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Primal Claim

Page 7

by Marie Johnston

Damn shifters and their senses. Could he smell her desire, too? Could the others? Would they smell Mercury on her, or figure it was from their close proximity the last twelve hours? She blinked up at him, suddenly aware of the bright sun shining in her face. It was a beautiful summer day and she had no idea what time it was.

  “Are you worried about the commander? Meeting the others?” he asked.

  “No, actually. I really don’t care about spilling on Sigma and any secrets of theirs I might know. I’m just wondering...” It felt suddenly too intimate to talk baby with this man, who was the father. “Nine months is a long time, and it’s so early. What if...”

  Caught by how painful it was to voice the thought of losing the life forming inside of her, Dani found she couldn’t really say it out loud.

  Mercury’s brows drew together. “What if what?”

  Reformulating her words to almost think hypothetically. “Well, you know, some women miscarry.”

  “Do you feel like something’s wrong?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Mercury shrugged. “Our people are very intuitive, in touch with nature and our bodies. You’re human, but our baby,” he paused on those words, an unreadable look flitting across his face, “will be a shifter. Look in on yourself and see if you can feel something wrong.”

  How was she supposed to do that? Closing her eyes, letting the warm sun’s rays melt into her, she concentrated on the area in her abdomen where the little one grew.

  Chapter Six

  It was a breathtaking sight. Dani, with her face turned up into the sun, eyes closed, a half smile almost overtaking the worry he’d scented from her just a moment ago. Her messy ponytail hung down her neck, caressing her delicate skin in place of his tongue.

  He’d had a taste of her and wanted more. She’d let him into her body and he wanted deeper. He wanted to explore every inch of her skin, inside and out with his hands, his tongue. He wanted to feel her heat and moisture wrapped around him. Instinctively, he knew he hadn’t been missing anything. Kissing and touching wouldn’t have felt the same with anyone else. He couldn’t stand the thought of other women touching him any more than they had to. He just knew it was something to be saved for his mate. As a Guardian, mates aren’t found very easily and his rocky start in life, and difficulty tolerating people, didn’t give him much hope of finding his.

  Before he started sporting another massive, painful erection he decided he’d better do something. She was worried about their baby. Their baby. Would he ever get used to that? He wasn’t allowed consent or the pleasure of her body, neither was she, to make this baby. Regardless, a baby was made from them and she was scared.

  He concentrated on her lower belly, zeroing in like he had x-ray vision. As she went inward, he went outward.

  A warmth spread through his mind, lighting up dark corners he’d given up hope on. A soft gasp came from Dani as if she felt him too, like he was feeling her. Tied to her presence was the tiny kernel of awareness he’d come to associate with his young. A thrill went through him, then a dawning comprehension of dismay.

  “Did you feel that?” she asked breathlessly, her eyes glittering excitedly in the sun. “I didn’t think it would work, but then I felt you and it was like a booster pack and I swear I could feel it.”

  Shoving this new information to the back of mind so he could talk with Commander Fitzsimmons later, he gave her a forced smile.

  “We’d better get you some food before we meet the others.”

  The excitement drained from her face and made him want to growl at himself. She must not have felt what he did. Fucking Sigma.

  They entered through the back door of the lodge and wove their way to kitchen. Another Guardian, Mason, was sitting at the table, scrolling through his tablet, chewing on some bacon. The males glared at each other since Mercury could feel the man’s distaste of his mate. Sitting Dani at the far end so she didn’t have to be next to the infuriating male, Mercury started rummaging through the cabinets for food. Grabbing the rest of the bacon and some toast he sat across from Dani and dished out their food.

  Stiffly she chewed her food, sensing the unease between the males, which wouldn’t be hard even for a human. Mason had been difficult lately, and with a human “visitor” they knew very little of, he anticipated nothing but antagonism from his fellow Guardian.

  Kaitlyn breezed into the kitchen. The tall female’s coppery red hair was braided down her back and she wore the standard Guardian black shirt and black tech pants.

  “Mornin’ bitches.”

