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Swept Off Her Feet

Page 21

by Camille Anthony

  A greeting from the king of Polramis brought his wandering attention back to the present. He muttered some inane return to his powerful ally, ignoring the laughing taunt that, being in thrall to his very luscious bride, he obviously no longer ruled the two worlds of Rb’qarm and Rb’nTraq.

  “So speaks the man who gave away a kingdom to gain his own bride,” Dev teased in return, slapping his friend on the back. “See how I ignore your loutish behavior? I recall mouthing much the same sentiments at the recent welcoming ceremony for your new son.”

  “So you did, Dev. And glad, I am that you now find yourself in the same circumstances. Better luck has no man.” The Polramisian king lifted his full glass in honor of his friend’s mate. “She is lovely beyond compare…as long as you do not compare her to my own queen!”

  Dev laughed, letting his gaze linger on his wife, his lips widening in a quick smile when she caught his eye and winked, reminding him of their rendezvous planned for later that evening.

  “I forgive you for saying such, since I know Loreena would kill you should word of your praises for another come to her ear.”

  King Talvin threw back his head and laughed. “Your mind is not on our usual exchange of insults if that is the best you can come up with. Go. Mingle and spread yourself around. You have a few hours more before you can honorably sneak away to fuck your queen.”

  Dev’s sharp bark of laughter caused him to inhale his drink up his windpipe. His friend roared with merriment at his dilemma. Waving away a hovering servitor, Talvin pounded on his host’s back, eyes and teeth gleaming as he administered the crude treatment. “Hel and Deth, Devtorvas, how could you think I would miss that torrid shared glance? It almost burned me to cinders. You truly have a bad case of pava fever.”

  “Call it what you will, Talvin.” Dev gratefully tossed off the remainder of his drink and sat it down with a solid thunk. “I only know I would far rather be in my queen’s arms than performing a political dance with these power-mad representatives and their entourages.”

  “I commiserate with you, Dev. However, you will need their support if your two worlds are to be admitted as an equal participant in our trade consortium.”

  “You are correct, as usual, my friend.” Dev sighed, resigned to the performance of some of his own diplomatic maneuverings. He would not wait a moment past the appointed time to snatch his fem away. He clapped his friend on the back. “I’d better get back to my royal pandering. Stay beyond the Welcoming. I’d like to talk more with you.”

  Talvin smiled. “I will, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.”

  Devtorvas worked the crowd, mingling amongst the different factions with outward good will and inward impatience. He always knew the location of his Chyya’va. Conscious of his mate circulating at the far end of the hall, surrounded by dames and warriors, young fem and scholars, politicians and kings, he took pride in her popularity.

  His queen seemed to draw all the strata of society into her orbit by her calm, friendly manner. She ignored no one, didn’t care about the social status of the person seeking audience. Devtorvas knew Nnora loved her new subjects, as he knew his people returned the love of their new Chyya’va.

  Tonight marked the third and last day of the welcoming party, which looked to continue unabated far into the night. The lively entertainment and lavish food riveted the attention of the guests, so that few noticed when the Chyya gave the Chyya’va a high sign and both quietly slipped away.

  Hand-in-hand, they escaped the noisy crowd of revelers, intent on taking advantage of their freedom.

  As they exited the ballroom, Dev noticed Lori Brewster hugging the far wall. “We need to do something about your sister, Nippa. She is still not happy here.”

  Nnora’s hand tightened in his grip, signaling her tension. “I know. I plan to talk with her tomorrow. Much as I dislike the thought, we may have to send her home to Earth. I just don’t believe that is the answer. I don’t feel returning Lori to Earth would be in her best interests.”

  He drew his love closer to his side. “We will help her all we can. For now, don’t worry over it. This night is ours. We will deal with Lori and all our other problems on the glowrise.”

  “Our other problems? What has Dohsan done now?”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “I shudder to think!”

  Still chuckling, he drew her down the garden path to their private section of the palace.

  They stopped off at their daughter’s nursery, the Queen insisting on her nightly visit. The room echoed with the sound of the departing battalion of royal nurses who had early on learned to vacate the room whenever the royal parents visited. Dev stood by as Nnora leaned over her little princess, glad to see their babe soundly sleeping. Not even for his daughter would he give up this hard-won time with his consort.

