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The Bear Shifter's Baby

Page 4

by Jasmine Wylder

  Clifford struggled to focus his mind on her. He could hear Lori rummaging around in her room and wanted to go to her, to see if there was anything he could do for her. “She’s in training to take over the clan as matriarch. She’s got a lot of heavy responsibilities.”

  Tristen frowned at him. His biceps bulged as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t you think she should take a rest until this threat is over with?”

  Clifford smiled wryly. “You suggest that to her yourself and see where it gets you.”

  For a moment, the tension in Tristen’s shoulders eased. He smiled at Clifford. “A girl with a mind of her own, huh?”

  Clifford nodded. “We did not raise her to be a wilting flower. She’s going to be the matriarch, she needs more than nice speeches to be able to face the changing tides of the world. She’s a good girl. Sometimes, I think, perhaps a bit too good. She’s going to need to learn to be ruthless.”

  His head twisted when he heard Lori’s door open. A moment later, she padded into the living room. She wore comfortable slacks and a housecoat. From where her breasts were sitting, he could see she was wearing a bra. It didn’t stop her from blushing at the sight of Tristen and pulling the housecoat tighter around her frame.

  “I had best get back to work.” Tristen stood. “Good-day, Miss Rowlands.”

  Lori nodded. Once he was gone, she turned to Clifford and held out her hand toward him. She didn’t speak. But then, she didn’t need to. He took her hand and she pulled him back down the hallway, never breaking eye contact. The look on her face made it clear what she wanted and he felt everything inside of him tightening.

  Her hair tumbled messily around her. Wisps of it floated over her eyes. Her skin was a bit more flushed than it had been of late and her lips were overly red, like she had been biting them with nerves. Now they spread into a naughty smile, though, and there was something so beautiful about the way her green eyes sparkled. He could have spent forever staring at her.

  Once in her bedroom, she shut the door. Then she dropped his hand and glanced around. The flush in her cheeks increased and she seized a pile of dirty clothes and shoved them into the closet.

  “Give me a minute. Oh, I didn’t think this through. I should have cleaned this room. And my hair!” her hands flew to her head and her expression became so alarmed it was almost comical. She patted her head wildly before giving up with a sigh. “Sorry. You’ll have to come back in an hour. I wasn’t thinking, this is all wrong. It’s not going to set the right mood at all.”

  Clifford couldn’t help but grin at her.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I’m a complete mess. And to think that I’d always wear my sexy underwear to work in case and now—”

  “Shhh.” He wrapped his arms around her. His heart was so swollen with warmth that it felt like it might burst at any second. He was aware that he had a silly grin on his face but he didn’t care. “You don’t need sexy underwear. All those corsets and lace and everything else you wore, nothing was as beautiful as you are right now.”

  Lori ducked her head. “I’m not wearing makeup and my nose is covered in blackheads.”

  He kissed her nose. “And you are beautiful.”

  He pressed his mouth to hers. Lori melted against him, a sigh escaping her lips. Her arms wrapped around his waist, hands going to his ass. Clifford pulled her closer against himself. His huge hands cupped her thighs and he lifted her into the air, then slowly backed to the bed, where he put her down and then caged her with his body.

  “Slow or fast?” he whispered as he started to nibble at her ear.

  “Both. I want you to take me fast and then slow.”

  Clifford grinned. With one motion he ripped open the housecoat and pushed it off her shoulders. With another, he lifted her from the bed and pulled her bra over her head. Then he stripped off her pants and moved down her body, pressing kisses to her ribs and stomach as he hooked his fingers into her underwear.

  “Lori, your sister is—" The door opened.

  Serena froze in the doorway. Clifford made to flip the housecoat over Lori’s body, but she reached for it at the same time, which lead it to flop back over the bed. A high, keening scream pierced the air. Serena threw both hands over her eyes and she bolted. She cried something over and over, but it was so high-pitched that Serena couldn’t understand what she was actually saying.

