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Break Free: MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 1

by Bianca Vix



  Break Free

  Chapter 1 Rachel

  Chapter 2 Rachel

  Chapter 3 Jay

  Chapter 4 Rachel

  Chapter 5 Jay

  Chapter 6 Matt

  Chapter 7 Rachel

  Chapter 8 Jay

  Chapter 9 Matt

  Chapter 10 Rachel

  Chapter 11 Matt

  Chapter 12 Jay

  Chapter 13 Rachel

  Chapter 14 Matt

  Chapter 15 Matt

  Chapter 16 Rachel

  Chapter 16 Linc

  Chapter 16 =Rachel

  Chapter 17 Jay

  Chapter 18 Rachel

  Chapter 19 Jay

  Chapter 20 Jay

  Chapter 21 Jay

  Chapter 22 Jay

  Preview: Snow Bound

  Chapter 1 Mykayla

  More MMF Romance!

  Keep in Touch

  Break Free

  by Bianca Vix

  Copyright © 2018 by Bianca Vix

  Published by Chocolate Erotic Press

  Book and cover design by Fine Line Design

  All rights reserved.

  Break Free is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people (living or dead), events or locations is entirely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

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  Also by Bianca Vix:

  Snow Bound

  Off Limits

  Power Surge

  Hard Rock

  Rock Hard

  Take a Shot

  Big League

  Love for Three

  A Summer Dream

  After Hours

  Break Free

  MMF Bisexual Romance


  I’m not looking for love.

  Who needs it? I’m very wealthy, but I want more. More success. More triumphs. It’s not like I’m missing anything. I’m simply driven to be the very best at what I do. I’ve got a great business, and a best friend who’s always there for me. It’s all working just fine. There’s no need to change anything up.

  Until one afternoon when I’m at my second home, the coffee shop just down from my office. A sexy stranger invites herself over to sit at my table. And change my entire life.

  She needs a fake boyfriend. For some reason, I want to play along. Once the act is over, I don’t want to let her go.


  I dodged a real bullet with my ex.

  Since we broke up, I’m spending more time job-hunting than looking for love. Which is fine by me. I don’t need a man. What I need right now is a great job. But when two hot guys suddenly land in my life, I want to open up to the possibility of finding love again. The only problem is that I don’t have a clue how I can choose between them.


  Everything’s running smoothly in my life.

  Almost everything. There’s one big part that’s missing, but I’ve kept that secret for years. Finding love has been on my mind lately. I’ve always been happy, but now that everyone around me is coupling up, I’m starting to believe I should do the same thing. It’s not just that, of course. I’m getting tired of strings of dates that never end up going anywhere. I need something more. I want to settle down. If only I could get over the crush I have on my best friend. He’s the one man who will never love me like I want him to.

  Chapter 1


  I can’t breathe. I’m juggling my purse, my phone and several shopping bags when I round the corner and all the air gets sucked out of my lungs.

  It’s him.

  And her.

  I can’t say their names. I don’t want to. My brain refuses to. All I can think is run. Hide. They’re heading towards me, although they haven’t seen me yet. I’m frozen to the spot.

  Somehow I make myself move. I turn sharply on my heel and hurry back the way I came from. I left the coffee shop without ordering anything because the line at the counter was way too long.

  That doesn’t matter now. I grab at the door, swinging it open and almost knocking over the surprised-looking man who’s about to leave. He’s got a tray full of coffee cups in each of his hands. I duck out of the way at the very last second before I ram right into him. He stops short, almost spilling one of them. But not quite.

  “Sorry.” I’m gasping like I’ve just run a marathon. He gives me a strange look but at least he doesn’t look angry.

  Somehow, in the last couple minutes since I walked out of here, the huge line has shrunk right down. I go to the counter to order something.

  “What would you like?” The barista’s smile does a lot more than I thought it would to calm me down. I try to match her manner. Relaxed. Happy. Not at all rattled.

  “A soy latte. Half-caf, please.”

  I should go for something caffeine-free at this time of day, but I can’t. I need my favorite drink to help me calm the rest of the way down.

  While I’m waiting for my coffee, I check my phone. I grin when I find a text from my sister.

  Good luck! Not that you need it.

  My new job starts tomorrow. Lianna’s wishing me luck now because she’s always so rushed in the mornings, and she almost never has time to text me from work.

  I send her a smiley face as a reply. I couldn’t have gotten my brand new job without her support. I mean, it’s not like she got it for me. Even though she did last time. I found it and interviewed and I didn’t even have any connections to the company, which is a small miracle in itself.

  I need this job more than I’ve needed any other job in my life. I had to quit my last one unexpectedly. Very unexpectedly after I found out the guy I was seeing was screwing my best work friend. All over the office, everywhere they could.

  Including my cubicle.

  That’s where I caught them. It got to where I couldn’t face going into the office everyday. Dennis and I were going out for months. He was even talking about us moving in together. His idea, not mine. Of course I was thrilled, even though I thought it was a little soon. I was going to tell him yes.

