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A Dirty Wedding Night: A Dirty Rockstar Romance (Dirty, Book 2.5)

Page 4

by Jaine Diamond

  I was pretty bent on getting her there one day.

  “I just thought of one more vow,” I told her. “And you’re gonna like this one.”

  “Yeah?” she breathed.

  “Yeah.” I sucked her nipple into my mouth and teased the hell out of it with my tongue, then released it with a pop.

  “Ungghh…” she groaned, which was Katie’s incoherent way of saying, Do that again.

  I switched to her other nipple, popping it out of the corset and teasing with flicks of my tongue, interspersed with soft, feathery kisses.

  “I promise,” I told her as she panted beneath me, “to keep finding new ways to fuck you. So it always feels like our wedding night.”

  She giggled, but it came out as a breathy sigh. “You’re a true romantic, Jesse.”

  “You doubt my creativity, babe?”

  “Well, no. I just—”

  Then I spread her thighs, and sank my dick into her.

  I watched her bite her lip to keep from crying out as I started stroking, in and out, but not too deep…

  “I mean, really…” she said, her voice all soft and raspy. “How many different ways are there to fuck a girl?”

  I tossed her a loaded look before returning my attention to her tits.

  “If it’s you, babe?” I let my stubbly chin rasp against her breast—she wouldn’t let me go clean-shaven, even for our wedding. Said she loved me with a few days’ growth. I was pretty sure she just loved the feel of it between her legs. “Fuck… endless possibilities…”

  “That may be the dirtiest thing you’ve ever said to me, Jesse,” she said sweetly.

  “Just feels that way because my dick is inside you…”

  “Mmm.” She squirmed, raising her hips to take me deeper, urging me to it, and as I sank home, she gasped, “You’re right.” She rocked her hips against me. “But you say a lot of things dirtier than other people do…”

  “It’s a gift. Stop squirming.”

  Then I held her down, pinning her hips as I drove into her, making her take me the way I wanted her to—at my pace. I controlled the rhythm, the depth. And as I watched her take my cock, her tits heaved, spilling from her corset. She probably couldn’t get a full breath in that thing.

  “Is it wrong that you’re kinda suffocating and it’s turning me on?”

  “No,” she breathed. “It’s kinky.”

  “Good. Then I’m gonna say… that’s new. I’ve never seen you actually struggle to breathe while I fucked you before.”

  “I always struggle to breathe while you fuck me.”

  “Flattery,” I mumbled, leaning down to run my tongue between her breasts again… and over the swollen curves, the hard tips.

  “Truth,” she whispered, arching her back for more. “Did you mean it, though? The ‘always’ part?”


  “You’re always gonna think of new ways to fuck me?”

  “Mmm,” I mumbled against her sweet skin as the blood left my head. She was covered in the lightest sheen of sweat. I could feel her pussy burning up, swelling, tightening around me, choking me as she fought to move her hips against mine. “When I’m not too tired,” I said, fucking her slow… lapping her nipples with my tongue. “And, you know, if I’m not mad at you.”

  “What…? What… um… happens if you’re mad at me?”

  I paused, meeting her sex-hazed eyes, then fucked her harder for effect. Once. Then again. Hard… but slow.

  “Then I’ll just spank your ass and fuck the hell out of you, and you’ll like what you get.”

  She bit her full bottom lip, twisting it in her teeth as I sped up my thrusts. “Oh, God. Shit. It’s really unfair how much that just turned me on…”

  I smiled and kissed her.

  Then an idea occurred to me, and I stilled. Katie undulated beneath me like a snake—a snake bound in lace, breathless, sucking hungrily at my tongue.

  “Baby…” she begged.

  “Just a sec.”

  Then I tore myself from her grip and pulled my dick out, getting up. She started to sit up, awkwardly, impeded by her corset. “But—!”

  “Hold that thought.” I sprang out of bed and dashed into the bathroom. I didn’t want to leave her hanging any more than she wanted to be left.

