Angus: A Highland Warrior Brief

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Angus: A Highland Warrior Brief Page 5

by Anita Clenney

  He smiled. "Kill a couple of demons for me."

  "And you solve a couple of mysteries for me."


  After Angus arrived in Albany, New York, he went straight to the graveyard where Faelan's time vault lay hidden inside a crypt. According to the notes Angus found, Faelan's brother Tavis had bought the crypt from Frederick Belville, who owned the place then. It had stayed in the family all these years. Ian and Tavis had made sure it would.

  The current owner was Bree Kirkland, who had just inherited the place from her grandmother. He hadn't spotted her yet. He wanted to find the key before he introduced himself to see how much she knew about what lay hidden in her backyard, but his search met an alarming snag. There was an archaeological dig not far from the graveyard. It hadn't been there when he and Anna searched for the key before.

  A lost key to a hidden time vault, and now someone was digging up the ground nearby. His bullshit meter was in the red. Problem was he didn't know who was behind it. The new owner? Surely not the clan. They would have told him. Unless it was someone working independently. Another thing Angus had discovered in Ian's notes was that Ian had formed a secret society of his own, a continuation of the one that Nigel Ellwood started. Ian hadn't trusted the Council either, so he had a few select warriors keep watch over the place. Angus wasn't sure if any of the secret group still existed. He hadn't had time to find out.

  He had been watching the dig from the edge of the woods, trying to figure out who was responsible and what exactly they were looking for when he heard someone behind him. Angus turned and saw a man approaching. Damn. Angus put on a pleasant smile. "Hey. I was just observing. Hope you don't mind."

  "About time Jared got more help," the guy said. "We're having a devil of a time finding this settlement." He must have seen Angus's look of confusion. "You're here to work, aren't you?"

  "Actually no. I just heard about the place and thought I'd check it out."

  "You're an archaeologist?"

  "Amateur. I've poked around a bit. So you're looking for a settlement?"

  "Iroquois. Jared thinks it's here. Or somewhere close by."

  "Found anything?"

  "Not much. He's talking about expanding the dig. Gotta get permission from his friend, the chick next door."

  So Bree Kirkland's friend was doing the digging. Interesting.

  "There he is if you want to meet him. I'm Erik, by the way."

  Erik introduced him to a dark blond handsome man. Not particularly friendly, though he had a dimple. Angus always expected people with dimples to be happy.

  "I'm Jared. And you are?"

  "George. George Harding." Coming up with an alias on the fly wasn't hard when you spent as much time undercover as he did. "I heard about this site and wanted to see what you'd found."

  "Not a lot so far, but I believe the settlement is here."

  "You looking for help? Volunteer, of course. I'm staying in the area for a bit and have some time on my hands." This would be a perfect excuse for him to snoop. Finding the key could take a while, even with the clues Ian had left.

  Jared's gaze was suspicious. "You're interested in archaeology?"

  "Yes. I've worked a few digs."

  "I have to leave for a day or two, but we can use an extra hand when I get back. We're almost done for the day."

  "Mind if I hang out and get a feel for everything?"

  "Help yourself." Jared's eyes were narrowed.

  Angus knew the archaeologist didn't trust him. He would have to find the key while the crew was away. Playing the avid amateur, Angus stayed near the dig, watching, waiting for dark. He kept a close eye on Jared and the workmen. Particularly Jared. There was something about him that didn't sit right with Angus, and there was an undercurrent of tension and desperation in the air that made him almost certain there was more going on here than a search for a Native American settlement. Was Jared one of the warriors who kept watch over the place? If Ian's secret group was still in existence, it would make sense that they were conducting their own private search for the key since Faelan's time vault was ready to be opened.

  After a bit, Jared walked into the work trailer to make a phone call. Angus eased closer to an open window and listened. Warriors had a stronger sense of hearing than ordinary humans, but Jared was speaking quietly. All Angus heard was something about a gathering. Of archaeologists? Ian's secret warriors?

