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River's Run (Lords of Kassis: Book 1)

Page 11

by S. E. Smith

  Nighttime was the time he spent with River. In the stillness of the night he would read to her, tell her stories of when he and his brothers were young, talk about his people, and brush her long hair telling her how much he loved her and needed her. He didn’t know if she heard him or not but it had been a time of healing for himself. He found for the first time in his life he wanted to know more about someone other than his men or his brothers. He wanted to know more about River. What her favorite color was, what she like to eat, what she did for relaxation, what type of stories she was interested in. In short, he wanted to know everything there was to know about her.

  River was too tired to fight so she just nodded her head. “What happened? I know Jo and Star are alright but what about your brothers?”

  Torak picked up the brush from the side table and carefully helped River into a sitting position. Her shoulders felt so small and fragile. It felt as if a soft breeze might blow her away. Torak gripped the brush tightly as he thought about how close he had been too losing her forever. Taking a deep breath to drive the pain away, he slid behind her on the bed pulling her so she was between his legs and leaning back against him. He began brushing her hair gently as he spoke.

  “They are fine. Kev found some shell casings on the roof of the South House. The casings belong to a commonly used weapon preferred by assassins.”

  River tried to turn around but she couldn’t as she was trapped between Torak’s arms and legs. “Why would anyone want to assassinate you?”

  “I am the next leader of Kassin and head of the House of Kassin. There are many who are unhappy that our house supported the end to the war.”

  “So you will always be in danger?” River asked with a shiver. It seemed like it didn’t matter what world you lived on; if you were powerful, you were in danger.

  “Most of the time I am very safe. Our security forces are the best in the galaxy and I am very difficult to kill.” Torak murmured as he pressed a kiss into the side of River’s neck where he had pulled her hair back.

  River shivered and she felt her womb clinch at the feel of his lips. Oh, but she wanted to feel his lips on her. Tilting her head to the side even more to expose more of her neck she laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Ah, little one, you are so beautiful. My beautiful warrior woman.” Torak said as he laid the brush down on the bed and wrapped his hands around her stomach sliding them further up until they rested under her breasts.

  River moaned as she relaxed back into Torak enjoying the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her. When he moved them up so the weight of her breasts rested in his palms River thought she would come right there. Never in her life had she felt so fragile, so beautiful, so loved. She could feel Torak’s hard cock pulsing against her back telling her he was not immune to what was happening.

  “Torak.” River whispered laying her hands over his and guiding them up until they covered her breasts.

  Torak groaned as he felt her nipples pebble in the palms of his hands. Pulling and pinching them through the soft, thin material he rocked his hips against River.

  River’s breath was coming in small pants as Torak rolled her nipples between his fingers and the material of her gown. He pinched them just hard enough River jumped, leaning forward. Torak took advantage to scoot further under River so she was sitting on his lap, his cock pressed against her pussy. The only thing between his cock and her pussy was the thin material of his pants and her gown.

  “Oh Torak.” River moaned rubbing her pussy on his hard length.

  “Sit back, River. Lay on me.” Torak whispered hoarsely. He might not be able to seek relief for himself but he could give her relief.

  River trembled as she lay back against Torak’s broad chest. She felt him gather the material of her gown in his hand and slide it up until he could touch the soft, downy curls between her legs. River jerked back as he used the fingers on one of his hands to spread her soft lips. River cried out as he rubbed his finger over her clit. She had never felt anything like this before. Her body was burning and she could feel the moisture seeping from between her legs as he rubbed her clit. River began to shake as he slid his other hand around her, pulling her even closer so he could pull her lips apart with one hand while rubbing her swollen nub with the other. River let her head drop back against Torak as he moved his finger back and forth changing positions and speed.

  “Beautiful.” Torak murmured looking down and watching as he stroked River’s clit. “Watch what I am doing, little one. Watch while I bring you pleasure.”

  River’s eyes moved down to watch what Torak was doing to her. She watched as he parted her lips. Her eyes grew wide as she watched him stroke her clit rubbing it back and forth. The shaking in her body increased and she cried out her climax when she watched his fingers disappear inside her to pump and stroke her. She tried to lean forward to get away from the overwhelming feelings as he continued to pulling the orgasm out of her drawing it out until it became too much and she collapsed against him sobbing.

  Torak slowly pulled his fingers out of River letting them slid over her ultra sensitive nub. River jerked as Torak ran his fingers over her. He slowly pulled her gown back down over her and pulled her closer to him burying his face in her hair. He could smell her arousal and he fought hard not to react to it. His body was throbbing painfully with desire. Never before had he considered the pleasure of another over his own. Now, he could not imagine only taking his pleasure and never fulfilling hers. She had been wild in his hands. He could tell she was an innocent to what had just happened. She had not used any of the wails other women with more experience used. If he was not mistaken, she had not even known what was happening until the orgasm was upon her.

