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Tease Me (The Temptation Duet Book 2)

Page 13

by Roxy Sloane

  What would you do if nobody was watching? How would you want it if you could have any fantasy fulfilled?

  I promise you now, I’ll take you there.

  I’ll find your secret pleasure. I’ll bring those wicked dreams to life. And when you’re begging for me, your body aching with desire, so close to the edge you can’t speak, or think, or even breathe because you need my cock pounding deep inside you so bad...

  Then you’ll understand what it really means to come undone. Body and mind.

  The most exhilarating, sensual ride of your life.

  Are you ready to play?



  It’s the last night of law school and I know one thing for sure: I’m not leaving until I’ve seduced Ashton Pierce.

  I sneak a look across the table at him. There’s a whole group of us out to dinner to celebrate: future lawyers like me, and a bunch of guys from his MBA program too, but as usual, he’s the only one I notice.

  Damn, he’s sexy.

  It’s no secret that Ash is the hottest guy on campus. He sets hearts fluttering and panties dropping with just a look of those intense blue eyes -- and the rest of him is just as devastating. Dark hair. Square-cut chiseled jaw. A lean, muscular body that looks just as good in his wardrobe of crisp shirts and dark denim as it does out of them.

  And did I mention he’s British too? I swear, I could come just from listening to him talk, and I’m not the only one. His reputation is legendary, he’s scored with almost every girl on campus, and they all promise he’s the best lay they’ve ever had. In fact, there’s only one person with a reputation that even comes close.


  It’s why we’re such good friends. He loves how I give as good as I get. No bullshit, just real talk. The first night we met at a local bar, we were both with other dates, but by the end of the night, it was just the two of us in the corner booth, trading war-stories and drinking each other under the table until the bartender threw us out.

  We made a pact then and there that we’d just be friends, no awkward fling to screw things up. It made sense at the time. I was too focused on kicking ass in law school to deal with a relationship, and he was relishing his freedom away from all his responsibilities back home in England. Casual hook-ups are a dime a dozen in law school, but a real friend? That was something worth holding on to.

  And I have done, for two whole years. Now Ash is pretty much the closest person in my life -- and I’m going out of my mind with wanting him.

  “I think I’m going to call it a night.” Scott, the guy sitting beside me gets to his feet. “I’ve got an early interview in the morning.”

  “Come on!” I exclaim. “Live a little.”

  “It’s a jungle out there,” he shakes his head. “Eager new associates are everything. That shiny new law degree won’t mean a thing if we can’t find a job.”

  “Or pass the bar exam.” Another classmate sighs, looking stressed.

  “C’mon,” I cheer, trying to rouse them. “The real world can wait. Tonight, we celebrate making it through the toughest, most sleep-deprived, hardcore three years of our lives!”

  The others cheer and toast, and I feel a surge of pride. I still can’t believe I’ve made it this far. I busted my ass in high-school, worked nights and weekends to get myself through college, and now I’m about to graduate from one of the best law schools in the country.

  Not bad for a kid from Chino.

  Scott lingers, leaning down to whisper. “You want to walk me back?” he asks.

  “I thought you had an early start,” I tease.

  He grins. “Not too early. What do you say?”

  His hand caresses my shoulder. I pause. We’ve hooked up a couple of times this year, and it’s been fun, but tonight, there’s only one guy I’m thinking about.

  The one I’m always thinking about, even when I won’t admit it to myself.

  “I think I’m going to stay out, get a couple more drinks,” I tell him. “Good luck.”

  Scott grins, “You too.”

  He saunters off -- and gets intercepted by a girl from our Con Law class by the door. Yeah, Scott won’t be crying into his pillow tonight. At least, not unless that girl is way kinkier than she seems.

  I turn back to the table. It’s late, and there’s only a small group of us left in the pizza place. Ash catches my eye. He raises his eyebrow, nodding to Scott.