  That same night, I turned around to go back up to the office and get my umbrella after I got downstairs to a sudden, massive downpour. And I caught Dennis on top of her.

  Dakota. I don’t like to even think about her. She and I were friends too. She’d started there only a couple weeks before I did, so we hit it off right away. And it wasn’t just being new that we both bonded over either. We had lots in common. We hung out all the time outside of work too.

  Once the image of Dakota bent over my desk with Dennis behind her was burned into my brain, I couldn’t get over it. Going to work every day was pure hell. Having to see both of them was even worse. As much fun as it was working in the same place as my sister, I couldn’t stay. I started job hunting the very next day. My plan was to quit the moment I found something new.

  But I couldn’t pull it off. Every moment I was there was agonizing. I lasted a week before I gave my notice. Things were getting really desperate money-wise by the time I landed the interview. I was nearly out of hope, thinking I’d have to leave New York and move back to Phoenix. And in with my parents.

  But at the very last minute, I’ve landed a great new job at a huge downtown office. I’m going to be working in the head office of a very well-known furniture company called Avoca. Even I’ve heard of them, and that’s not an indust
ry I’m familiar with. The position even pays a little bit more than my last one, so it’s a step up in more ways than one.

  So now when I think of Dennis or Dakota, I add a great big silent Fuck You to them too.

  I was fine about them. Aside from the money issues that quitting my job caused me, I’ve been so much happier since I don’t have to see them every day.

  At least, I thought I was fine. Right up until now, when they’ve appeared right in front of me without any warning at all. Walking down the street, arm in arm. At least they didn’t see me. I was planning to be totally cool and indifferent if I ever saw them again.

  Clearly I’m not there yet.

  The barista hands me my drink with a smile. “Have a great day, Rachel.”

  I love it here. No matter what kind of mood I’m in, I always leave here happier than when I came in. Sure, the coffee’s a big part of that. But it’s the people who work here too. I cast my eyes around looking for a place to sit. There isn’t one, but I figure I’m safe to head back outside. They should be gone by now.

  I about choke on my coffee when I turn towards the door.

  It’s them. They’re coming in. Here, into my wonderful coffee shop.

  Oh, fuck.

  They haven’t seen me yet. I can’t face them. What the fuck do I do now? There’s only one door to this place. They blocked the back one off with extra seating. I can’t get out without pushing right past Dennis and Dakota.

  I’m practically hyperventilating. I should be stronger than this, or at least that’s what I keep reading in all the How To Survive Your Breakup blogs I still read.

  But I’m not.

  And for the life of me, I don’t want either one of them to have the pleasure of knowing just how much they still bother me. It hurt just as much to lose Dakota as a friend as it did losing Dennis as a boyfriend. Good friends are hard to come by, and I truly believed she was one. I don’t want her to see that I’m still upset over it all.

  Especially now. I’m dressed very casually, almost bordering on sloppy. I don’t usually go out dressed like I am, but my laundry’s running right now so I’m down to wearing the clothes I forgot I had. You know, the ones that fall off the hanger and get forgotten until times like this. For a split second I consider hurrying into the bathroom and changing into the new outfit I just bought for my first day of work tomorrow. But there’s a line to get in there too.

  In a panic, I spin around and squeeze past the small crowd beside me. There’s one table with an empty chair at it. Of course there’s a guy sitting in the other one, but I don’t even care.

  He looks up from his phone, startled as I slide into the seat at his table.

  “Hi. I’m really sorry to ask you this, but could you pretend we’re here together? Just for a minute?” I’m speaking so fast, I’m not sure he’s even understood me. But his eyebrow rises and he gives me a quizzical grin.


  In that moment, I take in just how handsome he is.


  He’s got dark hair and dark eyes to match. His eyes are smiling too. At least he doesn’t look like he thinks I’m as crazy as I must appear to be. He’s not running away or telling me to get lost.

  I barely get a sense that he’s well-built underneath what I think is a very expensive suit before someone calls out my name. Just the sound of Dakota’s voice makes me cringe hard. I paste a smile on my face as I turn around to face her.

  “Dakota. Hello.”

  Chapter 2


  I’m staring at Dennis. I can’t help it, even as it becomes obvious. The sexy stranger I’ve imposed on comes to my rescue. Sticking his hand out, he greets Dakota as if he already knows her. “I’m Jayden Stevens.”

  I didn’t have time to introduce myself to him. God, he must think I’m crazy. How can I let him know my name? Although surely it doesn’t need to even come up.

  Dennis is practically sneering as he shakes Jayden’s hand. “Dennis. How do you know Rachel?”

  Ha. Thanks, Dennis. You just took care of my problem for me. Jayden glances in my direction before he answers. And he must’ve caught on to what I’m trying to do here, because he reaches over and takes hold of my hand.

  “We’ve been seeing each other for quite some time now.” His fingers are warm and comforting, wrapped around mine like they are. I picked the right guy, that’s for sure. I’m starting to wish that what he’s telling them is true.

