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Debt Collector_A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel

Page 49

by Weston Parker

  "Private is relative, right?" She lifted her beer to her lips and took a long drink.

  "Private honestly doesn't exist when you live in the eye of the public. I know Deza was hoping that I would mentor you a little, so consider that lesson one. Honestly. Anything you do, have done or are contemplating doing, the world will know about it, and the press will be hot on your ass to get the gory details and publish it."

  She paled a little. "Great."

  "Yeah. It sucks. Just be ready. If you have anything in your past that-"

  "I do." She turned back toward the bar and glanced down. "I have a lot of poverty, a mother that acts like a fifteen-year-old slut and a brother that was killed in a drive-by because of shitty choices. I'm sure the rags to riches story is going to be touted across the airways before we can blink twice."

  I tucked the information away to dissect that and simply nodded and pressed my forearms to the bar in front of me. I’d never have guessed that she had such a fucked up family life. That had to be where some of her high emotion came from during our scenes. "Unfortunately it is. My situation with my folks has been aired enough times that the media refer to me as the star with no beginning." I snorted. "As if I popped up from an underwater aquifer and started living the life of a movie star."

  She glanced over at me as a smile tugged at the side of her perfect mouth. "It's funny because I've been watching you grow up on screen most of my life, and I honestly can't remember a mention of your mom and dad."

  "That's because we keep them in the closet with the rest of the skeletons." I winked at her and lifted my beer to my lips. "You know, I wonder..."

  She turned, brushing her knee by my thigh as she put her full attention on me. I enjoyed the weight of it almost too much. My body hardened, but it was nothing new around her.

  "Tell me what you wonder."

  "Those girls down there..." I glanced over my shoulder praying they hadn't crept up the beach like something out of a horror film. "Some of them had me sign their breasts. Do you think guys ask female actors to sign their dicks or do they just use paper?"

  "That is an interesting thought. I'll let you know whenever it happens. I'd assume it's probably their chests or paper, right?" Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink, though she seemed unaffected otherwise. "Speaking of dicks..."

  "Man, I'm falling in love with you. What other chick has a conversation starter that most men would die to hear the rest of?" I laughed as she chuckled and swatted at my chest. She was beyond beautiful. It took everything inside of me not to reach out and drag her in for a long, hard kiss. My patience was running thin on having her in my bed and it hadn't been more than a few weeks since we'd met. If I were playing the good guy part that Deza wanted me to play, that moment would never come, nor would I.

  "Did you tell Deza that you wanted to have a friends with benefits relationship with me?"

  It felt like ice water got tossed in my face. It was like being in the throes of talking dirty with a woman and she mentioned having babies together. My happy, rock-solid boner dropped like the stock market during the Great Depression.

  "No." I gave her a silly look like she was the idiot. "I mean, I might have mentioned that I was joking with you about sleeping with me if you needed a good, long, hard-"

  "Okay. I get it." She narrowed her eyes in a way that had my dick rising back to attention. The woman was going to give my crotch pneumonia. Up and down. Up and down. "She doesn't seem like the type to twist the truth."

  "She's not, but... she is a girl." I licked at my lips and took another drink of my beer. "You guys have been known to skew the truth in your favor, bend words to get your way and twist thoughts of the most unsuspecting males to end up where you wanted to."

  "No way. Guys are way worse than women at all of that." She wagged her eyebrows.

  "Nope. That takes far too much effort for a dude. We just tell it like it is and take cover under the nearest bomb shelter. Life's too short to pussy-foot around, right?"

  "True. So you did mention it to her."

  "Kinda, not really." I shrugged. "In all honesty, I might have laid the idea before her just in case she flew off the handle and didn't like it. I was teasing you when I mentioned it, but after thinking it through, I really liked the idea."

  "Because you want to protect each other." She was leading me down a dark path and looked like Goldilocks doing it. Sweet, innocent, hot as fucking sin. Women like her were the reason most men thought they were going to end up at the pearly gates only to drop down into the smoking section. Trickery had to be her calling card, but regardless... I was in it to win it. At least for a night.

