Book Read Free

Protecting his Love

Page 4

by M. J. Perry

  “I suppose you’re good at everything?” I said with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

  He shrugged. “I haven’t found anything I’m bad at.”

  “You're such an arrogant man. We’ll find something.”

  “You can try, it might be fun. Being good at everything has its advantages, for instance, I’m really good at kissing and I really want to kiss you right now.”

  “I’ve had better.”

  “Even if I didn’t see your fingers crossed, I’d know you were fibbing baby, your response to me gives you away. You love my kisses.”

  Damn it he’s right, but I wasn’t going to admit it.

  “Should I prove it?”

  “Why don’t you?” I dared quietly.

  He smiled, and it screamed sex. My legs locked, and I watched in anticipation as he stalked towards me. By the time he reached me my breath was seesawing out of me so fast I was afraid I might faint. His hand grabbed the back of my head and he used the leverage to pull me closer. My eyes closed as his head dipped down to mine. I lifted my hands to his waist and gripped his shirt tightly. His tongue caressed my bottom lip, and I gasped at the sensation. I was so caught up in him; in his scent that when I heard Katie calling me it took me a moment to come back down to earth. Ryder pulled away from me but quickly put his hands out to steady me as I wobbled. He grinned at the effect he had on me.

  “Yes, Katie?” I called in a voice I didn’t recognise.

  “Can Ryder stay for dinner?”

  I looked at Ryder and grinned. “Of course, he can if he wants to.”

  “I definitely want to stay.” He answered and the look he gave me left me in no doubt he wasn’t talking about food.

  I nodded. “I’ll make lasagne then, that Ok?” I asked loud enough so Katie could hear too.

  They both agreed. They loved food. If I ate as much as they did, I’d be constantly exercising. Talking of exercise…

  “I’m going to ring Julian and ask him to have a word with Tammy. She had no right to tell Katie she shouldn’t play football.”

  “Do you think it will do any good?”

  I sighed. “Probably not, but I can’t let it go, you saw how upset Katie was. What if Tammy starts telling her she shouldn’t do other things?”

  “Yeah, I know but it seems to me he has other things going on which will take priority.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked in confusion. What could he know about Julian that I didn’t?

  He sighed. “I’ve been looking into him. After he nearly hit you and you said that it’s completely out of character, it got me thinking, people don’t change that much and if they do, it’s usually because of some bad reason so I had a friend pull his details.”


  “I won’t have you or Katie in danger Lex and he looked like a madman. Only a desperate man changes like he has over night.”

  “Have you found anything?”

  “There are a couple of things my guy flagged. I’m going to see him tomorrow.”

  “You’re leaving?” Why did I suddenly feel sick?

  “I have a few things to sort out, but once they’re done, I’m free to stay here until I decide to leave. I won’t be gone long maybe three day’s tops.”

  “Ok.” I nodded, I turned to the fridge to get the ingredients I needed for lasagne. I didn’t understand my feelings, he kissed me yesterday and suddenly I can’t bear to be away from him? I felt silly.

  “Lex, don’t be upset.”

  “I’m not.”


  “To be honest, I’m not sure how I feel. I mean, we aren’t together so you don’t need my permission and I have no right to be upset that you’re leaving.”

  I was still staring in the fridge blankly when Ryder gently pulled me back with his hands on my shoulders until my body was flush against his. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “First off Lexi, you have every right to be upset; do you not listen to me at all? We are together you are my woman and I wouldn’t be leaving if I didn’t have to.”

  I’m lost for words so I nodded. He turned me around and when he saw my tear-stained face he grinned before using his thumbs to wipe my cheeks. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “It’s your fault, you’re just so sweet.”

  “Sweet?” he shook his head. “Lexi, I’m not sweet at all.”

  “You are, but don’t worry it will be our little secret,” I whispered.

  “You won’t be alone while I’m gone. I have your house under surveillance.”

  Alarm ran through me. “Why?”

  “I have a bad feeling about Julian and until I have all the facts, I’m not comfortable leaving you and Katie unprotected.”

  “See,” I said with a smile, “Sweet.”

  “Not sweet baby, I’m doing what any man would do, I’m protecting my own. If anyone tries to do anything to either one of you, they will see a side of me I don’t unleash very often.”

  I’m shocked, but not afraid. I know I will never see that side of him. “I’m sure we’ll be fine Ryder.”

  “Of course you will be, neither of you will be alone.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Eric will be watching you both from my house.”

  “Who is Eric?”

  “He’s a friend of mine a very good one.”

  “Ok. How will he be watching us from there?”

  “He’ll be watching the cameras.”

  “The what?” I screeched looking around me.

  Ryder laughed at my reaction. “Baby, I haven’t installed them yet. I wasn’t planning on telling you but there is no way around it, you have to know they are there. I knew you wouldn’t like the idea of being watched.”

  “No one would like the idea of being watched.”

  “Maybe so, but you have no choice.”

  “Don’t you think you’re overreacting? I mean other than Julian acting like a tool nothing has happened.”

  He cupped my face gently forcing me to look into his eyes. “My hunches are always right. I know Julian is mixed up in something and while I can’t be with you I’m going to make sure you and Katie are safe.”

