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One Taste of Sin (A One Taste Novel Book 4)

Page 4

by Amanda Siegrist

  Well, shit. What did he say to that? Deena and crying didn’t sound right in the same sentence. Hearing that gutted him, too, knowing his best friend was hurting.

  “Look, tell me what the problem is and I’ll see what I can do. I can’t promise to keep it to myself. If I think Deena needs to know, I’m going to tell her.”

  They stared in silence, both weighing each other.

  Finally, Sauer nodded.

  “Dee’s pregnant. About three months along.”

  The widest smile spread across his face. “That’s great news. Congrats, man.”

  Sauer smiled. “Thank you. We’re both excited.”

  “I don’t see the problem.”

  “She’s three months along.” Sauer stood up, agitated. “She still doesn’t want to tell anyone. She kept crying last night she was going to be a terrible mother.” He ran a ragged hand across his face. “She doesn’t believe she’s going to be a good mother. You know Dee and her craziness. It’s one of the things I love about her, but it’s been getting worse. I’m worried about her…and the baby. This stress can’t be good. I…I don’t know. Can you talk to her? Reassure her somehow she’ll be a wonderful mother. I know she will be. She’s not like…”

  “Her mother.” Stitch shook his head, agreeing with him. Deena was nothing like her mother. “Dude, that’s a touchy subject. Not even I venture into that territory. It’s something we both avoid. If I did bring it up, she’d suspect something. Why doesn’t she want to tell anyone?”

  “I don’t know. For the longest time she held the argument we should wait until the three-month mark for safe measure. Now she just says, let’s keep waiting. I want to shout to the rooftops and it’s hard to keep it in, but I do. For her. I thought maybe you could…I don’t know how else to tell her that everything will be fine. Even before we started trying, she was worried about becoming a mom. We even talked about it at the ball.”

  The ball. Yeah, not a memory he needed to revisit. It only made him think of Susan.

  No matter what Deena thought, Stitch knew she’d be a hundred times better than her own mother. Coming right out and saying that wouldn’t work.

  And like that, a crazy thought popped into his head.

  “Look, I have an idea. Don’t rely on it working or anything. For now, I won’t say a word to her. I’d do anything for Deena.”

  “I know. That’s why I came to you. I just want my wife to be happy.”

  “Never doubt that. She is happy with you.”

  He couldn’t quite say the same about another person being happy with him. But he’d find out soon enough.


  Susan opened her door to see the last person she ever wanted to see standing there.

  “What do you want?”

  Stitch leisurely leaned against the doorframe as a silky smile adorned his cocky, arrogant face. She wanted to wipe that look off with a kiss. No! With a slap to his face.

  Who was she kidding? She wanted the kiss more.


  “You look adorable as hell when you scrunch your nose in irritation. Am I interrupting anything, shorty? How’s the finger?”

  “My finger is fine. I’ve had a shitty day, Stitch. I’m not in the mood.”

  He slowly stood to his full height, not to intimidate her, she knew this, yet it did somehow. Not in a scary oh-my-God-he’s-going-to-hurt-me look, but more of an oh-my-God-he’s-going-to-devour-me look.

  “I had a real shitty day, too.”

  She could see the truth reflected in his eyes, and a little bit of pain. She wanted to soothe that pain. Just like she wanted to soothe her own.

  Stitch was standing at her doorstep, not including yesterday, after months of ignoring her. She didn’t have the strength to question why, or to interrogate him. She did the only thing on her mind since yesterday. She reached out and grabbed his hand, pulled him inside, and shut the door without thinking about the consequences. Oh, and there’d be plenty of that. She knew it for a fact.

  “I meant to push you out and slam the door in your face.”

  His grip tightened. “And yet you pulled me inside instead.” His other hand cupped her cheek. “Did you mean it?”

  “Mean what?”

  He let her cheek go at the same time he let her hand go and grabbed her around the waist, then twisted her around and pressed her against the door.

