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Theirs to Capture

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by Shelli Stevens

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  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Theirs to Capture

  Copyright © 2009 by Shelli Stevens

  ISBN: 978-1-60504-480-4

  Edited by Laurie Rauch

  Cover by Natalie Winters

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: March 2009

  Theirs to Capture

  Shelli Stevens


  Thanks to my usual! The family and friends who support me, and my editor Laurie who makes my books sparkle!

  Chapter One

  “I’m sorry, Delilah. But my decision is final and my word is good. You will be given in union to Pierce and Jason tomorrow at the rise of the full moon.”

  Delilah stared at her father, her heart slamming in her chest like an imprisoned bird, which essentially was what she was going to be forced to become. This wasn’t happening. This absolutely could not be happening. Her fingers curled into her palms, the sharp nails nearly piercing the skin. But she welcomed the slight pain. It reminded her that this was no nightmare, but a reality she would soon face.

  “Father, I implore you. This is not my wish.” She took a step forward, moistening dry lips. “Besides, you have use of me as a healer—”

  “We have other healers, child.” Her father sighed, regret flashing across his wrinkled face before he turned, his frail form moving out on the balcony of their home. “Though I shouldn’t call you child, for you are no longer one. You are a woman now, Delilah, and it has not gone unnoticed.”

  “I have only just turned twenty.”

  “And two years ago I could’ve seen you married.” Her father turned around, his brows once again drawn together. “Should have seen you married. I have spoiled you, Delilah.”

  Tears stung her eyes before she could blink them back. “I suppose I can understand Jason, we’ve been friends since childhood, and maybe you wish to merge with his kingdom. But why Pierce?”

  “Because I seek to merge all our kingdoms.” Delilah spun, the blue gossamer gown fluttering around her ankles as she faced the man who’d spoken as he entered the room. His body was tall and broad-shouldered, his presence alone commanding attention. His skin was tanned, likely by birth instead of the sun, and his eyes were so dark they seemed almost black as they scoured her from head to toe.

  “Even now, the various kingdoms of bears form alliances to attack us,” he continued. “With the lions, falcons, and my kingdom of tigers joined in union, we can all withstand and defeat any such attacks.”

  His words were nothing but politics. What could they possibly have to do with her?

  “Leave me, King of the Falcons, so that I may speak with your daughter alone.” Pierce crossed the room toward her.

  Delilah swallowed hard against the lump in her throat, her eyes widening. The bony fingers of her father’s hand closed over her shoulder in what should have been a reassuring squeeze.

  “’Tis for the best, child,” he murmured and then left the room.

  The door closed with an ominous thud, leaving her alone with one of the men with whom she was to unite.

  Pierce stepped forward, his gaze roving over her from head to toe before he said softly, “You are more beautiful since last I saw you, Delilah.”

  “I wish you had not noticed.” She took a quick step backward, folding her arms across her chest. It had been at least five years since they’d seen one another, when she was just barely coming into her femininity.

  His gaze slid down to focus on her breasts and his mouth twitched. “It would have been impossible not to.”

  “This union cannot happen,” she choked out. “It will not.”

  “Ah, but, little one, it will.” Pierce closed the distance between them and caught her wrist when she would’ve retreated further. His thumb brushed against her wildly beating pulse. “The kingdom of the falcons must merge with the tigers and lions.”

  “We have no wish to merge with either kingdom,” she cried, tugging at her hand. “Release me.”

  “As king, your father is solely responsible for that decision. He has made his choice.” Irritation flickered in his eyes as he tugged her closer. His breath feathered warmly across her cheek, sending a shiver down her spine. “And I have made mine. You, little one, are simply his daughter. Nothing more than a princess—or shall I say pawn—in our little game.”

  Oh! How dare he? Anger churned in her gut and her eyes flashed. “I will not unite with you.”

  “You will unite with us. The price of merging our kingdoms has always been and will always be you.”

  She glared at him. He was right. Essentially she was nothing more than a pawn.

  “Hmm. Such lovely eyes you have, Delilah. Almost…gray, are they not?” He smiled and then shrugged. “And yes, little one, you will unite with me and Jason. You know him quite well, I believe.” He touched her hair, tugging on one golden curl. “He has spoken of your beauty for years, how he has ached to sample you.”

  “Jason would never! We are friends.”

  “Yes, you are. But what does that have to do with him wanting to fuck you?” He slid his hand to cup her chin, stroking two fingers down her cheek. “I don’t blame him.”

  “You are vile.” She turned her face in an attempt to escape his touch. His hands surprised her. They were not the soft, pampered hands of nobility, but callused and rough.

  “You will enjoy having both of us in your bed, Delilah.” He caught her chin, forcing her head back so she had to look at him. The white of his teeth flashed in a sudden predatory smile. “I promise you this.”

  She opened her mouth to shoot down his perverse promise, but a vision slammed into her mind. Her eyes fluttered closed. Pierce’s hands roamed her body, his fingers teasing between her legs, while Jason cupped her breast, drawing a nipple between his lips.