  "Absolutely. You don't want crotch-rot, do you? I hear sexually transmitted diseases are a bitch. Or how about someone starting a fan club and talking about what a piece of shit you are?" I finished off my beer and tried not to dive too deep into my own horror show that played in my head. If I had any piece of advice that I could back up with loads of painful personal experience, it was not to sleep with strangers. It never turned out well.

  "Maybe I'm the kind of girl who doesn't need sex, Ethan. Just because you seem to thrive on it doesn't mean the rest of us do."

  "Thrive on it?" I laughed. "Let’s be honest here. I haven't had a proper fucking in the last two to three years."

  "Really? Why is that?" She got up and motioned for me to join her.

  Had I really opened up the conversation to talk about the one thing that left me feeling inadequate as a male altogether? My brother could joke about it all day long, and I understood quite well how fucking stupid it sounded when I spoke it out loud, but my dick was too big. In a way that left me without any measure of pleasure far more often than not.

  We walked to the edge of the water in silence and sat down in the sand as the moonlight bathed the shore in its ethereal light.

  "Well? Tell me." She slid her hand behind her and tilted her head toward me. The position jutted out her breasts.

  My mouth grew dry and nervousness raced through the center of my chest. What the hell was it with this woman? She shouldn't have had the power to intimidate me, but she did. It was a turn on nevertheless, so I was willing to put up with it to the point of being uncomfortable.

  "You tell me that Jace is your boyfriend that you're in love with and would never cheat on first, and I'll explain a little bit of my shit to you." I ran my hand through my hair and glanced back at the ocean. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore brought a balm to my soul that I didn't realize I needed. Maybe the trip would do me some good.

  "How are you feeling? Your stomach okay?" She turned her attention back to the water and looked up at the sky.

  "What? You're so horrible at transitions when deflecting. We need to work on this. You gotta treat it like a scene in a movie. So, like, if I didn't want to answer the question about Jace, I would have said, boyfriends are a difficult topic. They sometimes make you feel like a million bucks, and sometimes make you feel like barfing up your guts. Hey... speaking of barfing up your guts." I glanced over at her. "How are you feeling from earlier? Your stomach okay?"

  She laughed and pressed her shoulder to mine. "I don't care if the transition is horrible. The end result is the same. He's none of your business."

  "I agree, but I'm just asking about the relationship. Anyone could ask that. Fuck, they will. I promise. I'm just trying to see if you're locked into something good and solid with the guy."

  "And if I am?" Her eyes moved across my face slowly.

  She might be with him, but she wasn't with him. There was no way. She was far too much woman for the playboy-looking jock.

  "Then I'll leave you alone about being fuck-buddies." I shrugged and turned back toward the water. "I think we'd be quite compatible in the bedroom."

  "Do you now?" She moved up to her hands and knees and pulled something from the sand. A seashell. "And you really think I can do something with that monster you're packing?" Her smile was contagious, but her words drove deep into the cen
ter of me.

  "Monster. Right." I got up and stretched, trying not to let the moment drown in my own issues, and yet failing miserably. "I'm going to grab some crackers and head back to my room. This was fun. I'll see you in the morning for rehearsal."

  "What?" She looked up with a tense expression. "Why are you going?"

  "I'm tired." I turned and walked toward the condo as anger swirled in the pit of my stomach. I was quite proud of myself for not barking out some nasty comment about having to pet the monster alone.

  A friends with benefits relationship with Riley would have been the perfect answer to both of our problems, but until I figured out how to shrink my shit and she stopped pretending that the thing between her and Channing Tatum's twin was anything more than an occasional romp in the sheets, it wasn't happening.

  Funny enough, the worst part of realizing that was coming to terms with the fact that Deza was getting her way without even trying. I growled low in my chest as I walked into the cool air of the house and paused.

