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Page 31

by Iris Johansen

  It wasn't okay, but it was the only way she was going to get his help. She sighed. "Okay."

  He turned her around and pushed her toward the door. "Now out with you. I'm getting excited about finishing this so that we can hit the road."

  She wasn't excited, she was distinctly on edge, she thought as she went down the hall. Now she had to worry about not only Staunton, but Irana and keeping Pauley from trying to push his limits so that he could reach his idiotic goal of perfection.

  But at least it would be Pauley she was worrying about and not Garrett.

  WHAT THE HELL HAD THAT BEEN about? Garrett wondered, as he left Joslyn's room. He had thought when Joslyn called him that he might be able to tell him something more about Staunton, but he had come up with zilch.

  Joslyn had just repeated his apologies and asked him innumerable you during our weeks together. I studied every tone of your voice, every expression of your face."

  "Because you wanted to know where that damn hammer was."

  He was silent. "Yes, of course, that was it. It was necessary. But it became an intense kind of pleasure."

  "You're sick."

  "That's been brought to my attention. But those who accused me of crossing that line are fools, and I'm the one who will have the power to crush them all."

  "You sound like Mikhail Zelov."

  "He knew about power. Even blocked by historical events, he still managed to come out on top. Not an emperor, but a very rich man." He chuckled. "And I may be able to go even higher. There are places in this world where a man can become whatever he wants to be. A new face, a new identity, and a billion dollars. What could be sweeter?"

  "But you don't have the hammer that has that final amulet. And we have both Nemid's amulet and the two that were in Babin's safe."

  "Before I bargained with Nemid, I had that amulet photographed and had a complete 3-D facsimile made of it. Do you think I'd let it out of my hands if I wasn't sure I wasn't losing anything? I promised Babin I'd steal it back, but I wouldn't have had to do it. And I did the same with the other two amulets Babin was holding. He never knew that I was as familiar with the contents of his safe as he was. I knew everything he knew, had everything in my possession that he had. As for the hammer…" His voice lowered to softness. "Zelov swore that it had magic properties for him, that it would bring him good fortune. Well, I'm like Zelov. I think the hammer is only waiting for me to find it. It will come to me."

  "And you want me to help."

  "I wantjwz/."

  "Then I'll come to you and let you try to get me." A trap.

  "No, but I've realized that this can't go on. I can't stand looking over my shoulder any longer. You're like a nightmare, and I have to get rid of you. I'll choose an open place where you'll feel safe."

  "No, I'll choose… If I decide that I'm going to let you lure me into your clutches. The idea is… interesting."

  "I don't care where it is, but I want it to be in the country or the woods, a place for me to run, not be caught like a mouse in a trap. I want my chance at you."

  "Now you're being demanding."

  "You said that you wanted me to be last. Well, that's too bad. You can work on everyone else on your list later. I came first. You kept me in that hut and nearly drove me insane. Everything else came afterward. One way or the other, I'm coming after you tonight."

  "Tonight? You are eager. I'll have to think about it." He was silent. "No Garrett?"

  "No. Joslyn will be coming with me."

  "Joslyn," he repeated. "Actually, he was next on my list. He came before you, Emily. You might say he led the way to you. I'd think that you'd feel a bit uncomfortable hobnobbing with him."

  "On the contrary, I feel very comfortable under these circum¬stances. He's expendable."

  "Expendable? What a delight you are. You're the most interesting combination of ruthlessness and softness on the face of the earth. You'd sacrifice poor Joslyn on Garrett's altar?"

  She didn't deny it. "He offered. I don't think you'll be alone."

  "Oh, no. I'll have Borg, who is much more talented than Joslyn at this kind of thing. I don't regard that bleeding heart Joslyn as a threat. No one else?"

  She hesitated. If she wasn't honest with him, it might blow every¬thing. "Irana. Mark Pauley."

  "Dear Sister Irana? I must have made a great impression on her to make her want more. Pauley… Oh, yes, I'm familiar with him. I in¬vestigated him after I found he was part of your little group. By all means, let's see if he's improved since he let me plant that bug on your car." His tone was amused. "You must have wanted to make me feel very safe. You've surrounded yourself with useless ineffectuals." "You won't find me ineffectual, Staunton."

