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The Rings of Haven

Page 6

by Ryk Brown

  “You know, Nathan, you are probably the first person from Earth to set foot on another world in over a millennia,” Vladimir told him as he dropped to the tarmac next to him.

  “Guess I should’ve said something profound, huh?”

  “What the hell is that smell?” Jessica asked as she stepped off the ramp.

  “Not exactly profound,” Nathan mumbled, “but accurate.” Vladimir chuckled as he bounced up and down, bounding a few steps away from the ship as he too experimented with the reduced gravity.

  “This area is covered with an edible fungus,” Tobin explained. “It is everywhere there is dirt, and it can be rather pungent. It is, however, very flavorful and nutritious. It has in fact made civilization possible on this moon, as it grows with almost no effort and is quite a profitable commodity. Although it is not as appreciated on other worlds as much as those that grow it would’ve hoped.”

  “What time of day is it here?” Nathan asked Tobin.

  “It is midday.”

  “Really? It looks more like sunset.”

  “We are late in our light cycle.”

  “Light cycle?”

  “While Haven is passing between the star and the planet, there are fifty-two days of normal day and night. When we pass behind the planet, there is only darkness for the following fifty-two days.”

  “No sun for fifty-two days?” Jessica asked rhetorically. “How depressing.”

  “One becomes accustomed to it over time,” Tobin commented nonchalantly.

  “Explains the abundance of fungus,” Jessica mumbled.

  “So what happens next?” Nathan asked.

  “We must go to one of the labor halls. There we can hire a crew to do the harvesting for you. The sooner this is begun, the sooner you will have funds with which to purchase the goods you require.”

  “Lead the way,” Nathan invited.

  “Transportation should arrive momentarily. So, Ensign,” Tobin said, looking at Jessica, “if you could refrain from shooting them, it would be appreciated. It is a long walk to the main terminal area.”

  “I’ll try to control myself,” she promised.

  “I must caution you all,” Tobin continued as he raised the hood on his cloak to cover his head, “to use discretion while on Haven. Keep covered up as much as possible when outside to protect yourself from the elements. Although the sun does not appear strong, it does deposit considerable radiation on our little world. The fibers of these cloaks are designed to reflect much of this radiation. And do not attract attention to yourselves. Most of the people here are not residents of this world. Therefore, they are as apprehensive as you are about their own security. It would serve you well to remember this.”

  “Are you suggesting that we don’t defend ourselves?” Jessica challenged. She knew that he was not, she just wanted him to understand that she wasn’t about to let anything happen to them.

  “Of course not, Ensign. Just think twice before pulling your weapon,” he suggested as he turned to lead them away.

  “Thinking twice is usually a good way to get yourself killed,” Enrique commented to Jessica under his breath.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I was thinking,” she agreed. “Listen, you and Weatherly take the rear. You try to soak up as much intel as you can while you watch our six.”

  “Got it,” Enrique acknowledged.

  “Sarge, you keep your eyes on Danik.”

  “What’re you going to be doing?” Enrique asked.

  “I’ll be watching Tobin,” she told them, as their transportation arrived. “I don’t trust that skinny little shit.”

  * * *

  The ride through the spaceport had been brief, having moved along at a good speed. But traveling the short distance from the spaceport to the labor hall had been anything but. The spaceport was the center of all commerce and activity on the small world. During the ride, Tobin had informed them that most of Haven was still undeveloped. The moon had only been colonized a few decades ago to provide support for increased harvesting of the rings. It was because of this that Haven City—the only city on this world—had spread out in all directions from its sole spaceport.

  After exiting the main gate, they had only needed to travel less than a kilometer down one of the many roads leading away from the spaceport. From what they had seen, each of these main roads was lined with shops and offices of various interests. There were also all manner of street vendors peddling their modest wares. Nathan guessed that they could probably purchase everything they needed by spending a few days shopping these congested lanes.

