Book Read Free

Night Shift 2

Page 25

by Anthology

  This morning I woke up as Reagan Preston for the last time. In less than an hour, I’ll be Reagan Titan. Jude and I will say our vows to each other on a beach in Kauai.

  My former political rival is now my everything. He’s my best friend and fiercest ally, and he can still make me warm in all the right places with just a look—a smoldering, panty-melting look, or an intense, cocksure one. I mean, honestly, any look from him does it for me. Even the sound of his deep, amused laughter can put me in the mood.

  The longer we’re together, the deeper the passion between us grows. Jude doesn’t just know every last inch of me; he’s tasted and touched me at length, becoming an expert in what gets me going.

  My sister Abby fastens a delicate bracelet around my wrist, my something old. It belonged to our grandma.

  “Are you wearing nothing under that dress, like Jude wanted?” she asks with a smirk.

  “No,” I say, laughing. “It’s too hot for that. I’d be all sweaty.”

  “Somehow I don’t think he’d mind.”

  “I’d mind, but you’re right. Have you noticed I only have something new, something old and something borrowed? He said the something blue will be his balls when he sees me in my dress and can’t bang me on the spot.”

  “He’s a romantic, that one,” my sister Kennedy says, laughing.

  “Girls,” my mom says, “Stand together so I can get a picture.”

  Abby wraps an arm around my waist while Kennedy edges away and stands off to the side. The look on her face says she’d like to disappear right now.

  It hasn’t been easy for her, being outed as part of my father’s secret family. He was with another woman and had two other children over the course of twenty-two years, Kennedy and her brother Chris. In fact, he’s still with the other woman. He went to be with her after my mother learned the truth and divorced him.

  “You too, Kennedy,” my mom says warmly. “I want all of the sisters together.”

  Kennedy smiles and walks over. I give my mom a look of gratitude, my heart full. She’s the best person I’ve ever known. She doesn’t hold Kennedy and Chris responsible for what happened.

  Kennedy takes Mom’s camera and snaps a few photos of Abby, Mom, and me together, and then just Mom and me.

  The sound of a ukulele player playing traditional Hawaiian music outside makes my heart beat faster. That’s our cue that it’s time for the ceremony to start.

  “I’m going out there so I can see you walk out,” Mom says, cupping my cheeks in her hands. “I love you, Reagan. You’re marrying your perfect match today and I’m so happy for both of you.”

  Her tear-filled eyes make me so emotional that a lump forms in my throat. I just nod, not wanting to cry before I’ve even walked out to the beach.

  A couple minutes after she leaves, Kennedy hands me my bouquet of bright, tropical flowers. Each of my sisters has a miniature one. I look them both over in the pale pink dresses we found on sale at J. Crew. They were perfect for our low-key ceremony.

  “You guys look so pretty,” I say to them.

  “You look stunning,” Abby says. “Seriously. That tropical flower crown is absolutely perfect.”

  “Thank you.”

  While our wedding wasn’t formal, I couldn’t bring myself to go casual on my wedding dress. I wanted to wear a traditional one because I’ve dreamed of this day my whole life. My dress is strapless with a fitted bodice and a slightly poufy skirt. I went with a locally made flower crown rather than a tiara and veil. My hair is up and I’m wearing simple white flip flops, my something borrowed from Abby.

  “It’s time,” Abby says, squeezing my hand. “Let’s do this.”

  We got ready in a small house on the beach, next to where the ceremony is being held, and Kennedy walks out to the beach first, followed by Abby. I close my eyes and steady myself with a deep breath.

  I can do this. It’s not exactly how I dreamed it because my dad isn’t here. But dreams change. I mean…I’m marrying a Republican senator.

  I spoke to my dad about not inviting him to the wedding. He was hurt but said he understood. I just couldn’t have the man who stomped on the institution of marriage and broke my mother’s heart at my wedding.

  And like Jude has told me so many times, this is about me and him. It’s our day to make a lifelong commitment to each other.

  Knowing he’s waiting out there on the beach makes me smile. I walk toward the door and the local girl who works for the owners of the house opens it for me with a grin.

  I follow a flower-lined wood walkway around the side of the house to the beach, the breeze cooling my skin. The music beckons me forward and soon I feel sand beneath my shoes.

  There are only a handful of people here—our closest friends and family. But I don’t look at the faces turned toward me from the dozen chairs on the beach. All I see is Jude.

  My Jude. He’s tall and broad and impossibly handsome. He’s wearing a dark suit and a red tie, a nod to his Republican party. He’s clean shaven and his hair is combed back neatly. Much neater than it was this morning after our sunrise sex in a hammock at the beach house we’re staying at a mile down the beach from here, anyway.

  I turn my right hand on the stems of my bouquet so Jude can see the sapphire ring I’m wearing. He arches his brows and gives me an amused smile.

  Of course I wore something blue for my Democratic party. Jude and I think alike in many ways. In other ways…we have impassioned arguments that often end in incredible makeup sex.

  When I make it to Jude and the local minister officiating the ceremony, I hand my bouquet to Abby and Jude takes both my hands in his. When I look up at him and see tears shining in his dark eyes, I squeeze his hands and fight back tears of my own.

