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Tease Me (The Temptation Duet Book 2)

Page 11

by Roxy Sloane

  I panic. Shit. The last thing I want is them finding me here. I turn and quickly leave the way I came, hurrying back into the hallway. The elevator is taking forever, so I use the emergency exit to the stairwell. The door shuts behind me, and I pause there for breath.

  My head is spinning. If Max is sleeping around, then maybe I can use it, somehow. Turn his blackmail around on him. For the first time in a week, I feel a shot of hope.

  I pull out my phone to text Jase.

  I need to talk to you, I write. Please, I can explain everything.

  But just before I can hit send, the stairwell door opens behind me. I turn, surprised to find a familiar blonde face scowling at me.


  She’s in a bathrobe—and nothing else. I finally connect the dots. My mouth drops open. “It’s you? You’re sleeping with Max? But he’s your brother!”


  “Stepbrother.” Sienna glares. “I told him you would fuck everything up. Well, I’m not letting you steal this from me.”

  Before I can react, she lunges forwards and shoves me in the chest. I stumble back, my foot coming down on empty air.

  With a scream, I fall backwards into the stairwell. I scramble for balance, but I’m already falling.

  My head hits the wall, hard, and then everything goes black.



  She’s really going through with it.

  The announcement goes up on Friday, and fuck if my online alert doesn’t deliver it straight to my phone.

  Lydia and Horton Mainwaring celebrate the marriage of their son, Maxwell, to Chloe Elisabeth Archer. Sunday, 3pm, at the Boston Cathedral.

  I collapse back with a groan that has nothing to do with my killer hangover.


  I pull myself out of bed and go stumble for the shower. The hot water stings all my wounds from the boxing ring, but I don’t care. Nothing seems to matter except Chloe, and the epic mistake she’s making tomorrow.

  I just don’t understand why.

  Something’s not right. I know she said it’s over and that she’s choosing Max, but it doesn’t add up. She’s not a gold-digger, no matter what that asshole claims. But if it’s not his money she’s after, then why the hell would she give him the time of day, let alone sign up to be his ball and chain?

  Max’s smug grin pops into my head, and I know he’s behind this somehow. He’s got something over her.

  The question is, what?

  It’s not your problem anymore, I remind myself. She dumped you like a sack of rubbish. Don’t be a pussy and go chasing after someone who couldn’t care less.

  Except I do. And fuck it, Chloe deserves to be happy—even if it’s not with me.

  I pop a handful of Advil and wash them down with a swig of Jack. Then I head to the office and get to work. I go over Chloe’s background again, run searches on Max and all his dealings. Somewhere, there’s the key to explaining all of this. I just have to find it.

  “Dude, you’re not answering your phone.” Logan barges in the door. I barely look up.

  “That’s because I’m busy. Take a hint.”

  “Shit, what happened to this place?” Logan looks around. “You’re a mess.”

  I ignore him. A week of drinking and fighting and not fucking Chloe has left its mark, but I don’t have time for this bullshit if I’m going to figure this out.

  “Jase. Jase!”

  Something in his voice makes me finally pay attention. Logan’s looking worried. “I’ve been trying to reach you. It’s Chloe,” he says, and I swear, my whole body turns to steel.

  “Why didn’t you say?” I’m already out of my chair. “What happened?”

  “She’s at St. Luke’s. I don’t know the details, but she fell down some stairs. The janitor found her last night—”

  I’m already out the door, panic pounding in my blood. Fuck. Chloe.

  “She’s OK!” Logan follows me. “A little shaken up, but nothing’s broken. She’s fine. Jase, slow down!”

  He steps in front of me and tries to calm me down, but I shove him back. “Either you get me to her, or get the fuck out of my way,” I growl.

  Logan knows better than to argue. “C’mon, we’ll take my squad car. It’s quicker.”


  We make it to the hospital in under five minutes, sirens blaring. “Thanks, mate.” I get out before the car even comes to a stop.

  “Good luck!”

  I barrel through the ER doors. “I’m looking for someone,” I demand at the front desk. “Chloe Archer, she was brought in last night.”

