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Dark Valley Destiny

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by Unknown

  Die, 5, 243-244 Little Red Foot, The, 280 London, Jack, 175, 185-186, 270, 295, 312

  Lord, Glenn, 15, 235, 237, 251, 356 "Lord of the Dead," 312 Lost Continent of Mu, The, 197 "Lost Race, The," 151, 187, 189 "Lost Valley of Iskander, The," 309 Louys, Pierre, 284

  Lovecraft, H.P., 103, 149, 176, 195, 225, 251 (see also Price, E.H., and Lovecraft); correspondence, 362; correspondence with R.E. Howard, 150, 182, 222, 251-253, 300-301; gifts from Howard, 308; on Howard's writings, 226, 263-264, 289; letters from I.M. Howard, 358, 359; letters from R.E. Howard, 58, 183, 278, 297-298,321,341; letters from R.E. Howard (on career), 279-280, 285, 294, 332-333; letters from R.E. Howard (descriptions of Texas), 34, 53, 56, 59-61, 120, 122, 123, 142; letters from R.E. Howard (experiences); 59-61, 68, 133, 146, 154, 305, 338, 339; letters from R.E. Howard (on the Southwest), 8, 18-19, 104; letters from R.E. Howard (tall tales), 77, 88-89, 262; opinion of R.E. Howard, 10, 244, 367-368; visit to South, 296-298; writings imitated by Howard, 260, 295

  McClung, William Oscar, 39, 44-45, 59-60, 88 Maedgen, Osee, 165 Magic Carpet. See Oriental Stories. "Man-Eating Jeopard," 332 Martin family, 347 Mashburn, Kirk, 286, 297 Mencken, H.L., 325

  Merryman, Kate, 6, 23, 82, 215, 340,

  346, 347, 348, 350, 351, 353 Mexicans, 110, 117, 177, 338 (see also Hispano-Texans); attitudes toward, 109, 125 Mexican War, 106-107 Miller, P. Schuyler, 15, 344-345 "Mirrors of Tuzun Thune, The," 225-226 Moment, A, 70

  Monsters: in stories, 216-217, 267-268,

  272, 289, 293 Mooney, Booth, 206, 222, 246 "Moon of Skulls, The," 256 Moore, Catherine Lucile, 330 Morality, 118,212. See also Drinking habits; Women, and Howard. Motion pictures, 172, 339; influences,

  131-132, 273, 293 Mundy, Talbot, 270, 276-277, 309 Murder: attitudes toward, 109-110, 125

  Murray, Margaret Alice, 228 Musser, Benjamin Francis, 204-205

  "Names in the Black Book," 312 Nature, 71-72, 73-74 (see also Climate; Weather); love of, 17, 78, 158-159, 172, 188, 239-240, 308, 311, 329-330

  Neanderthal man, 177-178

  Negroes. See Blacks.

  "Nekht Semerkeht," 343-344

  New Orleans, 145; Howard's impressions

  of, 145-147 Newton, Anne. See Davis, Annie Newton. Newton, Austin, 75, 76, 77-78, 79, 93,

  96, 143, 144, 168 Newton family, 84-85, 86, 90, 93-94 Nichols, Vera Baker, 78 Nightmares, 58, 143, 146, 242, 308 Night terrors, 58, 261, 287, 289, 308 Noyes, Alfred, 275 Nyberg, Bjorn, 364

  O'Brien, Turlogh, 258-259 Occult, 87, 183, 195-196, 223, 249, 329

  O'Donnell, Kirby, 309 Odyssey, 265 Offutt, Andrew J., 343 Oil boom, 5, 44,118,122,132-133,141, 152-153, 154-155, 216, 254; Howard's impressions of, 124, 153-154, 193-194, 312 Oliver family, 222 Oriental Stories, 232, 259, 297 Outlaws, 77, 112, 113-114, 115-116, 216

  Pakenham, T. Compton, 308 Paranoia, 9-10, 55, 161, 211, 304, 306 Parker, Cynthia Ann, 102-103, 253 Parrot, The, 275

  Patches, 8, 70-71, 74, 144; death, 235-236, 245, 350, 359

  Peaster, Texas, 18 Pentecost, Dick, 90

  "People of the Black Circle, The," 265, 276, 277

  Personality, 56, 272, 323 (see also Religion; Suicide; Violence); of H.E. Howard, 26, 30, 32, 34, 81, 115; of I.M. Howard, 36-37, 47-49, 115, 158-159, 303, 357; of R.E. Howard, 7-8,18,79-80,104,147,159,163-164, 209-214, 237, 250, 308, 343 (see also Fears, of Howard; Imagination; Nature, love of; Paranoia; Reality, distortion of; opinion of Howard under people, e.g. Price, E.H., opinion of R.E. Howard) Pets, 95,96,246. See also Gypsy; Patches. Phantagraph, The, 263 "Phoenix on the Sword, The," 262, 265, 271