  Seconds later, just as Clifford and Lori were able to cover her up again, Jasmine appeared in the doorway. The fury on her face melted away as her eyes widened. Instantly her gaze went to the ceiling and her hands clenched.

  Clifford wasn’t sure if she and Lori had been able to talk since he asked Jasmine to get more about why Lori wanted to give up her custody rights to the baby. He was certain, however, that he didn’t want to be in this situation. What was it with his family and their inability to knock? All of this embarrassment would have been avoided if Serena had just knocked at the door!

  “You should get dressed.” Jasmine’s voice held barely contained rage. “Lori, I told you I was coming.”

  “I’m sorry! I forgot.”

  When had she told her sister? Clifford helped Lori to her feet as she wrapped the housecoat tightly around herself.

  “Oh, and the matriarch and Marcus are here.” Jasmine glanced at Clifford here. “I was under the impression that they had told you that.”

  Before Clifford could answer one way or the other, she slammed the door shut. He had to repress the urge to laugh. In that moment he felt so much like a teenager being caught by his girlfriend’s mother that it was laughable. He glanced at Lori to find her face beet-red. She hid her face in her hands and shook her head.

  “I can’t believe her sometimes.”

  He nipped at her neck. “We could ignore it. I don’t remember anybody telling me that the matriarch and Marcus were coming.”

  “I am not having sex when my sister is out there waiting for me. You don’t know her, she’ll come back in here and drag you out by your ear.”

  “She’s half my size.”

  Lori put her hands on her hips. “No, I’m half your size. Jasmine doesn’t give up easily. I bet if it weren’t for Eneko she would have followed us out here and ripped you to shreds when you kidnapped me. We have tonight. I hope. I’ve been feeling less nauseated lately, so I should be good for tonight.”

  He licked his lips and looked at hers. Lori moaned under her breath as he pulled her close, but shook her head. He understood, but couldn’t resist kissing her again before he left the bedroom. Jasmine glared daggers at him as he left, but he only nodded politely at her as he headed for the living room.

  The matriarch and Marcus, who was in charge of such things as clan security and organizing shifter pride events, waited for him. He frowned at them but didn’t mention that he hadn’t expected them. Somebody in his family must have taken the message, and if they hadn’t told them, he didn’t want them to get into trouble.

  “Marcus, matriarch.” He nodded to each of them in turn, keeping his expression neutral. “What can I do for you?”

  “Is that a serious question or are you just trying to be cute?” Marcus snapped. He clenched and unclenched his hands, making the tattoos on his forearms ripple.

  Clifford rose a brow. What had gotten him so upset?

  The matriarch didn’t look amused, either, but was able to hide her emotion better than Marcus. “Sit down.’

  He sat.

  “You have not been making our jobs very easy of late,” the matriarch continued. “Have you paid much attention to the news lately? There have been dozens of reports about your supposed kidnapping of a human, not to mention reports of an actual brawl here at your residence. Care to explain?”

  Clifford shifted in his seat, uncomfortable with the piercing stare the matriarch was giving him. “I already explained to you what was going on. The ‘brawl’ was Bauman’s men coming here. Attacking my family in my home. We’re going to be moving to a safer location soon,” he added. “
I’m sorry if I haven’t been keeping you perfectly up to date, but I have a pregnant woman here that I need to protect.”

  Marcus leaned forward. “You could be doing a lot more to protect her if you included clan security instead of going to the human cops. You know what sort of message that sends don’t you?”

  “I… hadn’t thought of it.” Clifford frowned a moment, then released a sigh. “You are quite right. I haven’t been considering the clan enough. From now on I’ll keep you both informed of everything that has been happening.”

  “Good. Now.” The matriarch leaned forward. “We need to talk to you about Serena.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Okay.” Jasmine pressed her fingertips to her temples. “Okay, I am not going to freak out.”

  “Good. Because if anybody is going to freak out, it’s going to be me. I don't need your judgy judginess right now, Jazz. I am a grown adult and I wanted Clifford, so I was going for it. And it was you who came barging in here without knocking so—"

  “Do you love him?”