  "I hope not. I always knew you'd be a challenge if you were ever in a position to make your presence felt." "Then you agree?"

  "Perhaps. I'll let you know tomorrow."

  "It has to be tonight or not at all." She had to persuade him. "It's your best bet, dammit. You may consider Joslyn and Pauley ineffec¬tual, but you know that Garrett or Dardon will cause you big trouble. I can't hold Garrett off after tonight."

  "And you don't want him involved." Staunton's tone was mali¬cious. "I knew that you'd react that way when I told you what I was planning on doing to him when I got my chance. It was bound to tor¬ture you and set you in a panic. I know you so well, Emily. Tell me, do you fuck him?"

  "You don't know me at all. The only passion Garrett and I share is the desire to rid you from the face of the earth."

  "I think there's more than that. I can't tell you how that will add to my pleasure."

  "Wouldn't it be strange if I actually managed to take you down before you got the chance to hurt him? Think about it. I put a bullet in you at the silo, and you haven't managed to touch me since that hut in the mountains."

  "I could have touched you." A hint of annoyance edged his voice. "It wasn't my choice.

  "Then why are you hesitating now? I think you're lying."

  He didn't speak for an instant, and Emily could almost sense his rage. "I didn't want to hurry. I wanted at least a week with you. But I can make a day seem like a week. Come and play, Emily."

  Move quickly. Don't let him change his mind. "Where?"

  "Tell that do-gooder Joslyn to bring you to his favorite monastery. I'll be in the woods in the mountains behind it." He hung up.

  It was done.

  Emily drew a deep, shaky breath as she hung up the phone. She felt limp with relief. She hadn't been sure until the last minute that he'd agree to meet with her in a place where she had a chance. She would bet she could function in that forest better than Staunton. It might be her main advantage.


  He'd seemed sure that Joslyn would know the place. She hoped he was right. She had no time for puzzles. She had no time for anything if she was going to get out of the hotel before Garrett came back to the room. She called Joslyn. "Go down to your car in the parking lot. I'll be there in five minutes." She phoned Irana. "Now, Irana." She hung up and went to the small duffel she'd packed earlier in the eve¬ning. It contained her Glock, the Magnum she'd taken from Garrett's case, and the infrared detector she'd seen Garrett use at Nemid's.

  She hesitated as she reached the door. She didn't really want to call Pauley.

  She had made a deal, dammit. She had to keep her part of the bar¬gain.

  She phoned Pauley's number. "Joslyn and I are on our way. Come if you can make it."

  She hung up the phone.

  Dear Lord, she hoped he couldn't make it, that he was so tied up with Garrett that he couldn't break free.

  He would be another target, and Staunton would go after him with the same viciousness he'd shown any prey.


  "MONITOR THAT PROGRAM FOR me, will you? I'll be back in fif¬teen minutes," Pauley told Garrett as he headed for the door. "I just need to go downstairs and get a snack. I haven't had anything since breakfast. Do you want anything?"

  "No, w
hy didn't you get something when you went for your walk?"

  But Pauley was gone.

  Garrett checked the computer. There was a program running as Pauley had said. That was a little weird. It wasn't like him to let any¬one else monitor his work.

  That wasn't all that was weird. Garrett had been aware of restless¬ness, a sort of suppressed excitement brewing just below the surface all day.

  No, not all day. Just since Garrett had returned from talking to Joslyn this afternoon. A connection?

  Perhaps. The possibility was enough to make him uneasy. Screw Pauley's program. Garrett headed for the door to go after him.

  His phone rang as he reached the elevator. Dardon.

  "Look, I may be out of line, but I thought you should know. I'm down in the lobby and I just saw Emily going out the front entrance." "What?"

  "You didn't know? I didn't think you'd let her go out without hav¬ing me trail behind to protect her."

  "Hell, no. Catch up with her. See if you can stop her. I'll be right down." He whirled and ran down the corridor and threw open the door to Emily's room. He called Irana's room as he checked for Emily's duffel.

