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Song of Resurgence (Ballads of Mae Book 2)

Page 3

by Salem Cross

  My jaw tensed at the news. South was the exact location Zyroe had shown Mae where the gates would be opened.

  “There is more than one werewolf?”

  “She said four different ones were running around the last time she counted,” Arthur confirmed.

  Suddenly I was thrown back to my earlier conversation with Mae. Werewolves were quite rare. News of four in the same area was alarming. Were they forming a pack? No. That was not possible. “Why has Patricia not taken care of them yet?”

  I sensed Mae approaching. I looked up and found her leaning over the balcony down into the family room where Arthur and I stood.

  “Taken care of who?” she asked curiously.

  “A few werewolves,” Arthur told her, glancing up at her. “Find the lodging accommodations to your liking?”

  “’To my liking?’ I’m going to chain myself to one of the trees growing through the house so you can’t make me leave,” she said with a smile that could brighten even the darkest of rooms. “By ‘taken care of’ do you mean… kill them?”

  “It must be done. It is a mercy for the individual. A werewolf is dangerous; they are a killing machine. They cause destruction and terror whenever they shift. The person who is cursed has no control or recollection of what they are doing,” I explained.

  I realized at once I had said the wrong thing. Her face fell, and her shoulders stiffened. Mae couldn’t control her power or the damage it caused. Of course, she would compare herself to a werewolf. Before I could say anything, she turned and disappeared from view.

  Frustrated with myself for causing her distress, I almost went after her. Then, I heard her descend the stairs to join us. When she approached her expression had shifted again. No longer did she appear dejected. Now she appeared indifferent. She stopped just out of my reach, determined to appear confident and unperturbed. She might be okay without contact, but I was not. I stepped closer to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. The contact soothed an ache deep within me.

  “Patricia said whenever she and her pack go after the abominations, they disappear,” Arthur continued.

  Disappear? I confirmed with Arthur through the mental Guardian wavelength. Arthur nodded.

  “What are you saying?” Mae demanded with a scowl. “They can’t find the werewolves?”

  Arthur stroked his goatee thoughtfully as he turned his gaze upon my mate. “Werewolves would not run away or disappear if they found themselves threatened. They are savage beasts that would turn and fight if they thought they were in danger. If the pack said they disappeared, then they are not acting normally.”

  “We will talk to Patricia and help her pack remove the werewolves from the area,” I told Arthur who nodded.

  “I also attempted to reach out to the Guardian who oversees this area and left a message when he did not answer my calls. His name is Cain Vaster. He took over not too long ago when Ekon Nwadike had to rebrand himself. I tried to reach Ekon as well but have not heard anything from him as of yet.”

  “Rebrand?” Mae repeated.

  “After a while,” I explained, “we must move on to another territory so humans do not get suspicious of us. We have the ability to look younger or older at will, so at the end of our time in our latest territory we make ourselves look older and then we pretend to pass away. Then, in our new location, we shift to appear younger so we can stay there longer. With a new appearance, new name, and money we are able to reinvent ourselves easily.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Both Arthur and I chuckled.

  “You can change your age at will?” she gasped when she had found her voice.

  “Yes, but it takes time,” Arthur told her with another chuckle. “Should I wish to look twenty years older or younger, it would take about a year for the transition to occur.”

  Mae shook her head in amazement, her eyes slightly unfocused as the wheels in her head turned. I chuckled again.

  “There is much you do not know about Guardians, but I am sure you will learn our secrets soon enough,” I assured her.

  “In any case, I have not heard back from Cain yet,” Arthur told me. “But I will question him when I do.”

  “Why would you reach out to the other Guardian here? I thought we didn’t want to alert anyone else yet?” Mae asked.

  “It is a courtesy to let Cain know we are in the area. I will not tell him the real reason why we are here. I will bring up Patricia’s concerns before steering the conversation in a direction that will allow me to gain answers without causing him to be suspicious,” Arthur explained.

  “Did Patricia mention the werewolves to Cain?” I asked him.