  I shrug, and give him a mysterious smile. I take another sip of beer, looking casual, but inside, my heart is racing.

  Shit, I’m really going to do this.

  I’ve been planning it in the back of my mind all week, ever since it finally hit me that tonight’s my last chance with him. Come tomorrow, Ash will be heading back to England for the summer, and I’ll be working 24/7 trying to prove myself at the new firm. No more late-night study sessions in the library, or early-morning greasy pancakes at the diner down the street.

  No more us.

  All the reasons against making a move have suddenly disappeared into thin air, and there’s no ignoring it anymore.

  I want him so much I could scream.

  I look back. Ash gives me one of those panty-melting grins, and I feel a shot of lust go straight between my thighs. I shift in my seat, already damp through my good-luck black lace panties.

  He doesn’t know what I’ve got planned for him yet.

  There’s a beat, then Ash gets up and comes to slide into the seat right beside me. “You know, JJ, there’s a 1996 cabernet still on the table,” he points out, greeting me with the nickname only he uses.

  “I’ll take my Bud, thanks.”

  “Philistine,” he teases, his blue eyes flashing.

  “Rich snob,” I shoot back with a grin. This is our thing. He’s been trying to school me in fancy wines since the night we first met, but I’m happy with beer or whiskey. I decided a long time ago I wasn’t going to waste time pretending to be someone I’m not.

  “So how does it feel, Miss Future Big-Shot Lawyer?” Ash asks, lounging back in his seat.

  “Fucking fantastic,” I grin. “My mom is so proud, she managed to get time off work to come up for graduation.”

  “That’s great.” Ash replies. “My dad just left me a voicemail. ‘I hope now that your foolish vacation is over, you’ll be returning to take care of your duties,’” he mimics in an upper-crust tone.

  I give his arm a sympathetic squeeze -- and try not to get distracted by the feel of his bicep. “Like an MBA is a vacation,” I snort.

  “To my family, it’s like I ran off to join the circus.” Ash sighs, looking downcast.

  He comes from a rich, aristocratic family in England, the kind that has estates and companies and is in line to inherit the throne. If a freak accident wipes out half the royal family, that is. Other guys would be lording it up around campus with a background like that, but Ash keeps it under wraps. He’s under a ton of pressure to follow in his father’s footsteps, when really he wants to strike out on his own.

  I grew up in a two-room apartment above a Chinese takeout place, not a castle, but I know how he feels, wanting to break free from the past. It’s one of the reasons we understand each other so well.

  “Enough pouting -- not that you don’t have the cutest little pout,” I add, squeezing his lips together like I’m petting a baby.

  He laughs, batting my hand away. “Watch it, woman.”

  “Make me.” I laugh.

  He grabs my wrist. Our eyes catch. Damn. Heat rushes through me at his firm grip, and I swear, I see the glitter of desire in his eyes. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking, because Ash sounds totally casual as he releases me and gets to his feet.

  “What do you say we blow this joint? The night is young.”

  “I’m with you,” I say, reaching for my purse.

  I want him so bad.



  Fuck, she looks good tonight.

  Not that JJ doesn’t always look good, but toni
ght she’s gone from smoking hot to burn-the-roof-down sexy. Her dirty blonde hair is tousled, her brown eyes are filled with mischief, and she’s wearing this little black dress that makes me want to eat her alive -- starting between those creamy thighs.

  I hold the door open for her on the way into the bar. For the millionth time, I wish I could travel back in time to the night we first met. I should have ditched the dumb date I was with, taken JJ home and spent the next seventy-two hours in bed pushing that lush body to the limits until she was begging for mercy.

  Instead, I took the sucker’s way out. I made a pact I’ve regretted every damn day for the last two years.

  Just friends? What the hell was I thinking?

  That the last thing you wanted was a girlfriend.

  True enough. I didn’t realize then that JJ was different than the other girls. She doesn’t give a shit about my money or title, or the English accent that has co-eds spreading their legs faster than I can say, “How do you do?”