  “Jesse?” she called after me, all breathy and confused. “Jesse Mayes…? Did you seriously just stop in the middle of fucking me?”

  I found Katie’s makeup bag on the bathroom counter and started rooting through it. Where the fuck were they? I knew she kept them in here…

  I heard her sigh and flop back on the bed.

  “Does trying new things involve some sort of cross-dressing thing?” she called. “Because if so, you really don’t need mascara. Women pay a lot of money to get eyelashes like yours. Jesse…?”


  “In other words, you’d make a gorgeous chick. If one could look past all the muscles and the body hair. But I can’t say I want to.”

  “How do you know until you try?”

  As I strode back into the bedroom, she propped herself up on her elbows and threw me a skeptical pout.

  “We’ve never done this before,” I said, holding up a packet of her birth control pills.

  “You know that’s birth control, right?” she said, teasing. “It’s not, like, ecstasy. Or Viagra.”

  “Viagra? Woman, please.” I popped the little pills into my hand one by one until the case was empty. Then I raised an eyebrow at Katie in silent question.

  She looked at the pile of pills in the palm of my hand. Then she met my eyes.

  She bit her lip a little… and nodded.

  My heart thumped in my chest. Because damn.

  I’d been planning to bring it up. Soon. Maybe not tonight.

  But why the fuck not?

  I slipped off one of her sexy shoes and crushed the pills to dust on the bedside table with the heel.

  “Great,” she said. “Now the staff will think we snorted lines off there or something.”

  “I’m a rock star, babe,” I said. “They already think that.”

  “You know doing that isn’t gonna make me insta-pregnant, right?”

  “Don’t be a smart-ass. It’s symbolic.”

  I tossed her shoe aside and dove on top of her. My cock, still half-mast, pressed to the inside of her thigh as I kissed her, deep. She kissed me back, but I could feel her resistance. She’d tensed up. Way up.

  “You’re… um… really committed to this… doing-something-new thing,” she said, giggling a little between kisses.


  “You know,” she mused, as I sucked my way down her throat, “a baby would be crazy new.”


  “Might impede your ability to stick to your other vows, though…”

  I looked at her, mildly offended. “Like what?”

  “Making me come every day?”

  I slipped my hand between her legs and slid my middle finger, slowly, up into her. So fucking smooth, hot and wet… I watched her eyes haze over and her mouth drop open as she relaxed a little.

  “Almost every day,” I said, my voice rough with lust. “And besides…” I told her, teasing one of her blushing nipples with my tongue, “I don’t see why a baby would impede that.”

  She laughed softly, digging her hands into my hair as I kissed my way between her breasts. “That’s because you’ve never had one, sweetie.”

  “Neither have you.”

  “Yet I know enough to know that orgasms may slide down the priority list for a while once I do.”

  “Then I’ll just have to pull up that other vow… Call someone in to deal with shit for me.”

  Katie’s hands stilled in my hair. “To give me orgasms?”

  “The baby, wise-ass.” I bit her nipple lightly and fucked her slowly with my finger. “I’ll hire a nanny to help with the baby, so we still have time for orgasms.”

  “It’s not just time, you know,” she pan
ted, as I worked her back up. “It’s… energy. We’d be tired as shit, getting up all night with a newborn. And my boobs would be all full of milk… and sore… and you wouldn’t get to oral-fetish on me all the time…”

  I looked at her, lifting myself off her a bit as I withdrew my finger from her pussy. “Do I need to scrape those pills back together?”

  She smiled, pulling me back on top of her. “No. Just saying. But we’ll just have to deal with it like we do everything else.” She wrapped her thighs around my hips. “Together,” she said softly.

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “Together.” I rubbed the length of my hard cock against her softness, all slick and warm and ready for me.

  “Please, Jesse…” she purred as she kissed me.

  “God, I love it when you beg…”

  “Just give it to me, for fuck’s sake,” she said. “I didn’t marry you so you could fuck off into the bathroom halfway to my next orgasm…”

  I grinned. “You’ve always had a way with dirty words yourself, you know that?”

