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River's Run (Lords of Kassis: Book 1)

Page 9

by S. E. Smith

  Torak could not resist pressing a kiss into River’s neck as she arched it to look back behind them without turning. He couldn’t suppress the soft groan at her shivered reaction. River turned to look at Torak with a surprised expression. She looked into his eyes for a minute before blushing and turning to look as the Houses came closer.

  That brief kiss fueled Torak’s desire even more causing his cock to grow even larger under her curvy ass. He heard River’s quickly indrawn breath as she felt it. Torak pulled her even tighter into his lap when she would have moved away. He needed a moment to get himself under control before he let her go. Even then it was going to be obvious to anyone looking at his crotch how much of an effect River had on him.

  Torak, Manota, and Jazin stood to one side of the transport watching carefully as the three females disembarked from it. Torak came up behind River and laying his palm along the small of her back guided her towards the entrance to the South House explaining the purpose of each House.

  “I live in the North House as the next leader of Kassis. You will live there with me.” Torak said.

  River bit back the retort she wanted to give him for his arrogant comment instead settling for a noncommittal reply. “We’ll see.”

  Torak flashed an angry glance down at River before continuing through the foyer.

  “My Lords, welcome back.” An elderly man said as he approached them. The man was dressed in some type of uniform with several metals hanging from his chest.

  “Je’zi.” Came the response from each of the three men who walked up and gripped the elderly man’s forearms.

  “It is good to be home. All is well?” Torak asked looking around.

  “Yes, My Lord. The House of Kassis had several visitors while you were away from the Eastern Regions. Your father met with them and a new trade agreement was signed. I believe they are to return in several weeks to begin additional negotiations. The Lead House and the Second and Third Houses have been anxiously awaiting My Lords return.” Je’zi finished handing several documents to Torak before turning to hand additional ones to Manota and Jazin.

  Once he had finished explaining what had been occurring during their absence, he added before leaving, “I will notify each House of your return, My Lords.”

  River, Jo, and Star watched in amusement as the man turned sharply and walked out through two huge, elaborately carved doors. They had been gazing all around in amazement at the elaborate carvings, statues, and furnishings. Hell, even the walls and ceilings were over the top and they had seen some really over the top places back on Earth. The ceiling seemed to glow with millions of little crystals. River was getting dizzy from turning round and round trying to take everything in.

  The further they moved through the South House the more uneasy she felt. It was beautiful but she didn’t belong there. She was a simple girl by nature enjoying the simple life of a traveling circus performer; not some grand lady. She visited places like this as a tourist, not lived in them. By the time they had reached the gardens in the center between the four Houses, River had grown even quieter as the scale of the place Torak called home became more evident. She couldn’t help but admire the gardens as she gazed at the multitude of plants and flowers, marveling at the different combinations and how beautifully landscaped they were as they walked. Passing by even more fountains and statues made of crystal, she wrapped her arms around her waist to keep the shiver of depression from overwhelming her. There was no way she was going to be comfortable staying there. She would have to talk with Jo and Star and see if they could find something smaller, just big enough for the three of them until they returned home. She could talk to Torak about it too. Surely, he would know of a place. River was just going to broach the subject when Manota pulled Jo towards him and headed for the East House without a word of warning. Jazin quickly pulled Star towards him and the West House ignoring her brief struggle. Both girls’ protests died as the men swept them off their feet not giving them time to argue.

  River gazed after her friends feeling suddenly very alone and unsure. Torak placed his hand against her back again and gave her a gentle push toward his House. River moved slowly wondering what she had gotten herself into.

  The North House had huge curved steps leading to the front double doors which stood almost twenty feet high. River couldn’t help but think movers wouldn’t have any problems fitting furniture through doors that big before realizing what a stupid thought that was. As she moved into the foyer she really wished she had her sunglasses to hide behind. The closer they got to Torak’s house the more people stopped and stared at her. She didn’t mind it when she was performing but River was very shy outside the ring. Since she couldn’t hide behind dark glasses she took to keeping her gaze down so she didn’t have to see the people staring at her. It was only when she heard a cry go up that she raised her eyes to see what all the fuss was about.

  River couldn’t believe her eyes as she and Torak stepped into the foyer of the North House. Women poured out of rooms, down stairs, and through doors to surround Torak kissing him all over, running their hands over his body, and saying all kinds of things that made River blush furiously. She had never heard women talk like that, not even in the movies. Torak just stood there smiling at the women letting them kiss and pet him as if he was some type of forgotten favorite pet just rediscovered. The icing on the cake came when a tall, thin woman several years older than River came down the stairs wearing a beautiful but very skimpy gown. The gown itself was practically see-through and the top, what there was of it, didn’t even cover all of her nipples. River gawked for a minute before turning to stare at Torak. He just smiled as the tall woman came to him and pulled his head down for a deep kiss.