  “You’ve seen it.”

  Pierce’s knowing words jerked the vision from her head and she gasped, her eyes snapping open. Heat stained her cheeks and her breasts swelled with sudden arousal.

  “No,” she denied.

  “Yes, little one.” He lowered his head, until his mouth was just above hers. “It is your destiny.”

  “It is my nightma—”

  His mouth crushed down, silencing her as his tongue thrust past her lips. It was no gentle kiss, but one that staked a claim. He explored every inch of her mouth, stroking the roof of her mouth and grazing her teeth, before returning to suck her tongue into his mouth.

  While her mind screamed in protest, her blood rushed like fire through her veins, spreading heat and desire. Her nipples tightened, stabbing against the hardness of his chest.

  He released her just as rapidly and she stumbled back, panting. She lifted a trembling hand to her mouth and stared at him in horror. She’d begun to respond to his kiss. Had enjoyed it. No. This couldn’t be.

  Pierce’s chest rose with an unsteady breath. It offered little relief that he had been just as affected by their kiss as she had.

  “Tomorrow, Delilah. Th
e three of us will unite in a ceremony. With or without your consent.” His heated gaze landed on her mouth. “But in our bed, there is no doubt. You will not only consent, you will beg.”

  The hell she would. Delilah ground her teeth together, refusing to respond as he backed out of the room, never taking his eyes off her. Only after the door closed, and she was once again alone in the study, did she slap her palm against the cold, stone walls.

  She couldn’t go through with this, despite her father’s wishes. Or even if it was expected of her as a princess. No, when she chose a union with someone it would be for love. No matter how selfish or trite it might be, she would not be a…pawn.

  God, he’d enjoyed taunting her with that reality. And worse, it wasn’t just one man she was to be united with, but two! One whom she’d trusted for so many years. How long had Jason known about this? Her stomach clenched at the betrayal. Though, in all truth, she had not seen him as much in the past two years.

  Her head moved from side to side in denial as she hurried to her room. How often had she wished she did not have noble blood? Would have been able to choose freely?

  Well, absolutely not. She’d never asked to be born into this life. And she would not sit passively by as her future was aligned neatly and miserably before her. No. Come sunrise she would be far from the falcon kingdom and any notion of an arranged union.

  Jason rushed through the halls of the manor, jaw clenched and unease swirling in his gut. He should’ve realized she would pull a stunt like this. He knew Delilah all too well. He had sensed she would not be thrilled with having her future mates picked out for her, but he never would’ve predicted she’d run.

  He scowled and thrust a hand through his hair. How foolish he was to have underestimated her.

  “Hello, Jason.” Pierce turned from the window, fastening the last button on the shirtsleeves of his formal attire, his dark eyes warming as his gaze moved over Jason.

  Familiar warmth surged through him under the intimate scrutiny of his fellow prince.

  “Hello, Your Highness.”

  Pierce grinned and crossed the room, reaching out to cup Jason’s cheek. “We are alone, my friend. There is no need for such formality. Call me by the name you love to scream when I’m fucking you.”

  Jason’s cheeks heated and his cock twitched beneath his trousers. “Pierce it is then,” he murmured huskily.

  Pleasure flickered in Pierce’s eyes, before he dropped his hand to run his palm over Jason’s chest. His nipples tightened in response.

  “Tell me, Jason, how is our princess this evening?”

  Jason drew in a slow breath. Pierce would not be pleased. He’d been looking forward to uniting with Delilah as much if not more than Jason had. They had been searching for a mate to form a union with for years now. And had been considering Delilah from day one.

  “Pierce, she is…gone.”

  “Gone?” Pierce stilled, his brows drawing together. “Where?”

  “I fear she has fled the kingdom. Her father is beside himself with anger and fear.”

  “The foolish girl.” Pierce ripped free the tie he’d just fastened around his neck and tossed it to the floor. “Was no one watching her?”

  “She slipped past her guard.” He hesitated. “It appears she may have shifted and fled in falcon form from her chambers. Her father rarely lets her outside the walls without a chaperone. He fears she may find herself in trouble.”

  “She’ll find herself in trouble all right,” Pierce murmured quietly. “When we find her she will realize what a mistake it was to try to ignore this union.”

  Jason sighed. “She is frightened. Angry.”

  “I know you are friends, but it does little to defend her. As princess, she knows her duties and should not have taken the route of a spoiled child.”

  “She’s not much older than one.”

  “She is past twenty years. And her body is all grown woman,” Pierce said firmly.

  “Yes, her body is…” exquisite. Jason closed his eyes, already envisioning the plump breasts that enticed him through those thin dresses she wore. “She is enchanting.”

  “I suppose that’s one word for it.” Pierce gave a harsh laugh.

  Irritation flickered through Jason and he folded his arms across his chest. “Is this how you spoke to her yesterday? If so, it is no wonder she ran.”