  After spending considerable time working their way slowly down the boulevard, they arrived at a large, tan building. It was dirty and its exterior was in considerable disrepair. There were many men and a few women lingering about outside. A large sign over the massive double doors identified the purpose of the building in a language that Nathan could not decipher. By the looks of the men milling about, however, he was pretty sure they had arrived at the labor hall.

  “It would not be wise for all of us to enter the hall,” Tobin instructed as they dismounted the vehicle. “Perhaps only a few?”

  “Jessica?” Nathan asked, seeking her read on the situation.

  “The four of us go in,” she suggested, gesturing at Tobin, Jalea, Nathan, and herself. “The others can look around out here.”

  “Perhaps four is too many?” Tobin urged. “I was thinking perhaps just you and I—”

  “Where the captain goes, I go,” Jessica interrupted. The determined look in her eyes told Tobin that it would be pointless to argue.

  “I see. Then perhaps the three of us—”

  “Jalea is my interpreter,” Nathan insisted.

  Tobin sighed in acquiescence. “Very well, the four of us it is.” He bowed his head slightly and extended his arm toward the main door, inviting them to enter.

  “Sounds good,” Nathan agreed. He was definitely out of his comfort zone, and felt better having Jessica—who had proven herself in combat on more than one occasion—deciding how to best keep them safe in this unfamiliar land. He turned to Tobin again. “How long do you think we’ll be in here?”

  “It depends on how many bidders are still looking for work today,” he explained. “This late in the day, however, I expect our choices to be few.”

  “Don’t you love how he answers a question without actually answering it?” Jessica muttered to Nathan under her breath, raising a slight smile on his face. It was something he had already noticed about the man during their first meeting.

  “Okay,” Jessica spoke up, turning to face Enrique and the others. “We’re going inside this big ugly building here. Should be a hoot. You four take a look around out here. But stay close, and keep your ears on. I have no idea how long we’ll be, or how quickly we’ll be looking to move out when we’re done. So stay flexed and ready.”

  “You got it, Jess,” Enrique answered. Vladimir and Danik had already headed away toward the nearest shop that appeared to deal in some type of technology. Enrique turned to follow, gesturing for Sergeant Weatherly to join him.

  “Lead the way,” Nathan told Tobin.

  Tobin turned and headed up the steps to the building, with Jalea, Nathan, and Jessica following. He entered the hall, removing his hood on the way in, and bowed to the gruff-looking man behind the front counter. After a brief exchange with the clerk, Tobin gestured for them to follow him deeper into the hall. “I informed the clerk that we were looking to hire a harvesting crew. He informed me that there are a few crews still available, so the bidding should be quick.”

  They followed Tobin into the main hall. The room was large and open, with high-beamed ceilings. There were large heavy wooden tables and benches lined up throughout the room. It looked as if it could accommodate hundreds of workers when filled to capacity. At the moment, there were only a half-dozen teams remaining, each represented by at least two leaders.

  The clerk delivered a small electronic tablet to a man sitting
behind a large desk on a raised platform at one corner of the room. Nathan assumed it was a data device similar to the ones they used on the Aurora. He watched as the man read the small pad, preparing to perform his part of the hiring ritual. About the room, the various team leaders noticed their entrance, as well as the arrival of the clerk. Nathan realized these events had alerted them to the presence of a new employment opportunity, and each of them appeared to be preparing themselves to bid.

  The large man behind the desk gestured for Tobin to approach, exchanging words with him. A moment later, the man spoke through the loudspeaker. “The Volonese cargo ship Volander wishes to hire a harvesting crew,” the man announced. “Expected quota is three hundred kilotons. Completion time is two days. Payment desired is ten percent minus fees and expenses.” The man paused, giving the team leaders a chance to crunch their numbers and prepare their bids. After a minute, he continued. “The bidding is open.”

  “Twenty-five! Plus fees and expenses!” the first team leader called out. Tobin’s face crinkled, his brow furrowed in disgust at the first offer.

