A Little Wish Upon a Star
Page 13
"Not at all. Why do you ask?"
"I dunno. I'm suddenly feeling different. Free. Playful."
"That is all you, my little love. Hurry now. I want to get to the caves while the blue sun is at its highest," he said.
"How come?"
"You'll see."
Tabby could not contain her glee as she sat on Seth's lap while he steered the cruiser up through Lotopia's swirling pink and purple sky. They broke through the atmosphere and zoomed into the dark void of space where the planet, and her two suns, could be observed.
"I've never seen anything more amazing," she whispered, awed by the glowing reflection cast by the copper sea. "Is that Ceres? It's huge." She pointed to the shimmering silver odd-shaped moon that hung behind a planet of nearly the same size. "It looks as though it's sharing the same atmosphere! How does it do that? That's impossible!"
"The scientists call it the Infinity Phenomenon," Seth explained. "There's nowhere else they've seen this occurrence. The moon and planet orbit each other in a fluctuating atmospheric bubble. From a far distance, it looks like the universal symbol of infinity."
"In astrophysics, there is something called the Roche lobe effect with stars, but we've never seen it with two planets that are so equal in size. The gravity would pull everything between them in, and the destruction would be immense." She stared in disbelief. "Why doesn't it affect the tides or pull off chunks of land? Something like this would usually cause devastating tidal waves and floating islands."
"If the mineral content of the sea was the same as on Earth, it would. I'm not a physicist, so forgive my crude way of trying to explain. The magnetic structure of the Cuprum Sea is responsible for keeping the ocean in stasis. The atmosphere holds the moon's radiation and distributes it over the planet and, in return, the high diamond content of the planet not only makes it difficult to break apart, but also reflects the radiated rays from the suns to re-energize the moon; as though it were a giant battery. All negative effects are neutralized. It's the perfect symbiotic relationship."
"But how…"
"No one knows. It defies every known law of physics," he admitted.
"This is impossible."
"Appropriately said, considering you're sitting on the lap of an enormous alien life form who pleasures you with independent sexual organs. Let's not forget that you were also healed from terminal cancer with a simple water enema." He chuckled. "Nothing is impossible; just improbable. See that cluster over there?" He pointed to a tiny swirl of stars. "That's the Milky Way galaxy."
"It's so tiny."
"We don't realize how small and fragile we are until we can see ourselves from a distance. Would you like to fly this beast for a bit? There's nothing out here that you can run into."
"Really? Yes!" Tabby said excitedly. "But how do I reach the instruments?"
"Father had an adjustment made for you. It's a functioning operation panel used for flight simulation games. I'll stay on the primary con, but otherwise she's all yours."
Tabby squealed in happy delight, quickly scrambling to the co-pilot's seat, upon which Seth had placed a 'booster chair' to allow her to see outside. In no time, she was zipping the vessel around the open darkness and enjoying the feel of power under her hands. After a rotation, Seth announced it time to return home and see the underworld of his planet.
The startling contrast of the dark side of the planet took her aback. Sharp, pointed mountains of dark violet, glowing rock reached the indigo skies in jagged lines that resembled the teeth of a monstrous animal, and the only brightness came from the twinkling artificial lights in the valleys below.
"What is this place?" she asked.
"Hitopia. The Helminthe live in those mountains," Seth answered, steering the ship towards a circle of lights. "The mountains are made from carbonado diamond. That glow is a natural photoluminescence, caused by the absorption of the electromagnetic radiation generated by Ceres. You'll see sparks flying from them as the photons are re-radiated. It's an infinite energy source that we've been able to tap into and use to power the entire planet."
"Does it ever get light?"
"Just the outside of the mountain range. Ceres's orbit permanently blocks the suns from the valley."
"How does anything grow here?" she wondered aloud.