  Torak held River in his arms until he felt sure she had fallen back asleep. In a few days he would take her to his House. Tomorrow, he would begin the process of wooing her as Jo and Star had said he needed to do if he was to win back her trust. He knew he already had her love. She might not be ready to admit it but he had seen it shining from her eyes as she had stared at him after she had been shot. He would bide his time until she was ready to admit it. Only then could he claim her as his own.

  Chapter 11

  River had been waiting nervously for Torak to appear. Jo and Star had come over early this morning to help her get ready. She was still weak from having loss so much blood and from being in a coma for almost two weeks but was getting stronger every day. She had blushed at first when they insisted on helping her in the shower until they told her they had bathed her while she was unconscious. They had helped her dress and brushed out her long hair fixing it on top of her head in an elaborate up swept.

  The only time River had protested was when they had helped her dress. She had been surprised when they had walked in wearing long gowns. Jo had explained they were trying to compromise with the men and had decided they would try the gowns on a temporary basis. Star had already decided they were going to make some alternations to the gowns so they were really pants to look like dresses. They had brought a beautiful dark, blue gown that matched River’s eyes. The gown fitted her willowy figure like a second skin pushing up her breasts and showing off her delicate features. After they had helped her stand in front of the mirror, River had blushed at her appearance. She had never felt so feminine in her whole life. With her dark hair piled up on her head and her dark blue eyes outlined with black liner she looked as far from a warrior as you could get.

  “I even made a few quick adjustments on your gown.” Star said smiling as she pulled out a small bag containing six knives. There were four small knives and two larger ones.

  “I thought the smaller ones would fit around your waist and blend in with the belt. The two larger knives are strapped to you, one on your thigh which has a small zipper type opening to reach it and one on the inside of your arm with the same type of opening so no one would know about them unless they use a metal detector.” Star said as she slipped the knives into their sheaths.

  River’s eyes glistened with tears as she stared at Star, “You are the best sister in the whole universe.”

  “Now, no crying.” Jo muttered. “If you do you’ll ruin all my hard work.”

  “Okay, no crying.” River laughed.

  Her breath suddenly caught in her throat as she looked up to see Torak standing in the door staring at her. She blushed a bright pink when she thought about what he had done to her body a few days earlier. Turning slowly, River glanced nervously at Torak, playing with the skirt of her gown.

  “Hi.” River said shyly.

  “You are beautiful, little one.” Torak said huskily. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was breathtaking.

  Jo and Star grinned. “Well, thankfully you don’t have too far to go. We’ll see you later this evening, River.”

  “But…” River said panicking but it was too late. Both Jo and Star had already disappeared out the door in a fit of giggles.

  River gazed at Torak again and blushed even redder, “I don’t know where to go.” She said in a small voice. She turned her gaze down to the floor. She had been staying in the Medical Wing since the day she had arrived on Kassis.

  Torak moved quietly towards River. Placing his fingers under her chin he lifted it until he could look into her eyes. “You will join me in my House.”

  He put his finger on her lips when she started to protest. “You will be the only female there I will look at. All others are either mated, very young, or elderly. There are no others, River. Only you.”

  River felt tears burn her eyes as she remembered the last time she had been in his house. She was afraid to trust what he was telling her. Torak could see the indecision in her eyes. He could tell she was afraid to trust him. Bending down, he captured her lips as he pulled her closer to his body. He felt River’s body relax into his and took advantage of her acceptance by running his hand down her body to cup her ass. He felt her mouth open and he plunged his tongue into it making love to her mouth with the same intensity, the same love as he had her pussy the other day. By the time he released her she had melted into his arms.

  Torak swept River off her feet as he felt her knees give way. He was beginning to enjoy this wooing. He was harder than hell but he was more interested in her enjoyment than his own fulfillment. Over the past several days he had learned more about River. He knew she loved the color blue, was afraid of spiders, whatever those were, was picky about who touched her knives, had been given her short battle swords as a sixteenth birthday present from her parents, and enjoyed listening to a variety of music. He had spent every free minute he could with River each day falling more in love her as he discovered she was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. Pulling her closer to his body he couldn’t wait until he had her in his bed tonight. He was going to know every nook, every line, every dimple on her body by the time he took his own pleasure.

  Striding out the door of the medical wing he didn’t even pause as River said a breathless thank you to the healer as they passed him. The elderly healer just chuckled as he watched the Lord of Kassis carry his mate to his House. He would not be at all surprised if there was not a new heir within the year. Whistling under his breath the healer walked down the corridor with a new hop to his step.

