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Lost In L.O.V. (Love At Last Series Book 2)

Page 3

by K. L. Myers

  I walk over to her bed. “I’m sorry, piccolo—” Realizing what I’d started to call her, I immediately stop. I watch as her body tenses as she lies there.

  “Don’t call me that anymore, Ang. I’m not a little girl.”

  Placing one knee on the mattress and leaning forward, I whisper into her ear. “No, you’re not a little girl anymore, so stop behaving like one. You can’t just run off and slam a door because you don’t like the response I give you.” I knew that would strike a chord inside her and she’d want to fight about it, and just as I’d planned, she rolls over to scream at me. She throws my words from earlier back at me, every single one of them, just as I had said them to her word for word. My face is so close to hers that when she calls me her boss, it takes everything I have not to reach down and show her who is boss. But then she turns away and yells at me to go one more time.

  I close the door behind me and stand on the other side of it briefly. I am walking away once more instead of telling her. I make it as far as the living room before I decide that it is time to put an end to this once and for all and head back to her bedroom.

  Chapter 4


  “Wake up, Principessa,” I whisper into her ear. It has been over a month since I confessed my feelings to Lillian, but I still can’t bring myself to sleep in her bed as she wishes or to even take anything past a few stolen kisses.

  “Go away, Ang, I’m tired.” She brushes my face away from hers.

  “Class begins in an hour, Principessa. I suggest you get up if you don’t want to go to class looking like you just rolled out of bed. No matter how laid back folks are here, you may be taking it a little too far if you don’t clean up.” I slap her ass, then turn and walk out of the room. I hear a few mumbles about me being an asshole or something similar, then hear the slam of the bathroom door.

  I pour myself a cup of coffee, make one for Lillian, and toast her a bagel and slather it with cream cheese, placing it on a plate and setting it aside for her. Today, like every other day, I’ll spend the morning in the gym working out and then check in with her father for our weekly update call. It’s always the same; how’s she doing, and do we need anything? Then I get updates as to what’s transpired back at home.

  I hear the opening of the bathroom door and the patter of her bare feet as she enters the living room. “Ang, I have a bad feeling today. I had a dream last night; it was a bad one, and I don’t remember what it was about, but I do remember waking up and finding you were no longer here. Maybe we should just stay here and watch movies all day.”

  I see a worried look I’ve not seen before in Lillian’s eyes. “Oh, Principessa, you will never be without me. So, don’t worry, little one. I’ll always be here to protect you and chase away your demons. Now, go get your shoes on so I can walk you to class.”

  Lillian nods her head. “Okay, Ang, whatever you say.” I still hear the unease in her voice, but she doesn’t put up a fight. When she enters the room once again, she’s ready. I check the clip once, slide it back in the barrel, and load a bullet in the chamber before placing it against my back and cover it with my shirt.

  “You ready?” I ask as I reach out and grab her messenger bag from her hand, allowing her to manage her coffee and eat her bagel as we walk. We walk in silence, Lillian constantly looking over her shoulder; at what I’m not sure. “What’s wrong, Lillian? Why are you looking where you came from and not where you are going?”

  “I told you, Ang. I have a bad feeling today. I can’t shake it.” She smiles a half smile at me in an attempt to show me she is fine. When we reach the campus building, I open the door and step aside for her to enter. Once again, my hand finds the small of her back as we walk toward her class. I pull her to my side and whisper in her ear, “I’ll never be too far. I’ll meet you right here after class. If you need me sooner, just call.” I wait for her to enter her class, then walk down the hall to find Steve, chief of campus security. When we first arrived, I was sure to make friends with him. Without going into too much detail, I let him in on who I was and why I’d be hanging around campus. Naturally, he agreed to turn a blind eye to me, and with the help of a handful of Benjamins each week, he agreed to add a little extra security to the areas where Lillian has her classes without making it look as if it was intentional.

  I find Steve in his office. “Hey, man. Lillian’s a little off today. Do you mind having one of your guys stick a little closer to her classes today? It’s probably nothing at all, but it will make me feel better.” I toss a couple of extra hundreds at him.