  “Look at our little slob!” Dev teased. “That’s a thousand-credit sirrilian sheet she’s drooling on.”

  The child lay on her stomach, bottom in the air, small fist stuffed in her mouth. Nnora leaned over, brushing a feather-light kiss on her downy cheek. “Sirrilian sheets can bear up under a lot more than baby spit, Dev. Don’t act like they came out of your Reconstruction Budget. This set is a gift from the Regent of Barodan, so our daughter may drool to her heart’s content,” she huffed in hushed tones.

  Dev smothered a laugh, hustling his wife out of the nursery and into their royal suite. A quick backward glance saw the nanny horde resuming their positions, descending upon the sleeping princess in full force. “I refuse to argue with you. I have something much more important planned for us.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She looped her arm about his neck, smiling up at him as he backed her into their private quarters. “What did you have in mind, mister?”

  “This!” Supporting her knees with one strong forearm, he swept his startled mate up and hurried across the room, plopping her down on their wide bed. His heavy body came down hard on top of hers, crushing her into the mattress, one impatient thigh wedging between her legs.

  Nnora laughed up at him, her eyes alight with love. “You certainly seem to like this position. We end up in it so often.”

  “I believe I once told you I intended to be inside you at every opportunity, every minute I could steal away from the grueling job of ruling two planets.”

  “And you are a Rb’qarmshi of your word,” Nnora crooned, shifting under him, canting her hips up at him and rubbing her mound against the growing bulge of his arousal.

  He lowered his mouth, engaging her in a series of wet, deep tongue-entangling kisses while he removed both their ceremonial trappings with a considerable lack of adroitness that revealed the intensity of his need. He stroked his naked chest against her full, luscious breasts, sighing in relief as he felt her nipples poking into his chest. “I need you inside my terat, Nippa. I need to be inside you…now.”

  “I need that, too,” Nnora panted, helping Dev remove her torn top. She inserted her breasts into his dilated terat, one nipple at a time. Reaching between them, she took hold of his cherzda and squeezed, causing his cock to spurt out in another inch of growth.

  Growling in need, he covered her hand with his broader one. Together, they aimed his jutting cock at the mouth of her pussy. He inserted a finger to test her readiness. Her cunt dripped with her fragrant juices, ready for fucking.

  He entered her on a smooth, gliding slide, sinking the outthrust length of his cherzda into her welcoming heat. Inch by slow, thick inch, his blunt tip forged past her tight entrance, pressing apart her slick pink lips.

  He shuddered as he halted halfway in, refusing to seat himself to the hilt. The bulbous head of his staff throbbed, wedged tightly in her narrow pussy. The heat and pressure against the head of his cock and along the shaft was tremendous. The molten glove of her cunt gripped his swollen sex deliciously.

  He wanted to thrust hard and fast into her until his sensitive head thudded against the mouth of her womb. Instead, unwilling to risk hurting her, he contented himse
lf with miniscule movements. He fucked into her with little bumps and grinds that had him shaking, his buttocks tightening. Yet he resisted the growing urge to rut mindlessly, mindful of his mate’s delicate build.

  Beneath him, Nnora let out a husky groan, a pleasure sound he recognized as signaling the beginning of an orgasm. He ran a hand down her torso, latching onto her little warrior. Dampening his finger in her essence, he circled the puffy clit round and round until it swelled and firmed, poking through the soaked lips of her pussy.

  He pushed his cock another inch into her steamy depths and she came apart in his arms. Her pleasure sounds increased, and he drank them in, his muscles tightening, nerves jumping, balls rising in response. He surged in deeper, pulled back only to return, sliding smoothly through her slick depths until he butted against her womb.

  Stretched out beneath him, his long thick cock rested in her, finally seated to the hilt, she didn’t want Dev’s caution and care. She wanted him driving into her cunt, reaming her pussy with the strong, deep strokes she needed to attain the world-shaking orgasms she could feel building within her quivering flesh.

