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Lilith's Awakening

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by Aubrey Ross


  Aubrey Ross

  Lilith’s Awakening

  By Aubrey Ross


  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2013 Aubrey Ross

  Cover art by Dar Albert

  Electronic book Publication, August 2013

  Other Smashwords books by Aubrey Ross

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  Chapter One

  Realm of Darkness

  Rage twisted through Lilith. She stood in the open archway, her fingers crushing the delicate fabric of her gown. A red haze swam before her eyes, lending the scene a surreal air. Still, she had to look away.

  She inhaled deeply, but the air was smoky, cloying. It did nothing to ease the fury buffeting her composure.

  Damn him!

  Fortifying herself, she turned back to the tableau playing out in the ceremonial chamber.

  Gloriously naked, her mate, Sammael, stood at the foot of a stone altar. His brutal features contorted with lust. The way his eyes were closed, lips drawn back from his teeth, another might see fury or excruciating pain, but Lilith recognized rapture.

  A slender gray demon sprawled upon the altar. Her hands clasped the backs of her knees, spreading her legs wide in brazen invitation. From her position in the archway, Lilith couldn’t help but see how much they were enjoying each other. Unlike the rest of her drab body, the demon’s pussy was bright red and stretched tightly around Sammael’s massive cock. Pearly juices coated her folds, easing the way for his frantic thrusting.

  Lilith clasped the archway for support, her legs trembling beneath her. Her breasts ached and the burning emptiness in her core made her want to howl.

  How could he do this to me?



  Do something!

  She just stood there, paralyzed by his betrayal. Each powerful movement jostled the demon’s large breasts. Sammael bent to suck one gray nipple and the demon gasped. She was hairless, her entire body smooth and gleaming in the firelight.

  They moved together, locked in Splendor’s Dark Dance. The female’s back arched. Sammael’s hips pumped. Lilith watched his massive cock appear at the end of each stroke before he drove back into her quivering body.

  He’d promised. He’d vowed never again to share this secret Splendor with anyone but her.

  Lilith stumbled beyond the archway, undetected.


  Anger dissipated, but the emptiness left in its wake was far worse. She choked back the need to scream. She dug her long nails into her palms, welcoming the pain. Her entire body throbbed. She felt hollow and cold. Darkness pressed in, suffocating. She needed air. She needed—


  Her spirit trembled. Only the bravest and most powerful ventured into the Light.

  But it was the one place Sammael would never think to look. Despite his hulking size and ferocious snarls, Sammael was terrified of the Light.

  Balam, savage leader of Serpent Clan, came and went as he pleased, while her mate stayed below in his self-imposed prison. They were each powerful, compelling entities, rapidly gathering followers to their respective clans. Yet she had sensed an uncompromising intensity in Balam that frightened her, so she’d chosen not to offer herself as his mate.

  But she’d fared no better with Sammael!

  Diving into the blood-red water, she swam beyond the steep rocky rim, the physical barrier surrounding the Lake of Fire. The water cooled and cleared, turning pink, then gray, and finally blue. She propelled herself upward with strong, sure strokes. Her lungs burned. Her muscles ached.

  Light undulated on the surface far above. She fixed her sights on the shimmer and pushed on. Her arms screamed in protest. Her legs felt leaden. She could mend some injuries by shifting from one form to another. But her cat-self hated water, and shifting might only weaken her further.

  Black spots danced before her eyes and she couldn’t focus or coordinate her movements. The spots expanded. All she could see was darkness.

  Roaring erupted in her ears.

  Her mate was the cheating bastard! Why should she be the one to die?

  * * *

  Adam released the seagull into the predawn sky and smiled as it flew from sight. Naming all of God’s creations had been exciting for a time, however he was running out of ideas. The beasts were so incredible. He could never hope to choose names worthy of the creativity and skill the Lord displayed so effortlessly. He was doing his best, but—

  Something floundered beneath the water, drawing Adam’s attention. The river Pishon was wide here. Adam had seen few fish, certainly none so large. He peered through the gently flowing water and tried to discern what was moving in the depths. The sun had yet to rise, still the shape appeared pale, almost…flesh-colored? How could that be?

  He waded into the water, cautious yet concerned. This creature didn’t belong in the water. God had entrusted him with the care of all living things and this one was obviously in trouble.

  Diving toward the unknown shape, Adam frantically searched, wishing there were more light. One of his hands found smooth, slick flesh, the other tangled in long flowing…hair! He pulled the body toward him and kicked forcefully for the surface. The creature lay limply in his arms and panic jolted Adam.

  Am I too late? Did I hesitate too long on the shore?

  He laid the creature gently on the grassy riverbank and brushed its long, black mane away from its face. It made a soft moaning sound, assuring him it was still breathing. Thank God! He hadn’t been too late.

  So, what was this creature? He’d never seen anything so… It was female, he corrected. Even in the hazy light her full breasts and tightly drawn nipples revealed her gender. Her limbs were long, shapely and…hairless. Despite her thick, black tresses, which fanned out across the grass, the rest of the female’s body was smooth.