  The minister, Koa, begins speaking, but I’m still completely lost in the way Jude is looking at me. The love and reverence I see in his eyes makes me want to throw my arms around his neck and tell him how happy I am in this moment.

  “When Jude and Reagan told me how they met, I knew their love was fated,” Koa says, making the small gathering murmur their amusement. “Every day they compromise. Every day they learn that you can disagree with your partner but still love them without measure. That’s the foundation of a good marriage.” He smiles at us. “Now, let’s begin.”

  Koa is doing a traditional marriage ceremony for us, and I repeat my vows to Jude first, minus the part about obeying him. We each asked for time after the traditional vows to say vows of our own, too. After sliding a platinum band on Jude’s finger, I clear my throat nervously when it’s time for me to say mine.

  “Jude, you’re the best man I’ve ever known. You’re strong, loyal, compassionate and honest. You listen to my rants when I’m having a bad day and you somehow manage to make me laugh most of the time. You cook me soup when I’m sick. You wipe away my tears when I’m sad. And despite our political differences, you’re proud of everything I am. I’ll be by your side—” My voice breaks and my tears spill over. “—every day for the rest of my life, as your best friend and biggest supporter.”

  He squeezes my hands before letting go of one to wipe the corner of his eye.

  Koa says the traditional vows for Jude to repeat back, and then he slides a sparkling wedding band onto my finger. When it’s Jude’s turn to say his own vows, he takes a deep breath and collects himself for a second.

  “Reagan, I knew everything would change for me as soon as I saw you. We were at that TV debate thing together and damned—,” He glances sheepishly at Koa, who smiles. “—if I didn’t want to argue with you that night. I just wanted to look at the woman who’d bewitched me. I didn’t know then that we would end up here, but I knew you were different. It didn’t take long for me to realize you were the one, though. You’re the fire to my ice or the ice to my fire, depending on the day. You fight for what’s right. You keep me on my toes. You’ve got a courageous heart. And lastly…you have my heart. I love you with everything in me. I live for you, and I’d die for

  He swallows hard and then exhales deeply. I brush away my tears and reach up to cup his cheeks in my hands.

  “Let’s make this official,” Koa says. “I now pronounce you man and wife. Jude, you may kiss the bride.”

  Jude’s kiss is soft and sweet at first, but then he puts his arms around my back and kisses me deeply, with a passion that makes our handful of loved ones hoot, holler and applaud.

  “I love you, Mrs. Titan,” he whispers against my lips.

  “I love you, too.”

  He brings my left hand to his lips and kisses the knuckles next to my wedding ring. When we turn to face the small group looking on, most of them are wiping away tears.

  After the ceremony, we have a casual reception at the beach house we’re renting—just a traditional Hawaiian dinner, a red, white and blue wedding cake, and some dancing.

  “I think we’ve been married enough to start trying for kids, don’t you?” Jude says as we dance, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “I thought we were waiting a year.”

  “I know…but when I saw you walking toward me today, my dream of a daughter with your blue eyes and hot temper got stronger.”

  My hand is looped over the back of his neck, and I stroke his hairline with my fingers. “My temper is not that bad.”

  He scoffs. “It’s a blistering inferno, Ray.”

  “You want under this dress tonight or not, Titan?”

  “Oh, I’m getting under the dress. That ring gives me pussy privileges anytime I want.”

  I throw back my head and laugh. “Keep telling yourself that.”

  I’m still thinking about what he said as we dance, and I bring it up again a minute later. “You’re ready for kids now? Or in nine months, rather?”

  He shrugs. “I’m ready whenever you are, babe. It’s fine if you want to wait a year.”

  “I could be open to sooner.”

  He grins. “Yeah?”


  I hear the lapping of beach waves as he leans down to kiss me. “I’m gonna be a fucking rock star at getting you pregnant. You know that, right? It’ll probably be twins since I’m so virile.”

  The happy gleam in his eyes makes me smile. “I wouldn’t mind twins.”

  His expression turns serious. “You’re gonna be an amazing mom, Ray. And an amazing wife, too. Sorry if I’m getting ahead of myself talking about having kids on our wedding night.”

  “I want that, too. If we want three like we said, we should get started.”

  He tightens his hold on my waist. “I’m all for that. Knowing I get to have a family with you makes me want to get started as soon as possible.”

  “Me too.”

  “How about now? We can sneak up to our room and no one will even miss us.”

  I arch a brow in amusement. “No one will miss us, huh? At our own wedding reception?”

  He shrugs. “I’m sure every man here will get my need to consummate this union right fucking now.”

  His words give me that warm-all-over feeling. “Okay.”


  He kisses me softly. “Damn, woman, you’re giving me everything I want. I like being married.”

  “Don’t get used to it.”

  “Let’s even it up a bit,” he says. “What do you want that I can give you right now?”

  I bite my lip, give him a playful look and whisper in his ear, “I want you to put your head under this dress and take off the lacy thong I’m wearing with your teeth, and then fuck me into next week with this dress still on me.”

  “Fuck,” he mutters.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door. “Let’s go.”

  And so our honeymoon begins, before the reception is even over.







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