  Mason grunted, Mercury muttered his greetings. Slamming doors and cupboards as she ruthlessly searched for her cereal and raided the fridge for milk, Kaitlyn was a force to be reckoned with in everything she did. Plopping down across from Mason, a couple chairs away from Mercury, she smiled over at Dani.

  “So, you’re Mercury’s mate we know nothing about?” Her tone was teasing, not insulting, and Mercury was grateful she gave a friendlier reception, despite the lack of trust, than Mason and Bennett had.

  “Yeah, Mercury,” Mason’s tone dripped deviance, a cruel smile lifting his mouth, “why don’t you introduce your little human to Kaitlyn? I’m sure she can fill her in on aaaall about how to please you.”

  Fuck! Mercury froze midbreath and Dani’s hand stilled midway to her mouth.

  “Aw, Mason!” Kaitlyn said midchew. “You asshole. You know humans don’t understand.” Milk dripped down her chip and with normal Kaitlyn elegance, she swiped at it with the back of her hand. Uncouth was a word he’d come to associate with the new Guardian.

  “Fuck, Kaitlyn,” Mason said, with only a touch of derision and more exasperation. “You eat like a dog.”

  Chewing on another large spoonful, she remained hunched over her bowl like she was afraid it would get grabbed out from under nose and flipped Mason off.

  She looked at Dani with an apologetic smile. “I tend to forget, but as Mason pointed out, I once got in on the action at Pale Moonlight with your dude and the blonde with the stick up his ass.” She winked at Dani. “But it was before I knew I could grow fur and it never meant anything. At least to me.” She leaned over and slugged Mercury in the shoulder. He let out a little oomph and shook his head. Her strength was really coming along. “Maybe this poor bastard can quit pining for me now that you’re here.”

  Trying to gauge Dani’s reaction, Mercury studied her while chewing his bacon. She had a sort of dazed and confused appearance, having gone back to eating her own food, watching everything play out. It seemed like she didn’t know what to make of Kaitlyn. Mercury could empathize. While he was quite fond – not in that sense – of the female, she was an unpredictable, but reliable, force. His empathy also extended to the new Guardian. Watching her trying to understand herself and this new world brought out memories from eons ago when Master Bellamy pulled him from his pack and showed him where he belonged. Only, it took decades to think maybe he did belong, and he often wondered if he hadn’t been better off roaming the wild with his pack of natural wolves.

  Mason stood, snarling something derogatory about humans while he was turning to go, making sure it was loud enough for her ears.

  Mercury flew out his chair.


  That one word uttered from his mate stopped him. Mason disappeared, chuckling maliciously.

  “I don’t give a shit who believes me, who doesn’t; who hates humans, who doesn’t; who had their face in your crotch, who didn’t. I really don’t. All I care about right now is this bacon and if there’s any more, because I’m starving. ‘K?”

  Still frozen in his semi-leap position, Mercury was bewildered by her declaration – didn’t know what to make of it.

  “You heard the lady,” Kaitlyn told him. “Get her some damn bacon.”

  Dani gave her a whisper of smile and looked expectantly at Mercury.

  He was dishing up more bacon fresh from the oven when he sensed Bennett enter the kitchen.

  “Kaitlyn, yo
u’re with me today. We’ve got a domestic north of West Creek. Piece of shit keeps beating his mate, turned on his kids.” Turning to Mercury, Bennett continued, “Mercury, Boss wants to interrogate the spy.”

  At the warning growl, Bennett gave him a placating look. “Dani.”

  All business, Kaitlyn cleaned up her stuff and marched out of the kitchen. Mercury was surprised they were allowing her out in the field since she still passed out after her shifting. Her fighting skills as a human were admirable and would get her by as long as Bennett was there.

  Eyes flicking between the Mercury and his mate, Bennett watched Mercury serve her.

  “Be careful,” Bennett warned.

  Mercury ignored him and sat back down. Almost as soon as Bennett left, he heard the other two newbies to their pack approaching.

