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Lincoln (Ember Quest Book 3)

Page 11

by Arcadia Shield

  She took it without comment and stuffed it into the waistband of her jeans.

  His heart ached to see her in so much pain. He wanted more than anything to take that away. But something held Lincoln back. They’d spent weeks fighting with each other. All the time his desire had grown. But she’d shown no interest, always pushing him away with snide remarks. She’d made it clear she didn’t want him. That didn’t mean his feelings vanished. And there had been times when he’d thought he’d been getting through, seen something other than disdain for him when he caught her watching. There had to be a way through her barriers.

  Anastasia looked around the vehicle bay as she checked her pockets.

  “Did you forget something?”

  He watched as her fists clenched and she sighed. “No. It just feels as if I’m leaving something behind. But I know what it is. I definitely don’t want her coming with us.”

  Skyler. She’d been thinking about the baby. Lincoln slung his leg over the bike and Anastasia joined him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she settled into position.

  He gunned the engine and shot out the vehicle bay, driving along a slope that led them out into the night. Even though she was pressed against his back, she seemed to be a million miles away, barely aware he was in front of her.

  They’d ridden for fifteen minutes and Anastasia hadn’t spoken. He knew her mind was elsewhere, but Lincoln had to get her to focus. One slip-up and Clive would be happy to get rid of them.

  The quiet hydrogen engine of the bike made it easy to talk. Lincoln glanced over his shoulder at Anastasia. “What do you think he’s got in mind for us?”

  “Nothing good.”

  “You think it’s too soon for him to get us involved in the dragon hybrid trafficking?”

  “From the way he’s been using up the dragon hybrids in the fighting ring, probably not,” said Anastasia.

  “Maybe the box of samples was a trial run. See how we got on before giving us a real job.”

  “Wouldn’t surprise me.”

  Lincoln gave a gentle sigh and focused back on the road. “It’s okay to worry.”

  She tensed behind him and her fingers flexed against his stomach. “About what?”

  “About Skyler.”

  Anastasia was silent for so long he wondered if she’d heard him. “I don’t even know the kid.”

  “I only saw her for five minutes and already believe she’s the cutest baby I’ve ever known.”

  “How many babies have you actually met?”

  Lincoln smiled to himself. “A few.”

  “Didn’t have you down as a family guy.”

  “I’m not. Well, I didn’t think I was. But seeing all those babies in that room, alone and sick. It made me think.”

  “That could be dangerous.”

  Lincoln grinned. “It often is. Heath prefers it when I stick to what I’m good at.”

  “Killing people.”

  The grin on Lincoln’s face faded. “I only do that because we have no other option. Doesn’t give me pleasure killing the people used by the State to do their dirty work. If I could, I’d have all their memories returned. But if we don’t fight against them now, we won’t stand a chance.”

  Anastasia rested her head against his back before straightening. “I get it. I didn’t mean to snap. And you’re right, I am worried about Skyler.”

  “Sophia is incredible at her job,” said Lincoln. “And Clarissa is something else. She has seer abilities. When I first met her, I didn’t believe a word she predicted. But she was spookily accurate. Except for one thing. She predicted I would get married.”

  “Doesn’t sound at all accurate,” said Anastasia. “Rumor has it, you’re a ladies’ man. Can’t do that when you’ve got a ring on your finger.”

  “I aim to please.”

  “Which means you won’t marry.”

  Lincoln’s mouth twisted. For such a long time, he’d been determined to never settle down. He’d found love once. It had ripped his heart out and kicked him between the legs so hard he hadn’t been able to breathe for weeks. But maybe it was time for a change. Maybe Anastasia was the change he needed. No, the change he wanted.

  “I don’t believe in marriage,” said Anastasia. “Why go through all that hassle just to show the world you’re committed to another person?”

  “It’s kind of cool,” said Lincoln. “A public declaration that you only want to be with one person for the rest of your life.”

  “Sounds like hard work.”