  I opened my mouth feeling slightly scared now, but he placed his finger over my lips. “Please don’t fight me.”

  I licked my dry lips and in the process, I licked the tip of his finger. His eyes darkened and his finger dropped. “I won’t fight you if it gives you peace of mind I’ll go along with it. Besides, I don’t have a choice do I?”

  “Not really, thank you, baby.” He kissed my head.

  “No cameras in the bathroom,” I ordered. “No one gets to see me showering.”

  “I would kill anyone who tried; the cameras will be in every room, but there.”

  “Surely not in our bedrooms?” I exclaimed. I won’t be able to get dressed in there or anything. The lack of privacy in my own house made me feel ill.

  “You’re at your most vulnerable when you’re sleeping. I’m not arguing with you about this.”

  “I’m not having someone watch me sleep. Oh god, they’ll see me get dressed and undressed.”

  “No, they won’t. Eric will have the cameras set to only come on when there is movement at night. It means once you’re asleep it will go dark unless you get out of bed or someone comes in.”

  I’m relieved at that but, “I’m not having someone watch me dress.”

  He reached my face and held it between his palms. “Do you really think I would let someone watch that? God Lex, I haven’t even seen all of your gorgeous body yet and I’m certainly not going to let anyone else ever see that sight. You’ll both have to change in the bathroom.”

  “I never thought of that,” I admitted.

  “It’s a good job I did then.”

  “Mummy, I’m hungry,” Katie told me as she popped her head round the door.

  “I’d better get tea on then.” I smiled.

  “I could eat a cookie.”

  “No you
could not, you ate more than enough yesterday.”

  She frowned. “Ryder might like one.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. I’m looking forward to your mummy’s lasagne. I don’t want to ruin my appetite.”

  “I guess so.”

  “Good. Can you set the table ready please?”

  “Yes, Mummy,” She turned but swung around again to look at me. “Why was Ryder holding your face?”

  I blushed, I actually blushed at her words and I’ve never been a good liar so I looked at Ryder helplessly for an answer.

  “Your mummy had something in her eye,” Ryder said with a grin.

  “Oh. That happens to Tammy a lot, Daddy is always helping her.”

  I shared a look with Ryder trying not to laugh.

  “When I’ve set the table can I show Ryder the new library book I borrowed from school please?”

  “Sure baby, it will easier for me to do tea without you guys in here.”

  “Come on then Katie, I’ll help you with the table then your mummy can cook tea quicker.”

  I picked out the ingredients I needed and closed the fridge. I watched them laughing together with a smile.

  I still remember the time I was still so hung up on my ex-husband even after what he’d done to me that a comment about him helping Tammy when she had something in her eye would have hurt me. Now I can chuckle about it and it felt good.

  Well, it did until I thought of Katie in danger. Julian being mixed up in something dangerous just didn’t seem real, but Ryder wouldn’t lie to me. I trusted Ryder to keep us safe and if he trusts his friend Eric, then I will too. What if Ryder finds out more bad information when he goes back? He says his hunches are always right. I pray just this once that he’s wrong.

  While I put the lasagne in the oven and prepped the salad, I listened to Ryder and Katie talk. She was so relaxed with him; it made me wonder if she was the same with her dad. He’s so very different to Ryder, Julian is straight-laced hard to please and judgemental, something Ryder isn’t. I wonder if he thought the same as his wife did about girls playing football. We’ve never spoken about it but I can imagine he wasn’t happy about it either although Katie has never once said he has told her not to play.

  The timer buzzed on the cooker letting me know tea was ready; I pulled the lasagne out of the oven and sniffed in appreciation. I was starving; I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so hungry. I called them and heard their footsteps approach the kitchen.

  “Can someone get the drinks please?” I asked.

  “Sure.” Ryder grabbed three glasses and put them on the table then went to the fridge to pull the jug of water out. “Would you rather have wine?”

  I shook my head. Ryder and wine would be a dangerous combination, who knew what I might do.

  He grinned like he’d read my mind. “I’ll behave.” He teased.

  “I’d better not.”

  “Don’t trust yourself, huh?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Here, I’ll do that, you take the salad.” He took the oven gloves off me and carried the dish to the table placing it on the heat protective tray.

  “Thanks,” I said as I sat down.

  He cut the lasagne and shared it out. We ate in silence except for the occasional grunt of pleasure, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was actually kind of nice. I pushed my plate away after eating more than enough. Ryder and Katie polished theirs off pretty quickly and went for seconds.

  “Pudding?” Katie asked hopefully. It amazed me how much my five-year-old could eat.

  “Under the kitchen sink in the pink plastic box,” I'd hidden them there so she couldn’t eat them all this morning.

  “You know what to do kid,” Ryder said and she jumped out of her chair and almost ran to the cupboard.

  “How can either of you have room for anything else?” I groaned. They made me feel sick.

  “Easy Lex, I always have room for your blueberry muffins.”

  “Ah sweet.” I grinned.

  He groaned. “I’m not sweet.”

  “Sorry, you’re not sweet you’re a tough badass.”

  He smirked. “You think I’m a badass?”

