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The Hard Way (Box Set)

Page 17

by Stephanie Burke

  By this time, Delia was standing beside the chuckling Hatori, who was drawing all of Delia’s ire onto himself.

  “And what’s so funny, lizard boy? Don’t make me get a fish scaler and skin your ass!”

  “Bitch?” Hatori lost his control and his laughter howled through the store. He pointed to Evan, who was now trying to bond with the back wall on a molecular level or, failing that, remain as inconspicuous as possible.

  “What?” Delia barked, hands once again on her ample hips. She peered into the shadows, then her eyes widened in surprise. “Well, shit!” she exclaimed. “This is very much unexpected.” She grinned, exposing huge fangs. “Somebody went and brought me lunch.”

  Taking a step close, she leaned her weight forward, staring directly into Evan’s wide gray eyes. “And I’m so hungry, I could eat a wolf, crack the bones for the marrow, and gnaw on the fur.”

  Then both Hatori and Delia watched as the hapless were’s eyes rolled up in the back of his head and he passed out cold.

  Chapter Four

  “He needs to take more.”

  Evan whimpered as his alpha female pushed his head off her thigh and rolled to her knees. She gripped his shoulders and urged him to rise up on his arms, which pushed his ass further back into his alpha male’s face.

  Once Evan was braced, shaking and moaning his need, his alpha female slowly turned, giving him a view of her plump, quivering cheeks as she slowly lay on her back. Before Evan could move, his female was underneath him, her large breasts rubbing along his face and chest as she moved toward his throbbing prick.

  “Delia!” he whimpered, his tongue lashing out to taste one dusky nipple as it passed.

  “Soon, pet.” She chuckled, making him jerk as her hot breath caressed his wet cock. He gasped as her tongue lapped out, circling the head, taking in his dripping seed. She murmured her approval. “You still taste like fresh cream, puppy, just a little salty and a little sweet.”

  Evan was devoid of speech as his alpha male took this moment to wiggle that slick tongue deep inside his ass. A strangled grunt escaped his throat, and his body froze, caught on the cusp of erupting.

  “No,” Delia growled, feeling her sub’s cock swell to unbelievable proportions in preparation to spilling its hot load. Her hand wrapped around its base, her thumb pressing against the large vein on the underside of his quivering dick. “No coming until we say you can.” Then, still holding his cock steady, her thumb exerting a pressure that denied him release, she licked at his glans, then swallowed him whole.

  “Fuck me!” Evan’s words exploded from his tight throat as his body suddenly went into spasms. His ass quivered where his male was teasing him, eating him alive, preparing him for what was to come. His arms trembled and his knees felt like jelly as his female tried to suck his seed from his cock. He looked up to see her thighs spread, an open invitation to feast at her pussy once again.

  Evan could not resist. He buried his face in her cunt and began to eat her out with the same vigor his alphas used to devour him. His female groaned and arched upwards, the soft flesh of her thighs quivering as she forced her hips to rise and make access to her pleasure points all that much easier.

  His male pulled his tongue away with one final lick and spread his cheeks open as far as they would go, observing, he knew, his winking pink hole.

  “I think you are ready for the lube,” the alpha male hissed, dropping one last kiss on his rosebud before Evan saw his fingers reaching for the pot of oil that always resided beside their bed furs.

  Evan watched him slick up two fingers, then after a considering look at Evan’s ass and his swollen cock, slick up two more.

  “My little one is going to get it so damn good.” The alpha grinned, licking his lips.

  Evan could almost feel those hot velvet walls parting to welcome their master deep inside.

  * * *

  Evan’s eyes snapped open and instantly he was awake, taking in his situation and marking his escape route. Not seeing one, he tried to search one out.

  “Oh, it’s alive!”

  The feminine voice made him lurch up and look around to find the speaker. Delia, he recalled. As he twisted around, he realized he was lying on a plush pile of furs that gave off an intriguing musky feminine scent. He looked down, amazed the fur that had been periodically sprouting on his arms off and on for days seemed to be completely gone, not even itching the inside of his skin where it seemed to hide, waiting for a chance to pop out and embarrass him.

