out and had the tattoo done that very night. An image flashed in his mind, Vince smiling when he saw that he’d had the tattoo done over his heart.

  Emerson pulled away and looked down at Vince, his chest suddenly tight. He kept stroking the wolf as if the action might make things clearer. “Vince? Was there anything else you wanted to tell me?”

  The wolf backed away, and he saw that it was beginning to change. He lowered his eyes as it happened. After a few more moments, Vince stood, and Emerson kept his eyes averted as he slipped his jeans on. He didn’t bother zipping them before going down on his knees as well.

  Emerson lifted his eyes, focusing on his face because he was not sure what he might do if he saw that Vince still had an erection. What had caused that? Had it been part of the change, an uncontrollable reaction? Or had it been Emerson touching him, whispering in his ear?

  “Is there something else you think I might have been hiding?” Vince asked. “Is there something you’d like to hear from me?” His fingers played across Emerson’s knee briefly.

  “I can’t make you say something you don’t want to say. What you just told me had to have been hard. Could anything really be harder than that?” His stomach churned, and his palms grew damp as he waited.

  “You two made love last night?”
  Completely thrown by the change of subject, Emerson drew back a bit. “Yes.”

  “You said last night was amazing, that you wanted to tell me all about it.” He smiled sadly and gazed past him. “I just dropped one bomb on you. Are you really ready for another?”

  “What does that have to do with me and Alicia?” He knew the answer, and now he was the one shaking. He tried to steady his breathing, but it proved very hard.

  “I want nothing more in this world than for you to be happy. So I’m gonna give you some time to—”

  “Vince, answer my question!” he cried, rising up to his knees and grabbing Vince’s shoulders.

  Vince licked his lips and said, “Okay.” He took Emerson’s face in his hands and kissed him, a deep and searching kiss that took Emerson from stunned to elated to terrified until he felt nothing but the warmth and sweetness of the contact. They were both breathing hard when it ended.

  “You said nothing could make you stop loving me,” Vince said, pressing their foreheads together. “And all I ask is that you still love me … even if it can’t be the way I want.” He stood and extended his hand.

  After a moment, Emerson took it and rose to his feet. He ran his fingers through his hair and gazed up at the ceiling. “A bit more than I expected to have to take in before breakfast.”

  Gesturing toward the door, Vince said, “Go eat. Talk with Alicia. Take a walk or something.”

  Incredulous, Emerson could do nothing but gape at Vince. “She seems like a good listener, but these topics might be a bit too hefty.”

  Vince linked his hands behind his neck. “Do you wish I hadn’t told you?”

  “No. In both cases.” He sighed in frustration as dread settled in his stomach. “I’m not sure how to put one foot in front of the other right now, let alone tell the girl I just slept with about the two big revelations that came my way a few moments ago.”


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