  An odd tension swirled deep in Adam’s belly and his penis swelled. Fascinated, he watched it thicken and lengthen. It hurt. His heart raced. This happened to the stallion right before he mounted his mare. Covering himself with his hand, he looked more closely at the woman. Was this his mate? The animals all had companions. Had God created this female for him?

  Her lips and eyelids were tinted blue. The tops of her ears were rippled and also blue. Could this be a trick of the twilight? The rest of her features were very much like his. She had to be his mate. He wanted her to be his mate.

  But why had she been in the river?

  The pressure in his loins increased and Adam groaned. He closed his fingers around his sex and moved his hips, gasping. It jerked against his palm. Hesitantly, he reached out and covered one of her breasts while he continued to slide his fist along his aching length. Her skin was so soft, her flesh so different from his. Heat infused his shaft, searing the sensitive head. He needed to put it inside her!

  He needed to mate.

  She moaned, shifting restlessly in the grass. Her nipple hardened against his palm. He moved his hand and examined the change his touch had wrought. Her soft, dusky nipple had tightened
into a puckered point. He touched the very tip and she arched her back. Adam smiled. She enjoyed this touching. He moved his fingers to her other nipple, gently pulling on it so he could watch the transformation.

  “Where am I?”

  Husky and oddly accented, her words sent shivers down his spine. He started to release her nipple, but she caught his wrist and opened her eyes. Her eyes were so bright a blue they glowed in the murky light. Adam could only stare.

  “Who are you?” She released his wrist, struggling to sit up.

  “No.” Cupping her shoulders, he eased her back into the grass. “Rest. You nearly drowned in the river. If I hadn’t pulled you out… Did God create you for me?”

  The unmistakable hope in the stranger’s question took Lilith by surprise. Her heart thudded madly. She had survived.

  I am in the Light.

  This beautiful creature had saved her.

  She was naked. Had he undressed her? He’d been fingering her nipple when she awakened. What else had he done while she was unconscious? Would he fuck her now, demand that she take his cock into her mouth or up her ass in exchange for her life? Her pussy ripened at the thought while laughter bubbled within her. Those were Dark thoughts, Dark concerns. There was no cruelty in him. His touch had been curious and gentle.

  She stared into his guileless amber eyes, fascinated by the innocence she saw there. Had she ever been this pure? His features were masculine perfection—strength tempered by tenderness. Oh, to defile one such as this.

  Did she dare?

  Hell yes, she dared! Blindly deferring to the judgment of males had gained her nothing. It was past time she set her own course.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “You are male. I am female. I was made for you.”

  “Am I to name you as I named the others?”

  She smiled. “No. This will be different, my golden one. I will share my knowledge with you.”

  He hesitated, then moved his hand, revealing his thick, hard cock. “Do you understand what to do with this?”

  Lilith licked her lips and smiled. “Yes. Oh, yes.”

  Chapter Two

  Lilith stretched in the grass, cupping her breasts and glorying in the purple predawn. His warm hand touched her knee. “I’ve seen the beasts in the field. I understand what must be done.”

  Lilith’s mind filled with unwanted images. Sammael’s contorted features, his rippling muscles, his mighty cock stretching the gray demon’s bright red core. “You understand nothing.” The golden male’s enthusiasm melted into shame and Lilith softened her tone. “You’re eager to learn and that’s good. But you must be patient.”

  His gaze moved over her naked body, his fingers tracing lazy circles on her kneecap while he waited for her next command.

  Lilith watched him as he watched her. He was so innocent. “I will make the Splendor come upon you, but you—”


  He’d fixated on the wrong word. She liked it even better. “Yes. I’ll make you come, but only after you’ve pleasured me. My pleasure must always come first.”

  Her feline vision surged, allowing her to see the creature more clearly in the muted light. He gently cupped her breast. Lilith smiled. So different from Sammael. Long and graceful, his body was toned and defined rather than bulky and massive. Everything about him was golden. His hair, his skin, even his amber eyes were all varieties of the same color.

  “Your skin is so soft.” His voice whispered across her senses while his fingers lightly grazed her skin. Tenderness was a nice contrast to Sammael’s brutality, but she needed her nipples rolled and sucked…bitten!

  Awareness passed through Lilith like a specter. “Did you hear that?” She looked up and down the riverbank.

  “Creatures often come here to drink. I see none right now.”

  She didn’t see anything either, but she could sense something, unseen yet present. “Let’s move into the shadows.”

  Scrambling up from the grass, Lilith led him into the surrounding woods. Her pussy ached, her clit was swollen and needful. Each step she took rubbed her slick folds together. Such sweet torment. The uneasy suspicion that they were being watched only heightened her arousal.