  In relishing the release of his skin from inner itch torture, he realized something else. He was bare-assed naked! Evan felt an uncommon blush spread across his face and burn down to his chest.

  “Oh, isn’t he cute?” Delia’s voice was more grave as she taunted him. “Who knew that the blush would go straight down to his cock?”

  Slowly, he turned around.

  He blinked again as he came to the startling conclusion that the nice warm fur he was leaning against was still attached! And even worse, the living throw rug was the one speaking.

  “You can’t be real,” he gasped, blinking as the huge mountain of a lion chuckled. Could great cats do that? Most of them never even purred.

  Then he saw something that almost made his consciousness once again flee. The lion he was laying against flexed huge, bird-like, furry feet and one enormous wing rose from its back.

  “That’s a wing,” he breathed, making an extreme effort to keep back the black veil that threatened to cover his vision once again. “Lions don’t have wings,” he muttered stupidly.

  As he spoke a second, spring-loaded wing as large and feathery as the first popped out to join its mate. “That’s impossi…”

  He stopped as the lion flexed both wings and snapped them open, the combined wingspan looking to reach at least eight feet.

  “Anything else to say?” And that was sarcasm coming from the mouth of a winged lion.

  Numbly, Evan shook his head no.

  “Good,” the lion continued. “Now where was I?” it mused. “Oh, yeah. Now I remember.”

  One huge paw pressed against his bare chest, the eagle-like talons retracted, and Evan found himself flat on his back again, pressed against that warm fur but with a few changes. This time, a huge, rough tongue began trying to lick the skin off of his face as the lion-thing settled in to give him a probably well-needed tongue bath.

  The whimper that emerged from his throat was a new, never before heard sound, a sound that surprised him with the helplessness it implied.

  “Now, Delia,” a male voice from across the room from them said softly. “If you scare him to death, we can’t have any fun with him.”

  Hatori emerged from the shadows, and Evan had never been so happy to see a familiar stranger.

  “Help?” he managed, twisting his head as far away from the licking lion who currently had him pinned helplessly under her paws, to face this new person.

  “Oh, I’ll help you,” Hatori chuckled, stepping closer so Evan could get a good look at him.

  Then, just as quickly, Evan sought the comforts and safety of the big, scary lion with wings. It had to be far safer hanging with the lion who was licking him than the scaly, snake-eyed dude who was smirking at him.

  “Never mind,” Evan managed to squeal. “I think I’ll just… um… see my way out now.”

  “Nice try, fur bag,” the lion purred. Geez, now that thing purred as well as grew wings and licked people?

  Evan found himself, against his will, turning from the big, scary, scaly man to the stare at the huge, winged feline.

  “You can talk…” he finally said out loud through his shock, the actions of the people… things in the room forcing his mind to accept what he wanted so damned badly not to believe.

  “No shit, Sherlock.” The lion grunted as the thankfully clothed lizard man took a seat beside Evan.

  “Wh-what are you people?” There was more than a quiver of fear in Evan’s voice as he stared wide-eyed at the two creatures
who in turned regarded him in curiosity. “Are… are you -- people?”

  “Isn’t he cute, Hatori?” The lion clucked and bent down to lap at Evan’s face again. “Dinner and a show all in one neat little package.”

  Hearing that, Evan tried to leap to his feet, but a huge, taloned paw once again slammed him back down on his back.

  “Relax, fur-boy,” Delia snickered, quirking one amber eyebrow, her huge tongue slowly licking her muzzle as if enjoying the taste of fear-coated Evan tartar on her skin. “I’m just playing with you.”

  Evan relaxed marginally, but her next words had him tensing up all over again. “You know cats like to play with their food.”

  Her chortles of amusement pulled Evan out of his growing horror, and he turned to stare at the great beast who smiled -- kind of -- in a feline way which exposed some very sharp and unfriendly-looking teeth.

  That was the last straw, the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back as far as Evan was concerned.