  “Oh, gods, yes!” she cried, flinging back her head and locking her legs about his hips as she came a second time. “Fuck me, Dev! Fuck me deep. Fuck me hard!”

  Instead of giving her what she demanded, he pinched Nnora’s nipples in the spasming grip of his terat, drawing strongly on the meaty little tips. He felt her shivers, heard her gasps and moans as he milked her breasts. He shivered as well, groaning aloud when his balls drew up to nestle under his cock. Not yet! Not yet!

  “Are you all right, Nippa? Tell me when I can move.” Two long Fael had passed since they’d been able to fuck, and his control threatened to unravel any moment.

  “By the stars—now.” She ground her hips up into his pelvis, trying to entice him into thrusting.

  Relieved to hear her frantic command, reassured of her need for him, he rocked his body into hers. He devoured her lips, his tongue mimicking the thrusting of his cherzda.

  It had been two whole Fael since their child’s birth, and Nnora wasn’t going to allow her cautious mate to ride her tamely. Grabbing a fistful of his long silky locks, she tugged his head up, forcing him to meet her eyes. She sensed Dev had reached the outer limits of his control and she helped it erode.

  “I’m not in the mood for a session of gentle lovemaking,” she gritted through clenched teeth. “I want to be taken hard and deep.” She grasped the base of his cock, ran her fingers up to where they were connected. “Don’t hold back! I want a fast and furious fuck. I need to be filled with every last inch of this glorious cock.”

  She knew she had to arouse him beyond his celebrated, vaunted restraint, before he would break down and give her the forceful, pounding fuck she longed for. It took a lot for Dev to relinquish control, but once he did, he was magnificent.

  “C’mon, lover,” she moaned, thrusting her nipples deeper into his terat, raking her nails through the curtain of his black hair, then on down his back where she gripped his waist, feeling the muscles shift and roll beneath her hands. “Shaft me good. Pound that thick, wonderful cock into my hot, hungry pussy.”

  “If I hurt you…” Dev moaned, his hips flexing, cock sinking impossibly deeper into her drenched cunt. She loved the deliciously erotic sense of being impaled on his mammoth pole of marble-hard flesh, loved having her pussy overfilled, stretched to capacity by her husband’s huge erection. A sinuous ribbon of carnal joy wound throughout her body, binding her nerves with prickling ropes of sensation, causing her clit to pulse and fill with hot blood.

  “You won’t. You never have!”

  “You’re so small, Nippa—”

  “I hate to tell you this, love, but Devtoria is bigger than your cock. And she came out the same way you are going in.”

  Dev hung over her, an arrested expression of comical proportions washing over his face, a sheepish grin widening his mobile lips.

  “Have I been holding myself back for nothing?”

  “Well…” Nnora considered, “maybe you should continue to take it slow initially, but once the preliminaries are taken care of, there is no reason you cannot unleash your full passion. I hate it when I feel you are holding back…holding out on me. I want all you have to give, I want your surrender, just like I surrender to you, always. C’mon, babe…give it the old gusto!”

  Dev laughed. “I love your quaint turns of phrase, Nippa. All right, let’s try it your way.” He carefully released her nipples from his terat, applying mouth and teeth to the reddened points, coaxing both into a tighter, harder erection.

  “Turn over on your belly. I want to take you—how did you tell me once? Oh, yes—doggy-style.”

  Grabbing her about the waist with one hand, Dev pulled Nnora’s plump cheeks apart with the other, opening her, preparing to sink deep into her hot sex. His heart beat hard and fast, ripping out a frenzied cadence as he gazed down on the lush curves of his Nippa’s ass cheeks, her tight little back hole winking at him, her sweet cunt oozing her honeyed juices. Many of his darkest fantasies had featured taking his fem in just this position, knowing his cock could achieve a greater penetration, but he’d always denied himself, never indulged his deepest held desires, too fearful his lust would get the better of him and he would end up hurting his beloved mate.

  “Spread your legs and raise your bottom for me.”

  “Doggy style, huh?” Nnora said breathlessly, settling her knees wide apart and lifting her bottom. “In your case, I’d say you’re more equine than canine.”