  “Twenty-two, plus!” the second team countered. Tobin’s expression failed to change.

  “Twenty, plus!” the third team chimed in turn. Nathan was struck at the order in which they were bidding, wondering how it had been decided.

  “Eighteen, plus!” the fourth team announced. Still Tobin’s expression remained unchanged. There was a moment of silence as everyone waited for the fifth and final team to announce their bid. But the fifth team leader simply waived his hand, indicating a pass on his turn to bid. He appeared either uninterested or unwilling to commit to a bid so early in the process.

  “Sixteen, plus!” the first team re-bid.

  “Fifteen, plus!”

  “Thirteen, plus!”

  Again, the bidding got to the fifth team, and again they waived their turn. The turn then went to back to the first team, who paused, and then indicated that they were no longer interested in the job, the bid having gone below what they were prepared to work for. In a show of solidarity, the other teams also indicated they were done bidding. Tobin shook his head and returned to the side of the room to rejoin Nathan and the others.

  “What happened?” Nathan asked, confused. “I thought we needed to hire a crew?”

  “Patience, Captain,” Tobin smiled as he strolled past them and headed towards the exit. “The negotiations have not yet concluded.”

  Nathan turned to follow Tobin, still unsure of what was going on. He looked at Jalea, who remained stone-faced as usual as she walked away.

  Moments later, they found themselves outside the labor hall, walking down the steps.

  “What the hell was all that for?” Nathan inquired, hoping for more of an explanation now that they were outside and away from the locals.

  “It is all part of the ritual, Captain. Each of us must play our role in the ceremony,” Tobin assured him.

  “So, you’re saying that—”

  “You don’t look Volonese,” a voice called from behind him.

  Nathan turned to see a small man, barely twenty years of age. His hair was shaggy, with most of it tied back in a pony tail. He wore the customary cloak and was preparing to pull the hood up over his head to protect himself against the Haven sun’s unusual radiation.

  Nathan recognized the man as having been in the hall earlier, sitting near the leader of the fifth team. “We don’t?” Nathan responded. Tobin flashed Nathan a stern look as a caution against conversing.

  “You’re too clean,” the man continued as he came out of the shadow cast by the building. “Volonese almost never shave. And their women are usually fat and ugly,” he added, eyeing Jessica as he spoke.

  “We’re going for a new look,” Nathan joked, ignoring Tobin’s warning.

  “Is there something we can do for you?” Tobin interjected, hoping to take over the exchange to prevent Nathan from saying something unwise.

  “We’ll take the job,” the man announced.

  “At eight percent? Minus fees and expenses?”

  “I believe your price was ten?”

  “Ah, but you seek to circumvent payment to the labor hall, do you not?” Tobin countered.

  “As do you,” the little man pointed out. “And I am the only one out here offering to take the job, sans the labor hall’s fee.” It was obvious that the young man was not new at this type of wheeling and dealing. Nathan found the process intriguing.

  “My mistake. Ten it was,” Tobin conceded. “And you can meet the terms of delivery? It is a rather fast job, considering the quota.”

  “It will not be a problem. We’ve got the best harvester pilot on all of Haven,” the man boasted.

  “Forgive me, I do not intend offense. But you seem a bit young for this job.”

  “Possibly, but maybe that’s why we’re willing to take the job for the measly rate you’re offering,” the man smiled. He obviously didn’t care if he was being offensive, which made Nathan want to hire him all the more.

  Tobin bowed his head in deference, refusing to take offense at the man’s rebut. “Perhaps. Then it is agreed. I assume your crew is ready to begin work immediately?”

  “No choice, not if we wanna complete the job in two days.”

  “Then have one of your representatives join me at berth four-thirteen for the ride up,” Tobin explained.

  “You people aren’t going?” the young man asked, as he circled slowly around them, paying particular attention to Jessica as he passed.

  “They have other business to conduct before returning to their ship.”