  Lincoln chuckled. That was something he would have said not so long ago. “Probably the hardest job in the world, staying with one person and not wanting to tear their head off every time they do something that annoys you. But I guess when you find the right person, the small stuff doesn’t matter.”

  “Careful,” said Anastasia. “Sounds like you’re trying to sell me on the whole marriage thing.”

  Marriage to Anastasia. There was a thought that made his pulse race. “Heath has been talking about marrying Annie.” He slid the bike around a sharp bend as they neared their destination.

  “Those two are perfect for each other,” said Anastasia. “They seem to fit.”

  “She’s good for him,” said Lincoln. “I was worried about Heath for a while. He used to run on caffeine and adrenaline shots, never stopping to look after himself in pursuit of the next dragon finds. But then Annie came along and things changed for the better. They took a while to realize they were made for each other, but it’s good they got together. And the two of them getting hitched could be lots of fun. Who doesn’t love a party?”

  “A party would be good.”

  “Then they’ll want to start a family.”

  Anastasia fell silent.

  Lincoln felt like he was sliding across increasingly thin ice, but decided to push this. “You ever thought about having kids?”

  “It’s crossed my mind.”

  “Not met the right guy?”

  Silence wrapped around him. Lincoln’s hands clenched on the bike handles.

  “It’s not that,” said Anastasia finally. “I did once want to have a family of my own. We lost so many when the State came to power.”

  Lincoln nodded, sensing Anastasia was holding back. “I’d understand if you think the world is too crazy to bring children into. I think that myself. How can you care for something so vulnerable when there’s so much madness about?”

  “I’d protect any child of mine to the death.”

  “But this isn’t the right time?”

  “It will never be the right time,” said Anastasia. “Part of my induction when I worked at the Pleasure Dome was sterilization.”

  Lincoln’s heart stopped in his chest and he struggled to focus on the road. “I’m sorry.” Those words covered nothing of what he wanted to say. How he longed to stop the bike and wrap her in his arms, take away the blistering pain she must feel.

  “Me too.” The words were just a whisper.

  “Are you sure it’s permanent?”

  “I’ve checked. There’s nothing that can be done.”

  “Check again,” said Lincoln. “There might be a way.”

  “There isn’t. Besides, you’re right. You’d need to be crazy to bring a kid into this world right now.”

  Gritting his teeth, he grabbed one of Anastasia’s hands and squeezed. “This world is fucked up. That shouldn’t have happened. It was wrong.”

  She slid her hand out from under his grip. “I’m used to it. Happened over a year ago.”

  “You can still be angry.”

  “I was, to begin with,” said Anastasia. “But in a way, it’s a relief. No need to worry about looking after something so vulnerable, always worrying about where they are or what’s happening to them, or what they’ll be when they grow up. Or even if they will grow up. Like you said, this world is a mess. There’s no guarantee the work you’re doing will bring back dragons. The State could win, wipe us all out, including any children we have. I woul
dn’t want that.”

  Lincoln let out a sigh, his chest tight. With the option so starkly presented to him, he knew he wanted a family of his own. And he’d fight for them just as hard as Anastasia.

  “We’re almost there,” he said. “Time to get your game face on.”

  “I won’t let you down,” said Anastasia. “I know you think I’m distracted, but I can do this.”

  Lincoln slid the bike to a stop, switched off the engine and climbed off. He cupped Anastasia’s face in his hands. “I know you will. I trust you. And I am sorry for what the State have done to you.”

  Anastasia yanked her head out of his hands, her eyes flaring red. “I don’t need your pity.”

  “It’s not pity.” Lincoln took a step back. “I can’t even pretend to understand what it must have felt like to go through that.”

  “No point in wasting your sympathy on me,” said Anastasia, as she climbed off the bike and adjusted her jacket. “There’s plenty far worse off than I am. And some are inside this club.”

  Lincoln nodded, sensing Anastasia shutting down on him. Now that they were face-to-face, she refused to discuss the things that hurt her the most. “If you want to talk about this, or anything else, I’m here.”