  “I do not know, but that is something we can ask her tomorrow.”

  I felt the shift in the air as Jasmine returned. In a few minutes, she would be coming through the front door. I fought back annoyance as another unmated Guardian came near to Mae. Jasmine was more than capable of whisking Mae away or Joining with her just as much as Arthur was. It did not go unnoticed how affectionate Jasmine was with my mate.

  The three of us turned as a unit as Jasmine entered. As the Guardian approached, her eyes went automatically to Mae. Her body shuddered as the curse lifted. The smile spreading across her face was almost sweet-natured, but the flash in her eyes told me what I already knew: Jasmine wanted my mate. I choked on a growl that was threatening to bubble up. It would not be long before I no longer had to stress about unmated Guardians.

  “Ah, Mae, you look much better,” Jasmine said as she came to stand with us. “I assume you were able to use your power?”

  The shudder that ran through Mae’s body was barely noticeable, but I could feel her tension. Mentally, I sighed. She was not comfortable with what ran through her veins, but eventually she needed to come to terms with it. Once she learned how to use what she had, she would feel better.

  “Yeah, I figured it out.”

  Her heart rate is still elevated, Jasmine’s voice whispered in my mind. But this is a good sign that it has slowed significantly from yesterday. If she continues to expel her power daily, I think she will live comfortably for a long while. She needs to find balance, not too much power in her system but not too little either.

  “How do you feel now?” she asked my mate out loud.

  Mae glared at me and then Jasmine. I almost smiled. She hated it when we spoke telepathically.

  Instead of acknowledging our private conversation, Mae shrugged, “Alright, I guess.”

  “Do you feel well enough to go explore the area? There are ATVs in a shed out—”

  “Yes! Let’s go!” Mae’s annoyance disappeared, and she was already heading for the front door with a grin on her face before Jasmine finished. Jasmine glanced at Arthur and me and said:

  The park rangers informed me that there have been three missing hikers in the past twenty years which isn’t unusual. According to them, there hasn’t been any strange activity either. The only thing mildly suspicious was on our way here last night, I could have sworn I sensed something in the air. It was so brief I could not track or define what it was. It was the same way this morning when we left to go to the blood bank. We were well out of range from the park when I felt something in the air but it was gone before I could determine what I had sensed. In any case, I will keep Mae close and safe while out.

  I felt nothing out of sorts last night during my patrol, Arthur told her. She nodded, turned, and left the house.

  While they are gone, let us explore the area south of here. We will not make it to where Zyroe and Autumn showed Mae where the gates will open, but we can scout for any signs of trouble that may have made its way in this direction, I told Arthur. The sooner we can find evidence, or lack thereof, of suspicious activity the sooner we can leave.

  Arthur shuddered as Mae’s effect on him subsided. She must have moved out of range because the life in Arthur’s eyes seemed to dim. A cool indifference coated his features. I suppressed my discomfort. The difference in the Guardian next to me was night and da
y. I never wanted to go back to that.

  As Arthur and I took to the sky a few minutes later, I hung back to scan the property for my mate. I found Mae and Jasmine weaving through the trees. With my enhanced senses, I could hear Mae’s laughter despite how high up I was. I smiled. It was good that she was able to find some joy in spite of the situation we had found ourselves in.

  Chapter Four


  After a long day of exploring several expansive miles of the park south of the house Arthur and I finally made it home. While we had not gone as far as I would like I did learn the layout of the land. I landed just outside the front door and pulled my wings into my back. As I walked through the front door I listened for the sounds of my mate. With my enhanced hearing I could hear her stepping out of the shower while softly humming. I smiled, eager to be with her. The surprise I had waiting was not just for her to enjoy but for both of us.

  Arthur clasped my shoulder and grinned. “I have a feeling I will not see you for the rest of the night so let me congratulate you now before you disappear,” he said. “I am happy you found your mate. She is a good woman.”

  My heart swelled and I could not stop the grin spreading across my face.