  “Uh huh.” The man smiled as he passed Jessica. “Shame. You definitely ain’t from Volon,” he grinned.

  Nathan smiled. He definitely liked this guy.

  “Find anything interesting?” Nathan asked his friend as they returned to Tobin’s vehicle.

  “Interesting, yes. But not useful,” Vladimir said. “But the day is still young, and Danik tells me there is very large open market where they sell used components for small spacecraft. It is on the other side of the spaceport.”

  “Captain,” Tobin called. He had finished making plans with the young man representing the harvesting team and had rejoined them. “I must return to my ship and escort the harvesting crew and their ships back to yours.”

  “Their ships?” Nathan inquired, a bit surprised by the inference of multiple spacecraft.

  “These teams usually have at least two or three small ships. One harvester that collects material from the rings and delivers it back to your ship, and one or two cargo shuttles to haul equipment and workers, as well as to ferry some of the harvested material back to Haven for resale in order to collect your payment and theirs. I have instructed them to use at least two ships for hauling back to Haven, as I expect you will require significant resources with which to purchase the supplies you desire.”

  “Sir,” Jessica interrupted. “I’d recommend we send Ensign Mendez and Sergeant Weatherly back to the ship with them. I’d feel better if Enrique kept an eye on the harvesting operations in my absence.”

  “Very well,” Nathan agreed. “Tobin, can you take two of my people back with you?”

  “Of course, Captain. I should return to Haven within a few hours at the most. Meanwhile, might I suggest that you spend some time in our street markets. Perhaps try some of our local cuisine. You may find something you wish to purchase for use on your vessel. I’m sure Jalea will serve as an adequate guide in my absence, as this is not her first time on Haven.”

  “You don’t mind?” Nathan asked Jalea, not wanting to assume her assistance would be so forthcoming.

  “It would be my pleasure, Captain.” Jalea smiled, placing her hand on his forearm to lead him toward the street market.

  Vladimir watched as they strolled past him, a smirk on his face. He looked over at Jessica, who bore a suspicious look that somehow made Vladimir’s smirk magically disappear. Sensing the tension, Vladimir decided to follow Nathan and J
alea, along with Danik.

  “You two head back to the ship with Tobin,” Jessica ordered Enrique and Sergeant Weatherly. “I need you to handle security on board while I’m down here. Who knows how many of these workers you’re gonna have running around the flight deck. So keep your eyes open, and recruit anyone you need from the crew to help you. Do not let them beyond the flight deck, understood?”

  “No problem, Jess,” Enrique answered. “Come on, Sarge, let’s mount up,” he told him as he climbed into the vehicle.

  - 3 -

  Nathan and Jalea strolled casually down the crowded promenade, with Jessica, Vladimir, and Danik close behind. The wide lane was paved with something similar to concrete, the exact composition of which seemed a bit rockier than what was widely used on Earth. There were vendor booths lining the streets, with small shops of varying types directly behind them. Some of the booths were independent of the shops, while others were merely extensions of the businesses behind them.

  The crowd was thick with all manner of people, some buyers and some sellers. There were women shopping for their families, with men standing by their sides. There were crews from various ships, all looking to buy needed goods and services. They all had the same, impoverished look about them, as if they had always been forced to make do with not enough.

  Nathan had grown up in a family of means. They had been one of both wealth and power for as many generations as they could trace. His father’s father had been a prominent politician, as had his father before him. Nathan knew that it had been a point of contention between himself and his father. Like all good sons had done since the time of the great bio-digital plague, Nathan’s father had expected him to follow in his footsteps and serve in elected office. But the changes that the Data Ark had sparked back on Earth had made the concept of the family line-of-succession obsolete in most circles. Structured education had once again replaced long apprenticeships in all the industrialized nations on Earth. Nathan, having grown up in such an environment, had therefore felt little compulsion to continue the family trade. In fact, he had grown to despise everything about it.


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