  “No problem, Angelo. I’ll take care of it.” What Steve doesn’t know is that I know everything there is to know about him and that I do trust him. Steve’s in his fifties, a retired military man, and he takes his job seriously.

  When I exit the building, I spot a black Audi with limo-tinted windows parked off to the side. I noticed it several times over the last few weeks outside the building and at the diner down the road. Because I don’t believe in coincidences, I made a mental note of the license plate number. It’s been the same each time. I take a left around the building and take out my cell phone as I circle back around to give me the advantage of sneaking up behind whoever is in the Audi.

  “Ciao, Angelo, how is my daughter?” Mr. Vicci asks.

  “She’s fine, sir. Just checking in before I head to the gym,” I tell him.

  “Angelo, what is wrong? You never call before the gym. What aren’t you telling me?” For the first time ever, I hear panic in Francesco Vicci’s voice.

  “It may be nothing, sir. I’ve spotted the same Audi several times, and it seems out of place. I’m going to pay a visit to the driver when we get off the phone, but I wanted to check in first.”

  “You call me as soon as you find out who it is, you hear me?” Mr. Vicci orders. “Salvatore informed me this morning that Roberto had a run-in with the Shevchenko family last night, and his body was dumped by the river. I was going to tell you to stick closer to Lillian until I can get to the bottom of what happened. Capisci?”

  “Si, Mr. Vicci.”

  As I come around the corner, I see the driver's door open, and Dymtro Balagula steps out. I watch as he enters the building. As quickly as possible, I draw my gun and run toward the car, pulling the passenger car door open, expecting to find someone sitting there, but instead find that it is empty. Quickly, I climb in and close the door behind me, patiently waiting for his return.

  I don’t have to wait long. Dymtro exits the building, pulling his phone from his pocket as he walks unsuspectingly toward his car while typing in a text. I’m ready for him the minute he opens the door, but he doesn’t notice me until he sits and feels the cold metal of my gun against his temple.

  My hand quickly reaches out, taking the phone from his hand, before I speak. “Why the fuck are you here?” Even though I know he isn’t going to tell me, I ask the question. I give him a few seconds to reply, but when he doesn’t, I move my gun for a second to shoot him in the leg before pressing it to his head once more.

  Dymtro curses me, the pain evident in his eyes. “Tell me why you are here, or the next one goes into your skull,” I snap at him.

  “Why should I tell you? You’ll kill me anyway,” Dymtro bristles through his clenched jaw. “There’s no incentive for me to tell you.”

  “You are right. There is no incentive.” I pull the trigger, and the blood splatters against the driver's window. Holding his cell phone in my hand, I see the unsent text. You are right. Lillian is a student at Stanford. I will take care of her tonight. The blood in my veins runs ice cold at the thought.

  Quickly, I dial Mr. Vicci and wait for him to answer. “It was Dymtro Balagula.”

  “Cazzo, figlio di puttana. You must kill him quickly.” I hear Mr. Vicci tell me.

  “It is done. He wasn’t able to let Shevchenko know that she is here, but it’s just a matter of time before they figure it out. I can’t dispose of the body without someone noticing, so just a heads u
p that I’ll be reaching out to Lazana for help. Do they owe us any favors?”

  “Si, do not let my daughter out of your sight until I can get this under control, do you hear me, Angelo? You keep her safe.”

  “With my life, sir.”

  Chapter 5


  I know something is up the minute I exit the classroom at the end of the day and see Angelo’s rigid posture leaning against the wall. When my first class came to an end and he wasn’t waiting for me, I suspected that something had happened. By the second to the last class of the day, my insides began to twist and turn with worry. Ang rarely lets me walk to my classes alone. “What’s wrong, Ang? I know something is going on.”

  His hand quickly grips my bicep, pulling me close to him as we walk through the hall and out the door. His stride is quick, causing me to take three steps for each of his single ones.

  “We need to move quickly. I need to get you home, so I can protect you, keep you safe.”

  The one thing I’ve learned growing up is not to ask questions that I don’t want to know the answers to, because more than likely I’m not going to get an answer anyway. I thought coming to California would solve all my problems, but I should have known that I’d never get away from the dangers that come with being Francesco Vicci’s daughter. The only benefit California has for me is that none of my classmates have put two and two together yet to realize that I am the same Vicci as the Vicci crime family.