  Jared left after that, and Angus followed him to a nice hotel near Albany. Jared got out and went inside. Angus put on a ball cap, pulled it low, and followed. The harried reservations clerk told him they were booked solid with guests attending a new order world conference. All the hotels in town were filled. Angus took a seat in a quiet corner of the lobby and waited for Jared to show.

  There were lots of foreigners here. Angus heard many languages. Russian, German—which made him miss Anna like hell—Italian, Spanish. Two men passed Angus quietly speaking in Russian. Something about them bothered him, so he followed. Just before they got on the elevator, one of them mentioned Druan. Angus cursed under his breath. So much for a meeting of archaeologists. This gathering was connected to Druan. Angus hoped the men were Ian's secret warriors. A possibility, since they would certainly be familiar with Druan, but considering the Watchers' warnings, he wasn't convinced. The ancient demon hadn't been seen in Angus's lifetime. He would have had plenty of time to create another virus.

  Angus got on the elevator with the men. They stopped speaking, and after a quick but thorough inspection, they stared straight ahead. Angus kept his face down and waited for them to exit. They got off on the sixth floor. He couldn't follow them further or they'd become suspicious. He would have to come back. He rode the elevator up and checked out several floors, sniffing the air for a hellish scent. He didn't detect anything out of order, but after hearing Druan's name, he had a gut feeling that something bad was coming down.

  Angus hung out at the hotel pretending to be a guest as he watched the lobby, the restaurant, and the vending areas. If he ran into Jared, he would say he had a room here. The cover wouldn't last long, but it might buy him a few hours. He didn't see Jared again or learn anything more, so after grabbing some food, he headed back toward the dig.

  A storm was brewing when he arrived. There wouldn't be much time, but every second counted. After hearing Druan's name, he was certain the dig was just a cover to find the key. He parked close to the site and got out of his rental car. As he walked through the woods he heard a man and a woman talking. Jared and Bree perhaps? Erik said they were friends. By the time Angus got to the house, no one was in sight, but the lights were on. He couldn't search while she was home, and it was starting to rain. He was homeless at the moment. Getting wet would be miserable. He'd have to wait until the storm passed and she was gone or asleep.

  He was still looking at the window when a pale face appeared. A woman with dark hair. This must be Bree Kirkland. He slipped into the shadows to wait out the storm in his car. He woke in the early hours of the morning, stiff and irritable. He checked her house and saw that her car was there. Might as well find a place to stay while he waited for her to leave. This trip might take longer than he'd hoped.

  He found the road that led to the campground, but it was surrounded with police cars. Angus drove past, and then stopped at a little store further down the road where he heard that two campers had found a mutilated body in the woods. Had Druan found the key, opened Faelan's time vault and killed him?

  He had to get to the graveyard and check the time vault. He drove back and parked his car a ways down the road from the dig. He moved quietly through the woods until he saw the policemen. A crime scene had been secured, which Angus estimated must be partway between Bree's house and the campground. One bloke was puking his guts out next to an oak tree.

  He stayed out of sight so he didn't draw their attention. A stranger sneaking through the woods, sleeping in his car would be a prime suspect. Might as well lock him up now. He wasn't able to
get close to the body. It was already in a bag and being carried out. He waited until the last policeman left, and he went back to the graveyard. There were no lights in the house. Bree Kirkland must be gone.

  Angus hurried toward the crypt, but stopped when he heard someone coming. He hid behind the tomb as Jared walked into the yard from the direction of the dig. The archaeologist was supposed to be gone. Had he come to warn Bree about the body? If they were friends, he must be worried. Jared didn't go to the house but walked behind the chapel and started speaking to someone. Angus tried to see who he was talking to, but Jared was blocking his view. The archaeologist's shoulders were stiff and his hands tense. Jared stepped back, allowing Angus a glimpse of the other man's face.

  Except he wasn't a man. He was a demon.


  Angus couldn't tell if the demon was Druan. The view had been too brief. He edged closer until he could hear the voices.