  “Thank you, Arthur. Without you running into her I would still be incomplete,” I told him. “Let us hope the fates grant you the same blessing that I have received.”

  “Ah, but she is a blessing to us all,” Arthur reminded me warmly. With that he slapped my back and walked away, allowing me time to finish what Mae and I had already started.

  I took the steps two at a time and made my way down a hallway towards the bedroom Mae and I would be sharing during our time here. I barely noticed the house or the furnishings in it as I headed towards my mate. Just outside our bedroom doors I paused and listened. Mae was still humming softly but I could now hear her moving around the room.

  I opened the door and walked in, eager to see her. Mae halted her progress towards the bed and turned to face me as I entered the room. I took in the silky pajamas she was wearing that I had included in her wardrobe order. The soft lavender against her skin was beautiful. Her cheeks looked warm after her shower and her eyes twinkled with joy as I drew closer to her. My heart pounded wildly in my chest as anticipation surged through me. Her gaze trailed slowly down my chest. I had not bothered to put on a shirt upon my return, knowing good and well I would be removing it again shortly. Her open appreciation of my body caused my blood to boil.

  I stopped just in front of Mae, forcing her to look up at me as I stared down into her heart shaped face. Her tongue licked her bottom lip and I watched the motion with interest.

  “You look beautiful,” I told her before leaning down to kiss her. As her lips pressed against mine, I groaned. Excitement, desire, love and joy swirled around in my chest making me feel larger than life. I pulled away from her lips and asked, “I want to take you somewhere – will you come with me?”

  “Do I need to get dressed?” When I shook my head, she smiled and said, “Okay, lead the way.”

  It humbled me that she trusted me. I pulled her towards the glass door that led out onto a small wrought iron balcony. I opened the door, and we both stepped out into the night air. I turned slightly and called out my wings. Mae’s eyes widened in delight and awe. Would I ever get used to seeing her look at me in such a way? My heart soared under Mae’s admiring gaze. Carefully I reached out, took her hips in my hands and drew her close to my body. Immediately she wrapped her arms around my neck. The sight of her wide grin and the sound of the acceleration of her heart in anticipation of the flight caused my own face to split into an answering grin. I leaned down and scooped her up into my arms.

  As smoothly as I could manage I leapt into the sky. My wings spread out wide behind me and we caught the slight breeze. Mae’s soft gasp of delight kept my grin firmly in place. She turned her head to look out around us. Her eyes were wide as she took in the dark forest that surrounded the house. Above us, the clear sky allowed us a view of millions of twinkling stars. Below us, there were small ponds far in the distance glittering in the moonlight. I could make out deer a few miles out grazing in a grassy patch. The trees swayed in the slight breeze, and somewhere, far out in the distance, I heard a wolf howl. Mae shivered and I brought her closer to my chest as we continued to soar leisurely around the property.

  As she stared at the world around us, I stared at her. The faint dark circles under her eyes did nothing to mar her beauty. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes reflected the stars in the sky. A few strands of her curly hair blew gently around her face but did not seem to bother her. Her awe gave her an angelic appearance.

  “It’s so beautiful out here.” Her voice came out as a whisper.

  I leaned forward and nuzzled my face in her damp hair.

  “Is it? I have not noticed…” my voice trailed off as my lips skimmed across her cheek and found her lips.

  We stopped rising, and we hung, suspended in the air. My wings barely moved as our lips connected. Mae opened her mouth, and my tongue slipped inside and danced with hers. Her hands slid up my neck and her fingers weaved their way through my hair. My arms tightened around her. I crushed her to my chest knowing that I could keep her safe and happy as long as she was here in my arms.

  When I finally broke the kiss, Mae was breathless. I kissed the corners of her mouth, and she smiled. Slowly we began our descent. The flight had been short, but I was eager to get to the surprise. Instead of heading back to our room, I flew around to the other side of the house. Below us I could see lights glowing on the roof in a small, almost unnoticeable nook. As we drew closer, it was clear the light was coming from dozens of candles that I had lit before coming into the house.