  River felt sick to her stomach as she watched the woman run her hands over Torak’s body as she pressed herself into him. Unable to stomach any more, River turned on her heel and walked out the front doors which still stood open and down the steps.

  “Oh My Lord, I have missed you greatly.” Javonna said huskily. She had heard Torak was back and had prepared carefully for his return wearing a gown she knew would entice him to her bed. Pressing herself against him, she let him feel her nipples as they swelled at the thought of him loving them.

  Torak smiled down on Javonna as he gently pulled her arms from around his neck. She had been one of his frequent lovers in his house and he had enjoyed her very much for a time but now that he had River he found he did not like her touching him. She smelled overwhelmingly of a flowered perfume and her curves did not feel as soft as River’s did in his arms. Even though she was experienced in knowing how to bring a man to the height of arousal he found he had no desire for her.

  Pulling her arms down and holding them so she could not wrap them around his neck again, Torak said loudly, “I would like to present, Lady River, my mate, Head of the House of Kassis, and future mother to the heirs of Kassis.”

  Torak turned looking at the place where he had left River standing when he had entered his House to be greeted. He thought she would be highly impressed with the number of females under his protection as it showed he was a very powerful man to have so many. Instead, she was nowhere to be seen. Twirling around to scan the room, he called out for her only to get no response.

  River was beyond furious. She was mortified and humiliated. She angrily wiped at the tears spilling down her face. That arrogant man-whore. That…that slimy weasel. That…she was so mad she couldn’t even think of any more bad things to call him. That jerk! She thought was a nod. She had never been so shocked or hurt in all her life. To think he told her she was his. Fat lot that meant! Torak must have had over twenty women pawing all over him and that…that one woman wasn’t even dressed! Practically running now she paused at the center of the garden unsure of which way to go…Star or Jo. It was only when she rounded the center fountain that she saw Jo sitting on the edge of it holding a crying Star.

  “What happened?” River asked as she came around the fountain to kneel in front o
f the two sisters. She could tell Jo had been crying too.

  “Those…Those…” Jo choked on her rage. “Assholes!” She practically screamed her frustration at not finding a better word to call them.

  “You too, uh?” River asked.

  Star pulled away to look at River, tearing streaming down her puffy cheeks. “Jazin must have had a hundred women pawing on him! When he asked me why I was upset as they were trying to take his clothes off of him right in front of me I lost it. I called him a gigolo and took off running.”

  Jo looked at River, “Same here only I decked him when he tried to kiss me after all those other women had kissed him. Like I really wanted to taste them on him!”

  River nodded sitting next to the sisters. “Torak had about twenty women pawing on him. One of the women was wearing this see-through number with her nipples showing. I just walked out while she was shoving her tongue down his throat.” River sniffed.

  Jo looked at Star and River with determination. “I want to go home. To Earth. Today wouldn’t be too soon as far as I’m concerned. At least there I know what assholes guys can be sometimes. Here it seems to be the norm.”

  River and Star both nodded in agreement. This helped them see the decision they had been reluctant to make. It was time to go home to Earth. They did not belong here, in this world. River stood up putting her hand out. The other two looked at it for a minute before putting theirs on top in a show of solitary.

  Torak was frantic. He met his brothers as they ran down the paths toward his House.

  “Have you seen Star?” Jazin asked frantically looking at Torak. “She took off.”

  “So did Jo.” Manota said his left eye puffing out a little.

  Torak looked at Manota startled, “What happened to you?”

  “Jo punched me when I tried to kiss her.” Manota said in confusion. “She was very upset about something but she wouldn’t tell me what it was.”

  Jazin looked at Torak and Manota, “My Star was very upset, also. She called me a ‘gigolo’, whatever that means and took off before I could stop her.”

  “Where is River?” Jazin and Manota asked at the same time.

  Torak ran his hand down over his neck. “I don’t know. One minute she was there, the next she was gone. I was going to introduce her to my House but she had disappeared. Why would all three of them be so upset?” Torak asked confused looking from one brother to other.

  “Jazin, what were you doing right before Star left?” Torak asked.

  “I was being greeted by my House.” Jazin replied puzzled.

  “What of you, Manota?” Torak asked.

  “The same. The females of my House were welcoming me home. Nothing unusual.” Manota said before adding, “Except for when Jo punched me.”

  “What about you? What were you doing?” Manota asked.

  “I was being greeted by the females of my House as is the custom upon our return; nothing that should have upset River.” Torak said.

  “We better find them before they find each other. We know what happens when they get together.” Jazin said.

  River, Jo, and Star decided they would work their way back to where the shuttle had landed. From there they would hijack one of the shuttles, forcing someone if they had too, to take them to the warship. That was as far as they had gotten by the time the men found them.