  “You know what I’m asking.”

  Oh, there was no mistaking what he meant. She called him terrible in bed. Uttering those words effectively issued a challenge he wouldn’t be able to resist. Maybe that’s why she said it. Maybe she wanted to tempt him back into her arms. Sex with Stitch had been fun and dirty and sexy. She missed the hell out of it. Of course she did. She only had the one night. Because he ignored her, never coming back for more. And she had wanted lots more.

  “What do you think?”

  His hands tightened around her waist as he leaned closer. “I think you’re a damn liar. I made you feel good that night.”

  “Did you now?”

  He chuckled as his lips connected with her neck, little nibbles making their way to her ear. His rough stubble grazed her skin, making her want to beg for more. He bit down, not too hard, but hard enough that it hit her center core immediately. She wanted him. So badly. Right now.

  “Tell me you don’t like that. Tell me to stop. Tell me to get the hell out.”

  Her soft moan was the only answer she could give him.

  “That’s my Susan, so damn responsive in all…” a soft kiss to her neck, “the right…” a tender hand slid up her rib cage as another kiss attacked her collarbone, “places.” His hand stopped just short of touching her breast.

  “Stitch…” It wasn’t quite a beg or a plea, the way she whispered his name, but it was enough for him to keep going.

  His hand closed around her breast, kneading, playing, and torturing her into pleasure. This was all wrong, yet so right. They were completely mismatched in every possible way, and she didn’t care one little bit. She wanted to feel good and forget every horrible thing that happened today. Just as she wanted to make him feel good and forget his troubles for a while.

  Her hands finally found the ability to move and went straight for the button to his jeans undoing them quickly, as his hands made a pathway to her back and undid her bra. She made sure to be careful as she slid his zipper down slowly, not wanting to jar her injured finger in any way. She was about to slide her good hand inside when he yanked up on her shirt, making her raise her arms. Two seconds later, she was devoid of any shirt or bra and his lips were sucking hard on a nipple.

  She let him have a few seconds of fun before she made him move his lips to somewhere else so she could touch him, and she couldn’t reach him well enough when he was bent down devouring her breast. Sometimes the height difference put a damper on things. She could suggest they move to the bedroom. But then his lips were back on her neck, his tongue swirling and doing the blissful things it excelled at.

  She shoved his pants and boxers down and grabbed him. He was hard as a rock and throbbing within her hands. Stroking him up and down, his kisses turned more frenzied. Exactly as she remembered. Nothing from that night had been slow and sweet. That’s not what she wanted right now either. She wanted it hard and rough, right here against her front door.

  “More, Stitch. I need you.” She stroked him harder, moaning at the tender bite to her shoulder. “Now.”

  “Say no more, sweetheart. Take off your pants.”

  She quickly took off her sweats, refusing to feel embarrassed that she had on her worst, rattiest pair she owned as he dug around in his pants pocket, producing a condom. Within seconds, he had on the condom. He didn’t hesitate as he lifted her off the ground and down onto him, then slammed her gently against the door.

  “I can’t do slow.”

  Placing kisses along his jawline and down his neck as her fingers combed through his thick, black hair, she whispered, “I never said I wanted it sl

  And then he started.

  Thrusting in and out of her with complete abandon, he held her tightly against him, with her arms wrapped around him, her mouth wanting to be near his neck to kiss and torture him as he liked to do to her, but he was rocking her so hard she couldn’t manage to kiss him like she wanted. It didn’t matter. The sensations flying through every core in her body took precedence. He felt wonderful and strong and everything she needed after the day she had today.

  “Damn, Suzey baby, you feel…” His breathing became ragged and heavy as his thrusts turned rougher.

  He didn’t even need to finish his sentence. She knew. She understood what he was trying to say. She also knew he knew she lied about what she said. This, right here, was nowhere near meh. It was never that way. She could never lie to him again. He would never believe her.