  Dennis makes some sort of noise in his throat. Disapproval? Why would he care if I’m with another guy? The way he’s almost scowling at Jayden gives me a warm little glow inside. Jayden’s a hell of a lot better looking than he is, and Dennis is the type to notice that kind of thing. He’s always trying to one-up other guys.

  “How long’s it been, Rachel?” Jayden gives me a loving look. “I can’t even remember now what it was like without you in my life. You know how it is when you’re with the right person. Isn’t that right, Dennis? Everything else is just doesn’t matter.”

  Dennis’s frown deepens. “Sure.” He couldn’t sound less like he means it. I steal a glance at Dakota to see how she took that, but she doesn’t even look like she heard him. She’s too busy staring at Jayden.


  “Nearly four months.” I squeeze his hand for good measure.

  Jayden shakes his head. “Is that all? I thought it was longer. Guess that’s what happens when you’re with the one.”

  His voice is deep and commanding. He’s making me melt.

  And pissing Dennis off.


  “Four months?” His voice is strained. That’s right about when I caught him with Dakota. What did he think, that I’ve been waiting around for him to come back? I mean, okay. It’s not like I’m seeing anyone now. But it’s sure as hell not because I want Dennis back. It’s because I haven’t even wanted to be with anyone new. Lianna’s offered to set me up with a couple of her guy friends, but I never said yes. I thought I wasn’t ready for anything new.

  Now Jayden’s making me believe I was wrong about that.

  Dakota’s smiling sweetly at him. What does she think she’s doing? Is she going to try to hit on him, right in front of me? Well, that’s her style. But right in front of Dennis too? Before I caught them together, she started telling me about this new guy she’d met that she was falling in love with. Now I know why she never told me his name. If she’s so in love, why’s she acting like she’s so into Jayden?

  “So nice that you’ve put yourself back out there, Rachel.”

  I hate Dakota’s voice. I hate everything about her, but she’s trying to sound sophisticated while she’s being so condescending. And failing at it. She’s talking to me, but still staring at Jayden. Like it’s not obvious what she’s really interested in.

  As if Jayden would give me up in a second now that he’s met her. Okay, he and I aren’t actually together. But she doesn’t know that. Jayden would never sink that low. Or at least I imagine he wouldn’t. Only someone like Dennis would do that. Cheat and lie. Have sex with her right beside my desk.

  The memory makes my skin crawl. To help get rid of it, I give Jayden my most loving, enchanted gaze.

  “I’m certainly glad she did.” Jayden downs some of his coffee. “Really, really glad.”

  Dennis is glowering. “I’m going to get our drinks. Usual, Dakota?”


  She’s so into Jayden, she won’t even turn her head to answer Dennis. He stomps off. I’m glad he’s gone, but Dakota pulls a seat from the table of people beside us almost before they’re all standing up to leave. Dragging it over to our table, she settles in close to Jayden. Way, way closer than she should.

  What’s her problem?

  I can’t even believe it. She’s starting up a conversation with Jayden, her body turned so she’s facing him with her back practically to me. Not that I want to talk to her at all, but how rude is that. Jayden’s giving her one-word answers and he couldn’t look l
ess interested, but nothing’s stopping Dakota. She barely registers it when Dennis comes back to the table with their drinks. But the table next to us has filled up again already, and there aren’t any free chairs left that he can steal.

  Thank fuck.

  “Let’s get going, Dakota.”

  She stands up reluctantly, even as Dennis turns his whole laser focus onto me. He looks like he wants to grill me on Jayden or something, but even he knows he’d look like a total idiot standing there doing it.

  “Good to see you, Rachel.”

  I bare my teeth at him, but I don’t reply. My silence makes my point well enough though. Jayden laughs and Dennis visibly twitches. I want to fist-pump the air. To high five someone. Anything to show how happy I am that not only are they leaving, but that Jayden got under Dennis’s skin.

  “Bye, Dennis.” It’s all I can manage, but it’s enough. I sound casual. Normal. Like I really am out with my new boyfriend, and Dennis’s existence doesn’t bother me a bit.

  Someday, that’ll actually be true.

  I can’t wait.

  Dakota’s pausing, taking her cup from Dennis slowly. As if she’s trying to think of a reason to stay here. But I guess she fails at that, because she lets Dennis put his arm around her possessively and take her away.

  “How’d I do?” Jayden looks amused.

  I tear my eyes away from watching them go. “Oh, you were great. Perfect. Thank you so much. I’m so sorry I interrupted you. I can’t thank you enough. Can I buy you a coffee?”

  “Thanks, I’m good. That was kind of fun, actually. Not how I usually spend my time in coffee shops.” He gestures at his phone, which has been buzzing almost non-stop since I sat down. A pang of guilt hits me as I realize I really have interrupted his time here. “But I’m afraid I have to get back to it.”

  “Of course. Again I’m so sorry, and thank you.”

  I gather my things up but just as I’m turning to go, Jayden sets his phone down. “Rachel.”


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