  “Fuck this!” he bellowed, his survival instincts taking over. He wrenched himself from under the lion’s claws and lurched across the room, ignoring the shallow grooves the cat-like paw carved out in his chest. “This is not happening! There are no such things as walking scaled man-lizards or giant winged lions!”

  “Griffins!” Delia thoughtfully supplied, drawing attention to herself at this very crucial moment.

  Reality and sick fantasy combined in Evan’s mind. Delia’s words were almost lost in his shock, but they managed to shut him up and ease his rant before it began.

  “So,” she continued, now that the wide, glazed, gray eyes were focused solidly in on her. “So there are no weredragons or weregriffins, but there are werewolves?”

  As she spoke, the rich, russet fur that covered her form began to retreat, revealing smooth dark skin. The long lion muzzle with all its fanged glory sank inward while the lioness’ partial mane grew out and up, turning into a nice, full, caramel Afro. Slowly, as if on high-speed film, the lion body seemed to melt into the female form, revealing the naked, full-sized woman who had stormed into the shop and almost given him a heart attack.

  Rich in tone, her dark skin was the color of mother earth, warm and inviting and very much appealing to his wolf’s instincts. His eyes traveled over her form from her tiny toes to the top of her curly haired head, and all the soft-looking flesh in between.

  And of course, there was the matter of the russet colored wings that remained and waved, almost tauntingly, at him. Damned if he didn’t know what was holding his attention more -- the taunting wings or the fact Delia was as buck naked as the day she slid out of her mother’s womb. Did weregriffins have mothers who possessed wombs or were they hatched?

  These musings aside, his mind was once again drawn to the now winged female.

  Delia was not a small woman by any stretch of the imagination, but she was damned confident and attractive. She was all curves and valleys, her large breasts with their dusky nipples just right for sucking and kneading. Her stomach was rounded yet firm, perfect for cuddling against or lying on as he spread those soft cradling thighs and let his fingers explore the dark curls that protected what had to be the mother of all pussies.

  Was it wrong to refer to a werelion, uh, griffin, as having a pussy?

  “Boy? Excuse me, boy.” Her voice cracked through the naughty visions in his head that had him buried face first in her kitty-cat, her wings flapping like mad as those thighs surrounded his head, almost smothering him with her… “Boy? If you’re done imagining that I’m your playground, would you answer something for me?”

  How had she known? Then he noticed the obvious answer in his hard dick that seemed to reach up and wave hi to the griffin.

  He blushed and resisted the urge to cover his cock with his hands. But he had already lost too much face to wimp out like that. Evan steeled his spine. “Huh?” Evan groaned, watching the winged babe on the bed roll to her back from her appealing lounging position on her side, and had to fight the urge to bite the heel of his hand.

  Was that ass phat or what?

  He had always had a thing for big women; to him, they were the epitome of lush womanhood, and Delia was proving to be very distracting. Hell, Delia was almost too distracting!

  Angling his head to clear the naughty thoughts, Evan forced himself back to the present.

  “What’s your game?” he asked, looking around, eyes narrowing as he realized the lizard man had risen from the perch of furs to position himself before the only entrance, and consequently, the only exit from this room.

  “Just a question.” Delia smiled, an overly large pink tongue tracing her full, berry colored lips, giving just a glimpse of some serious non human canines that still remained. “When were you bitten?”

  Evan blinked at the question, then glared at the winged female lounging on the bed of furs like she hadn’t a care in the world.

  He was sure she could read the suspicion within his gray gaze. “You believe me?”

  “Look around you, boy!” Delia sighed, rolling her eyes and lifting one plump hand to tick off her points, giving him a view of her ample breasts nestling in the rich furs. “One, you came here looking for help, spreading your scent around like a bitch in heat. Don’t be surprised when an alpha decides to take you up on your oh so kind offer.”

  “But I didn’t…” Evan began, only to be cut off as Delia shot him a nasty glare and continued just like Evan hadn’t even spoken.

  “Two,” she counted, lifting up another finger. “When Hatori tried to comfort you, you passed out on us like, well, like a little bitch. We put you in the only place we could think of to protect you and ourselves while your body decided to practice entropy.”