  I was in Rio and we weren't on a private beach at all. I wasn't going to bed like a little old man. Nursing my wounded ego would feel much better. All I needed was a six pack of beer and a hot woman. Both couldn't be too hard to find.

  Chapter 14


  I laid in bed half the night trying to figure out what I'd done to offend Ethan. I'd gone through the denial stages first, as if surely I hadn't done anything and he was being an overly sensitive tit. So I didn't want to talk about Jace, and I didn't want to dive into a relationship with him that would leave me heartbroken by the morning.

  Deza slipped out of the room just after the sun rose, and I found myself still staring at the window, wide awake. I needed to figure out what I'd done and apologize for it, though I hated to. It would seem Ethan was nothing more than an immature ass and I would have to be the bigger person throughout our time together.

  Outside of all that drama, I still couldn't believe that I was getting ready to shoot a movie with Ethan Lewis. He was America's crush. Butterflies danced around in my chest as I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes. It would be so nice if he was the strong personality in real life that he was in his Bond films. The demanding, get-in-my-bed-and-let-me-fuck-you-senseless kind of man we all imagined him to be, and maybe he was, but he was going about it all wrong.

  Offering me a contract-like agreement to be fuck-buddies? Why not just take me to bed and explain that it's just physical before we did the dirty? I laughed at the thought. There really was no good way around it. He wanted what Jace and I had, and a huge part of me didn't want to deny him. We were in very different places. I was a complete stranger that had moved onto his side of the street, and he was someone I'd been watching forever.

  Damn I loved watching him. His dark brown hair and sexy brown eyes. The thickness of his bottom lip and his perfectly regal nose.

  A tendril of pleasure shot through my stomach as I groaned in the early morning light. Need pumped through me, and I lifted my head, listening to make sure Deza had actually left and not come back in the middle of my internal ramblings.

  I closed my eyes and exhaled softly before sliding my hands down my stomach and pushing my panties over my hips. I hadn't taken care of myself in forever, but with a wicked hot fantasy playing in my head, and Ethan being center stage to it, I needed to.

  His hands were firm on the sides of my neck and he glanced down the long length of our bodies and smiled. "Fuck, you look good. So beautiful and soft. I wanna hear you scream."

  I groaned and ran my hands down his side as he pressed me to the bed and hovered above me, looking like a god in the early morning light.

  "Then make me." I lifted my head as he swooped down and licked at my mouth. I wrapped my hands around the back of his head and held him in place as he worked his tongue deep into my mouth and rolled his hips enough to settle the thick head of his cock between my legs.

  "You sure you can handle me?" He brushed his lips by mine and moved to press his elbows into the bed just beside my head.

  Every cell in my body was lit up with desire for the man above me. He didn't seem at all uncomfortable or unsure of himself. He was every hot fantasy I'd had over the years.

  "I'm more than capable of handling you." There was no fear or worry about him not fitting. We'd make it work. I wanted to. I coveted his size and wanted to be the woman he found relief and pleasure with.

  My hips arched forward as I brushed my fingers through the wet folds of my skin and groaned. Chill bumps broke out on my skin, leaving me panting before I got too far. It’d been too long. Jace and I hadn't had time to fuck the week before after the opening celebration for Down Low, though I needed to something terrible.

  "Why do I believe that?" He pressed into me a little and smiled. "Spread your legs wider, Riley. Open up like a good girl for me."

  I groaned and spread my thighs farther as I slid my hands over his thick shoulders and pressed up to take more of him.

  The pleasure that spread across his face as he laid down and pressed me firmly to the mattress was bliss, beautiful.

  "So tight, baby. So deliciously tight and wet." He licked the side of my throat and rocked his hips, forcing me to take more and more of him. The pressure was overwhelming, and left me breathless.

  I cried out as I sunk two fingers into myself and arched my back to get the best position for working my body over the edge as fast as I could. The idea of taking him deep inside was unbelievably appetizing, almost like a fetish. I enjoyed bigger men, but had never in my life seen anything like what Ethan was sporting. Monster was an understatement.