  I circled the area twice before I landed in the small area where a large bed with a plush comforter and a handful of pillows sat. Next to the bed was a bottle of wine and two glasses. Rose petals were scattered everywhere, and a small speaker was playing soft classical music. It was barely audible, but it added to the ambiance. I set Mae down to let her look around.

  She gaped at the scene and then looked back at me, at a loss for words. What was going through her head right now? Did she understand what this was about? I smiled at her warmly. From our view, we could see out for miles. And while we could see all around us, the way the roof was pitched and with how high up we were, no one would be able to see us. We had the night to ourselves.

  “Rylan, what…?” she attempted but words failed her. She tried again. “Rylan, this is beautiful. What is all of this for?”

  I let go of her waist and took her hand. My wings retracted into my back as I led Mae over to the bed. When she sat down, I grabbed the bottle and both glasses and lowered myself next to her. I poured us each a glass of the red juice and when I handed it to Mae she took it warily. I chuckled as she sniffed it and smiled. Of course, I would remember she didn’t drink alcohol. I took a sipped from my glass thoughtfully as I stared at her over the rim. The liquid tasted like nothing but I wanted to share this moment with her. I was surprised that my hands were not shaking with excitement and nervousness. This was it. This moment was what every Guardian dreamed of. I put down my glass and took Mae’s empty hand.

  “Mae Aurora White,” I said her name slowly. “Tonight I want us to complete our Joining. Let me become your mate fully in heart, body, and mind. Let me love you completely, take you into my keeping, and cherish you forever. My soul aches for you.”

  Mae’s mouth popped open in surprise. She stared at me then at the scene around us. When her eyes met mine again, understanding lit up her face. I could hear her heart beating rapidly in her chest and her breathing quickened. The smile that pulled her lips upward sent my heart soaring. She looked down and I could hear her swallow. When she looked back at me the joy had dimmed slightly. Her smile had vanished and her brows were pulled together. She placed her drink down and cupped my cheek with her hand.

  Her brown eyes searched my face, looking for so
mething. Her eyes seemed to darken and her frown deepened. She bit her lip for just a moment before she sighed and said, “By tying your life to mine, you’re shortening yours significantly. My power will eventually kill me. If it doesn’t, and we get lucky enough that I simply grow old and die, we won’t have forever like we would if I were immortal like you. In the end, I’m the reason you’ll die and knowing that kills me.”

  Her words shocked me, although I did not understand why. Of course; she would worry about me. I put down my glass without looking away from her.

  “Immortality means nothing to me. When you leave this world, so shall I,” I told her solemnly. “As it is with all mated Guardians. One cannot live without the other. Even if it was physically possible to continue, my heart would still give out knowing my other half was no longer here but waiting for me at the Golden Gates.”

  I leaned forward and kissed her. I could still see the worry, even sadness, in her eyes. How could she doubt me? I would do anything for her. I would follow her anywhere. Even if that meant into the next life.

  “There is no me without you, Mae,” I murmured against her lips. I pushed her back onto the mattress while trailing kisses along her jawline. My hands swept down her sides and stopped at her hips. “I wanted to do this back in Salisbury but I could not do that to you when you were so fragile. Let me love you for all eternity. Let me give you the world while we are here and let me hold your hand as we cross through the Golden Gates to live out our second life. Our souls need each other. I need you, Mae. Trust that this is what is meant to be.”

  I kissed down the side of her neck. I reached up to cup her breasts through the silky top. My right thumb teased her nipple, causing it to harden. I looked away from Mae’s face to stare down at it. Her nipple strained against the fabric of her top. My mouth watered to taste it. I bunched the fabric in my hands and yanked. Mae’s top tore away completely, leaving her exposed under the stars. The cool air against her skin caused goosebumps to rise. When I reached down and took that delicious looking nipple that had teased me through the fabric with my mouth, Mae cried out. My other hand reached over and played with her other one. I twisted, pulled, and suckled on her nipples until they were tight buds.


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