  Physicians, 41-42, 47 (see also Howard, I.M., medical practice); training, 41, 43, 45 (see also Howard, I.M., medical training) Picts, 147, 148, 150-151; in stories, 187,

  224, 226, 228, 280-281 Pict Song, A, 151 "Pigeons from Hell," 89 "Pit of the Serpent, The," 231, 232 Place names (see also Cimmeria; Hyborian

  World): origin, 265, 276, 280 Play. See Games; Sports. Poetry, 205; by Howard, 197, 203-204, 239-244, 345, 349; Howard's style, 217, 235-237, 290-291; influences on, 95, 152-153, 238-239; publication, 206-207, 237, 239, 255 Polishuk, Morris, 157 "Pool of the Black One, The," 13, 265, 274

  Post Oaks and Sand Roughs, 171—172, 173, 178, 180, 186, 196, 202, 207-208, 212-213, 216, 218, 243, 342 Pratt, Fletcher, 286, 362

  Preece, Harold, 10, 159, 206; correspondence with, 226-228, 229, 247, 259; visits with, 228

  Preece, Leonore, 222

  Prehistoric fantasy stories, 177-178, 263-265

  Price, E. Hoffman, 160, 356; and Lovecraft, 10, 264, 298, 298, 305; letters from I.M. Howard, 235, 307, 357; opinion of I.M. Howard, 303, 352; opinion of R.E. Howard, 10, 68,188, 249, 304, 307, 350; visits with Howards, 48-49, 88, 302-307

  Price, Novalyne, 249, 282, 330, 346, 353; relationship with Howard, 284, 315— 327, 334-337, 339; relationship with Vinson, 10, 334-335; and T.C. Smith, 299-300, 313

  "Pride of Bear Creek, The," 310-311

  Prohibition, 155

  Pseudonyms, 230, 232, 237, 256, 312, 334

  Public libraries. See Libraries.

  Pulp magazines, 235, 269-271, 294, 308, 349. See also specific magazines, e.g. Weird Tales.

  Pyle, Doris, 161

  "Queen of the Black Coast," 265, 267, 275, 293

  Racism, 174-177, 188, 252, 282, 284, 325, 332—334. See also Aryan race; Blacks; Indians; Jews; Mexicans.

  Railroad, 40, 44, 45, 59, 66, 116, 128-129

  Ramacharaka, 86

  Readership, 196, 285-286. See also Conan stories, appeal.

  Reading (see also Libraries): by H.E. Howard, 81; influences on R.E. Howard, 86, 149, 175, 197-198 (see also Stories, influences on); by R.E. Howard, 67, 88, 161, 181, 225-226, 302

  Reality: distortion of, 75-76, 123, 236, 243, 248-249, 326. See also Howard family, deceptions by; Paranoia. Recompense, 242-243, 355 "Red Blades of Black Cathay," 261 "Red Nails," 266, 284r-285, 319 "Red Shadows," 207, 216, 217, 218 Reincarnation, 87, 156, 182, 183, 184-185, 349

  Religion, 88,105,126-127,155-156 (see also Churches; Death; Hinduism; Occult); and H.E. Howard, 156, 246; and I.M. Howard, 48, 55, 86, 156, 183; and R.E. Howard, 87, 156, 181-185, 246, 280-281, 290, 325, 349

  Return of Conan, The, 362—363 "Right Hand of Doom, The," 218 "Road of Eagles, The," 266, 362 Robertson, Lexie Dean, 152—153 "Rogues in the House," 65, 265, 274 Rohmer, Sax, 230, 295, 312 Rubdiydt, 226 Russell, S.T., 182, 195

  Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 105-106, 125

  Saturday Evening Post, The, 181, 269 "Scarlet Citadel, The," 265, 272, 293-294

  Schoolboys: as bullies, 8, 64-65, 75, 83 Schools, 67, 75, 93, 142, 163, 179-180, 200-202; Howard's attitude toward, 55,83-84,160,169-170,200-201, 228, 323, 325 Schreiner, Olive, 205-206 Scott, Jack, 94, 158-159, 248, 350-351, 356

  Sea, The, 203, 237 Sea Curse, The, 207 Secret Doctrine, The, 195 Seminole, Texas, 53—54, 59, 69 Senf, C.C., 257 Service, Robert W., 243

  Sex, 54-55, 2B4 («#* n/m W»mnn)| between Mr. and Mr*. Howard, 1.17; and R.E. Howard, 141, 154. 212, 239; in stories, 14, 275, 2HS, ll2-