  His fingers dug into her hips as he continued the sweet, brutal pleasure. She wanted him to keep going on and on and on, but it hit her. The strongest orgasm that ever touched her body. Holding in her scream, something she never did while having sex, was impossible.

  A few more thrusts and he came with her, his body tightening all around her. His fingers clenched her hips so hard, she wouldn’t be surprised if he left a mark.

  Slow, heavy breaths surrounded them as he rested his head against the door near hers.

  “Shit. I needed that.”

  Chuckling, she couldn’t deny she needed—wanted—it, too.

  “I might need a little more.”

  He lifted his head, his eyes sparkling with the same desire she was experiencing. “Let’s finish this in the bedroom.”

  “If you insist.” She smiled wide at the cocky grin on his face.

  “I do.”

  Chapter 4

  He brushed a hand up her side, circling her nipple before taking a taste. Laying in bed with Susan talking was just as fun as the sex they had. He couldn’t say that about any other woman he slept with.

  Once against the door. Once in bed. Then an entertaining time going down on each other. Damn, Susan knew how to make him feel good.

  “What are you going to do?” He popped her other nipple into his mouth as he waited for her answer.

  Since the moment she pulled him inside her house, they took turns having amazing sex and talking. Well, mostly her talking as he played with the deliciousness before him. She told him about applying for the supervisor position. Another co-worker was applying as well and not being friendly about it. She sounded like a jealous bitch to him. Something he said a few times, hoping to make her feel worthy of the position, which he figured she was.

  “Not much I can do. I’m going to keep doing my job and ace the interview.”

  He leaned away and propped his hand to his head, his elbow sinking into the soft bed. “When’s the interview?”

  “Next Wednesday.” She fiddled with the edge of the bed sheet. “I want the position. But part of me doesn’t want it because I know Rachel’s disposition will get worse.”

  “Yeah, and if she gets it, your life sounds like it’ll still be miserable. You can do this. I know you can.”

  “You barely know me.”

  His eyes grazed her body from top to bottom. “I know all I need to know, sweetheart.”

  She laughed as she lightly pushed against his shoulder. The movement made him lose his balance on his elbow. He shifted slightly, unable to hide the wince from the sudden pain in his wrist.

  “Are you okay? I didn’t mean—”

  “I’m fine.” He sat up.


  “I said I was fine.” He shouldn’t have been resting on his elbow like that. Just because the pain in his hand and wrist had disappeared for a while didn’t mean it couldn’t flare up without notice.

  “You don’t have to get snippy with me.”

  He tilted his lips into a shit-eating grin, because he wanted—no, needed—to forget about his pain. “Are we about to argue? Because I am down for some kinky makeup sex. A little fast and dirty.”

  Susan chuckled. “You’re impossible.”

  “Irresistible, too. Don’t deny it.”

  Another sweet, delectable laugh slipped from her lips. Each time he heard that beautiful sound, he wanted to hear more. He was riding a very dangerous slope with her. While he had fun with her in the bedroom, tons of fun, this thing between them couldn’t go much further than that.

  “You think you’re so charming.”

  “I have my moments, sweetheart.” The grin on his face slowly vanished, yet he tried to keep his tone playful. “Maybe one more round and then we call it a night.”

  A slight moment of panic entered her eyes as she sat up, scooting next to him against the headboard.

  “Why did that sound like an end to…everything?” She inhaled and exhaled loudly, and then deeply. “Is that all I am, a quick, dirty go-round for you?”

  He still hadn’t decided what she was to him. A distraction. Because he thought about her all the time. A beautiful woman. Because whether dolled up in a gorgeous gown, or wearing sweats and a shirt, she was breathtakingly beautiful. A nuisance. Because she made him question what he wanted in life, something he rarely did, always confident in what he wanted. A hidden gem. Because on the surface, Susan was a goal-oriented, focused woman. But inside, she was soft and sweet and something else…he couldn’t even find the right word to describe it. Well, he did suck in English class back in high school.