  “Why would I want to talk to a flyboy like you?”

  He hid the hurt that shot through him. “Because we’re friends.”

  “Are we?” Anastasia glared at him, before dropping her gaze. “I don’t need any more friends. I have everything I need.”

  Frustration curled around Lincoln’s spine. “All I’m saying is, you shouldn’t shut everyone out. We’re on the same side.”

  “Which is why we’re working together. It’s why I agreed to remain in the bunker and help.”

  “So we don’t always have to be fighting.”

  “We don’t fight.”

  “We don’t have much fun.” Lincoln risked a smile on her. “Wouldn’t you like to have fun?”

  Anastasia’s gaze narrowed. “First off, you try playing the sympathetic ear card. Then you want to be my friend. Now you want to be my fun buddy. You need to make up your mind about what you want.”

  “I know what I want.” He grabbed Anastasia and kissed her.

  AS LINCOLN’S FIRM LIPS slid over hers, Anastasia didn’t know whether to be pissed off or turned on. He curled an arm around her waist and warm pleasure slid through her body.

  She’d ignored her treacherous feelings for Lincoln for so long. He was as hot as hell, but she didn’t want to risk her feelings on someone so flippant.

  But as their kiss intensified, and their tongues met, her thoughts blurred. All she could focus on was his fingers tracing up and down her back, one hand curled into her hair, as he growled into her mouth.

  She let go. Just for a moment, she forgot about her situation. About Skyler back at the bunker, how she was supposed to protect her sister and help the dragon hybrids. And her own pain and loss. She grabbed hold of Lincoln’s jacket and they melded together.

  All the pain, hurt, and frustration vanished, as she inhaled Lincoln’s spicy cologne. She pulled back from the kiss before trailing her tongue along his jaw line. Her dragon hybrid abilities meant her sense of taste was enhanced. Her tongue picked up the primal urges flowing through Lincoln. His desire for her was so strong it took her breath away. She moved back to his mouth, one hand sliding around the back of his head as she pulled him down for another kiss.

  His hands slid lower to cup her backside and pull her toward him. Anastasia could feel the hard throb of his cock against her, sense how ready he was.

  And, if they weren’t standing in a dark alley, about to risk their lives, she wouldn’t have stopped him. His touch eased away the dark thoughts, made her feel light and alive and as turned on as hell.

  She forced herself to take a step back and break contact. “Now is not the best time to be distracted.”

  Lincoln licked his lips, his gaze on her mouth. “We can be distracted for another five minutes. I want you.”

  She gave a shaky laugh. “Maybe later.”

  “Definitely later.” He pulled her in for another kiss and didn’t let go until her knees shook and her breath came out in frantic rasps.

  Her gaze ran over him as they finally stepped apart. She’d considered having a fling with Lincoln, see what the big deal was. Having just had a taste of what he offered, it was something she desired. But that was it. His touch might stir feelings in her she hadn’t felt for a long time, but she would not lose herself to him. She might trust him when they worked together, but she wouldn’t risk her heart.

  He touched his forehead to hers. “I never pitied you. I understand loss.”

  Anastasia shrugged as her heartbeat struggled to get back to normal. “Sure you do.”

  “The State killed both my parents,” said Lincoln, taking a step back. “And my baby sister, Izzie…” He looked away.

  Anastasia heard him swallow. “I didn’t know you had a sister.” The pain in Lincoln’s eyes was clear to see.

  “She’s missing,” said Lincoln. “Most likely taken by the State.”

  “You don’t know where she is?”

  “Or if she’s even alive.” He glanced at her. “You’re lucky. At least you have your sister with you. You were able to save her.”

  She grabbed his hand. “If your sister is anything like you, then she’s a fighter. Don’t give up on her.”

  Lincoln looked down at their entwined fingers. “I never do. I just wanted you to know I understand some of what you’re going through. It’s not the same, not the same as losing the opportunity to have a family. But I understand hurt and what it means to lose a loved one. You’re right to be pissed at everything and everyone over what’s happened to you. But maybe tonight, whatever Clive makes us do, we can remove some of this rottenness, put back some right into the world.”