  "How are we going to find the key with cops swarming the place?" one of them asked loudly.

  Angus couldn't tell whether it was Jared or the demon that spoke, but he was relieved. If they hadn't found the key, then they hadn't found Faelan yet. The body in the woods wasn't his. But that meant they were looking for the key. It had to be Druan behind the search. But why bother if Faelan was dead? Unless the demon wanted to destroy Faelan's talisman. If he had learned the time vault's secrets, that it could be opened now, it would follow that he also knew Faelan's talisman was the only thing that could destroy him.

  The demon said something too low for Angus to understand and then vanished into the woods. Jared walked back toward the dig. Angus stayed hidden, hoping he didn't find his car. Obviously, Jared must be working for Druan. This also meant the new world order conference wasn't made up of Ian's secret warriors, but Druan's demons or minions. What was the demon planning? What about Bree? Was she involved? Her ancestors had sworn that their family would watch over Faelan's crypt. But she was Jared's friend. Had he turned her?

  Angus waited until he heard Jared's car leave, and when he was certain he was alone, he hurried to the dig, stole a shovel, and then ran back to the crypt. He pulled out Ian's paper and studied the notes. An owl flew overhead interrupting his thoughts. It landed in a nearby tree and perched there watching him. Its eyes were green as emeralds. Looking at the owl gave him a chill, probably because it reminded him of Walter the Watcher's ramblings about the mysterious woman from his dream. Could she be a demon? As far as Angus knew, demons didn't shift into animals, but he didn't like being watched.

  The owl seemed determined to stay, even after Angus tried shooing it away. He didn't know how much time he had before Bree Kirkland came home or someone else showed up, so he ignored the animal and followed the clues to the unmarked grave. He didn't like digging it up, but it was a brilliant hiding place for the key. He dug quickly while the owl looked on. When the grave was uncovered, he found a wooden coffin. It was the right time period. The next part wasn't pleasant, but he would have been lying if he said it wasn't exciting.

  The key was buried with the corpse. He handled the bones as respectfully as he could, and then started to fill in the grave, but the excitement was too much. He had to see the time vault first. He said a few quiet words over the man, an apology for disturbing his resting place, then hurried to the crypt. The door opened and he stepped inside. The burial vault waited near the back. Angus couldn't take his eyes off it. His whole life he'd searched for mysteries and here was the biggest one of all, lying in front of him. He removed the metal disk from his pocket, took a deep breath and put the key in the lock. It didn't fit. He frowned. Was he wrong about the key? He'd followed the clues. He tried it again, turning the key upside down, but it still didn't work. This key didn't fit the time vault.

  What the hell? Disappointment settled over him like a wet fog. Why had he even come without Anna? He should have waited for her. After brooding a bit, he realized the time vault must be a decoy. Ian hadn't wanted anyone to know where Faelan was buried. He'd even killed the Seeker who found him in an attempt to protect Faelan's location. It would make sense that Ian would have a decoy. Either he'd moved Faelan's time vault and replaced it with another one, or the stories were wrong about where Faelan was buried.

  He walked outside to finish covering the grave and heard a car approaching. He'd have to fill it in later. Grabbing his shovel, he climbed the graveyard fence and circled around through the woods to his car. He'd look for the real time vault tonight after Bree Kirkland was asleep.

  He needed a shower. He called around until he found a bed and breakfast with an available room from a late cancelation. The woman, Mrs. Edwards asked him all kinds of questions which he evaded. After he checked in, he took a hot shower and fell asleep. He was pissed when he woke. He'd slept too long, but his body was still on Scotland time. He changed clothes, grabbed some food and went back to the hotel where he'd followed Jared. He needed to find out more about this new world order conference. The woman at the hotel said it wasn't being held there. The guests were keeping the location a secret for security reasons. Angus tried a few of the other hotels and found the same thing. Lots of foreign guests, some of them strange, according to the clerk at another hotel, and she couldn't tell him where the conference was being held either. Very hush-hush, she said.