  Once safe inside our home, I hear Angelo’s phone ringing. He steps into my bedroom, pulling the phone from his pocket and taking the call outside of hearing range. I don’t like being kept in the dark when it comes to my life, so I tiptoe toward my bedroom and listen quietly.

  “Yes, sir, I understand.” I hear him say. “I think that’s a great idea. One for each of her classes.” Angelo begins to pace in front of my bed. I quickly hide around the corner, so he doesn’t see me as he passes in front of the door once again, wearing a path in the carpet if he doesn’t stop. “Yes, sir, with my life” are the last words I hear as his footsteps draw closer to me.

  “What happened today, Ang? And don’t say it’s none of my business. I want to know right now, Ang, or I swear I’ll shoot you myself when you are sleeping.”

  Angelo laughs as he walks past me to sit on the couch. I sit facing him and wait for his response. “The Ukrainians know you are here, Lillian. They sent someone after you.” I sit back, wrapping my arms around my middle, and take in what I’ve just learned. When I don’t respond, he reaches for me, taking one of my hands in his. “I’ll never let anyone get to you, Lillian. I promise you are safe. My life for yours. Never forget that.”

  I move quickly so that Angelo isn’t prepared for me to push him back against the couch as I climb into his lap. My lips are pressed against his, but I don’t back away even though he is not reciprocating. Deciding that playing dirty is probably in order, I shimmy my hips, pressing my core against his hard erection. His hands quickly move to my hips, pressing me down harder and moving my body to rub against his. I’m lost, lust overtaking me, so I’m completely surprised when he finally gives in and deepens the kiss, claiming my mouth, my tongue, and my body with every inch of his. I’m a hot mess, desire aching between my legs and wanting more. I think this is finally going to be the day I get what I’ve been dreaming about for years, but the kiss ends, and Angelo pulls away.

  I see the battle in his eyes, but I can feel his desire. It’s hard and throbbing under me, yet he still proclaims, “We can’t do this, Lillian. It’s wrong on so many levels.”

  He’s conflicted, but I can work with that because I know I’ll finally get what I crave with a little more coercion. “It’s okay, Ang. No one will ever know. Give in, take what you want.” My eyes search his for a second. “What do you want, Ang?”

  “I want you, Lillian,” he whispers into my mouth as he kisses me once more. “I’ve wanted you for so long. I’m not sure I can fight it much longer.”

  “Don’t fight it, Angelo.” My fingers run through his hair as I stare into his eyes, trying to convey everything I’m feeling for him. How much I want him. That everything is going to be just fine if he gives in. I know the minute I’ve won. His eyes close, and he lets himself just feel.

  “I’m done fighting this.” Angelo claims my mouth once more. “I have to have you.”

  He stands, and my legs hook behind his back as he walks toward my bedroom, never breaking the kiss. Our bodies are twined together, heat combusting from both of us. When we hit the bed, Angelo lies on his back as he guides my hips once again along his length. The sensation begins to build between my legs, nothing like I’ve ever felt before. A tingle daring to claim my body. His hands grasp my hips tighter, his fingers digging into my backside as he moves me faster and faster against him. I feel my body twitch, my core tightening, throbbing as the ecstasy splinters within me. “Oh, God, yes!” I yell as I’m tipped over the edge and my first orgasm rips through me.

  I collapse against Angelo’s chest, my lungs gasping for air as my heart beats out of control against my rib cage. His large hand strokes my back, soothing and comforting me as he holds me tight. I’m at a loss for words, actually embarrassed that we are still dressed and I’ve had my first orgasm fully clothed.

  Angelo starts to speak. “I’m sorry—”

  “Don’t,” I tell him. “Don’t say you are sorry and make me feel horrible about what just happened. You wanted me. I wanted you. Neither of us will apologize for feeling this way, do you understand me?”

  His soft lips touch mine once more, tender and sweet. “Okay, Principessa, I won’t apologize and say I’m sorry because truthfully, I’m not. I want you in every way possible, Lillian.”