  Feminine laughter wafted in ahead of Cassie and Jace’s arrival. Jace had a shit-eating grin on his face, gave Mercury a quick nod, and went to gather breakfast for his own mate.

  Cassie sat where Kaitlyn had just been, knowing better than to sit next to the woman with the shady past.

  “Dani, right?”

  “That’s right. Apparently, this is the meet and greet.” It was a statement, said with no sour notes in her voice.

  Cassie laughed gently. “Busted. I’m Cassie. Look, while you’re here, you’ll need some clothes.” She started digging in the monster purse most women insisted on carrying around. But Cassie also needed hers to conceal a gun and knife since she was also “only” human. Being bound to Jace came with the usual perks of quicker healing and longevity, but Sigma would not hesitate to snatch and grab her again.

  Producing paper and pen, she slid them over to Dani. “Write your sizes and any special requests. We’ll get you enough to get by.”

  “Oh. No. You can’t. I mean, I don’t have any money or anything to pay you back.”

  Cassie gave her a reassuring look. “It’s all right, it won’t be that much. It’s not like I’m bringing back designer labels. I get you’re not a typical guest, but you can’t be running around barefoot, drowning in Mercury’s clothes.”

  Dani still hesitated, obviously uncomfortable with the charity.

  “I’m sure we can find some chore for you to earn your keep until we get things figured out. You’ll also need at least need conditioner, probably even shampoo. Am I right? Jace had next to nothing in his bathroom. I mean, I’m not high maintenance, but a girl needs something pretty smelling.” Leave it to Cassie to figure the girl out; it’s what she did for a living.

  Coming to a resolution, Dani scribbled some things down. Mercury didn’t care if she hung out in his shirts all day. And slept in them, letting her scent permeate every fiber. He never wanted to wash the shorts she was in as it was. But she would feel better in her own stuff, and if he wasn’t thinking with his dick, it’d be harder to hide weapons in the more form fitting women’s apparel.

  “Cassie, Jace, I need your input,” Mercury debated on bringing it up here, but he had to know what they might be up against, and he wanted to bring it to the commander as soon as possible.

  “Sure,” they said in unison.

  Would Mercury and Dani ever be like them – happily mated? First, they had to find out more about the baby and if Dani was who she claimed.

  “You said you could feel Madame G’s presence when she mated you.” Mercury began. Dani looked at the pair, eyes widening. So she knew the story.

  “I couldn’t,” Jace replied. “I know our natural mating bond feels better, but overall, not much different.”

  “I felt tainted, slimy,” Cassie added. “Like I had to get her out of me.”

  “How did she incorporate herself into something like a mating bond?” Dani asked quietly.

  “Blood and some fucked-up ritual,” Jace answered.

  “Why? Do you feel something off about the pregnancy, Dani?” Cassie asked.

  “Not other than an unnatural taste for bacon.” Dani’s brows furrowed, her gaze dropped to the tabletop. “But it’s so early yet.”

  She glanced up to Mercury with a questioning look. He shuttered his face, unwilling to tell her what he’d felt earlier in front of Jace and Cassie.

  “We’d better get going. I’ve gotta shadow Cassie while she’s working in case Sigma tries anything again,” Jace said, grabbing their food containers and to-go cups.

  Even as the couple left, Dani didn’t look away from Mercury. She didn’t seem as fatigued and drawn as last night. Despite the nightmares, the food and rest did her good though it was a short night and early morning, a healthy glow lit her from within.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” she asked.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” he countered.

  Setting her jaw, she looked down at her plate. “Do you think that madwoman has somehow tied herself to the baby?”

  “It would be naïve not to think that.” Mercury took a deep breath. He didn’t feel like she was lying about this, she really didn’t know what Madame G could have done. “We connected outside and yes, I felt something, faint, but dark. Something other than you and the young one.”

  Blood drained from her face and she closed her eyes.

  “What do we do?” she whispered.

  “Tell Commander Fitzsimmons my suspicions.”

  Nodding slightly, her intelligent dark eyes inspected Mercury’s face. He sat still under her perusal, sensing she was about to say something.