  I rolled my eyes, “Me and every woman in the world.”

  “The only woman who matters is you.”

  And he denies that he’s sweet? This man could bring me to tears so easily.

  “Ryder, there are five. How will we share them?” Katie said.

  “Two and a half each, baby.”

  “Yummy.” She had the paper off one before she even sat down.

  “I’ll make coffee,” I told them as I got up to clear the table. Ryder was taking a huge bite out of a muffin and I laughed at his expression. I didn’t do anything special to the muffins, in fact, it’s a basic recipe, but the way he loved them you’d be forgiven for thinking they were made with magic. I, myself, preferred chocolate chip ones but I never make them. Instead, I buy pre-packed ones from the supermarket. If I made a batch, I would have to eat them all myself.

  “Mummy cooks these yummyly.” I heard Katie tell Ryder. Yummyly, was that even a word?

  “She sure does. Best muffins ever.” I heard Ryder reply, and I was filled with pride.

  I made the coffee and took Ryder a cup. They were just finishing eating and as usual, Katie had most of hers around her mouth, I saw Ryder hadn’t done much better. I pulled the baby wipes out of the drawer and passed them one each. Ryder gave me a sheepish look before he wiped his mouth.

  “They were great Lex; do you have any more for the ride?”

  “What ride?” Katie asked him.

  “I’ve got to go back to work, but I’ll be back when you come home from your daddy’s.”

  She looked sad, and I felt exactly the same. “Can you read me a story tonight please?” her request shocked me. She’d never asked him before, in fact, I didn’t think she’s ever asked her daddy to read to her either.

  “Sure baby, I’d love to,” Ryder said and his voice sounded odd. Her request had shocked him too, but if the light in his eyes was anything to go by, he liked it.

  I sipped my coffee in silence worry played on my mind that they were getting too attached but then I reminded myself they were close before we’d kissed.

  “I’ll go and get ready for bed and I’ll shout when I’m ready.” She kissed my cheek as she walked past me and out of the room.

  Ryder turned serious eyes to me. “Do you mind if I read her story? I probably should have asked you before I agreed.”

  I shook my head, “Not at all.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. She loves you.”

  “I love her too.”

  “I know that’s why I’m Ok with it.”

  “She’s a great little girl. You should be proud.”

  “I am, she’s my world.”

  “I’m ready,” Katie called downstairs.

  “That’s the fastest she’s ever got ready for bed.”

  Ryder chuckled. “Maybe you should check on her first. She probably hasn’t brushed her teeth.”

  “Oh, I already know she hasn’t brushed her teeth.” It was always a battle to get her to brush them.

  I rinsed our cups out and headed up the stairs with Ryder right behind me. I found myself wiggling my bum more than usual. He muttered something under his breath and I grinned.

  Katie’s door was wide open. She was sat on her bed in her pyjamas. “Have you brushed your teeth?”


  “Go and do them then please,” I ordered gently.

  She got up and huffed.

  “She hates brushing her teeth. I even bought her an electric toothbrush, but the novelty ran out after a couple of days.”

  “No kid likes brushing their teeth, I hated it.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “Why am I not surprised?”

  “I’m all done.” Katie bared her teeth to me as she walked in.

  “Good girl. Have you chosen a book?�

  “Yes, this one.” She held her favourite one up and I grinned. We read it every night. It’s about a little boy who loses his toys before bed and wanders his house trying to find them.

  “Jump into bed then.” I tucked her in, and she snuggled down into the duvet. Ryder picked up the book and sat on the floor by the bed. I kissed Katie goodnight and went out the door leaving it open a jar so I could stand outside and listen. Ryder surprised me; he read just like I did, he put on a voice for each character making Katie giggle. When he came to the end of the book, I watched him through the door as he reached over to kiss Katie’s head and turn the light off. He stepped out of the door and we nearly collided.

  “You’re good.” I grinned. “Katie loved you reading to her.”

  “I told you I’m good at everything.”

  “I guess you are.”

  We walked down the stairs and Ryder took my hand and led me to the living room. He sat on the sofa and pulled me down to sit next to him. “I noticed the photo of you and Julian holding Katie when she was born.”

  “Yeah, it’s the only photo of the three of us on display. When Katie is old enough, she can have the other photos I’ve kept for her.”

  “You look so happy in it.” He stated.

  “I was. It was a long hard labour and when she finally came I was exhausted, but feeling her little fingers wrap around mine was the most amazing thing to ever happen to me.”

  “Do you ever think of having more children?”

  “Yes I have, but I don’t like men and unfortunately it’s impossible to make a baby without them.”

  “You like me.”

  “I do like you.” I agreed.

  “I’ve always wanted a son, you know to play football, go fishing with, that kind of thing, but I’d be happy with a girl too. Katie does all those things.”

  “Yeah, she does.”

  “Once we've sorted the Julian situation out, we'll talk about this again.”

  “This?” He was confusing me.

  “Us having babies, we’d have to marry first of course; I don’t like the idea of my children not having my name.”

  I gawked at him in disbelief. Ryder used his finger to close my open mouth.

  “You can’t be shocked. Where did you think this was going?”


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