  The bored woman on duty yawns. “Take a seat, I’ll be right with you.”

  “No.” I fight not to explode. “Now!”

  The look on my face is enough to make her jump. She checks her computer. “Second floor, Room 316.”

  I take off at a run, down the hall and up the stairs. The hallways here all look alike, and my heart is beating out of my fucking chest by the time I find the right room. Sure, Logan said she was fine, but what if something happened? Internal bleeding or concussion or something like that. I’ve seen guys go down in the ring and get up just fine, but hours later they drop dead from some brain injury nobody caught.

  Then I see her. She’s sitting up in bed, with a nurse checking something on her arm. She looks pale and tired, but fuck, she’s alright.

  I take a breath. Relief crashes through me. Damn, that was close.

  I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to her.

  I pull it together and step into the room. “I thought dancers were supposed to have perfect balance.” I try to smile like she didn’t just give me a heart attack.

  “Jase?” Chloe looks shocked. “What are you doing here?”

  “Heard you took a little tumble.” I walk over and kiss her forehead. Up close, I can see shadows under her eyes, and there’s a bandage on the back of her head.

  She looks too damn fragile to be here alone.

  “Everything alright?” I demand to the nurse. “No concussion? Bleeding?”

  She gives Chloe a questioning look. Chloe nods. “It’s OK. He’s with me.”

  “Your girlfriend here is fine,” she reassures me. I don’t correct her. “Some bruising, but nothing a few days’ rest won’t help. She was lucky,” the nurse adds. “It could have been a lot worse.”

  I don’t want to think about that. The nurse exits, and I scoot in close to Chloe and take her hand.

  “What happened?” I demand. “And where the fuck is Max? Shouldn’t he be here taking care of you?”

  Chloe shakes her head quickly. “He doesn’t know I’m here. I told the hospital not to tell anyone. So how do you know?”

  “Friends in high places.”

  Chloe gives me a weak smile. “It’s good to see you,” she says softly. She reaches to take my hand. “I’m so sorry. About everything I said. You have to know, it’s not true.”

  I knew it! But as I’m hit with relief, her eyes fill with tears.

  “Hey, forget all that bullshit.” I climb up on the bed to sit beside her. I put an arm around her shoulder and gently hold her close. “You’re OK, that’s the only thing that matters.”

  “But I’m not OK.” Chloe’s voice trembles. “I won’t be, not while Max has that video, and Sienna’s out there acting crazy, and I’m supposed to be getting married tomorrow!”

  I don’t know what she’s talking about, but she’s crying full out now. “Hey.” I pull back and look into her eyes. “Everything’s going to be alright. Start at the beginning, and tell me everything.”

  So she does. I nearly bolt for the door to go smash Max’s face in when she tells me about the blackmail, and I damn well want to tear the world apart when I hear it was Sienna who shoved her down the stairs.

  “She could have killed you.” I’ve never been so fucking furious in my life. “That bitch is going to pay. They both will. You won’t see them laughing when I’m through with them.”

  “Jase, please,” Chloe begs me. “You can’t do anything stupid. You know what Max is like. They have money and lawyers. Lay a hand on him, and you’ll go to prison for sure.”

  “It’ll be worth it.” I glare, furious. I can’t believe the scumbag, forcing Chloe to marry him. And Sienna—putting Chloe’s life on the line because of her own fucked-up games. “They’ll need to move in downstairs by the time I’m fucking through with the two of them.”

  “No.” Chloe glares at me. “I’m not ruining your life, too. We’ll figure out something, together, that doesn’t involve fists or bleeding or trips to the ER. Do you hear me?”

  Damn, she’s sassy when she’s mad.

  “Fine,” I reluctantly agree. Then I realize what she said.


  I bite back the surge of emotion I feel at her words. “How long are they keeping you here?” I ask gruffly instead.

  “The nurse said I can leave now, if I want. I just have to take it easy.”

  “Believe me, you’re not lifting a finger,” I vow. “I’m putting you straight to bed.”

  “Promises, promises,” Chloe says with a little smile, and I don’t know what’s better: that she’s looking cheerful, or that she’s flirting with me.

