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River's Run (Lords of Kassis: Book 1)

Page 6

by S. E. Smith

  “On my way.” Torak said tensely.

  Torak called to Jazin and Manota to join him at the training level. He shifted when the lift he was in paused and Manota and Jazin stepped in.

  “What is going on?” Jazin asked curiously. He could tell something was wrong from the sound of Torak’s voice.

  “It seems the females are on the training level. Zoran just requested I come down. He sounded upset.” Torak replied, his lips forming a firm, straight line.

  The three brothers had not seen the females since they retired to the rooms given to them. The females had been either asleep or Torak and his brothers had been in meetings with the councilmen from the Alliance over the past two days. It would seem they should have checked in on them sooner. In truth, the brothers were trying to stay away from them until they received the council’s approval of their request to claim the females. They would claim them with or without the council’s approval; it would just make life easier if they had the council’s support.

  The three brothers strode down the corridor to the training level. The door opened automatically as they entered. Zoran, who looked more than a little flushed and distressed, met them at the door.

  “Where are they?” Torak asked impatiently.

  Zoran pointed up to the ceiling, “Up there.” He said hoarsely, his eyes widening at what he was seeing.

  River, Jo, and Star were having a ball. They were swinging through the air doing one of their most strenuous acts. Jo was hanging upside down, her ankles the only thing holding her to the swing. Hanging from her hands was Star while River was swinging from the other swing. They moved faster and faster until River flew off the swing doing a triple flip in the air barely missing Star who was doing her own flip. Star caught the swing River had just left while Jo caught River by her ankles swinging her up into the air only to have River double back up until she was standing on the swing above Jo. The girls continued for another twenty minutes before both Jo and Star did flying flips that had all the warriors holding their breaths and cringing at the same time as they fell into the netting. Bouncing up, the girls did a graceful flip off the netting to the floor below. River continued to swing on the bar high above.

  Jo and Star grinned at Torak, Jazin, and Manota as they moved graceful by them to pick up some small pieces of wood. Grinning again as they ran by them, they moved to different places around the training room. Torak, Jazin, and Manota were too busy watching as River did a series of flips and turns letting go of the swing and catching it at the last minute. It was only when she called out that the men turned to see what Jo and Star were doing.

  The two sisters had handed a number of wood pieces to several of the warriors around the room telling them to hold them up above their heads and not to move them. On the wood pieces, Torak noticed small circles marked in black. His eyes widened when while studying one of the pieces of wood a knife suddenly appeared inside the circle.

  Torak’s eyes jerked upward and he watched as River flew from one swing to another then to a rope throwing knives as she went, sometimes upside down or in mid-air, at the targets his warriors held. Ten knives were imbedded in ten targets. The warriors slowly pulled the targets around staring with pale faces at the knives then up at the female flying through the air. Torak watched River’s face as she moved through the air. She had a self-satisfied smile on her face and she looked joyful as she glided catching, twisting, and flipping through the air. Both of the other females watched River as she did one last flip then grinned as Torak cried out in surprised when River appeared to fall.

  Torak heard a peal of laughter from Jo and Star as River did a graceful flip landing on her back in the netting to bounce up and do a front flip before landing on her feet. River walked laughing over to the edge of the netting laying down and doing another flip only to land in Torak’s arms.

  Surprised, River sucked in a breath, “Hey.”

  Jo and Star skipped over to River flushed from their work out laughing with delight. “Oh River, you were great! You hit every target right in the circle!” Jo said excitedly.

  Jo looked around when she heard Star give a startled squeak. Before she knew it she was staring into Manota’s angry eyes.

  River glanced down into Torak’s eyes realizing he was holding back his own anger. “What’s wrong?” She asked nervously. She didn’t know why the brothers’ looked so angry.

  “Do you three have a death wish?” Torak gritted out through clinched teeth staring up into River’s deep, blue eyes. He was still shaking from fear watching her flying through the air like that.

  “Of course not. We knew what we were doing, didn’t we?” River looked for guidance from Jo and Star. This is precisely why she avoided the opposite sex. She really didn’t understand them at all.

  Jo and Star started to say something only to be cut off by the men holding them. Torak looked at his brothers. They needed to divide the females. They got into too much trouble when they were together.

  “Take them.” Torak said harshly tightening his grip on River when she began struggling.

  “Take them?” River squeaked looking at Torak in growing anger. “Take them where? Where are you taking them? You can’t. You promised to help us get home. What are you going to do? Jo? Star?” River called as she watched the other two men carry the struggling sisters out of the training room.

  Zoran came over to where Torak was holding River. He looked decidedly paler than he had when the girls had first appeared in the training room. “My Lord, what should we do with the knives the female threw?”

  Torak looked at Zoran in disbelief, “Whatever you do, do NOT give them back to her.” Torak said before he tossed River over his shoulder hoping she didn’t have any more knives hidden on her body.