  She leaned against a thick tree trunk and raised her arms above her head, wrists crossed. She arched her back and the male didn’t hesitate. His warm hands tenderly cupped her breasts. “Squeeze me. Touch my nipples.” He seemed afraid to hurt her. It frustrated the heaven out of her. “Watch.” Licking her fingertips, she rolled her nipple, pulling firmly until it gathered into a tight little point.

  He deftly mimicked her movements and she sighed. Better, yet she needed so much more. “Your mouth. Suck them into your mouth.”

  Bending his golden head, he eagerly obliged. His lips closed around her nipple and sucked.

  “Harder. Scrape your teeth over the very tip.”

  Someone was watching them. Her awareness of the entity surged in tandem with her growing arousal. It couldn’t be Sammael. The coward would never venture into the Light, but he might have sent one of his minions.

  She didn’t care. Let them watch! She deserved this and more.

  The golden male’s arm circled her waist, pulling her forward, while his mouth continued to draw upon her nipples. He gently caressed her ass. Oh, that was nice. He touched her skin as if… He hadn’t ever touched a woman before.

  Curious fingers delved between her cheeks, skimming much too quickly over her incredibly sensitive anus to brush against her pussy folds. She grinned. He was growing bolder.

  “Would you like to look at it? Touch it?” A shudder shook his entire body and his cock jerked hard against her belly. She laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  A smooth, low rock formation rose about knee high to her left. Lilith sat on the rock, shivering as her ass cheeks made contact with the cool stone. She carefully kept her legs together and motioned to the grass in front of her. The male knelt there, his warm hands resting lightly on her thighs.

  “You can only look, until I say you can touch,” she cautioned.

  His amber gaze was already fixed expectantly on her cleft. Slowly she spread her legs, waiting until she felt the blissful opening of her flesh before she stopped. “This, my golden one, is called a pussy, or cunt, or—”

  He reached for her eagerly, but she grabbed his wrist, laughing. “No, my sweet. You still have much to learn.”

  Jetrel watched Lilith’s antics with a mixture of shock and arousal. What the fuck was she doing? Why had she come into the Light? Who authorized her to tempt the human?

  Sexual energy beckoned him back to his corporeal form. Jetrel ignored the demand and focused on the unnatural couple. A lusty demon and a virgin male. It didn’t get much more entertaining. Unless he was the lusty demon about to defile the virgin.

  “Here. Touch me. Feel how wet I am, how my body craves your hard cock filling me, stretching me.”

  Jetrel floated to the right so he could see exactly what was going on between Lilith’s widespread thighs. The human touched her cleft hesitantly. Her pearly essence soaked his fingertips and he paused to examine the substance.

  Taste it, you asshole. Or better yet push your tongue right up inside her cunt and get a good mouthful! Jetrel could smell her alluring musk. It perfumed the air, made him ravenous.

  She grabbed the human’s wrist and pulled his hand back to her sopping pussy. “Spread me open. I want to show you something very important.”

  Jetrel wanted to laugh. Oh, yes. The almighty clit. No sexual demonstration would be complete without instructions on its use. The human spread her folds and desire flowed through Jetrel.

  Very nice! Her inner folds were the same rich sapphire as her eyes, her core a lighter blue-gray. And there at the top of her slit, the most spectacular clit Jetrel had ever seen waited to be licked, nibbled and sucked.

  The human was fascinated by it. He fingered it, circling it and flicking it until Lilith rocked her hips and moaned.

need some practice, Adam. Shove your fingers deep into her pussy and suck on her clit until she screams the heavens down. On second thought…

  The human eased her off the ledge and into the grass, continuing to caress her body. She had magnificent tits, high and round with just the faintest blue undertone to her nipples. Parting her legs, she helped the human settle between them. The human’s ass blocked Jetrel’s view of Lilith now and his being churned restlessly. If he couldn’t be the one drilling her, the least they could do was let him watch!

  Her long, shapely legs didn’t hinder the human’s movements; they hugged his sides, allowing his hips to draw all the way back before pushing into her again.

  The human moved steadily yet tentatively. Jetrel wanted to grab his ass and slam him into her. Poor Lilith didn’t have a hope in hell of getting an orgasm out of this! She liked it fast and hard. He’d never actually fucked her, but he’d watched her with Sammael. At times with his permission and other times… He grinned.

  She moaned and thrust up against the human. The lusty little bitch was getting off on this. Wait until her mate found out she’d been in the Light defiling the human.

  A scalding thrill rolled through Jetrel. Perhaps Sammael would allow him to help punish her. Perhaps they would take turns with her until she saw the error of her ways. Or better yet, they could fuck her together. They could chain her to the ceremonial altar and withhold her pleasure until she was desperate enough to do anything. They’d shared women before—just never Sammael’s mate.

  She cried out and the human trembled, his white ass pumping frantically. Finally! They were finishing. The man flexed his hips deeply and shook, letting out a muffled cry.

  Jetrel wasn’t sure if Lilith found pleasure or not. She’d certainly been an eager participant.


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