  Irana wasn't answering.

  Emily's duffel, where she kept her gun, was missing.

  Shit. He whirled and headed back toward the elevator.

  He was going over the sequence of events of the afternoon. Joslyn's calling Garrett and asking to see him. The visit that had yielded noth¬ing important except Joslyn's repeated apologies, which had struck Garrett as a little out of character.

  Pauley's odd attitude and his leaving the room twice within a three-hour period.

  Irana's not answering her phone.

  Why the hell hadn't Emily waited? Yes, he'd done the wrong things, said the wrong things. He hadn't been able to help himself. He'd been almost as scared then as he was now.

  Because that bastard Staunton had put her through hell and watched her writhe in pain.

  And he wanted to do it all over again.

  Keep calm. Keep cool. He wouldn't be able to think if he let emo¬tion riot through him.

  Now the only thing that was important was to find Emily before that son of a bitch killed her.

  "MONASTERY?" EMILY ASKED Joslyn as he drove the car around the corner. "Do you know what he meant?"

  "Yes," Joslyn said. "The monastery Ganina Yama. It's the monastery that was built over the mineshaft where the bodies of the royal family were thrown after they were assassinated."

  "Why did he say it was one of your favorite places?"

  "I contribute to their charities. Dimitri always felt that the Church should have done more to protect Nicholas and his family. I didn't know that Staunton was even aware that I did it."

  "It doesn't surprise me," Irana said. "Staunton seems to have de¬veloped a fascination for everything connected with Zelov and his his¬tory. He has a voracious appetite for gore and death."

  "And where do we go after we reach this monastery?" Pauley asked. "I assume we're not attacking the monks."

  "He said the woods in the mountains in back of the monastery," Emily said. "That's the Ural Mountains, Joslyn?"

  "Yes," Joslyn said. "I'll go with you no matter what you decide. I owe it to you. But I can see that this isn't going to be simple. How do you intend to do it?"

  "He wants me. But he doesn't want me dead. Not yet. I'm count¬ing on using that." She showed them the infrared detector. "And I may be able to find them before they find Irana and me."

  "I know that gadget," Pauley said. "Garrett used it at Babin's place. I found it very comforting."

  "I'm sure you did."

  "Irana and you?" Joslyn asked.

  "Your part ends when you drop us off at the monastery. I'll use ei¬ther of you if I have to do it, but you may be more of a hindrance than a help." Pauley was looking at her, and she said, "This isn't some kind of lark. I don't want you dead, Pauley. I don't want anyone dead but Staunton."

  "That's very kind," Pauley said. "But I really think I can make a contribution. "

  "Irana is the only one who goes in the woods with me. Staunton won't look upon her as a threat. If I show up with you and Joslyn, it will be the quickest way to have Staunton on offense. He wants to take me alive, and he'll think I'm vulnerable if Irana and I are alone in the forest."

  "He'll be right," Joslyn said. "The woods at night…" He shook his head. "It can be very intimidating."

  "I'm not as vulnerable as he thinks," Emily said. "I practically grew up in the woods. It's an advantage, and the fact that Staunton doesn't know I have it makes it more valuable."

  "You intend to track Staunton?" Pauley asked skeptically.

  "Yes. But it may end up with letting him track us. There's not a chance he won't know when we enter those woods. I'll just make sure I lose him right away so that I have a chance once he pounces." She turned to Joslyn. "How long until we get there?"

  "Another twenty minutes."

  "Park on the road at least five minutes' walk from the monastery." Her palms were moist with sweat as she clutched the duffel holding the guns.

  It was coming closer. Staunton was coming closer. Irana reached out and took Emily's hand. "It will be okay, Emily. I feel it."

  "Yes." Her hand tightened on Irana's. She mustn't be afraid. This was the moment she had been working toward. Staunton…

  DARDON WAS WAITING FOR Garrett when he reached the lobby. "She was gone when I ran outside. And Joslyn's car is gone from the parking lot. How bad is it? Is Joslyn working with Staunton?"