"Very little does. The Helminthe were given a choice after we regained control of our planet. They could be returned to this land whence they originated, or be placed on a different world, far beyond the reaches of any humanoid civilization. They chose to stay here, and are monitored constantly for any adverse activities. We have built plant houses, and provide them with synthesized meat and any other things they require to live comfortably. The only items they are denied are transportation and weaponry," Seth told her.
"Are they all like your mother?"
"I am ashamed to admit it, but my mother is probably the most gentle and patient of her entire race. This arrangement protects both species. They maintain the power unit, and we provide them with all necessities."
"What if they go on strike? Won't that hurt you?"
"It would temporarily injure us; however, we have taken precautions in the event of that occurring. The Helminthe cannot stand the rays of the orange sun, and if they try to cause us harm again, we have reflectors that will light up this valley and put an end to them. Their skin is like parchment and will alight with a single spark."
"You sound sad," Tabby said, her mind forming an idea to protect herself from H'annaot.
"Life is life, no matter what shape it takes. They nearly exterminated the Lotopian race because they found us to be an easier food source than one they had to work for. None of my people wish to take a life, but if that is required to protect us from being wiped out, we will do what we must."
"We all have to, don't we?" She touched his arm. "Is it safe here for us?"
He lowered the craft into a crater. "Helminthe are not permitted to be on this side of the territory. There are DNA detectors that flip on a warning shot if one ventures past the warning posts. If they go farther, well, let's just say they made their choice."
"What if it's a hybrid?"
"The only known hybrids that are still alive are over three hundred seasons old, and it's unlikely they could do much harm if they tried to come through. Nevertheless, even a hybrid is subject to execution if he or she chooses to ignore the postings," he said.
"But you're a hybrid!"
"Yes, and my DNA is filtered. I'm safe. Don't worry."
He held her hand and led her into a dark, glowing tunnel to a large platform; bristling at the comments made by several men as they passed.
"Daddy? I can tell you're angry but I can't smell you. I'm confused. Did they say something?" Tabby asked quietly, clinging to him as the platform lowered them deep into the ground.
"The environment here neutralizes the pheromones. As for anger, I don't like hearing other men comment about how pretty you are, or saying that they would like to try you out," he responded tersely.
"They didn't say that!"
"If you were a Lotopian female, it would be considered the greatest compliment, and praise to both of us. But you are not."
"You aren't angry. You're jealous. How come?" she asked.
"I'm not jealous. I have—"
"Nothing to be jealous about. I've heard that before. What gives?"
"We aren't talking about that now. We are sight-seeing. Close your eyes, and no peeking," he ordered firmly, ending the discussion.
The sound of their footsteps echoing off hollow-sounding walls mingled with loud, erratic plops of dripping water. The distant sounds of a rumbling brook grew louder and he pulled her to a stop. "Open your eyes," he said.
Tabby gasped. The cave was pitch black, except for thousands of tiny blue lights scattered all over the ceiling and walls. "They're moving," she forced out in a whisper.
"These are the larvae of the insects that the Bombats feed on. They consume weathered carbonado, which keeps th
e diamonds smooth and reflective. They are also a favorite treat of the Helminthe, so we started this sanctuary to protect and increase the population in case the predators get greedy."
"Are they singing?"
"When new eggs are being laid, the adults rub their back legs together, much like an Earth cricket. Let me know when your eyes have adjusted to the light," he said.
"I'm good. Is there more?"
"Much, much more, baby. Let Daddy show you the life-blood of the planet of Lotopia."
The cave opened up to a cathedral ceiling, from which long, glowing stalagmites and stalactites stretched to greet one another amidst the smooth, rounded flowstone. In the center stood a large column that was wide enough to dock three of the king's cruisers, and it pulsed with rhythmic dark pinkish blue light. Several men stood around it, holding small tablets.
"Is that a diamond, too?" Tabitha asked in wonder.
"The inclusions make it fluoresce pink, and boron particles give off that blue hue."
"It's a natural semi-conductor!"