  She’s special. Bold. Exciting. Sexy as hell.

  And completely unattainable.

  I watch her walk ahead of me through the crowd, her hips swaying with every strut. That walk should be illegal. Already, I’m hard, and we’ve only just arrived. How the hell am I going to deal with spending the rest of the night alone with her when all I want to do is fuck her senseless until she’s screaming my name?

  The same way a porcupine screws. The old joke pops into my head and I chuckle.

  Very, very carefully.

  JJ turns around at my laugh. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. Just the idea that they’re giving you a diploma,” I cover with a grin.

  “Hey!” JJ hits me lightly in the stomach. I tense. “Well, hello?” she licks her lips. “Someone’s been working out.”

  “All recreational, I promise.” I grin. “I bench-press a hundred pounds every night... in bed.”

  She laughs. “You know, all this talk about your stamina makes me think you’re protesting too much. It’s OK if you’ve got impulse issues,” she coos, fake sympathetic. “I won’t tell.”

  I clench my jaw. I’ll show her how good my stamina is: when she’s pinned down with her legs spread and my dick stroking deep inside her.

  But JJ’s already turned away. She leans over the bar, flashing a glimpse of that show-stopping cleavage. The bartender comes running.

  “Two whiskeys,” she orders.

  “Make them doubles,” I add. I need to take the edge off.

  JJ smirks. “I like a man with ambition.”

  The bartender slides them over. I pay, and head to a quiet booth in the corner. Heads turn as we go, but as many girls as there are checking me out, even more guys are drooling over JJ. I don’t blame them, I’m just jealous as hell. She’s made it clear from Day One, she’s not interested in me like that.

  How’s that for irony? I can screw every girl on campus except the one woman who’s driving me out of my mind just walking across the room.

  We slide into the booth. I notice JJ’s gone quiet. “What’s up?”

  “Hmm? Oh, nothing.”

  It’s dark in here, but I could swear I see her blush.

  “I was just thinking about what Scott said.”

  I tense. That jackass. Sure, he’s a nice enough guy, but I started hating him the minute JJ told me they hooked up. She gave him a six out of ten rating and implied there wasn’t much going on below the belt, but that doesn’t make me feel any better.

  A girl like JJ gives you a shot, you sure as hell better make it a ten: micro-dick or no micro-dick.

  “Do you think it’s as cut-throat as he says?” JJ continues. “I’ve been so focused on graduating, I tried not to think about the politics of the firm.”

  “I thought you said tonight was about celebrating,” I remind her, hating the worry on her face. I know how much she stresses about this stuff.

  JJ sighs again. “I know, but...”

  “No buts.” I stop her. “Tomorrow we deal with the future. Tonight, we make it a send-off we’ll never forget.”

  JJ meets my eyes. Her lips curl in a sexy grin. “Oh, I’m planning on it.”

  Her gaze holds, full of challenge. I wonder if this is more of her teasing -- or if she means it this time.

  I move my foot under the table, nudging against hers. She nudges back.

  My pulse kicks. JJ winks, then takes a sip of her whiskey. Her red lips part to take a swallow. She licks them softly.


  Suddenly, all I want is those lips wrapped around my cock.

  I already know JJ loves giving head -- and in public too. She told me during one of our late night, no-holds-barred conversations. She loves the power, the thrill of almost getting caught.

  Now, I picture her sliding to her knees under the table and unbuckling my belt. Licking along my hard shaft and sliding her tongue over the head--

  “Professor Hadlow!”

  JJ’s voice snaps me out of the fantasy. She’s flagging down an older guy, in his thirties maybe.

  “Justine,” he smiles, his eyes going straight to her breasts. “I’ve told you to call me Nathan. Especially now that you’re not a student anymore.”

  “That’s right, I’m not... Nathan.” Justine beams up at him.

  “I’m Ashton,” I interrupt.