  "No, I think he's only doing what Emily asked him to do. He told me that he wanted to make amends. So he decides to take Emily right into the lion's mouth," Garrett said. "That's not what I call amends. Emily is calling the shots with all of them. Irana, Pauley, Joslyn…"

  He glanced at Dardon as he headed for the front entrance. "Tell me that we've got a chance of tailing them."

  Dardon nodded. "You said you didn't trust Joslyn. I knew my ass was on the line. I bugged his car right after you talked to me." He pulled out a black monitor and checked the red light. "About two miles north of here."

  Relief poured through Garrett. At least something was going right. "Good man. Let's get going."

  "SHE'S COMING, ZELOV," STAUNTON murmured. "I can feel it." He peered into the shadowy darkness of the forest around him. Shadows. Yes, this forest, these mountains, even that monastery built to whitewash the massacre, were full of shadows. Mikhail Zelov had cast those giant shadows, and the fools didn't even realize it. Staunton realized it, and it made him feel closer to Zelov. Not that Staunton wouldn't cast even greater shadows than Rasputin's master when he hit his stride.

  "A car is parked down the road." Borg was hurrying back toward him. "Emily Hudson and Irana Povak got out and are heading toward the woods. What do you want me to do?"

  PAULEY CAUGHT UP WITH EMILY and Irana as they reached the forest line. "I've decided I'm going with you."

  "The hell you are," Emily said. "You have to be quiet in the woods. You'll tramp around and Staunton will be on us. Go back to Joslyn."

  "I didn't come because I wanted to protect Joslyn." His expression was uncharacteristically sober in the moonlight. "After all, I have an investment here. You wouldn't have been able to save Irana if it hadn't been for me. I don't want all my work to go down the tubes. And I… like you, Emily. I want to help."

  "And you want to experience something new and different."

  "That, too. But I'm not altogether shallow." He suddenly smiled. "Just bits and pieces of me. What can you expect? I need to stretch myself. I think that being your sidekick might do the trick. I have a gun, and I'll use it." He made a face. "Though I'm not experienced at stuff like that. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it."

  He really meant it, she thought in frustration. If she hadn't been so tense, she would have been touched. "I'm telling you to go back to Joslyn, Pauley. Take care of him and yourself. I don't want Staunton to take any more lives than he has already. I don't kno
w what we're going to face. If Staunton has more than a couple men, I'm not going to be stupid. We may need a way to get out of here fast. The best way you can help me is to make sure I have it."

  "I don't want to-"

  She stared him in the eye. "You said you wouldn't say no to any¬thing."

  He hesitated. "I don't like it." He turned back toward the road. "But you'll have your way out. You be careful, Emily."

  She didn't watch him leave, but glided quickly into the forest. "Come on, Irana. Stay close."

  "Oh, I will. I'm better on the beach than I am in the woods."

  Emily stopped as soon as she reached the shelter of the trees. She could almost hear her father. Listen. Watch the bushes for any move¬ment.

  Was Staunton close?

  She took out the infrared detector. Squirrels. Perhaps possums. No sign of any large life-forms.

  "He's not anywhere near, Irana," she whispered. "We have to go deeper." She moved slowly forward.

  Walk softly, her father had always told her. Most animals have better hearing than we could dream of having. Learn to walk on the balls of your feet and watch the path to make sure you don't break a branch or even brush against a shrub.

  I'm trying, Daddy. It's been a long time. I'm trying.

  And it was all coming back to her. She stood still again, using the infrared detector to scan the darkness. Nothing close except small an¬imals.

  "The gun," Irana reminded softly. "You said you wanted to hide one of the guns. Do you want me to do it?"

  "That fir tree." Emily moved farther into the woods and found a path winding snakelike through the forest. She placed the Glock beside the fir tree and covered it with leaves. Then she checked the Magnum she'd taken from Garrett's suitcase. "I'm surprised Staunton hasn't made a move yet. I was expecting-"

  A shot shattered the silence!

  "Down." Emily instinctively fell to her knees before she realized that the shot had come from behind them, from the direction where they'd parked the car.

  "Pauley?" Irana whispered. "Could Staunton have-


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