  I kiss the side of his neck, brushing my lips against his ear. “Then have me, Angelo. All of me.”

  “Not tonight, Principessa. The time will come, but not tonight.” His arms wrap tighter around me, holding me close.

  I lie against him, listening to his heartbeat until my heart beats in rhythm to his as if we are one. The soothing touch of his hand up and down my back lulls me to sleep, but when I wake, I’m all alone on my bed, a blanket tossed over me. The room is dark, and silence surrounds me. A pang in my heart has me questioning if I dreamt what happened between us or if it was real. It felt real, but here I lie, all alone, so maybe it was a dream, wishful thinking. I’m still dressed in the clothes I wore earlier today, so I strip out of them and slide into a tank and a fresh pair of boy shorts. Quietly, I tiptoe into the living room and find Angelo asleep on the sofa sleeper, his bare chest exposed to me, the light from the TV shining on the rippled muscles covered with ink. It’s like I’m being taunted to take what is mine. Gently, I lift the covers and climb in beside him, scooting in closely, placing my arms between us against his chest. His arms move to envelop me as he places a tender kiss against my forehead. “Sleep, Principessa,” he whispers.

  Four months, damn it. Four months, Angelo and I have slept together every night, yet I can’t get him to take the next step past foreplay. The threats on my life were taken care of weeks after the first incident. I still have no idea to what degree I should be concerned, but just having him in my bed at night is all I’ve ever wanted. As far as I know, there have been no other incidents, and the end of the semester and my birthday are just around the corner. Now, though, I want more. I want all of him, all of it. I want to feel him inside me, not his fingers or his mouth, but him, and I have yet to be able to please him. No matter how hard I try, Angelo never lets it get that far. It’s time for drastic measures, and with my nineteenth birthday close, it is time to devise a plan.

  “Ang, I’m going to Flicks this Sunday with a few classmates, and you’re not invited.” I walk past the bathroom, where he is standing, brushing his teeth. I’m not sure what I expected Angelo to do, but ignoring my comment wasn’t something I would have guessed. Coffee cup in hand, I turn, running straight into Angelo’s hard chest. Coffee splashes from my cup, la
nding on my chest. “Jesus, Ang, you could have said something, so I knew you were there. Now I have to change.”

  “Don’t play coy, Principessa. What makes you think you can walk past me, toss a line of bullshit about going Flicks on Sunday, by yourself, and expect me to be okay with it?”

  “Ah, Ang, it’s a time-honored tradition here. Besides, this week is the last week that Flicks is playing, and I want to be a part of it. Rhonda said for as long as Flicks has been playing, the end-of-the-year movie has always been The Graduate. I’m going, Ang, WITH. MY. FRIENDS. Emphasis on ‘friends’ so you understand that I won’t be alone or in danger, and I don’t want you to come.”

  “That’s not going to happen. Your father would have my balls if I let you out of my sight for even a second, and I happen to be fond of my balls staying intact.”

  I lower my hand, cupping him through his jeans. “I’m rather fond of your balls as well.” A low groan teases my ears before Angelo pushes my hand away.

  “Stop it, Lillian. This is serious.” A scowl mars his ruggedly sexy face. “I’m not opposed to you going to Flicks, but I won’t let you go alone. I’ll give you your space, but I will not be far away. That is the only compromise I’m willing to make. Either that, or you stay home.”

  I pull my coffee-stained shirt over my head, exposing my barely-covered tits to him. When I see his eyes travel down to take them in, I pass by him, brushing my already hard nipples against his arm. “Fine, you win.”

  Chapter 6


  I swear she pushes my buttons every chance she gets. I’m a red-blooded man, and keeping things from venturing to the next level has been extremely hard. My only saving grace is that I can somehow rationalize it to myself that we haven’t had sex. No matter how hard controlling my inner animal not to take her and fuck her senseless has been, I’ve just kept telling myself I’m too old for her. It’s become harder and harder for me to keep my dick from playing hide and seek in the depths of her warm cave. Each time, I have to remind myself that she is Francesco Vicci’s daughter, not my personal plaything. That doesn’t stop me from giving her pleasure like she’s never known until me, but it does keep me from doing something I can never take back.


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