  Dev nudged the heavy tip of his sex through the portal of her dripping sex, his knees going weak with pleasure. Love and lust swamped him as he slowly entered his cherzda’va. With a lusty groan, he surged forward and she rocked back. He sank to the depth of her quivering, flexing cunt with a loud groaning sigh.

  Freed from worry, Dev pumped his cock in and out of his pussy—his Nippa—his strong thrusts causing her full breasts to sway back and forth. He held her close to his chest, nuzzling the fragrant skin in the bend of her neck, using one hand to brace himself so he could fondle her breasts with the other. He tugged on the hanging tips, keeping them hard while he sank into her repeatedly, reveling in her groans of pleasure.

  “Oh, Dev…oh-h-h, Dev…Yesssss!”

  “Lean forward, Nippa.” Dev alternated slow, easy thrusts with short, hard jabs of his cock. Her upper body slid to the bed as she folded her arms, her new position lifting her buttocks high. The rhythmic contractions of her wet pussy kneading his swelling length drove him wild. He licked dry lips, reaching down to rim her stretched opening and flick her clit before surging forward into her.

  He impaled her over and over, banging his cock up to pound the opening of her womb, thudding into her quivering cunt. Sliding an arm under her armpit, he lifted her torso, still slamming into her.

  Her moans rose in volume as his tempo increased and he responded with animal-like fervor to the raw sounds of her carnal joy. Still he struggled to restrain his powerful motions, lust-driven but unable to completely relinquish his habitual care for his loved one. Gasping for breath, he employed the last of his resolve and pulled out of her, the rampant length of his cock glistening with their mingled juices and so hard it hurt, throbbing and pulsing with his roiling seed.

  Rolling her over, he positioned her crossways at the edge of their high bed. Grabbing her beneath the knees, he spread her legs wide and went back in, this time with a series of forceful lunges that arrowed straight to the heart of her cunt.

  She clamped her legs about his flanks and she screamed, “I’m coming!”

  “Then come for me, Nippa.” He ground against her, sinking heart deep into her milking pussy, deeper and harder and stronger than he had ever dared go before.

  “I’m going to make you come all night long,” he promised, pulling out until the broad head of his cock popped through the contracting lips of her pussy. He lurched forward; surging back through the pink slit again, and
then again, until he finally embedded his mushroomed head in the mouth of her womb, holding the chamber open for the swiftly rising tide of his seed.

  His zhi flowed out slowly at first, slicking the walls of her pussy, relaxing them, enabling them to expand enough to contain his burgeoning growth. The muscles in his belly fluttered as he felt her inner cunt muscles contracting around his growing cock plug, her body doing its part to weld them both together. His cock began to pulse, each vibration echoing up and down the length of his swollen shaft, the rubbing friction of her tight channel constricting about his buried length driving him mad with almost there lust.

  A few more flexes of his hips had Dev’s back bowing as his spine stiffened under the flashpoint heat of his approaching orgasm. With a hoarse cry, he threw himself against Nnora, jack-knifing into her welcoming heat. Canting his body so each outward surge scraped her up-thrust clit, he furiously fucked her pussy, hands clasping her thighs, holding her wide for his taking.

  His cock plug formed, slowing then halting his frenzied movements. Emptying himself into his mate’s spasming pussy, he managed enough control to seat her nipples, locking his upper body tightly around hers.

  With love, need and passion ripping through him, remaking him, Dev fucked her nipples as his cherzda throbbed in her cunt, coaxing forth another orgasm. Head flung back in ecstatic triumph, his terat received her precious gift, taking from her even as he shouted, coming so hard he flooded and overflowed Nnora’s womb with hot blasts of seed, her transformed “gift” returned to her on a surf-pounding wave of love.

  * * * * *

  “Devtoria is bigger than my cherzda.”

  “Yes, love.” She snuggled tiredly against Dev, almost asleep.

  “Can we try another position?” His voice rose on a hopeful note.

  She opened one eye and stared at her mate, exhausted. He was disgustingly energetic for someone who had come to completion four times already. “Now?”

  “Yes!” He bounced up. “Look, put your legs like this…and…bend this way. Okay, now brace yourself against the headboard like this—”


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