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Succubus Summoning 101

Page 2

by M. E. Hydra

  Jake had just come in his succubus, or at least Phil assumed Jake’s goofy expression meant he’d just come in his succubus. That was fast. Phil was still waiting for his succubus to get here.

  He looked again at his empty bed. Where was she? Had he got the ritual right?

  * * * *

  “Hmm, you like to play rough,” Jake’s succubus said with a throaty chuckle. “I like that.”

  Jake felt her sphincter tighten around the base of his cock. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt, but it was tight enough to let him know he wouldn’t be pulling out any time soon.

  She gave her ass a little wiggle.

  Ooo. That felt good. A little too good. The air had suddenly got thicker with her strong musky perfume.

  Had they made a mistake somewhere?

  Muscles that had been trying to push him out suddenly switched direction and began to pull on his cock.

  Ooo fuck. That felt nice. Real nice.

  “Hmm,” the succubus said. “No binding conditions, no protective wards, no departure clauses, badly formed summoning circles. You guys are new at this, aren’t you?”

  She thrust back into Jake and her rectal muscles gave his cock a naughty little squeeze.

  * * * *

  Something was wrong, Phil realised. The succubus was rubbing a large breast with one of her hands and smiling. And Jake—well Jake didn’t look in control.

  “I love baby warlocks that try to fly before they can crawl. They always taste so sweet.”

  The succubus stretched her back on the bed like a cat and rocked back into Jake. He closed his eyes and grunted.

  “That’s it big boy,” the succubus crooned. “Feed me more of your tasty cum.”

  “Uh, but isn’t your pussy your mouth?” Phil asked.

  The succubus stopped and laughed.

  “Whoever told you that, baby warlock? We feed through all our orifices.”

  She began to push harder now, pouting with her full lips as she exerted herself.

  “I have your friend trapped, baby warlock. He’s feeding me right now.”

  Jake bobbed helplessly against her ass as she rocked back against him.

  This was bad, Phil thought, real fucking bad. What should he do?

  He could always run…

  “Don’t you be thinking of going anywhere just yet, baby warlock.” The succubus flashed her blue eyes at him, instantly freezing him to the spot.

  Phil watched as her thrusts got slower and more deliberate. She had both hands braced against the bed and her heavy breasts swayed back and forth as she rocked into Jake. Her pussy was sopping wet and dripped juices onto the bedspread.

  “We don’t normally feed through our asses,” the succubus said. “Our pussies are so much softer and juicier. The men like it more and it’s easier to take control of their sex drive and hold them in place while we drain them.”

  She picked up the pace.

  “Still, we can feed through our ass just as easily. It’s just a case of finding…aah…the right rhythm.”

  * * * *

  Jake was completely lost to her lust. It was like a gloved hand wrapped completely around his body. Every breath pulled more of her thick perfume into his body. He was lost to all other sensation but the feel of her tight ass sliding around and gripping his cock.

  “Yes, feed me,” she sighed.

  Her ass muscles milked his cock with long slow squeezes. He was helpless as his body responded, firing another massive load of semen into her convulsing warmth.

  She didn’t even pause.

  Jake was completely trapped. His cock wouldn’t go down and he couldn’t pull it out of the tight prison of her ass. He was also prisoner to the sensation of her flesh sliding against his. He was little more than a passenger as his body began to boil over in yet another orgasm.

  They were becoming more frequent now as her lust tightened its grip on his body and began to squeeze.

  “Ah, that’s it,” the succubus sighed. She began to rock back and forth with an easy rhythm.

  She took complete control now, forcing Jake’s orgasms into synch with the motions of her body. She rocked back and Jake felt her soft ass cheeks press against his lap. Inside her his cock dived deep into her exquisitely tight passage and spurted another massive jet of cum into her greedy ass.

  She rocked forward and her ass muscles released their grip on his cock long enough for him to feel his balls boil up to full with another load of juice.

  Then she’d rock back and her ass muscles would grip his cock and suck until she’d emptied another load from his balls.

  He couldn’t pull out and her gently rocking motions were expertly milking out his life.

  “My ass is sucking you dry,” the succubus laughed. “Doesn’t it feel delectable?”

  She rocked back and Jake grunted as his cock spurted another load into her ass.

  * * * *

  The succubus had found a nice easy rhythm now. Phil watched in fascinated horror as her body slowly rocked back and forth, each time pumping another orgasm from Jake’s helpless body as her ass pushed back against his lap.

  How was it possible to keep someone coming like that?

  Then Phil saw the effect on Jake. It was like seeing the air slowly pumped out of an inflatable doll. Each time she rocked back against him and his body twitched with another orgasm his skin seemed to suck in a little more. He was hollowing out right before Phil’s eyes.

  “Dude, I don’t feel so good,” Jake said. He collapsed forward onto the bed, practically nothing left but skin and bones.