  "Shadow Kingdom, The," 206, 223-224,


  "Shadows in the Moonlight," 265, 274-

  275, 276 "Shadows in Zamboula," 266, 282 Shaw, George Bernard, 229 "She Devil," 332

  Short History of Celtic Ireland, A, 257 Singer in the Mist, The, 18 Singers in the Shadows, 237 Singing: by R.E. Howard, 214, 228, 248,


  Skull-Face, 229-230, 253, 256, 295 Skull-Face and Others, 360, 361 Skulls and Dust, 237 "Skulls in the Stars," 223 Slavery, 68, 105, 107, 109, 176. See also Blacks.

  "Slithering Shadow, The," 265, 273-274,

  319. Slumber, 214

  Smith, Arthur D. Howden, 259, 270 Smith, Clark Ashton, 254; correspondence

  with, 13, 184 Smith, Tevis Clyde, 9, 163, 168, 173, 181, 204, 220, 227, 233, 235, 237,

  341 (see also Price, Novalyne, and T.C. Smith); collaborations with, 167, 261, 322; marriage, 246; visits with, 129, 192-193, 198, 228, 263, 339

  Smoking, 160, 172 Something
About Eve, 220-221 "Something About Eve," 220, 221-222 Song of o Mad Minstrel, The, 151 "Song of Bdlit, The," 240 Song out of Midian, A, 296 Songs, 162. See also Singing. "Son of the White Wolf," 309

  Southwest, 8, 18-19, 60, 104, 338 "Spanish Gold on Devil Horse," 218-219 "Spear and Fang," 177-178, 180, 190 Spence, Lewis, 197-198, 224 Spicy-Adventure Stories, 270, 332-333 Sports, 93, 143. See also Boxing; Fencing;

  Football; Horseback riding; Hunting. Sport Story Magazine, 257 Star Rover, The, 185-186, 312 Stoic, The, 8, 338

  Stories, 78-79, 102-103 (see also Characters; Place names; categories of stories, e.g. Fantasy stories; themes, e.g. Monsters, in stories); collaborations, 251, 310 (see also Smith, T.C., collaborations with); friends' opinion of, 10, 142; income from, 180, 189, 194, 196, 206-207, 229-230, 233, 255, 298, 329; influences on, 151, 185-186, 187, 197, 223, 228, 257, 270-271, 275, 276, 279-280, 308; pastiches, 230, 259-260, 295; publication, 255, 266, 360-364 (see also Weird Tales, stories published); quality, 219, 223, 225, 258, 285-286 (see also Storytelling ability); realism in, 260-261, 311; rejection, 178-179, 181, 187, 219 (see also Adventure Magazine, stories rejected; Argosy, stories rejected; Weird Tales, stories rejected); revisions, 189, 207; sold, 261 (see also Argosy, stories sold; Weird Tales, stories sold); submission, 178, 225 Story of an African Farm, The, 205-206 Storytelling ability, 14, 57, 58-59, 67, 76-77, 95, 96, 144, 244, 291-292, 339, 367-368 Strange Detective Stories, 312 Suicide, 168, 352; father's reaction, 9, 346, 347-348, 351, 352, 357-360; by Howard, 6-7, 8, 10-11, 185, 345-348, 350-351; thoughts by Howard, 82-83, 142, 236, 243-234, 251, 329, 349, 358

  Supernatural stories, 68-69, 88-89, 311. (see also Horror stories); by Howard, 218, 223, 271, 280-281 "Swords of Shahrazar," 309 "Swords of the Red Brotherhood." See

  "Black Stranger, The." "Sword Woman," 319, 330

  Tabernacle. See Churches. Tales of Conan, 362

  Tall tales, 54, 56, 77,87-88,95,147,262

  Talman, Wilfred Blanch, 182-183, 253

  Tattler, The, 165-167

  Tempter, The, 156-157, 241, 328, 345

  Texaco Star, 250-254

  Texans, 7-8, 103-104, 106, 115, 123,

  125. See also Hispano-Texans. Texas, 109-119, 123 (see also Climate; Weather; specific places, e.g. Cross Cut, Texas); description, 71-72, 73-74, 98-100; governors, 40, 96, 109, 126-127, 254; history, 100, 103-109, 110, 113, 116-118, 124-127 (see also Callahan County, Texas, history); Howard's impressions of, 64, 69,100,104,117,120,253-254 (see also Dark Valley, Texas, Howard's impressions of); immigrants to, 40, 103, 115, 128, 176; population, 40, 59, 66,128, 129,132,152; relations with Mexico, 104-106, 113, 117 (see also Mexicans; Mexican War) Texas Rangers, 102, 109 Theosophy, 86, 195, 277 Thomas, Lowell, 120, 276, 308 Thrilling Mystery, 312 "Thunder of Trumpets, A," 251 Tigers of the Sea, 259 Tolkien, J.R.R., 12, 286 "Tomb Secret, The," 312 Top-Notch, 333 Torbett, Frank, 9, 329 Thorbett, F. Thurston, 249, 251, 322, 329 "Tower of the Elephant, The," 132, 265, 272-273, 274

  "Trail of the Blood-Stained God, The," 333

  Transportation, 89-90, 144, 298-299.