"This is the place in which the electromagnetism of the underground river of water meets the ionic radiating waves in the air. We should see a proton exchange in a few moments. Those men are core monitors and can detect any type of environment imbalance, much like the examiner was able to detect that cancer in your leg. Sit for a moment and watch." He sat back on a smooth rock and held her against his body.
Tabby dug her fingers into his broad thigh when the first trembling vibration tingled through her. It was as though a giant electric current surged within every cell, right before it exploded into a magnificent firework display that splashed against the walls and bounced around the ceiling. Then it slowed, filling her with a sensual ache that would not resolve.
"Well, baby? What do you think?" he asked as she leaned, panting, against him.
"I'm sorry, but there is no 'baby' anything in me. That felt like a giant vibrator just plowed me. Right now, I could either use a good round of sex, or for your attractants to cool me off."
"Fascinating. Well, I think I can help."
"You are not going to fuck me in front of these workers, Seth. I'm not an exhibitionist."
"Of course not. I have another place in mind." He said something to the core monitors, who bowed and swiftly departed. Then he walked her down along a narrow path and through a high walled tunnel, towards the sound of roaring water. "This is called The Tears," he said, indicating it with his arm.
Tabitha sank to the ground, her legs refusing to support her weight as she stared at the immense waterfall. Or it may have been more appropriate to call it a water-up. From the ground rose long, flat columns of thundering teal water that snaked upwards and crashed through a large vent in the cave's ceiling. The spray burst into tiny sparks and then fizzled away like a Fourth of July sparkler.
"How is this possible?" she breathed.
"This is the point at which the gravity of both the moon and the planet are equal. The water is pulled into the atmosphere to the neutral space, where it either returns to the ground or flows up to the sky. Behind The Tears is a cave called the King's Chamber. There you can see what happens to a spout when a direct vent is not available. Take my hand. The floor is not grated well here, and I don't wish you to slip." He held out his hand for her and, after kissing her knuckles, led her along the path that encircled the falls.
They entered a dark, narrow tunnel that glistened from floor to ceiling with blue ambient light, then stepped into a small cave with a high, domed ceiling. The black diamond boulders pulsated, occasionally tossing out a burst of dark fuchsia or pacific blue light onto the walls, where it bounced back and forth until disappearing into a hidden crevice.
"What is this place?"
"That structure covers a spout." He pointed to a large object in the center of the room. The King's Chamber is only available to those who are able to move the protective cover. So far, it is just Father and I."
"A Lotopian version of King Arthur, huh?" She giggled.
"Who is King Arthur? Should I know of him?"
"Never mind. Why is it so special?"
"It's not," he said and chuckled. "But the people wanted to give Father a gift for saving them. First, we must rid ourselves of anything that will hinder our enjoyment…"
Seth made quick work of removing his clothes. His body stood powerful, strong and majestic before her, leaving Tabby feeling suddenly very vulnerable and tiny. His hand brushed the edge of her breast as he slowly peeled the blue kata from her body, taking the time to press a kiss upon her lips… her tummy… the soft flesh of her womanhood.
After setting down the clothing in the tunnel, he lifted her up to sit upon a long, smooth shelf that curved to the inside like a long bowl. She watched Seth put his shoulder to the heavy structure, take a deep breath, and lunge with all his strength. He grunted, the strain evident on his handsome features as he pushed, until the structure slid to the side and exposed a narrow crack in the diamond floor.
"What now?" Tabby asked as he joined her once more.
"Wait. Removing the unit opens the seal."
She could hear rumbling from the center of the room and gazed, dumbstruck, as the shimmering water began to spurt up through the narrow crack. Like threads of ribbon being pulled up into a vacuum, the streams of water made their way up to the ceiling and then began to slowly spread across it. In no time, a foot of water had accumulated above them, dancing and swirling within itself as it sought a passage through which it could continue its journey into the sky.
"Is it going to fill the chamber?" Tabby asked, standing carefully on the rock and slowly reaching towards the floating water.
