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Sea's Sorceress

Page 3

by Brynna Curry

  “I shouldn’t.”

  “You can’t resist my pastries, darling. Be a good girl. Take a bite.” He held one up to her lips and leaned over until she was looking directly into those smoky blue eyes.

  Big mistake. Can’t resist you is more like it. “I don’t eat sweets. They’re bad for me and the scales.”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Rhiannon. You shouldn’t worry about things like that.”

  “That’s what I do. Worry.” And why was she telling him this? His taste ran to long, cool blondes. But Skye was far too easy to talk to.

  “Just the right size, and your curves are sexy. If you were as big as a house, you’d still be beautiful.”

  “You think I’m…sexy?”

  “Can’t you see the way men watch you? Do you know what they feel when they look at you? I do.”

  “You’d have kissed me in front of everybody if I hadn’t come back here.”

  “Hmm?” He tilted his head to the side, the tiny little scar at the corner of his eye crinkled. Did anyone besides her ever notice it? She’d been twelve that day, plenty old enough to go down to the water. Or so she had thought, until a loose rock sent her tumbling down the path. Skye had caught her, but not before a large stone had flown up and nicked the skin by his left eye.

  Skye leaned in and whispered in her ear. “In a heartbeat, and enjoyed it.” His mouth brushed her cheek as he pulled back.

  “You never did play fair.”

  “All’s fair in love and most of the time both sides can find a way to win.”

  “Would you have been sorry?”

  “Never. I care about you, Rhia.”

  “Well then. I guess that’s good to know.”

  “I think we need to talk about earlier on the phone. I–”

  Looking for a distraction, she gave up, leaned over and took a bite of the offered treat. “Mmm. It’s excellent. What’s gotten into you, Skye?”

  “Magic. Lots of it.” His eyes skimmed down over her mouth and her lips began to tingle. Her stomach fluttered. Would he kiss her? Did she want him to? Yes. She almost closed the distance herself. She just didn’t want to talk about her feelings for him. He’d be kind, sweet when he told her he didn’t love her. She couldn’t bear that and so she changed the subject.

  “Want to tell me about that?”

  “Liv almost died today.”

  “What! Skye. You told me she was all right!”

  “She is. Now.” He took her hands in his, eyes bright with excitement. “I wish you could have been there, Rhia. I told you it was amazing. Ryan healed her. Well, Jack, Allie, Devin and I lent what energy we could, but Ryan saved her. She was bleeding out.”

  “He healed her?”

  “Yes. I was thinking we could try something like that with your father.”

  The hope in his voice broke her heart. Hadn’t she already tried everything within her power? With Devin’s help, she had cast a circle and pleaded with the goddess to heal her Da. Nothing had worked. He was still sick. Cancer was devouring her father’s body and his time. Dr, Kate O’Connell–and if Skye’s prediction was right, soon to be Mrs. Ryan Corrigan and Skye’s sister-in-law–had given him a couple of weeks, but in truth nobody thought he would make it that long. Two days ago, he’d driven himself to Kate’s clinic alone, but this morning he hadn’t been able to get out of bed. He wouldn’t even eat. She had seen the agony in his eyes when she’d carefully hugged him before heading in to town to open up. To know her touch caused him such pain broke her heart.

  “Skye.” She squeezed his hand and was surprised when he twined his fingers through hers. “I know you mean well, but magic won’t help him.”

  “I want to help, Rhia. Let me ask.” Skye pressed a kiss to her hand in an old fashioned gesture.

  “Devin has already tried. There is nothing more to do, nothing more anyone can do. I have to get back to work. Thanks for the meal.” She picked up her bowl and glass, set them on the counter, and walked back into the dining room.

  Well, that was awkward. For a split second she had thought he would kiss her. Did she want him to? Did he really think about her like that? And how could she let herself think about Skye when her father was dying?