  Lori’s jaw dropped. What sort of question was that? Just because she was pregnant didn't mean she had to be in love. What had brought that on? Besides the sex… but it wasn't like Jasmine didn't know Lori’s habit of one-night stands. They had lived together for years, after all. Why would she think that this was any different? Just because she was, for all intents and purposes, living with Clifford now?

  That was too weird to think about.

  And the sudden realization that she hadn't told her sister her plans for after the baby’s birth hit her. It was like the air was stolen from her lungs. Lori closed her eyes and sank onto the bed. “Jazz…. I need to tell you something.”

  Jasmine gasped. “You do love him!”

  “Not about that!”

  Jasmine’s expression sobered. She nodded.

  “The baby… I decided…” She took a deep breath but couldn't continue. Her eyes flooded with tears and she turned her face away.

  “Oh, Lor… I know.”

  Jasmine sat next to her and wrapped her arms around Lori. Lori couldn't hold the tears back any longer. She clung to her sister. She didn't sob, but the tears flowed unchecked and unending. Jasmine stroked her hair as she trembled, her face buried in Jasmine’s shoulder.

  “I’m going to give the baby to Clifford after its born. It’s best that way. For everybody.”

  “Everybody?” Jasmine probed gently.

  “Yes.” Lori frowned. Why wasn’t her sister more shocked about this decision? She pulled away, eyes narrowing at her. “And what the heck did you mean when you said you knew?”


  Lori shook her head. “I’ve been trying not to swear. But don't change the subject. I asked you a question.”

  Jasmine contemplated her for a moment before shrugging. There was a slightly abashed expression on her face as she toyed with her sleeve. “That day in the clinic when Eneko gave you the OBGYN list… Clifford told me. He’s concerned that you’re making the choice because you don’t think you are fit to be a mother. If this is what you want, you have my support. But Lori… Why are you giving up the baby? I don't mean that in a judgy way.”

  Lori understood that. She hesitated a moment, not entirely certain how to explain in a way Jasmine would understand. Jazz wasn't scared of anything. She was so put together. So confident. Lori wasn't like that. After a long moment, she finally met her sister’s eye.

  “It will be best for the baby. He’s a stable man. He has lots of money to take care of the baby and has a rich support system. A sister, a mother, and a niece that live right here. Not to mention he could hire any nanny in the world. Hell—I mean heck—he could hire you. All I have is a job that I don't like and that I only took because my boss was wicked hot.”

  Jasmine pulled back. “You have support too, Lori. You wouldn't be on your own and I’m certain Clifford wouldn't be skimpy on the child support.”

  Lori shrugged. There was a hollowed out feeling in her chest that she didn't want to deal with. “I’d be a terrible mother, anyway. You would end up raising the baby for me.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Jazz… I’ve made my choice. Please. That’s the end of it.”

  Jasmine didn't reply, only hugging Lori tighter. Lori let herself break down entirely. She had thought crying would help, but all she could do was wonder-was this really the best choice she could make?


  By the time Lori had brought herself back under control, it was time for Jasmine to leave. All her crying left her emotionally and physically exhausted, so she napped for a couple of hours. After she woke up, she went to the kitchen and rooted around for something to fill her rumbling stomach. In the end, she decided on toast, and when that sat well with her she ate some more. It felt like forever since she had had a proper meal.

  Clifford entered the kitchen just as she was finishing off the loaf of bread. He smiled at her, though he looked tired as well.

  Did that mean they weren't going to pick up where they had left off?

  His hand closed over hers, warm and comforting. His hands were so big that they engulfed hers entirely. It wasn't something she normally thought of. He was just so big overall. The difference in their hand size, though, was something that she noticed this time. It was like it was one more reason why he was better suited to be a parent to their child than she was. He was a shifter. Their child would be a shifter. She wouldn't even know where to begin to keep the baby connected to their culture.

  Clifford pulled her chair over to his. He nuzzled into her neck as he wrapped his arms around her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Fine. Why?”