"No, there are vents in the walls. Be careful. If you touch it, it will—too late."
A large drop of water the size of a baseball floated down from where Tabby had stuck her finger. It hovered, quivering like a bowl of raspberry jello, then fell in a heavy splash at her feet.
"Did you see that?" she squealed, touching the water again and clapping happily as the huge droplets fell like water balloons around her.
"I did." Seth smiled patiently. "Sit right here while I show you something else." He stood in the center of the divot, ducked his head and pushed his hand through the layer of floating water. It surrounded his body and pooled at his feet, the new layer still moving as though each drop had a mind of its own.
"Come stand next to me and wrap your arms around me," he urged her.
Once she'd done so, he reached up again and the water at his feet joined the drops in the air. They were soon surrounded by a moving, swaying wall of glimmering drops that remained just millimeters from their faces. Their breathing gently pushed away the fluid from their features, then it flowed down the entire lengths of their bodies.
Tabitha was captivated. "How…"
"I wish I could answer that, but the water won't go near our air. Wait and see what else it does." Seth slowly dropped his hand, locking them in the wave of undulating, dancing liquid. Like the oceans of Cuprum, the droplets seemed to have a life of their own, kissing, tickling and tantalizing her flesh.
"It will stay like this until one of us leaves this platform," he murmured, kneeling before her and taking her face in his hands. "There are no attractants, but you should feel the power of The Tears now."
"I can't think," she whispered, gasping as his mouth surrounded her nipple. "It's draining me of thought."
"No, it's stimulating your instincts and your senses." He suckled her other nipple and moved his mouth to the soft swell of her stomach. "It forces you to give in to your desire… and your primal need."
His teeth again sank into her soft inner thigh, close enough to her pussy that his hair was tickling her moist slit. She growled, clutching his head in her fists and pressing his mouth towards her swelling nub. The gentle alien locked his eyes on hers, drifted the short distance up to her pouting sex, and pressed a long, hot kiss upon the center of her need.
The chilly cascade down her
chest brought her nipples into pointed erection and prickled her skin with teasing caresses that felt like tiny kisses battering against her. Every nerve tingled as the water swirled around her with unexpected dexterity. She groaned. Would this incredible being ever run out of ways to torment her with pleasure?
Seth moved up, wrapped his huge arms around her and claimed her mouth with his, humming as she bit his lower lip before drawing it in to her mouth and sucking. His immense cock rose between them, tickling the undersides of her breasts and emitting so much heat that she gasped at the unexpected contrast. The churning water slipped along the insides of her thighs, around the curves of her nipples, and between the folds of her sex… rubbing… coaxing… caressing. It grew bolder, probing her ass and tickling her tight rosebud, every drop acting of its own accord to awaken her desires. Her eyes rolled back and she struggled to breathe; her need for release so great that tears began to drip from her eyes. Suddenly, a jet of water struck her clit with a tiny surge.
"Oh, my God!" she yelped, as ecstasy forced itself upon her and she launched into the glory of a mind-splitting orgasm.
"The Tears are attracted to our need," Seth whispered as she shook in his arms, his thudding heartbeat matching hers before he plundered her mouth with a forceful kiss.
The column of shimmering teal undulated again until it spun like a bubbling tornado that twisted lithely around their bodies like a sumptuous snake. It licked at her every contour, every crevice; each molecule joining to make tiny threads of independent tendrils that sought to touch her most sensitive regions and transform her body into a tumult of sensation. The current against her loins intensified and split; with one tendril surging between her fleshy cheeks and lingering against her asshole, while the other ebbed and flowed along her slit.
Her flesh experienced an unrelenting cacophony of tactile euphoria as she felt Seth's cock seek out and claim her quivering body. It slid like hot, melted steel inside her, taking her instantly to a threshold of delirium. Tabby braced herself, wanting more, needing all, and no longer caring if she maintained control. She felt his fingers interlace with hers as the swelling of his cock grew more pronounced.