  “Only with you,” she murmured, shifting beneath me. She was trying like hell to line up the head of my cock with her wet pussy. Too bad for her, I outweighed her by a hundred bucks.

  I grabbed her hands and pressed them into the bed, above her head. Then I used my full weight to pin her down, my cock lined up—but just out of reach.

  Then I looked her in the eye and asked her, “Yeah?”

  She smiled, even as she panted with anticipation. “It’s not magic, and it’s not instant, you know. I’m not gonna get pregnant tonight. It’s not even the right time in my cycle—”

  “Don’t be a party pooper, Katie. I told you, it’s symbolic.”

  At that, her eyes softened. She reached up to kiss me with her sweet, full lips… and that light touch, Katie’s warm breath against my face, feeling her need building as she panted in her corset, so hungry I could almost taste it… it sent lighting bolts of lust ripping down my spine.

  “Then, yeah,” she whispered.

  I rammed into her then, deep. She cried out as she took me, biting my lip. Then I thrust my tongue in her mouth, filling her at both ends as I drove into her, again and again.

  She murmured against my lips when I eased up to let her breathe, begging me for more.

  “Harder, Jesse… I wanna be yours…”

  “You are mine.”

  Her tits swelled against me as my weight and the corset smothered her, and when she came, it was with a desperate, ragged, feral cry like nothing I’d ever pulled from her before.

  God… Jesse…


  It pushed me right over the edge.

  I shoved into her, coming like a rocket, just blanking out and giving in as I collapsed against her… Riding the waves of ecstasy as our bodies melded, shuddering together.

  My fingers laced through hers, I squeezed her hands.

  And afterward, when I could move again, just enough to see her face… to shift myself to the side so I didn’t crush her… I looked into her big blue-green eyes. And she looked back at me.

  “I promise,” I told her in a rough whisper, “I’ll be a good dad, Katie. Actually, I’m pretty sure… I’ll be an exceptional dad.”

  She smiled, and happy tears sparked in her eyes. “I know you will, Jesse.”

  And in that moment, I saw it, so clear: a little girl or a boy with those eyes, and Katie’s sweet smile…

  And I fell in love with her all over again.

  A Dirty Secret

  Author’s Note

  If you’ve read Dirty Like Us (Dirty #0.5)—and you really, really should before reading this story, A Dirty Secret—then you know the big secret about Dirty’s lead singer, Zane Traynor, and Maggie Omura, the band’s assistant manager. There are a couple of scenes in Dirty Like Brody (Dirty #2) that address it as well. So if you want every last detail of Zane and Maggie’s story so far, you’ll need to read the other books first.

  Dirty Like Brody takes place many months after Zane and Maggie’s crazy night in Las Vegas in Dirty Like Us, and for all that time, they’ve both kept their secret.

  But what’s been going on behind the scenes? Are they fucking or what? More importantly, are they in love? Whatever’s going on, why is it all still a secret? And what the hell are they going to do about it?

  Well, as the pragmatic Maggie puts it in Dirty Like Brody, it’s complicated. And to quote her: “If I knew the answers to such questions… I wouldn’t be drinking wine straight from the bottle.”

  The night of Jesse and Katie’s wedding in Dirty Like Brody, we see Maggie, in her wet undies, being hauled off into the woods, caveman style, by a naked Zane after their midnight swim.

  So what the heck happens next?

  I’ll give you one guess…


  Chapter 1


  I sat back and watched as my good friend, Jessa, did something I never thought she’d do: she walked straight out the dock, stripped down to her underwear, and hopped into the just-slightly-above-freezing waters of Cathedral Cove.

  I laughed and applauded wildly.

  Seconds later, her head popped above water. “Jesus!” she screamed. “Fuck, that’s cold!” And I kept laughing—from my cozy, dry seat by the fire.

  It was January and this was Canada; we were way up on the Pacific Coast of Vancouver Island, but with the fire—and several layers of clothing—it was fine. The naked crazies in the water could suit themselves. I was more than happy where I was.