  It’s been too damn long since I’ve been inside her.

  “Watch it,” I warn. “I thought the doc said no exercise.”

  “No ‘strenuous activity,’ ” she tells me. “But we can be gentle . . .” She gets that look in her eyes, and fuck, I’m about to yank the curtains shut and show her exactly how gentle I can be when the nurse comes in again.

  “We’re all set with your discharge papers,” she says cheerfully. “You just need to make sure someone keeps an eye on you and helps you out with things until you feel stronger.”

  “I’ll take care of her.” I grab the papers. “She’s in safe hands.”

  My determination grows as I take Chloe back to my place. Whatever Max thinks he’s pulling, he’s got another thing coming. Nobody’s going to hurt her again—not without some serious fucking consequences.

  “You’ve got that look in your eyes again,” Chloe notes, as I help her through the door. “Like you’re plotting bloody murder.”

  “Maybe,” I admit, and she smiles.

  “Look, I want to bring them down as much as anyone. But we have to be smart. There’s too much on the line.”

  “I know. But we don’t have to figure it out now,” I tell her. Chloe comes first, and right now, I need to make sure she’s recovering and OK. “Let me worry about it tomorrow.”

  I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom. “I can walk!” she protests.

  “This way’s faster.” I place her on the bed then fuss about getting her settled. “What do you need? Water? Something to eat? More painkillers?”

  Chloe smiles. “You’re being so sweet. I better not tell anyone, or your reputation will be ruined.”

  “Fuck my reputation. Don’t ever scare me like that again,” I say fiercely.

  I kiss her, trying to be gentle, but fuck, it’s too good. Her lips are sweet and willing, and I surge forwards, probing my tongue deep into that wet, warm mouth.

  Chloe lets out a little moan. I pull back. “Am I hurting you?” I check.

  She shakes her head. Her cheeks flush. “No. I just want you so badly. I’ve been going mad without you, Jase. Please, I need you now.”


  I kiss her again, claiming her. This mouth is mine now, for good this time. And her body, too. Inch by inch, I peel away her clothes and press my lips to her. Her neck, her collarbone, each perfect ripe breast. Chloe sighs and trembles, but I make sure to go slow. Even when it’s killing me not to ravage her completely, I lavish every part of her with attention.

  Chloe writhes. “Jase . . .” she whimpers. She’s impatient for my cock, but I’ve missed her body too much, and I’m not rushing this now.

  “Yeah?” I tease one nipple with my tongue, and she gives me a needy look.

  “Are you trying to drive me crazy?”

  “Maybe . . .” I kiss lower, over her stomach, and peel her panties down. She gasps and grips my head.

  “Well, it’s working.”

  I laugh against her, and then everything I want is right there in front of me. Her perfect, sweet pussy, begging for a lick.

  I flick my tongue against her, and Chloe gasps.

  “That’s right, baby.” I slide two fingers inside her tight cunt and pulse. Chloe lifts her hips off the bed, trying to press her clit to my mouth, but I tease her. Light, soft licks, as my fingers thrust higher.

  “Oh my God,” she whimpers. “Fuck, Jase!”

  “This is what you’ve been missing,” I growl, with my last shred of shelf-control. I take another taste, and fuck, this is heaven right here. “Because I’m the only one who makes you come like this, isn’t that right?”

  “Yes . . .” she gasps.

  “I didn’t hear that.” I pump my fingers again, stretching her out. She’ll need it, if she’s going to take my cock. I’m so hard, she’ll be screaming.

  “Yes! Jase, it’s only you!”

  I settle between her thighs and feast on her. Licking, sucking, swirling my tongue over that tight little nub until she’s going crazy. I curl my fingers higher and rub just right, and Chloe comes apart, climaxing with a cry.

  Thank fuck. I don’t think I can hold back one second longer. I move back up her body and brace myself above her, then I sink my cock inside while she’s still reeling from that epic orgasm.

  Jesus fucking Christ.

  It’s heaven—and that’s before Chloe opens her eyes and stares straight at me. “I missed you,” she whispers softly. I feel her pussy tighten and clench around me. Fuck. This is where I belong. Right here inside her. Right here, the only one.