  “Being blunt is part of my nature.” Pierce turned around and stalked him, closing the distance between them until their chests touched. “You of all people should know that. And soon Delilah will as well.”

  “You’re upset.”

  “Of course I am. I wanted us to unite with her tonight. To have that sweet little body between us.” Pierce groaned. “Damn, I can’t even think, my balls are so damn tight. You have no idea how badly I want her.”

  “I do as well, Your Highness. I’m sorry.”

  “You know better. Call me Pierce in private.” His eyes narrowed and he reached for the fly on his trousers. “And instead of apologizing, why don’t you help ease my frustration.”

  Jason’s blood rushed faster as Pierce pulled his thick cock free and stroked the engorged dark head. He licked his lips, saliva already pooling in his mouth at the thought of sucking Pierce off.

  “Pierce, I must ask. Should we not go after her immediately?”

  Pierce grabbed Jason’s hand and wrapped it around his dick. “We will. She cannot go far—she knows that as well as we do. But I can barely think right now. I want her. I want you. And my mind is going to be a mess until I get some kind of release.”

  “Say no more.” Jason fell to his knees before the other prince, his grip on the other man’s cock tightening.

  He knew Pierce well enough to know that he had always used sex to deal with stress. He could have the other man coming down his throat in five minutes, and then they’d be off and searching for Delilah.

  Jason dragged his thumb across the head of Pierce’s cock, catching the pearl of fluid. Then he dipped his head, parted his lips, and slid the shaft into his mouth.

  Pierce groaned, gripping Jason’s hair as he thrust his hips, driving his cock deeper into Jason’s throat.

  “Mmm.” Jason fondled the other man’s balls, sucking his dick in a familiar rhythm. His tongue swirled around the head and the length, while enjoying the musky taste.

  “Yes.” Pierce fucked his mouth harder, his hands tightening in Jason’s hair. “Yes, Jason.”

  Jason squeezed Pierce’s sac a bit harder, knowing it would propel the other prince over the edge.

  Pierce cried out and buried his cock to the back of Jason’s throat, and a moment later, the first warm spurt of come erupted.

  Jason relaxed his jaw, swallowing each drop of Pierce’s release until the other man let out a ragged moan and his hands relaxed in Jason’s hair.

  “Thank you,” Pierce murmured weakly, pulling out of Jason’s mouth. “I’m sorry if I was a bit aggressive…I needed that. You mean the world to me and I would never want to hurt you.”

  “I know, my friend. And if ever you have hurt me, I promise it was thoroughly enjoyed.” Jason licked his lips and rose to his feet. He pressed a hard kiss against Pierce’s mouth, before touching his cheek gently. “Arrange yourself and prepare to travel. It is time to go find our mate.”

  Delilah hovered above the treetops, steadying her wings as her gaze scanned the landscape below. Where in the hell was she? She’d never been this far away from the grounds before.

  Her heart fluttered with growing anxiety as she continued to soar in the dark night. And now she was tiring. How long had she been on the move? At least three hours. And surely they would be looking for her now.

  Jason and Pierce. Anger burned slowly inside her as she thought of them. And worse yet was Jason, who’d been such a close friend. Had she simply failed to notice that he wanted her in a sexual way?

  Quite possibly, a voice in her head taunted with disdain. She was nothing but an unschooled virgin, not even allowed
to cultivate the one crush she’d had years ago on a local boy. Would she even be able to tell when a man desired her? Maybe. A memory flickered in her mind of a layman who’d worked on the manor. The way he’d looked at her had seemed entirely inappropriate, as though he’d imagined her without her gown. It had always sent shivers of unease down her spine. Maybe that had been desire on his part?

  It mattered not. She would never let Jason or Pierce touch her. Never agree to this union her father had forced upon her! It was not a union of her choosing. And it lacked love.

  Delilah flapped her wings, trying to put more distance between her and her kingdom. But fatigue was gaining on her and reality reared its head. She must rest. It would be impossible to continue flying until sunrise.

  Letting out a cry, she went into a dive, gliding between the treetops and immersing herself into the darkness of the forest. Once landing, she shifted back to human, crouching on the coarse dirt of the forest floor.

  She stood and stretched, a shiver racking her body. It was freezing! What she wouldn’t give for her wool cloak. But no, that was back at the manor, along with any further comforts, such as food.

  Fortunately, she’d eaten before leaving and had snacked on a squirrel while in falcon form an hour ago. But the warmth…well, she’d have to figure out a way to make do.

  She moved through the dense forest, trying to find any form of shelter to rest in. But the darkness made it nearly impossible. Almost by accident she stumbled into a growth of bushes and, pushing on the leaves, she found an opening.

  Forcing her way into the bushes, she squeezed her body in and lay down on the dirt floor. It was warmer there, though far from comfortable. Braches scratched at her naked flesh, but the thick cover already warmed her cooled blood.

  Her eyelids drooped and her jaw popped with a yawn. She would sleep. If only just for a few hours, but then she would have to fly again. Be one step ahead of the men…


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