  It was the middle of the night and we’d been drinking and singing songs, jamming around the fire pit—just the members of Dirty, the mega-successful rock band I’d co-managed for almost seven years, and a few close friends. It was the night of our lead guitarist’s wedding; Jesse Mayes—Jessa’s brother—had just married his fiancee, Katie Bloom. The wedding was incredible and the party had gone late, but only a few of us had lasted this long.

  Jesse and Katie had disappeared up to their lux newlyweds’ cabin a while ago, and while I was privately jealous that they were most definitely fucking like bunnies right now… as a girl who hadn’t gotten any in a lot longer than I liked to think about—well, I was trying not to think about it.

  Likely, some of us were still up because we were still hoping to hook up, while the rest of us just weren’t ready for the party to end, for reasons of our own.

  I was looking right at my reason.

  Zane Traynor, lead singer of Dirty; the living definition of a rock god. The man with the biggest ego of any man I’d ever met, but the killer voice, gorgeous face and otherworldly body—big, swinging dick and all—to back it up. No surprise, he was one of the crazies in the water. Actually, he’d kinda led the naked charge.

  I watched as he threw his arms around Jessa, his slicked-back blond hair gleaming in the moonlight. I couldn’t see them clearly in the near-dark, just their heads bobbing on the water, but somehow, I knew Zane was watching me.

  “Maggie!” he hollered as he held Jessa close. “Get your ass in the water!” For a split second I let myself wonder if he’d ever fucked her; I wondered that about most women who got near Zane.

  At least, the hot ones.

  But no, I concluded as I sipped my beer. Zane and Jessa had never fucked, even though she was super-hot. Mainly because she would never do that to me.

  Thank Christ, for both her sake and mine.

  “Don’t let the old man cramp your style, Maggs,” Ash put in. The lead singer for the alt rock band Penny Pushers, Ash was also in the water, along with our drummer, Dylan, and Roni, a girlfriend of Jessa’s; the lot of them were all amped up on liquid courage. All except Zane, who didn’t drink.

  Unlike regular mortals, Zane didn’t need booze to fuel his crazy.

  I glanced over at my boss, Brody, Dirty’s longtime manager and close friend, who was sitting beside me, and rolled my eyes. Old man, was it?

  When even Dylan started mouthing off at us next, I knew it was dawning on
all of them what total morons they were, freezing their asses off while Brody and I lounged by the fire pit.

  “Maggie May!” Zane thundered at me, using the full force of his lead singer’s pipes and drowning everyone else out. “Get your ass in the water before my dick falls off!”

  “Jesus Christ,” I grumbled, but finally, I stood up. Because apparently there was a little moron inside me, too. “Doesn’t he ever shut up?” I sucked back my beer and set it aside.

  Brody didn’t bother answering, just smirked and drank his beer.

  I walked straight out the dock and did the only thing I knew for sure would shut Zane up. I stripped down to my underwear—quickly—to a bunch of appreciative catcalls, and jumped in the water.

  And fuck me, it hurt.

  Kinda like my body was crashing through ice.

  I fought back to the surface as the pressure, at once numbing and so incredibly burning, squeezed in. I gasped brokenly for air. Then I screamed—the most bloodcurdling, jagged scream I’d ever heard, and until now, I didn’t even know I could make.

  My friends howled in the water around me.

  I heard Jessa’s teeth chattering as she said, “M-maggie, we’re g-gonna d-d-die!”

  Yep. Totally fucking felt that way.

  Ash was already climbing out, the big man-baby, and streaking buck-naked up the dock toward the trees; with all the tattoos and piercings, you’d think the guy could handle a little pain. Roni was next, then Dylan, also bare-assed. They dashed up the boardwalk and into the old-growth forest, leaving their clothes behind.

  I was already doing a frantic doggy-paddle back to the dock myself—I’d never been the world’s strongest swimmer—when Jessa, all long-limbed and lithe, glided past me and hauled herself up the ladder, water sheeting off her swimsuit model’s body.


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