  River raised her face to the bright sun as Torak carried her out of the South House and down the steps into the gardens. She looked around cautiously as he moved further into the gardens.

  “Do you think it is safe to be out here?” River asked nervously.

  “Yes, little one. A force field had been in place ever since you were shot. No one enters or leaves the House of Kassis without us knowing about it. To enter, I, one of my brothers, or my father must give permission or whoever enters will be incapacitated until given an antidote.”

  “How is that possible?” River asked astonished. She had only heard of stuff like that on the Sci-Fi Channel at home.

  “Everyone entering must give a blood sample and be approved. A thorough search is done on anyone entering.”

  But, what about unexpected visitors?” River asked curiously.

  “They can enter parts of the South House where all guests will be housed until further notice. The security grid is very precise.” Torak said looking amused at all of River’s questions.

  “Well, what about if they wanted to come from up there?” River asked pointing straight up towards the sky.

  “You cannot see it but the force field completely covers this entire area. It is meant to not be seen.” Torak replied smugly.

  “Wow.” Was all River said. She couldn’t think of any more questions. Instead she looked around curiously wondering where Torak was taking her.

  Torak had turned down a path leading off to the side of his House. River laid her head on his shoulder enjoying the feel of his warm body and tight arms. She had been afraid she would be too heavy for him to carry her any distance but so far he didn’t act tired at all and she was enjoying being carried too much to suggest walking. It wasn’t until he moved under a canopy of trees that she gasped in surprise. On the other side of the tree was a small pond with flowers and some type of colorful bird swimming in it. Near the bank was a blanket and small basket. Torak walked over to the blanket and gently laid River down onto it.

  “I thought you might like to be outside for a little while after being cooped up on the warship for so long and then the medical wing.” Torak said as he sat next to her.

  River stared up at Torak. She couldn’t believe he was being so thoughtful. The last few days had been wonderful. He had spent time with her, just talking though she had hoped for more. River nervously licked her lips as she remembered what he had done to her. She remembered the feel of his hands on her, the way his fingers moved over her then in her.

  Torak groaned as he watched River. “Little one, you stretch the limits of my control. I am trying to behave myself. I had not planned on making love to you until later.”

  River looked at Torak with desire laden eyes. “You plan on making love to me later?” She asked staring at his lips.

  “Yes. Now, behave or all my good intentions will be for not. Would you like something to eat?” Torak said trying desperately to distract River. He could feel her desire and it was playing hell with all his good intentions. He had planned on talking with her, learning more about her home world while they ate, then possibly giving her a few chastise kisses while he learned even more about her, then let her sleep for a little while. He had planned everything out carefully.

  And all of it went out the window when River suddenly launched herself into his arms closing her lips over his and knocking him backwards. River grabbed Torak’s cheeks nipping at his lips and taking advantage of his mouth when he opened it. River’s tongue slid in through his lips teasing and taunting Torak’s until he groaned and returned her kiss. When Torak’s tongue fought back and slid into River’s she clamped down sucking on it. Torak almost came apart when River began her innocent sucking up and down along his tongue as if it was his cock she was sucking. The image was burned into his brain and all he could do was hang on to the fragile threads of his control which were breaking and shattering at an appalling rate.

  Turning over until he had River under him, he slid between her legs hoping to trap her body for a moment until he could get back under control.

  “River. River… we have… to stop… now… or I cannot… promise… you I will.” Torak said between kisses. River was kissing him every couple of words making it almost impossible to get a sentence out.

  “Don’t …want…too.” River whispered back.

  River grabbed the leather tie that held Torak’s hair back pulling it loose until his hair fell forward.

  “So beautiful.” River whispered. “Just like you.”

  River leaned up and kissed Torak deeply wrapping her arms around his neck and running her hands through his hair scrapping his scalp with her nails.

  Torak gave up trying to resist her. He had wanted
her from the moment he had seen her on the Tearnat’s warship.

  Pulling back, Torak looked down fiercely into River’s eyes, “I am going to claim you, River. You have a choice. I can do it right here, right now. Or, I can take you back to my chambers in the North House and take you in a bed. What is your decision?”

  “Here, now.” River whispered.

  Torak growled as he pulled back far enough to flip River over onto her stomach. Pulling the laces free on the back of her dress he pulled her up onto her hands and knees so he could pull it down her shoulders. His breath caught as he realized she was not wearing anything beneath the dress.

  “Kneel so I can pull the dress from you.” Torak said harshly.

  River pulled herself up until she was on her knees, her back still turned towards Torak.


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