  What was he?

  A tattoo artist. A successful businessman.

  A man who never saw himself as a family man. Yet, the picture looked pretty damn good when he imagined Susan by his side.

  A criminal. Someone who would ruin the life Susan had painstakingly built.

  “You know it’d never work between us. The sex is great—” He turned his eyes to hers that simmered with irritation and sorrow intertwined into an ocean of agony he almost couldn’t handle. “You’re applying for a serious position at work. Dating me isn’t going to help you get there.”

  “What? You’re kidding me, right?”

  “I’m serious.”

  “Because…why? You have tattoos. I didn’t know that was such a crime these days. Or because you never called when you said you would. Yeah, that won’t help me get the job. Or how about—”

  “I have a record.” He watched as her anger morphed into surprise. “I did a year in the slammer. I’m a criminal, Susan, and dating someone like me isn’t going to look good for your job. A job at the police department. Think about it.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You have nothing to do with my job and—”

  “Trust me. That shit matters to people like that. They’ll interview you, ask you questions, and eventually it’ll come out who I am and what kind of record I have. I won’t ruin your chances.”

  She cocked her head to the side as she stared at him for the longest time. He didn’t say a word. There wasn’t much more he could say. He did his time, something he was happy to do. Because even if he wanted to change what happened, he wouldn’t. He would’ve done the same damn thing no matter how he looked at the situation. So yeah, he happily served his time, then got out and focused on tattooing. Created a successful business and made it look like he was something when he was simply a guy trying to live his life any way he could. Having a record sure made getting his business up and running difficult, but he didn’t back down from anything. Now look at him.

  “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “I’m being ridiculous?” He laughed at the lunacy of her words. “Don’t you want to know what I did?”

  “It couldn’t have been bad because you’re not a bad person. You made a mistake and—”

  “Nope. I know what I did and I made no mistake. I went into a situation fully understanding what would happen and I don’t regret it. I’d do it again.” He cocked a challenging brow, waiting for her to ask.

  Her eyes narrowed as he could see the questions swirling around her mind. Oh, she wanted to
know. The thing he couldn’t figure out was why she didn’t just say so. Well, hell, why didn’t he tell her and get it over with?

  Probably because the second she knew, she’d kick his ass out of her bed, and he couldn’t bear to think of the loss. He didn’t want to get tossed out of her life yet. The sex was phenomenal.

  His feelings for her were muddled and riddled with questions and indecisions, but he also knew he didn’t want to leave, or get kicked out.

  “If you feel like telling me, go ahead, but it doesn’t matter to me.” He could see the honesty in her eyes.

  She was leaving the decision in his court, and the thought scared the shit out of him. He didn’t want to tell her. Not yet. He needed to love her body one more time, and then maybe he’d have the balls to admit what he did.

  “Where does this leave us?” She trailed a finger down his chest, her eyes roaming across his body that made him tingle with anticipation. Oh, she wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

  “We aren’t dating.”

  Her finger circled his nipple, the light touch made his dick throb for more. More touches. More caresses. More stroking.

  “Of course not. You don’t date.” She leaned closer, her tongue grazing his nipple before backing away with a silky smile on her lips. “But the sex is nice.”

  Moving like a panther, he had her underneath him within seconds, his body pressed intimately against her, with the notion all he needed was one little push and he’d be deep inside her and in heaven. “The sex is not nice. It’s amazing. Don’t give me more of this meh shit.”

  She giggled as he rubbed against her. “Never. So no dating…just sex?”

  “Take it or leave it, shorty. That’s all I’m willing to give. You’ll thank me when you get the position.”

  Her eyes turned cold and hard for a brief moment and then softened as a slow smile appeared. “Do that thing with your tongue. My body needs reminding…because it might’ve been so-so. I can’t quite…”


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