  River gave a startled yell, which quickly turned to a surprised humph, as she was flung over Torak’s shoulder. Surprise more than anything held her in place as he moved through the line of warriors who stood looking at River’s curvy ass.

  Pushing herself up as he walked through the door, River yelled out behind her, “You take care of my knives! I want them back!”

  Torak brought his hand down across River’s ass causing her to squeak in protest at the sharp sting. He had had enough of this female thinking she was a warrior. He was ready to tie her up to his bed after he stripped her naked to make sure she didn’t have any more knives on her. He had never seen another warrior with as many weapons on their body as this female carried! The only way to make sure she didn’t have any was to remove all her clothing so she wouldn’t have any place to hide one. He shuddered as his body reacted to the thought of River tied naked to his bed. He would not wait for the council’s decision. He would claim her before they reached Kassis, he decided.

  River laid draped over Torak’s shoulder looking around as they moved down the passageway. She raised her hands palm’s out to the warriors they passed as if to say “beats the hell out of me what his problem is.” The warriors just stared as they passed. Torak was never so glad to get into the closed confines of the lift as he was as the doors closed. Lowering River to the floor he turned her around before she could say anything and wrapped his arms around her pinning hers to her side.

  River looked up at Torak’s tight features deciding it might be wiser to just remain silent. She didn’t know what he was so angry about. She also couldn’t help but wonder where he was taking her. She noticed he had said a different level than the level her, Jo, and Star’s room was on. River relaxed back into Torak’s warm embrace resting the back of her head on his broad chest. She felt relaxed after her work out pleased with how well it had gone. The three girls hadn’t performed together in almost two years so it felt good to know they could still do it. She had tried out some of her newer moves after Jo and Star had dropped down. She had told them what to do with the small pieces of wood-like material she had found. Closing her eyes, she snuggled a little closer to Torak’s body as the slight chill in the air cooled her heated body. River let her mi
nd wonder back to some of the different moves she would like to try. She had no idea as she snuggled closer Torak was thinking of some moves of his own.

  Torak bit back a groan as River wiggled closer to his body. The material covering her left little to the imagination when viewed from a distance but held close like she was now it made his imagination ignite with all kinds of ideas. Closing his eyes, Torak pulled her even closer sliding his arms up so the weight of her breasts rested along his arms.

  Torak bit back an expletive as the doors to the lift opened on the level containing his own living quarters. Sweeping River up into his arms, he carried her down to his quarters ordering the door to lock after him. Torak set River down and watched as she looked around with growing concern.

  River didn’t know what was going on but she knew this was someone’s, most likely Torak’s, living quarters. She nervously pushed a stray strand of hair away from her face.

  “Uh Torak, why are we here?” River asked as she moved away from him with a nervous glance.

  “What did you think you were doing down in the training room?” Torak asked watching as River’s eyes slid away from his bed.

  River moved as far from the bed as she could which wasn’t near as far as she wanted too. The room was not much bigger than her quarters. Moving to stand near a small table, she ran her trembling fingers over it.

  River glanced at Torak before looking down again at the table, “Practicing. Jo, Star, and I were bored and needed some exercise. There wasn’t enough room in our quarters and one of the crew men told us there was a training level. We thought we would check it out. It was perfect.”

  “You could have been killed!” Torak said moving slowly towards River who backed up until her back was pressed against the wall.

  “No, I wouldn’t have. I’ve been doing those things my whole life. It was fun.” River said defensively.

  “Fun?” Torak exclaimed loudly. “Fun! I lost ten years off my life from your fun!”

  River looked at Torak confused. “I don’t understand. Why should you care about what I do? I mean, it wasn’t like I was in any danger and I wouldn’t have hurt any of your men. I do riskier routines all the time. I…”

  “Riskier?” Torak growled softly.

  River stared up into Torak’s eyes unable to move. She couldn’t speak with him standing so close to her so she just nodded. Torak had placed both hands on each side of River’s head but now he placed them on her shoulders letting them slide down her. Without warning he grabbed River by the wrists and turned her so she faced the wall. Putting her hands on the wall at shoulder height he pulled her back around her waist until she had to use the wall to keep from falling forward.

  “Stand like that.” Torak whispered harshly in her ear.

  “What?!” River asked breathlessly. She didn’t understand what he was doing until she felt his hands running down her body.

  Torak ran his hands down River’s body looking for additional weapons. He knew she would have more. From the little time he had spent with her, he realized she always had a multitude of them hidden somewhere on her delicious little body. He paused at the thin belt around her waist pulling it free and letting it drop to the floor with a thump. He ran his hands over her ass biting back a groan when she arched up into his hands.

  River moaned as she felt Torak’s hot hands moving over her. The material of the outfit she was wearing was extremely thin and she could feel the heat of his hands as if they were caressing her skin. She let out a hiss and squirmed when he ran his hand between her legs.