  River twirled around pulling her swords out and pointing them at Torak as he, Manota, and Jazin came into view.

  “Stay back, you…you…jerk.” She snarled. She had worked her way through the shock of seeing him being pawed on to pure fury.

  Jo and Star each took up a stance keeping the men in their sights. They were just as worked up as River was and more than ready to clobber someone.

  “River, little one, tell me why you are so upset.” Torak pleaded softly.

  “Upset? You think I’m upset?” River screeched. All three men cringed as her voice broke on the high note.

  “Star, baby. Please come back to my House.” Jazin said stepping towards Star.

  Star’s eyes narrowed. “When hell freezes over you…you slut! I wouldn’t go back to your House for all the money in the world!”

  “Jo, put down your weapon now.” Manota demanded. “You will return with me to my House where we can discuss why you are so upset.”

  Jo looked at Manota and gave him an ugly smile. “Over your dead body.” She replied coolly.

  Torak could see the females had already spent time together which meant they had banded together on whatever they had decided.

  River looked at Torak coolly. “You promised you would return us to our home if we released you. I am calling in that promise.”

  Torak’s eyes turned cold at River’s demand. “I promised to take you home and I have. Your home is here now.”

  River pulled her sword up pointing it at Torak’s neck. “That was not the deal. The deal was to return us to our home, Earth. This is not our home and it never will be. Either your return us or we will find a way on our own.”

  Torak stepped into the blade River had pointed at his throat letting the sharp edge cut a small, thin line along his throat. “I have claimed you as mine, River. Your home is now on Kassis. I will never let you go and I will kill anyone who tries to help you or take you from me.” Torak said in a cold, steely voice.

  River’s eyes widened as she watched a small line of blood form from the cut. “Then I’ll die trying to get away from you because I will never belong to you. Never!” River replied shakily.

  River shivered as she watched the cold look settle over Torak’s face. She had never seen him look like that before, not even when Progit threatened to kill his brother. He looked like he would do whatever had to be done to keep her.

  River was staring into Torak’s eyes trying to decide what to do next when she saw a flash out of the corner of her eye. Her gaze flicked over to the flash and her eyes widened in horror. She cried out as she tossed her one sword to the side and pushed Torak away, knocking him to the ground as she hooked her foot in-between his as she shoved his shoulder.

  Torak cursed as he fell to the ground. He had been furious at River’s refusal to accept his claim on her and her insistence he return her to her planet. When she had said she would rather die than belong to him, he had become overwhelmed with fury. How dare she deny him! He was the next leader of his planet, the ruler of his House, and she would rather die than be with him! He could tell she was trying to think of a way to get out of the situation when her eyes had suddenly widened in horror. Before he could respond she had dropped her sword and pushed him to the ground.

  Jo turned as something sprayed her cheek. She had been too busy glaring at Manota to pay attention to what was going on around her. She knew River was arguing with Torak about taking them home then the next minute she was yelling “Watch out!” to everyone.

  Jo raised her hand to wipe at the liquid running down her cheek. She let out a small scream when she looked down at her hand and noticed the liquid was, in fact, blood. Manota realized what it was at the same time Jazin did. Both men grabbed the sisters and pulled them down to the ground behind the fountain.

  River remained standing looking down at Torak in disbelief. Torak laid on the ground looking up at River, his expression changing from fury to horror as she pulled her hand away from her chest to look at the blood soaking the front of her shirt. Just as quickly she crumpled to the ground next to him.

  Chapter 9

  Torak let out a roar for his security guards even as he rolled to shield River’s body. River lay on her side, her blood soaking into the pebbled path. She was having trouble breathing and everything was beginning to get fuzzy around the edges. Her breaths came in shallow gasps as she tried to suck in enough oxygen to speak.

  Torak rolled River over onto her back to see how badly she was injured. He could tell from her breathing and the amount of blood it had to be very bad. Ripping his shirt off, he grabbed the front of River’s shirt and tore the front open expos
ing the sports bra she liked to wear. She had a small entry wound in her upper chest. From the amount of blood pooling under her the shot had gone through her body exiting out the back. Torak’s hands shook as he tore his shirt in half trying to staunch the flow of blood from the wound. All around him there were shouts as members from each House’s elite guard went into action. Within moments, a team of healers was pulling at each of them, checking for injuries.

  Torak knocked the hands reaching for him away instead yelling for the healer to take care of River. He watched as the healer quickly yelled out instructions and an anti-gravity med-bed was brought close. He stared into River’s eyes watching as she fought for breath, a silent tears coursed down from the corner of her eyes before she closed them.

  “NO!” Torak roared out fighting the hands gripping him.


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