  “Hmm, he was filling,” the succubus purred. She turned on her side and looked hungrily at Phil.

  The paralysis broke.

  Jake was dead. She’d sucked him dry. He had to get out of…


  Phil turned. There was a naked girl with long green hair standing next to his bed. She beckoned to him with one index finger while the other slipped down between the plush lips of her labia.

  Oh fuck.

  His succubus had arrived.


  “Do you feel special?”

  The question was asked by Principal—or, to give him his correct title, Praetor Quivocat—Dahl, the Head of Wargsnouts College for Warlocks. Phil had only just arrived and here he was, right in the office of the chief warlock.

  He didn’t know the answer or even how he should answer. Yesterday he’d been flipping burgers in the back of a fast-food restaurant.

  The Principal’s room was a little strange. Not totally strange, a little strange, and if anything that made it even stranger. In certain respects it was exactly as Phil expected a Principal’s office to look. A big desk sat in the centre of the room. A large flat-screen TV monitor sat on the right-hand side of the desk. Behind the desk, bookshelves took up most of the back wall. Half of the shelf space was filled with ordinary-looking textbooks and lever arch files. The other half…

  There were skulls. They sat nonchalantly in the spaces, serving as grotesque, grinning bookends. One skull had a pentagram etched into the bone of the forehead. Other bric-a-brac sat on the plain wooden shelves—glass phials and strange metal implements Phil couldn’t even begin to guess the purpose of. There were other books, but they looked so ancient Phil wondered what languages, or even speakers, had been around for them to record.

  It was all mixed up. A glossy black and yellow copy of Computers for Dummies sat in between two hidebound tomes so old the lettering had long worn off the spine. A ring binder labelled with “home accounts” leant against a glaring, horned skull cast in bronze.

  The same contradictions were present on the desk. A tacky bobbing bird office toy stood next to a shrivelled up wizened thing whose ugliness was only surpassed by the awful realisation it had once been alive to hop, flop and gibber.

  The walls were painted a cheery cream colour. The effect was rather spoilt by an esoteric scrawl of strange overlapping circles, cryptic symbols and intricate designs. Phil had
a horrible suspicion they were drawn in neither ink nor paint.

  “I…don’t know,” Phil answered the question.

  Dahl nodded. Like his room, the Praetor Quivocat was a strange mix of contradictions. On the surface he looked old—the kind of old that doesn’t have an age, just old—and a bit decrepit. His thick white hair stood up in clumps all over the place. Unlike the rest of the staff Phil had seen, who all seemed to prefer long black robes and looked like slightly sinister monks, Dahl wore a plain woollen jumper and faded black jeans. While that might have suggested someone’s dotty old grandfather, it wasn’t the whole story. Dahl’s beard, in contrast to his hair, was neatly trimmed and shaped into a pointed devil’s goatee—grey maybe, but still the same kind of beard as favoured by pantomime villains everywhere. A pair of dagger earrings added to his roguish appearance, as did an evil-looking skull ring of dark metal on his left ring finger. Dahl’s face was a mass of wrinkles and his grey eyes looked washed-out and flat, but every so often Phil caught a glint in those eyes that indicated the old man was far more aware of what was going on around him than his appearance might indicate.

  In short, like his room, Praetor Quivocat Dahl was a mass of parts that didn’t really fit together.

  “A sensible attitude,” Dahl said. “A lot of our outreach students arrive here with the strange notion they’ve been admitted to a privileged elite. Anyone can summon a daemon if they put their mind to it. Controlling that daemon…well that’s a whole new kettle of fish. Walking around with a cocksure belief of being ‘chosen’ is a sure-fire path to a grisly end.”

  Dahl noticed Phil’s alarmed expression.

  “Oh don’t worry,” he said. “We pride ourselves on our greater than fifty per cent survival rate.”

  He held out a hand and gave Phil a wide grin.

  “Welcome to Wargsnouts College for Warlocks.”


  Oh fuck.

  The girl standing in front of him was completely gorgeous. She had the smiling, innocent face of a well-tanned cheerleader and the soft, lush curves of a porn star. She was completely naked.

  She wasn’t human, just like the sexy red-haired girl on the bed behind him. Wide green bat wings were folded up behind her back. A smaller pair of wings grew out of her head, just behind her dainty, pointed ears. An equally dainty pair of green horns grew out of her forehead. The final touch to her daemonic appearance was provided by a slender green devil’s tail, complete with arrow-pointed tip.

  “You took your time,” the red-haired succubus on the bed said. “I’ve already finished mine.”

  “I was busy.” The green-haired succubus replied. Her wide green eyes sparkled and Phil wasn’t so sure he wanted to know what ‘busy’ meant. The succubus smiled hungrily at him. “So what do we have here?”

  “Baby warlocks, playing with things they don’t understand,” the succubus on the bed replied.