  “What?” he shrieked that time. His body was going through chaos?

  “And thirdly,” she added another finger. “I can see your wolf side is fighting the human side, and guess who’s winning, fur-boy? This is dangerous because a newbie like you risks exposing us all and starting a huge were-hunt the likes of which this country has never seen, forcing us to hide like bitches. That, or you’ll turn on us and try to force us to be your bitches. I’ll eat your ass before I let that happen. So, the way I see it, boy, or should I say cub, you can become an entrée or you can answer the fucking question! When were you bit?”

  Delia leaned forward and roared those last words, her eyes going amber, her pupils slitting as she made her dominance known.

  Evan jumped at the omnipotent voice bellowing from the winged hottie’s throat. For a moment, all he could think about was how loud she’d bellow while he was plowing into her.

  He felt his penis flex, a drip of pre-cum leaking from the tip, and the blood filled his previously hard cock, transforming it to something with the strength of titanium. He found himself licking his bottom lip as a slow predator’s grin spread across his face, showing off the dimples that popped out.

  Delia inhaled suddenly, a grin -- more of a smirk -- spreading across her mouth. “Oh, my.” She licked her own lips. “It appears that a little fear of imminent death does wonders for your libido.”

  Chapter Five

  Evan screamed into his alpha female’s pussy as two fingers roughly slammed into his entrance. His hands slipped upward to cup her ass, kneading her soft flesh to distract him from the burn igniting in his ass.

  His alpha male didn’t waste any time, knowing his submissive gamma could take the slight burn, and that the wolf pup desired it.

  “Hatori!” Evan gasped, pulling away for a second before the delicious feeling of fullness consumed him. His alpha female’s work on his cock further eased his discomfort, soothing the burn into a dull ache that demanded to be filled. Licking her clit, Evan thrust downward into her mouth, taking advantage of the gift she was allowing him by even putting his cock in her mouth.

  That caused the fingers in his ass to slide backwards, striking against his prostate and sending cool fire shooting through his veins. Evan soon found a rhythm, thrusting b
ack into the fingers, down into the mouth, and he moved slowly, relishing the new level of ecstasy he was rising to.

  “Take more.” His alpha male whispered the command in his ear as he leaned over Evan’s sweaty back.

  One of his male’s hands slid down to tug and pull at his nipples while the two fingers in his ass were withdrawn and three added.

  Evan whimpered, smearing his face wet and shiny with Delia’s juices, his body trembling in need.

  “Soon,” his male whispered, that wicked tongue tracing his ear and the back of his neck as he scissored his fingers, spreading Evan wide. “Soon Delia will allow you to fuck her pussy while I take this ass. Would you like to be sandwiched, little one?” His voice was like smooth silk. “Would you like to be both taking and taken?”

  * * *

  Evan once again sat on the edge of the bed of furs, trying to control the tremors that wracked his body.

  On his right side sat a worried were-dragon, patting his hand and offering him tea, coffee, liquor -- anything to calm his battered nerves. Before him stood Delia, foot tapping, wings fluttering, as she fought to hold in her amusement.

  Quiet Hatori had taken to the lost boy-cub like he was a stray pet, and the new were wasn’t even noticing. He just took it all in, doing his best to calm himself.

  A second later, Evan lost control and pounced.

  His hands were drawn to Delia’s breasts while his mouth began to nuzzle at her neck, his nose now extremely sensitive to her scent, the scent of an alpha female. He didn’t even realize he had knocked her over on her back in an effort to gain a closer skin-on-skin contact. Hell, he didn’t even realized he was making little grunting noises, the wolf in him acknowledging his delight at the scent and feel of this alpha female. That she was of another species never even registered as wolf and human came into an accord about this particular woman, something about her delighting each side of his apparently new psyche.

  The man loved the rounded, dimpled flesh, the softness of her skin, the fullness of her lush figure. The wolf craved her dominating attitude, the determination to protect those she considered hers, and he was so willing to become one of her pack.


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