  He needed answers, and he needed them now. He went back to the first hotel, picked out a lone foreigner and followed him to his room. He made sure the hall was clear then knocked on the door.

  "Yes?" the man asked.

  "This is hotel management. There's a problem with your reservation." Angus pulled out his sword and expanded it, holding it behind his back. Hurry. Open the damn door before someone sees me.

  The man cracked the door. "What problem?"

  Angus brought the sword around and broke the security chain. He shoved the door open and stepped inside, kicking the door shut behind him. He advanced on the shifting demon, an ugly bastard. Angus tried to get information out of the demon, but even after threatening him, the demon still refused to tell Angus where the conference was being held. "Druan will kill me."

  "I'll kill you," Angus said.

  "You can kill me, but you can't kill us all. Your kind will be eliminated soon."

  Angus disposed of that demon and then tried another one, but he wouldn't talk either. Angus got rid of him and moved on to the next guest, again, in vain. All the demons seemed terrified of Druan. He wished Anna were here. She could probably make these bastards talk. Her beauty had a disarming effect on male demons. He killed yet another demon and hoped Anna was having more success than he was.


  Anna wiped the sweat off her face and collapsed her sword.

  "Good kill," Duncan said.

  He and Declan had joined her. Turned out a demon Declan was chasing was connected to her Nazi fanatics. Duncan just wanted to get away from Sorcha. He hadn't said that, but it was obvious. Anna was glad to have them. Duncan and Declan were strong warriors. She just wished Angus were here. "You too," Anna said.

  "This is about the gloomiest battle I've fought," Declan said. "You and Duncan are depressing as hell. I know what his problem is. Everyone does. What's up with you?"

  Your twin brother's the problem, Anna thought. A one-night- stand with Ronan? What had she been thinking? "I've just got a lot on my mind."

  Declan put his sword away. "Wishing you were with Angus?"

  "Maybe. I hope he finds the key."

  "So do I," Declan said. "There's a lot riding on it."

  "I should have gone with him," Anna said.

  "You couldn't. You had a demon to kill. Let's get back to the castle. I'm bloody starving, and I think I stepped in demon shit."

  "It should vanish like everything else."

  He grimaced. "Aye, but it's the thought."

  Ronan met them at the airport. Anna glanced at him and felt herself blush.

  "Don't start," Ronan whispered when the others were out of earshot. "One night of s
ex shouldn't ruin a friendship."

  "I don't know what that was about."

  "It was about two screwed-up people screwing. Nothing more."

  "I'm trying to forget it happened," Anna said.

  "Me too. But I can't promise not to dream about it."


  Ronan grinned. "Have you talked to Angus?"

  "Not since he left."

  "He was pissed," Ronan said.

  "I thought we were forgetting about it."

  "I just wondered if Angus had talked about it." Ronan seemed unusually curious.

  "He was afraid you were taking advantage of me. That's all."

  Ronan raised a brow. "He told you that?"

  "He told you something different?"

  "I think you need to ask him."

  "I will."



  "Swear you'll ask him what he told me," Ronan said.

  Anna frowned. "OK. As soon as I see him."


  It was the middle of the night when Angus got back to the graveyard. One of the demons had finally mentioned a castle. Nigel's castle? Nigel hadn't said where it was. Angus had asked around, checked the library and as many resources as he could find, but no one knew anything about a castle here. It could've been destroyed.

  The lights were on inside Bree's house, but Angus couldn't wait any longer to find the real time vault. He kept his torch low and moved quietly, but kept feeling like someone was watching. He hoped it was just that bloody owl. He'd heard it hooting again. He searched the graveyard, and even considered digging up more graves, when he thought about the chapel. Like the graveyard, it was holy ground. Druan couldn't get to it unless he sent his halflings or minions.

  Angus slipped inside the chapel. It was old and in ruins for the most part. He quickly saw that there was no way a time vault could be hidden here unless the church had burial chambers underneath. He didn't find any signs of an entrance in the back of the church, so he went to check the front. Something clattered under his feet. Swords.


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