  Chapter 3

  He’d almost kissed her and that hadn’t been half of what he wanted to do. What would she taste like? How would she feel underneath him in the dark? No, in the firelight where he could watch her skin flush pink from his touch. At the last second, Skye had remembered there was a room full of customers on the other side of the door and she didn’t know how he really felt about her. They didn’t have long until closing. He’d let Rhiannon escape into work.

  He was wiping down the countertops and stove when the kitchen door swung open and Maegan sauntered through.

  “Nice to see you back, handsome. How’re the brats?” She flipped her long blonde hair behind one shoulder. What in the world could he have seen in her?

  “What do you want, Maegan?”

  “Dangerous question, lover. Come home with me and I’ll show you. Shift’s over. I’m taking a break. If little miss bossy bitch can share the kitchen with you, then so can I.”

  “You have to be the most self-centered woman I’ve ever known.” He felt his thin thread of control strain with the effort not to snap. “You need to leave. Now.”


  “Get out. We’re over. We’ve been over for awhile now. I can’t stand to look at you. Understand?”

  “Skye! Whatever’s got you so upset lately, we can work on it.”

  “What’s got me upset? Upset? Why don’t you try mad as hell. I don’t like cheats, Maegan. I know you slept with Sullivan. You brought him into your bed not an hour after I had left it. You were an idiot to try that. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? If you wanted to play games, you should have cut me loose. I did it for you.”

  “Look at you, all holier than thou. How many women have you strung along, made promises to?”

  “If I am with a woman, we have a mutual caring and understanding. A commitment to each other for as long as we last. I’ve never touched another while I was with you.”

  “Liar. You follow Rhiannon around like a puppy. You are always touching her. Her hair, her shoulder. Do you think I don’t know what people say behind my back?”

  “I don’t care what others say. You leave her out of this. You make me sick, Maegan. Get the hell out of here now.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “I do. Every single time I’ve said it in the last three months.”

  “Redheaded slut, she’s crawled under your skin with her poor little me act.”

  He was across the room in a flash. So fast he barely registered the movement, rage pumping off him in waves.

  Her blue eyes filled with fear.

  Skye had never hurt a woman, but he couldn’t let the insult slide. “If you were a man, you would be out cold on the floor right now. As it is, say one more word, just one, about Rhiannon and I might forget what you are. I’m done with you, Maegan. Done. Over. She’s ten times the woman you could ever be.”

  He dodged the glass jar full of strawberry preserves Maegan picked up from the table and flung. It smashed against the wall two inches beside his head. Sticky goo splattered on the walls and into his hair.

  “You think you can bandy me about like your other women, do you?” Smash! Splinters of glass from a broken plate ripped across his cheek, leaving a deep slash. Damn, that hurt. Looked like Liv might get that chance to defend his shameful honor. “No one tosses me aside.”

  “Leave, or I’ll throw you out.”

  “Oh, you will, aye?” She stormed toward the door.

  Rhiannon walked through, blocking Maegan’s path.

  He had hurt her. Too bad. Cheating hussy. “You’re right. I’m in love with Rhiannon. I have been for months.”

  “Skye, you can shut everything down for the–what did you say?” Rhia stopped in the doorway, her mouth open in shock.

nbsp; “You bastard! I’ll kill you.” Tears rolled down Maegan’s face.

  “Everything’s fine. Maegan was just leaving.”

  “Burn in hell.” She spun around and spat on the floor at Rhiannon’s feet.

  He leaned against the counter to watch Rhiannon unleash her temper.

  “Let me tell you something, Maegan. I don’t know what you’re arguing about, but I’ve had enough of this. I would never fire an employee in front of a customer, that’s all that saved you earlier, but I don’t have time for your soap operas or histrionics. My father is dying and I will not allow you to destroy my family’s reputation or speak to my friend that way, one who has done nothing but try to help me. You are fired. Now get the hell out of my place before I throw you out myself.”

  “You can’t fire me! I’d like to see you try it.”

  “I just did. And the damage is coming out of your pay, just so you know. I’ll mail that to you.”