  “What are you doing?” River stuttered flushing as the idea of his hands running over her body made her want to do things she had never thought of doing before.

  Torak’s jaw hurt from him clinching his teeth to keep the moans from escaping as he searched her. “Searching you for more knives.”

  “But why?” River asked puzzled. “I always carry them on me. Well, except when I go through the airports. I don’t then because I don’t want to get in trouble. I forgot once and it was a nightmare. Ricki had to come and explain everything. I thought Walter was going to have a heart attack. He locked me in his bedroom for almost two days until everything was cleared up. I made sure I never forgot to check again after that.” River knew she was rambling but it was all she could do since she was so nervous with his hands roaming her body.

  “Walter? Bedroom?” Torak bit out jealously.

  “Yeah. If he hadn’t been so good to me, I would have sliced him up a new one.” River moaned as Torak ran his hand back up the inside of her thigh after he had removed the small knives attached to her ankles. “I think you have them all.” She whispered hoarsely.

  “I need to make sure.” Torak replied huskily. His deep voice sending additional shivers through River.

  River felt every point of contact as Torak stood up running his body up along hers. She choked when she felt something hard rub against her butt. When she tried to move away she found herself turned and pinned against the wall with her hands above her head. River stared wide eyed up into Torak’s beautiful dark eyes wondering vaguely if she should be struggling. She knew if she really wanted to get away from him she could but right now she didn’t feel like going anywhere.

  Torak watched as River’s dark blue eyes grew even darker. He had never seen such beautiful eyes before. They reminded him of the blue nebula with their swirls of blues, some so dark as to appear almost black. He gazed down into her almond shaped eyes watching them as he pressed his hard length against her. He saw her hesitate for a moment before her eyes grew heavy with desire. Torak felt a brief moment of triumph before he lowered his head to claim her lips with his in a savage kiss filled with desire and possession.

  Chapter 6

  River had never been kissed so thoroughly before in her life. She moaned and moved her body restlessly against Torak’s, wanting more. She wanted to run her hands through his long, dark hair; to pull him even closer. Her breath caught as she felt him press his hard shaft into her stomach. Without thinking, River lifted one of her legs wrapping it around his hip drawing the hard shaft towards her feminine core.

  Torak pushed himself against River lifting her until the vee between her legs fit against his pulsing shaft. He shuddered when River lifted her other leg, wrapping both of her legs around his waist and arching her back against the wall forcing him even closer. Grinding his hips up against her he released her mouth and moved to kiss her jaw and neck.

  “Oh, oh, oh…” River moaned over and over twisting her hips in circles against him.

  Torak changed his grip so he could hold both her wrists in one of his large hands so he could run the other one over her. He gripped her braid in one hand forcing River to tilt her head to one side giving him better access to her throat. River cried out and arched into Torak’s mouth when he bit down on her neck. The sudden pain followed by his tongue running over it caused her womb to clinch and her pussy to dampen in desire. Making love with Torak would be a wild ride, River thought vaguely, with a combination of pleasure and pain driving her crazy.

  “Mine.” Torak muttered his voice husky with desire.

  “I…Oh god, what are you doing to me?” River gasped as Torak’s hand slid under her thin shirt to grasp her breast through the sports bra she wore.

  “Mine.” Torak growled possessively as he pushed the sports bra up exposing River’s distended nipple and rolling it between his fingers.

  River let out a small scream as she felt her body tighten with need. “Oh god, you have to stop. Please, you have to stop.” River said shaking her head back and forth.

  Torak pulled his hand out of River’s shirt, gripping her chin in his hand he stared into her eyes fiercely. “You are mine. Computer record: I, Torak Ja Kel Coradon of the House of Kassis, claim you, River, for my house and as my mate. I claim you as my woman. No other may claim you. I will kill any other who try. I give you my protection as is my right as leader of my house. I claim you as is my right by the House of Kassis
. Computer end recording and file.” Torak looked at River as he said the traditional words that bound her to him. For all intense and purposes she now belonged to him as his mate. While he had other females in his household he had never bound any of them to him. He had recorded his pledge and filed it. A copy would be sent automatically to the council and to the members of his house showing he had bound River as his mate.

  River stared at Torak in confusion. “What did you just do?”

  “I have bound you to me. You are now my mate and belong to me.” Torak said fiercely.

  “I don’t belong to you. I don’t belong to anyone. I’m too young to belong to anyone and besides I don’t want to belong to anyone.” River whispered suddenly feeling very, very nervous.

  She could feel the awkwardness she usually felt around the opposite sex coming on. She was suddenly aware she had her legs wrapped around Torak’s waist. River blushed and let go so she could slide them down to the floor. She was still trapped against Torak and the wall with her hands above her head.


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