  Clifford frowned. “Lori.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him. “You know, you aren't exactly as much of a bad boy as you like to act.”

  In response to that, he literally ripped open her shirt and started to fondle one breast. He rose a brow at her. “Bad enough for you?”

  Heat swirled in her core.

  “Whoa!” Lori burst out in giggles. “You’re lucky this is an old shirt I don't actually like, or I’d have to rip you in half.”

  Clifford nipped her collarbone. “Too much?”

  Lori shook her head. Her visit with Jasmine had left her raw. She didn't want to think or talk about the baby and what was coming afterward. She wanted to feel his body against hers, to revel in the moment, even though she knew it couldn't last. She adjusted herself so that her legs were on either side of him and brushed a kiss against his mouth. Clifford moaned and stood, so abruptly that it made Lori gasp. He carried her to the bedroom like he had earlier. Then he laid her down as he trailed gentle kisses down her neck.

  Lori let her eyes drift shut. Her fingers tangled in his hair. As the heat inside her roared to life, she let out a soft sigh. She had never felt as connected to anybody as she had with him. Maybe it was because she was pregnant with his child—you couldn't be more connected than that, could you?

  “Let me help you with this.” Clifford gently moved the ruined shirt off her body. His big hands were soft and gentle, making her sigh again. She reached for the buttons on his shirt, hurrying to expose his smooth skin. To her surprise, there were long, fine hairs all over his chest. She ran her hands over them, feeling the downy, silky texture.

  “I haven't waxed in a while,” Clifford said. “Didn’t feel like there was any point.”

  Lori thought of her own hairy legs and other bits. A flush stained her cheeks. “Uh… me either.”

  Clifford tugged on her waistband. “Guess it makes us quite a pair, then. Just a couple of hairy cavemen.”

  “Hmmm… And how do cavemen make love?”

  Clifford grinned. “How about I show you?”

  His hands closed around her waistband. She felt the jerk, heard the ripping, and shivered as cool air caressed her. Clifford’s eyes were dark and demanding as he tossed aside the torn clothing. He ripped his own clothes off one-handed, while his free hand
wormed its way between her thighs. Lori clutched the blankets beneath herself as one meaty finger tested her. It was able to enter a little before Lori clamped down on it, not ready for continuation.

  Clifford hummed. “A caveman wants his cavewoman to be helpless with pleasure before he takes her. He wants her to writhe and plead for him to finish her before he takes his own pleasure.”

  Lori moaned at his words and the soft caress of his thumb. He built her fire tight inside of her until she was crying out and her whole body shook. Her shoulders spasmed forward as her legs kicked out to either side on their own. When she made to grab Clifford’s hand, he moved faster. His fingers closed around her wrist and pinned it to the bed.

  “Use your words, my love.”

  Holding her with one hand and pinning her hip with the other, he dropped his head between her legs. His tongue flicked, and her body shook again. Her free hand grabbed the back of his skull. To pull him back or push him closer she didn’t know. She panted as he continued, more of an onslaught than ministrations. He’d always spent hours doing this, but this time she was so sensitive it almost hurt.


  Everything burst inside of her. Her hips jerked upward, her back arched. Her legs thrashed. A surprised and pleased cry burst from her throat and her grip on his hair tightened.

  Clifford let out a grunt of surprise and pulled back. His eyes were wide as he stared at her. She continued to pant and moan.

  “Did you just orgasm?” he demanded.

  Lori gave him a lazy grin, even though the heat was building again already. “Pregnancy hormones. They make a lady more sensitive, don't you know? Don’t be angry, darling. You’ll get your chance.”

  “Angry? Why would I be angry? I’m thrilled! It means I finally get to live my dream with you… Watching you come for me a dozen times before I finish with a flourish.”

  With a wry smile, Clifford tested her again. His eyes widened as he was easily admitted. He let out a strangled laugh and shook his head. He pressed another kiss between her legs, making her shudder, then worked his way up her body. One of his hands pumped himself, rapidly readying for her. Lori was nearly breathless with anticipation as he slid in.


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