  I worked harder and faster, slipping in another finger and giving myself over to the depravity of a hard fuck in my head as I pressed more aggression than I normally would have into my movement. I buckled in the bed as bright lights exploded at the edge of my vision. I rolled onto my side and continued to massage my soft skin as the high rolled into a warmth I yearned for.

  Panting softly in the dark, I couldn't help but wonder if he went to bed the night before and did the same. After our conversation and him getting upset, I couldn't fathom a different ending for him.


  After taking a quick shower, I put on a pair of white shorts and a blue tank top set, strapped sandals on my feet and walked down to the kitchen to find Frank and Deza talking to a guy I hadn't met yet. He had a scraggly beard, but brilliant blue eyes.

  "Riley. Did you sleep well?" Deza got up and walked to the coffee pot.

  "I didn't, actually. Not sure what's up with me." I smiled at the new guy and Frank. "Morning."

  "Morning, youngin'." Frank pointed to the guy. "This is Paul. He's going to be our head videographer. He's a shy guy, but I'm sure you'll pull him from his shell."

  The guy laughed and extended his hand toward me. "Nice to meet you, and please leave me in my shell. It's warm and cozy and safe."

  I smiled and shook his hand. "You got another one of those shells? I think I need one too."

  Deza offered me a cup of coffee. "Here you go. No shells for anyone. We're all going to gel and have a great time becoming a family."

  "Hopefully better than the one I already have. If not, we're in trouble." I took the coffee and sat down beside Frank. "Where is Ethan?"

  "He's a late sleeper." Frank nursed his coffee and stared at something absently across the kitchen. "He didn't get back to the house until early this morning either. I swear I'm going to have to put a curfew on him like we did when he was a teenager."

  Deza snorted. "Good luck on that shit. He's more rebellious now than he was then."

  "That can't be possible." Paul moved into the kitchen and pressed his hands to the other side of the counter from where we sat. "He's grown up some, right? At least since the last time I saw him."

  "Not at bit." Deza laughed and took the seat on my right. "I wouldn't either if I were him. It's a hard life he lives. At least some of us get a break between filming one movie and the next. The poor k
id is always Ethan Lewis no matter where he goes."

  "And that's a bad thing?" Frank gave us a funny look. "You should have seen the woman he brought home with him last night. Playboy would pay her large sums of money to keep her clothes on and just smile for the camera. He's a lucky man, but he lets it go to his head."

  The woman he brought home?

  Sickness swirled in the pit of my stomach until it birthed anger and rejection. The logical side of my mind pushed the horrible thoughts away, but my emotions clung to all of it until I had a hard time finding enough air to breathe. He'd offered himself to me the night before and when I didn't jump into his bed, he ran out and got another woman? A woman that could have any host of diseases that he'd warned me of?

  What a bastard. What a horrible, piece of shit bastard.

  "So are you excited, Riley? First day of working on scenes for the new movie." Frank rubbed the top of my back and gave me a warm smile.

  "What? Yeah. Oh yeah. I'm really excited." I took a sip of my coffee and slipped into character. I was a young woman who was ready to live out her dreams. I had a loving fiancé at home that called three times a day and was quick to remind me of all the naughty things he planned to do to me the minute I got back home from my trip. I could be her throughout the day until I crashed that night, hating myself for denying Ethan. I hated myself for hating myself.

  I growled softly and got up.

  "You okay?" Deza reached out and gripped my wrist.

  "Yeah, just trying to think through why my mother isn't answering my calls. I haven't heard from her in a few days, which is nothing new." I shrugged. "I just wish I knew that she was okay."

  "You need us to send someone to look for her? We have a good handful of people on the payroll back in Los Angeles." Frank's offer was kind, and a little humorous.

  "You sound like you run the mafia." I changed my voice to sound like a mafia boss from Boston. "Yeah, uh, wez got people everywherez. Just name your price, pretty girl, and itz yours."


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