  Professor ignores me. “You know, I’m glad I caught you,” he says, leaning over JJ for a better view. “I’m running study sessions for the bar for a few select students. You should give me a call.”

  “I might just do that,” JJ flirts right back like I’m not even here.

  I feel a surge of jealous possession. I lean back, draping an arm around JJ’s shoulder. I give the Horny Professor a warning look.

  Back the fuck off.

  He gets the message. “I better go,” he says.

  JJ smiles. “Say ‘hi’ to your wife!”

  The professor’s smile drops. He mumbles, “Uh, sure,” and then hightails it back to the girl he’s got in the corner.

  “He’s married?” I scowl. “What an asshole. I thought he was going to trip and fall right down the front of your dress.”

  “What do you care?” JJ gives me a guarded look. “Isn’t little Becca waiting up for you to drop by her room after we’re done here?”

  I shift. “No.”

  She arches an eyebrow.

  “Maybe,” I admit. “But I never said I’d show.”

  “And yet she’ll wait all night for you,” JJ rolls her eyes. “Honestly, are you really that good?”

  “Anytime you want to find out for yourself, just say the word.”

  Our eyes lock. JJ catches her breath. Her chest rises and falls, straining at that dangerous plunging neckline. I feel all the blood in my head rush south, straight to my aching dick.

  Damn, this is driving me crazy.

  Suddenly, JJ grabs my phone from my pocket and hits the ‘recent call’ list.

  “What are you doing?” I exclaim, but she shushes me and types out a text.

  “Becca, darling, I’m so sorry to stand you up tonight,” JJ says out loud as she types. I reach for the phone, but she pulls it back out of reach. “I’m a cad and a rascal, and you deserve so much more. And... send!”

  She passes the phone back with a grin.

  “I can’t believe you just did that,” I tell her, but I’m laughing.

  “I’m saving the girl some heartache,” she shrugs. “Hell, maybe she’ll go out and find herself some fun.”

  “And what about you?” I demand.

  “What about me?”

  “Your professor? Scott?” I counter. “Every guy in this place who’s getting hard right now checking you out?”

  “Why, jealous?” JJ coos.


  “I’m just saying, you could go home with any one of them and leave me all on my own.”

  “You’re right.” JJ smiles. “But I won’t. This is our last night,” she adds, and I feel a stab of regret.<
br />
  She’s right. It’s the end of the line -- for us, and my brief taste of freedom. Come tomorrow, I’m getting on a plane back to the mess of a family I left behind in England, and fuck knows how long it’ll take me to set them straight.

  This is it for me. For me and Justine.

  Fuck it.

  I knock back the rest of my drink. “Come on.”

  “We just got here.” Justine looks confused.

  “And now we’re leaving.” I grab her hand and pull her up.

  Excitement flares in her eyes. Interesting. So she likes it when I order her around?

  I file that note away, because I’m sure as hell going to be using it later. But first...

  “I came all the way out here for the American Graduate experience,” I tell her with a grin. “And someone told me, it’s not over until someone pulls the senior prank.”

  JJ laughs. “Are you serious?”

  As a hard-on.

  “What’s wrong?” I challenge. “Chicken?”

  JJ scowls, like I knew she would. This girl never backs down from a dare, no matter how crazy.

  “No way,” she replies. “But you better make it a good one.”

  “I will.”

  The best prank -- and the best lay of her life. Because now that I’ve seen that pulse of desire in her eyes, there’s no way I’m leaving the country without the ultimate goodbye.

  JJ’s body, naked, begging. Her wet cunt clenching around me, her voice screaming my name.

  Fuck the pact, I’ve waited long enough.

  This girl is mine.



  He wants me.

  My heart beats like crazy with nerves and anticipation as we head out, cutting back across the campus to the North Quad. It’s dark out, the paths lit by street-lamps and busy with party-goers and students heading back from the bars.

  I sneak a look over at Ash, and feel my pulse kick all over again.

  He definitely wants me.


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