  “I’m yours, baby,” I groan, and thrust deeper, burying every inch of my cock into that slick, perfect cunt. “I’m all yours.”

  She moves with me, and fuck, it’s like nothing else. Knowing she’s mine, I can’t hold back. I surge into her, over and over until she climaxes all over again, sobbing with pleasure in my arms.

  “I love you, Jase,” she whispers.

  And fuck it, I let go.



  After that epic orgasm, Jase passes out, poor guy. It looks like he’s been in a few rounds since I saw him last: bruises on his ribcage that could give mine a run for their money. I lie there and watch him for a moment. Asleep, he looks so peaceful. Almost innocent—but there was nothing innocent about the way he made me moan and beg for him.

  God, it feels good to be back in his arms. So right, I can’t believe I ever walked away. But never again, I vow, watching him. No matter what Max tries to pull, I’m not going through with the wedding. I don’t care if he plays that awful video on every screen in Times Square, it doesn’t matter if I have Jase with me.

  My phone buzzes with a text, waking Jase. He yawns. “Fuck me, I’m beat.”

  “Give me five minutes,” I laugh. “I’m still recovering from the last round.”

  Jase sits up, and looks at me, concerned. “I wasn’t too rough, was I? You’re still pretty fragile from the fall.”

  I smile and shake my head. “You were gentle with me. But I can’t wait until I’m better, and you can be as rough as you want.”

  Jase gives me a hungry look. “Count on it.” He scoops me against his body, and I feel him: hot and hard. “I’ve had a week to think about all the ways I’m going to fuck you,” he murmurs, sending shivers down my spine. “Every way, everywhere . . .” He traces the outline of my lips. “And you can bet you’ll come screaming every time.”

  I smile. Having Jase back, and my body still glowing from his orgasms, it feels like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one.

  There’s just one problem—and it buzzes again on my phone. Loud.

  I groan. “That’ll be Max. Or Sylvia. Or the wedding planner. They’re
probably freaking out I’ve been off the grid for eight whole hours.” Reluctantly, I reach for my phone. “Yup.” I check the messages. “Andre is in meltdown. The rehearsal dinner’s tonight, and I’m supposed to get a final fitting.”

  Jase frowns. “They really don’t know about your accident? But you said she pushed you down the stairs in Max’s building.”

  “A janitor found me, and I begged him not to tell. He called the ambulance and carried me out a back exit. Nobody knows.”

  Jase looks thoughtful. “I’m guessing Sienna wouldn’t have told, either. So as far as Max knows, you’re still under his thumb and all set to walk down the aisle tomorrow.”

  “So, what are you planning?” I ask. “Maybe we should just flee the country,” I say, only half-kidding. “You, me, a tropical beach somewhere. Let Max find out the hard way I’m not making him a billionaire tomorrow.”

  “Tempting, but let’s take these fuckers down first.” Jase rubs my shoulder. “You said he texted you the video from his phone.”

  I nod. “I thought about trying to steal it and wipe it clean, but he’ll have the video backed up somewhere, too.”

  “At home, probably. But a guy like that knows jack shit about security,” Jase grins. “Give me five minutes on his computer, and it’s gone.”

  I stare. “Are you serious? It can’t be that easy. What about Aleksander’s copy?”

  “Max would have bought it outright. You think that punk would risk Aleksander selling it first and wrecking his leverage over you?” Jase points out. “No, he’s got the only one.”

  “But this is perfect!” I cry. “I have a keycard for Max’s place. That’s how I found him with Sienna the other night. We can get in, delete the video from his system, and then I’ll be free to tell him where to shove his marriage vows.”

  I scramble out of bed, but Jase stops me. “Not ‘we,’ ” he corrects me. “You’re not going anywhere near this mess. Stay here, and I’ll let you know when I’m done.”

  “Excuse me?” I fold my arms, annoyed. “You don’t get to order me around.”

  Jase takes a step closer. “Really? Because I recall you can’t get enough of following my commands.” A dirty smile quirks on his lips, and it’s almost enough to make me give in.


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