  Anastasia was surprised by the tears in her eyes. She blinked them away swiftly. Just who was Lincoln Ember? Five minutes ago, she’d wanted to punch him, then her heart felt like breaking as she saw the pain on his face as he talked about his sister and his desire for making things right.

  His fingers brushed across her chin. A soft smile spread across his face. “Let’s go and see about ruining the lives of some scum.”

  Chapter 11

  With his pulse racing, Lincoln couldn’t get the thoughts of that kiss out of his head. As they walked toward the entrance of the fight club, every fiber in his body screamed at him to grab Anastasia, keep on kissing her and never let go. He wanted to hear her scream his name as she came with him inside her.

  The kiss had been hot. Literally, on fire. He didn’t know dragon hybrids heated up when they got turned on. But as they’d kissed, and his fingers had run across Anastasia’s curves, he’d felt her grow warm, as if an internal fire ignited inside her. Lincoln wanted much more of that.

  He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, but she was all business, her expression blank and her gaze shielded like it always was.

  Lincoln reached a hand out to touch her back, but let it drop. This was not the end of their conversation. He wanted another opportunity to be alone with Anastasia, see how far he could get her to let down her guard and let him in. And he wanted that. He wanted to know all about her. He could see the pain she’d endured, but there was more to her than that. She was not damaged or broken. She was fiery, brave and strong.

  He swallowed his own surprise. He felt like he was going crazy. What was this beautiful dragon hybrid doing to him? Did he want it to happen? Right at that moment, he could think of nothing else he wanted more.

  Anastasia looked over at him and smiled before knocking on the metal door.

  The door lock was slammed back. The door shoved open a few inches. A stocky guy with a crew cut peered out at them.

  “We’re here to see Clive,” said Anastasia.

  Lincoln recognized the guy from his time in the ring. He was one of Clive’s right-hand men. He’d seen him go to t
own on a guy, leaving him a bloody mess.

  “He’s expecting you.” The guy stepped back and gave Lincoln a tight smile as he walked past him. “You fighting tonight?”

  “Not unless the boss wants me to.”

  “He’ll keep you in the ring all the time, if you keep fighting so well.” The guy slammed the lock back into place. “I won credit on that fight.”

  “You bet against me?” asked Anastasia.

  “You’re good, but this guy is shit-hot.”

  She grunted dismissively. “Clive’s got a job for us.”

  “This way.” The guy led them along the corridor and rapped his knuckles on a closed door.

  It opened. Clive stood on the other side. A smile crossed his face as he saw Lincoln and Anastasia. “I was about to give up on you. Thought you didn’t get my message, or had chickened out after your last drop off.”

  “We’re here,” said Lincoln, his gaze flashing around the sleek interior of the office. So far, so good. Clive didn’t have a gun in his hand and his henchmen weren’t lying in wait for them.

  Clive strode around his desk and sat. He poured out three glasses of whiskey and passed them around. “No problems getting the package to its destination?”

  Lincoln kept his face neutral as he took a seat on the opposite side of the desk. Anastasia sat next to him. “No problems. Were the recipients happy?” They wouldn’t be, since the box was back at the bunker.

  “I’m assuming so. They’ve yet to make contact.” Clive sipped his whiskey, his focus on Anastasia. “I saw you two chatting in the bar after your last fight.”

  “It pays to work with the enemy.” Lincoln flashed a grin at Anastasia, relief sliding through him. It seemed like Clive hadn’t heard about the problems on Thunder Island. He wanted it to stay that way for as long as possible.

  “If only the enemy all looked that good.” Clive raised his glass and downed his whiskey.

  Lincoln watched Anastasia shift in her seat, but she made no comment.

  “What’s the job this time?”

  “Ever heard the rumors about dragon relics?” Clive’s blue eyes grew cold.

  “You believe all that dragon crap?” Lincoln set his glass down and his fingers twitched.


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