  “Why do they say you’re weird, Mercury?”

  His brows shot up, surprised at her blunt question. He took a short moment to savor his name rolling off her tongue before he answered.

  “It’s how I was raised. The quintessential boy raised by wolves. Master Bellamy found me out in the wild, living with a pack of natural born wolves. I have no memory before the wolf pack took me in. Master Bellamy assumed my pack was destroyed as a young boy. I somehow survived and was taken in by a perceptive wolf pack that seemed to sense what I was.”

  “But, wouldn’t you have been in human form until puberty?”

  “Yes. After the first transition, I barely went back to my human form. It was easier then, living with them. I didn’t know what I was, just that I was different.”

  “Is that how you feel now?” No pity, no derision, she seemed to want to understand him.

  “Yep. Master Bellamy, at the time he was the commander, found me when he was out on a mission and realized I was not only a shifter, but born to be a Guardian.” Mercury remembered being absolutely fascinated, but threatened, by this man who could also take on two forms. And utterly perplexed that the master would pick the inferior of the two to remain in much of the time.

  “So he and his mate took me in,” Mercury continued. “Taught me to adjust to being mostly human with a beast inside, instead of the other way around. Taught me to fight in both forms and trained me to be a Guardian. Once I met Bennett and Fitzsimmons, I started learning how to interact as a human better. But it’s difficult. Our job keeps us busy, usually dealing with the shit of the species and until the last few decades, we all tried to avoid modern society. I still don’t understand normal social interaction very well, even if it’s shifters in human form.”

  Processing her astonishment of his life’s story, she considered what she heard.

  “So…few possessions but books?”

  “I never went to school, but Master Bellamy’s mate taught me to read. It helps me to have a reference with people when I can associate expressions with words that are said. I’m teaching myself the other subjects as time allows.”

  It looked like more questions were lining up in her sharp, sexy brain but Mercury had to cut her off.

  “It’s time to go talk with the commander.”

  “I said I would tell you everything, just let me type it. It’d be faster.” Dani was getting so irritated. Were they really so not used to their prisoners confessing, that they couldn’t hand over a damn pencil and paper? She was probably being recorded so enough with
the questions already.

  Commander Fitzsimmons pinned her with that unreadable look she was beginning to associate with him. He was such a serious dude, his smile muscles had probably atrophied.

  “So, you’re going to write everything down? Just like that?” Disbelief obvious in his tone. Another thing she began to associate with him. He probably had a dry sense of humor, if he had one at all.

  “You can’t protect me and this kid unless you know what you’re up against. So unless you’ve been in the compound before, it’d be faster if I drew diagrams and explained the rooms. Then I can describe the Agents and the training, what I know of it.”

  Another long considering look. “Fine. We’ll cross reference it with what we already have on file. Mercury, stay with her.”

  Dani wanted to breathe a sigh of relief with the commander gone. That was an intense man. The cloud of tension dissipated with his absence. Even more so after Mercury brought his concerns to him about the extra presence he felt when they connected outside.

  The thought filled Dani with terror. Was a part of Madame G was inside of her? Was it like a tracking device? Of course Sigma knew where she was at, but they’d get lost wandering the woods with all the defenses around the lodge, and land around the cabins. But the hope that Dani and her baby could mosey off, undetected, when they were both recovered and healthy, died a slow death.

  Was she really Mercury’s mate or was that orchestrated by the evil bitch too? That bothered Dani, for unknown reasons. She wasn’t ready to tie her life to him by any means, but it was undeniable that she felt something for him. Not just gratitude for rescuing her, or the care he’d taken of her, or the way his body felt on hers, his fingers inside of her.

  Desire began to pool in her belly, Mercury inhaled sharply.

  “We’d better get you drawing,” his deep voice rougher than normal.

  The few bad shifters Sigma and its Agents took out did not make up for the pain and suffering the secret corporation and its most notorious chapter leader, Madame G, inflicted on both shifters and humans. And probably vampires, although Dani avoided them as much as possible. They made her feel like she was on the menu.


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