  Maegan grabbed her arm. “I’ll kill you for taking what’s mine.”

  “No. You won’t,” Sky promised. “Take your hand off my woman.”

  She punched Rhiannon square in the jaw, pushed her aside, and stalked out the back door.

  Skye flipped the lock behind her.

  * * * *

  Rhia had to give Maegan credit–the woman packed a punch. Running her tongue over her teeth, she pushed, testing them, but they held. Her jaw would probably be one big bruise by morning. It just might have been worth it.

  Skye grabbed a handful of ice cubes out of the freezer, poured them into a plastic bag and covered it with a dish towel before handing it to her. Had she imagined his words? I’m in love with Rhiannon. Take your hand off my woman. She took the bag with an unsteady hand and pressed the homemade ice pack to her aching face.

  “Thank you,” she said. “That’s a nasty cut. You’re probably going to need stitches.”

  “I’ll get someone to see to it. I’m sorry you had to deal with her. Maybe this time she finally got the hint. I don’t care for her threats, though. Maybe we should call the police.”

  “I’d rather just forget about it. She’s nutty, but I don’t think she’d kill. You told her you were in love with me.” She slid him a glare from around the towel.

  “I did, yes.”

  “What the devil was that about? Were you trying to make her angrier?”

  “No. It got her attention. She’s thickheaded. Would you believe she’s been telling people she and I were going to marry? That was never on the table.”

  She growled at him. “Well, your brilliant distraction worked a little too well, dear. See?” Rhia moved the ice pack to show him her face. “No amount of makeup’s going to cover this.”

  “I’d like to punch her for that. I won’t. Mama raised me better, but I want to. Ask Devin to heal it, or teach you a glamour.”

  “No. It’s a small price to pay to be rid of her. I think I’ll wear it out. A warning of sorts. Are all your old girlfriends as crazy as she is?”

  “Liv did try to warn me. Why don’t you stay back here? I’ll lock up.”

  “God, I’m tired. Here.” She pressed the cool pack of ice to her cheek, slipped the door keys out of her pocket and handed them to Skye. Her fingers brushed his on the exchange.

  He had only been gone a few minutes before coming back and laying her keys on the table. Skye tilted her chin with a finger to inspect the damage and brushed a kiss across her cheek.

  Her heart slammed in her chest. “You never answered my question. Why did you tell her you were in love with me?” Something was different about him. He was smiling at her, but it wasn’t a comforting, easygoing, friendly sort of smile, or even a playful one. Skye was a predatory cat sizing up his prey.

  “I’m tired of hiding my feelings for you.”

  Her breath caught. “You’re in love with me? Me?”

  His fingers began loosening the pins holding her hair in place. “Mmm. Yes I am. I’ve wondered how many of these it took to hold back all that fire.”

  “Seven of them.” Rhiannon watched as he pocketed the pins. “You’re taking my hairpins? Have you lost your mind?” Or maybe she had lost hers, because she was leaning into him, giving in to the sensations of Skye’s fingers threading through her hair, trailing down it until his hands met the curve of her back and she was pressed against him.

  “Maybe I have. You drive me crazy.”

  “Skye.” She tried to block them, but the images flooded through her mind as familiar as memories. She could smell the wet grass, and peat fire of the cottage where Etain tended to a sick child. She felt the kick of the babe she carried and the roundness of her stomach, his arms around her with so much love for the child they had made. Daemon drawing her close and leaning down to press his lips to hers. The memory shimmered into the present and it was Skye who held her.

  * * * *

  He shifted, leaned in and pressed his lips to hers in a gentle, testing kiss. Just the barest touch had the magic humming through him roaring to life. Could she sense it? Give her time to accept or deny the touch. Shock rippled through her, along with a desire so strong it whiplashed into him through his empathic gift and broke any control he might have had left.

  “I love you, Rhiannon.”

  Normally she would have shied away from his touch, instead Rhia linked her arms around his neck and he took the kiss deeper, feeling the heat of her body. She tasted honey-sweet and achingly familiar, as if he’d held her like this a thousand times.