  See also Railroad. Traverel Manor, 256

  "Treasure of Tranicos, The." See "Black

  Stranger, The." "Treasures of Tartary," 309 Treatise on the Gods, 325 Triplett, Percy, 76

  Tuberculosis, 31, 60, 61, 137; in Ervin family, 25, 27, 28; in H.E. Howard, 93, 97, 137, 247, 339-341 Tyson, Lindsey, 142,144, 156, 158, 162, 169, 172-173, 215, 249, 298, 358 (see also Vacations, with Tyson); rooming with, 180, 186, 201; visits with, 299, 300

  Vacations, 255-256, 262-263, 297; with Tyson, 222-223; with Vinson, 202-203, 204-206, 307-308, 337-339 "Vale of Lost Women, The," 266, 271, 272, 363

  "Valley of the Worm, The," 312-313 Varieties of Religious Experience, 325 Vinson, Truett, 167, 168, 169, 173, 220, 227, 249, 252, 344 (see also Price, Novalyne, relationship with Vinson; Vacations, with Vinson); visits with, 192-193, 198, 228, 339 Violence, 108, 109, 113, 116-117, 118, 123, 126, 146-147, 261 (see also Murder; Outlaws); in R.E. Howard, 8, 57-58, 76, 180, 191, 200, 209-210, 240, 287, 301, 367; in stories, 77, 175, 188, 219-220, 256, 258-259

  "Vultures' Sanctuary," 310, 342

  "Wandering Years, The," 23, 26-27 Weapon collecting, 135, 215, 262, 351-

  352, 355. See also Knife skills. Weather, 44, 64, 96, 99, 119-121. See also Climate; Drouth.

  Weird Tales, 177, 196, 256, 274, 28ft-286, 297, 354; Illustration*, 199, 257, 275-276, 286, 322; poem* published, 206, 207, 237; »t»rie» published, 100, 198-199, 207, 216, 218, 229, 256-257, 260, 265-267, 271, 312, 333; stories rejected, 189, 197, 271, 362; stories sold, 180, 181, 189, 190, 206, 225, 229, 258 West. See Southwest. Western stories, 187, 218-219, 230, 304,

  309-311, 331-332, 341-342 "West Is West," 165 White, William A. P. See Boucher, Anthony. Wildlife. See Nature. Williams, J.A., 18 Wilson, Tom Ray, 57, 143, 158 "Wings in the Night," 257 Witch-Cult in Western Europe, The, 228 "Witch from Hell's Kitchen, The," 362 "Witch Shall Be Born, A" 265, 277-278 With Lawrence in Arabia, 308 "Wolfshead," 194-195, 196, 199, 224 Wollheim, Donald, 263-264 "Wolves Beyond the Border," 266, 280,

  281-282, 343 Women (see also Ideal woman; Sex): and Howard, 76, 159-160, 172, 173, 192-193, 203, 211-212, 220-222, 227, 229, 248, 319 (see also Baum, Ruth; Howard, H.E., and other women; Price, Novalyne, relationship with Howard); in stories, 16, 219-220, 256, 267, 273-274, 319, 330-331 (see also Bglit) World War I, 67-68, 96, 117 Wright, Farnsworth, 177, 232, 303, 343; correspondence with, 78, 153-154, 180, 189, 198-199, 251, 328 Writing: as a career, 11, 172, 178-179, 197, 207, 214-215, 294-295 (see also Languages; Poetry; Pseudonyms; Stories); classification of periods, 230; skills, 187, 236, 261,


  Writing: as a career (cont.) "Xuthal of the Dusk." See "Slithering

  286-287, 304-305, 334 (see also Shadow, The."

  Storytelling ability)

  Yellow Jacket, The, 202 X-Triple-Bar ranch, 70-71, 74, 77-78, Yogi, 86 151

  1 have not heard lutes beckon me, nor the brazen bugles call,

  But once in the din of a haunted lea I heard the silence fall.

  I have not heard the regal drum, nor seen the flags unfurled,

  But I have watched the dragons come, fire-eyed, across the world . . .




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