  The green-haired succubus stared down at the line of an arcane chalk circle. It was supposed to restrict her to the bed and force her to obey his commands.

  “I see,” she said, lifting a dainty foot over the line. “I doubt this circle would hold even a feculoid imp. Are you sure they aren’t seeking suicide by succubus?”

  “No, they’re just really dumb,” the red-haired succubus said. “They thought I couldn’t drain them through my ass.”

  Fuck you, Scrote, you lying bastard, Phil thought. You put Jake up to this.

  “That’s good,” the green-haired succubus said. “I find it very unsatisfying when they actually want you to drain their life.”

  “They all want us to suck them dry,” the red-haired succubus replied. “Ultimately.”

  “Ah, but taking unwilling prey to that moment of sweet surrender is the true pleasure.” The green-haired succubus looked at Phil and smiled. “For both parties,” she added meaningfully.

  Run, Phil thought. Run now. The door was only a few metres away. The east tower was mainly deserted, but if he shouted loud enough maybe someone from Wargsnouts’ security might hear him.

  Come on. Run.

  His feet refused to move. He was frozen to the spot.

  “Look at him,” the green-haired succubus said. “The poor baby’s practically shaking in terror. That’s so typical of you, Rosa. I bet you sucked his friend dry without even bothering to introduce yourself first. You’re so greedy sometimes.”

  “Hmpth,” the other succubus, Rosa, snorted. “Next time they might let me finish a sentence before they push me face down into the covers and fuck my ass.”

  Run damn it, Phil thought.

  The green-haired girl was right in front of him now. She was a couple of inches shorter than Phil and looked up at him with bright green eyes.

  “Hello baby warlock, I’m Verdé.” She put her arms around his waist and pulled him forward into her embrace. Her green bat wings opened wide and enfolded him.

  A cloud of her exotic perfume surrounded him. It suffused his nostrils and sent his blood racing while detaching his brain behind a soft focus filter. She pulled him close, squashing her full breasts against his chest as her wings rubbed against his back like a latex skin. She teasingly rubbed her mons against his crotch.

  “I’m going to fly your body straight to heaven,” she said, flashing him a sunny smile.

  And take my soul straight to hell, Phil thought.

  Her hands slid up his body until they rested on either side of his face. She leant up on tiptoes and planted her soft lips on his in a passionate kiss.

  Oh fuck. Phil’s senses were spinning from the close proximity of her presence. She radiated waves of lust that subsumed him and drowned all conscious thought. All he could hear was the rushing sound of his blood pounding in his ears. He knew she was deadly and had seen what her friend had done to Jake, but he still couldn’t bear to break out of her embrace.

  And they thought they could control this?

  Verdé broke off the kiss with a start. Her delicate nostrils shrank as she sniffed the air around Phil.

  “Oh Rosa, I think our baby warlock is a virgin.”

  Phil’s face burned with embarrassment. He hadn’t told anyone, how could he? He was eighteen and still hadn’t made it with a girl. It was because of this he’d agreed to go along with Jake’s dumb plan in the first place.

  “I’m…uh…kind of shy around girls,” Phil mumbled.

  “Oh baby warlock,” Verdé said, kissing him lightly on the cheek. “We’ll soon get that sorted out. I do love making virgins go pop.”

  “And pop and pop and pop.” A husky whisper close to his ear and the feeling of two soft globes pushing against his back announced the other succubus had got up and was standing right behind him. Two hands came around and gently played with his nipples. He was sandwiched between the pair of them.

  “You don’t mind sharing a little taste,” Rosa said. Her soft tongue ran up Phil’s neck and tickled his ear.

  “Hmm, you did hog yours without leaving any for me,” Verdé said.

  “Oh please, just a couple of pops. I’ll make it up to you.”

  “Okay, but we take it slow. I want to savour this one and I know how greedy you are.”

  The tongues of the two succubi met and tangled over Phil’s shoulder. He shuddered as he realised they were discussing him the same way a butcher might discuss carving up a choice hunk of meat.

  “Two succubi at once, you’re a lucky boy, baby warlock,” Verdé murmured into his lips. “You get to go out in real style.”

  Verdé’s hand groped down into his crotch and her touch cracked like electricity as she played with his balls and cock.

  “We’re going to do to you every filthy little thing you ever wished you could do with a girl,” Rosa whispered in his ear.

  Phil’s arousal battled with his fear. His balls and cock were excited—they knew he was finally getting some sex before he reached his nineteenth birthday. His brain was terrified—it knew he wouldn’t be reaching his nineteenth birthday.
His body was the battleground as the competing emotions quivered and shivered through his flesh.

  “What do you want first, baby warlock?” Verdé asked, staring up into his eyes with her clear emerald eyes.

  For them to let him go, his brain thought.

  His arousal won. His lips whispered, “Blowjob.”

  Verdé smiled and pouted her full and exquisitely soft green lips. “You want to feel these wrapped around your cock?”


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