  His hands found the hem of her blouse and slid under the soft material just enough so he could skim his fingertips over the smooth warm skin of her back. He pulled back and drew in ragged breaths.

  Her face was flushed, and when she fluttered open her eyes, they were dazed. She sighed his name.

  “I want you so much, I can’t breathe,” he said. This time when his mouth met hers, Skye gave her no choice but to ride the torrent with him.

  “That’s latent magic talking. I can feel it rippling through you. It’s intoxicating.” But she had slipped the leather tie out of his hair and threaded her fingers through it.

  “Not only magic. This is more, so much more, Rhia. It’s the first day I saw you bundled in Maggie’s arms. The day I found you asleep on the grass outside the dance. You were five and a handful. It’s every second in between then and now.”

  She smiled. “I remember that. Da was so worried. I had wanted to see the stones for myself but couldn’t find my way back. You came for me. Knew where to find me. You should go.” Still she held on tight.

  “Come home with me,” he whispered.

  “We can’t. I can’t. Not yet.” But she pulled him in for another kiss. One more.

  “Mmm. I’m only kissing you, Rhia, but no, I’m not leaving yet.”

  “I need to write the payroll for tomorrow.” She laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “You need time to think.”

  “You’re my best friend. I don’t want that part of us to change. I don’t want to lose you to a failed romance.”

  “You won’t lose me. I’ve always been here for you. That will never change.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that promise. Remember.”

  “Let me stay while you work on the books. I worry about you being here alone late at night.”

  She eyed him dubiously, but one corner of her mouth titled into a smile. “I have the feeling I won’t get much work done if you stay.”

  “I’ll go then, but be careful.”

  “I keep a pistol in my office under the desk. Anybody who tries to break in won’t leave happy. Go.”

  “Kiss me good night.”

  Her fingers linked around his neck, pulling him closer. She whispered, “I’ve loved you all my life. What took you so long to catch on? Goodnight.” Then she pressed her lips to his.

  How had he missed this? How could he have been this close to her for so long, only to realize now that he loved her? What a fool he’d

  “Goodnight, Rhiannon.”

  She stepped back and headed out into the dining room, to her office.

  Skye watched her leave and then locked the back door behind him on his way out.

  * * * *

  Skye eased the lorry onto the patch of gravel serving as the driveway outside his cliffside home. His watch said almost midnight, but he still wasn’t tired. Residual magic rippled on the edge of his skin. Longing rolled through him as he thought of Rhiannon. With it came the vision. He got out, slammed the door and unlocked the house, flipping on lights as he made his way to his studio.

  He needed to work, to paint.

  And the idea swirled through his head. Rain and wet stones, velvet. He knew he could capture that moment on canvas. So focused on the task, he left the keys hanging in the door. With mad purpose, he mixed paints into shades he only imagined.

  He’d sketch it out first. The line of her neck, the arch of his shoulder. Soft here. Dark there. Until the witch and healer took shape on the bitter field of white. Brush in hand, he began to fill in the shades of night, the grays of weathered stone.

  Stroke. Smudge. Sweep.

  At two, he was still working at a fevered pace, anxious to get the details down before they fled his vision. At three he put the brush in cleaning solution, left the finished painting on his easel and crashed on the cot in his studio.

  Chapter 4

  The tinkling sound of her mother’s wind chimes hanging on the front porch kept Rhiannon company while she used her key and slipped into the dark house. She had lost count of the nights spent working late at the pub. Tonight she’d stayed ’til nearly one making up for lost time, working on the books, writing this week’s payroll. So many little details, as soon as she finished dealing with them, it was time to start again.

  Feeling like a thief in her own home, she snuck around in the dark. The lamp on the hall table had been turned off–her mother’s signal that daddy was sleeping, but the light over the sink was still on in the kitchen. Maybe a cup of tea would soothe her frazzled nerves enough to sleep.


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