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Succubus Summoning 101

Page 10

by M. E. Hydra

  The foam gave a long, ecstatic sigh and Phil watched as it gracefully bent upright and took the form of a beautiful young woman. Two more sighs followed as two more foam figures rose above the surface of the water. The trio turned to Phil, giggled and then gracefully glided towards him. They looked like Playboy models covered in a thin layer of lather.

  Phil backed away and again his movements through the water were slow and ungainly. The foam creatures effortlessly closed the distance between them.

  Phil looked towards the two succubi.

  “You’re on your own this time,” Rosa called back.

  “We’re going to be otherwise occupied,” Verdé said. She grabbed Rosa from behind and the two succubi vanished beneath the foam. Their moans of pleasure echoed off the marble walls.

  “Let’s not get too hasty now,” Phil said, holding out his hands to ward off the foam nymphs.

  “Don’t be frightened,” the lead nymph said. “We only want to give you pleasure.”

  She surged forward. Phil tried to shove her away. Instead his hands pushed up against the smooth, lather-covered swell of her breasts. Beneath the thin layer of soap bubbles they felt as firm as a normal girl’s breasts, but as Phil pushed they lost their cohesion and his hands sank into a denser patch of foam.

  Phil looked at her in stunned surprise. His hands had sunk into her breasts up to the wrists. The foam nymph smiled. Within her body bubbles began to crackle and pop around his palm and fingers. Phil’s mouth opened in an o of pleasure. It felt like a million miniature kisses delivered to the sensitive nerve endings of his hands.

  The other two foam nymphs each grabbed a shoulder and blew bubbles in his ear.

  “Let’s make you a nice soft bed,” one whispered.

  Phil felt a commotion in the water behind him. Fluffy drifts of foam welled up and toppled over him. The two nymphs pushed him backwards. Phil didn’t resist. He was still overwhelmed by the sensation of the lead nymph’s breasts massaging his hands.

  He sank into a great cushion of foam. It gave against his body to start with, but became more solid as he sank deeper until it was able to support his weight. He reclined on the soft mass and the two nymphs lay beside him, tickling his ears with fizzing tongues.

  The lead nymph fell forward onto him. Phil shivered in pleasure as her foam body rolled down his arms, sending streamers of pleasure crackling across his skin. As her nipples brushed his she finally released his arms and they fell by his side, pleasantly numbed. The other two nymphs crossed their legs over his and enveloped them completely in a layer of foam that relaxed his limbs to perfect stillness.

  Dimly, Phil realised he’d been immobilised, but his attentions were currently captivated by the foam nymph lying on top of him.

  “Put it in me,” she sighed.

  Her hips pushed down and there was a liquid shlupping sound as his cock was drawn into the foamy substance of her body. The sensation of her foam crackling against his fingers had nearly short-circuited his mind. The sensation of his cock sliding smoothly into the creamy substance of her body melted it into a puddle.

  Phil moaned and writhed in incoherent ecstasy as the bubbles popped and crackled all down his shaft like a million wanton kisses. The nymph sat up in his lap and moved up and down with agonising slowness.

  “Feed us,” the nymph on his right whispered in his ear.

  “Give us form,” the nymph on his left said.

  The other nymph bounced on his body with slow, languid strokes. Her creamy breasts bobbed and swayed before his mesmerised eyes.

  She sank deep onto Phil’s shaft and he convulsed as a mighty orgasm shuddered through his body. His legs trembled as he felt his semen gush into the barely substantial form of her body.

  The nymph sighed with contentment and settled down on Phil’s body. She relaxed, letting her breasts lie on and partially envelop his chest.

  Phil relaxed beneath her. He lay in a cocoon of foam that felt luxuriously soft against his flesh. His mind floated free in his body, temporarily disconnected by the sensory overload.

  A commotion bubbled in the nymph’s body. She gave a low moan of pleasure and flexed her hips. Warm foam, thick like cream and soft like silk, gushed from her vagina and flooded Phil’s cock and balls.

  Oh fuck, Phil thought.

  Warmth enfolded his sac and sank right into his balls. He felt them start to swell and seethe with activity. His cock tingled and became even more engorged with blood.

  “She’s getting accustomed to your body. Her foam will become more and more pleasurable for you.” A nymph whispered in his ear.

  “Pump her full of your seed and let her drown you in bliss,” the other whispered.

  Phil groaned as another powerful jet of cum erupted from his cock into her creamy insides. She shuddered and moaned as powerful reactions fizzed through her body. Her legs, more solid now, wrapped around his waist. She tensed and pumped a thick bubble of creamy foam around Phil’s cock. The pleasure receptors in his skin went crazy.

  Phil’s body trembled and shivered. He recognised this feeling from the times he’d been with Rosa and Verdé. His body was breaking down, tearing its tissues asunder and driving all his energy into his balls. The foam nymph was another kind of succubus and if Phil didn’t stop he was going to ejaculate all of his life into her.

  She sat up, a triumphant smile on her lips. Her hips gently rocked up and down over Phil’s cock. His erection was completely lathered in her tingling foam and it was getting harder to think.

  He groaned and another powerful ejaculation jetted from his cock. The pleasure was incredible, but his body couldn’t take much more of this.

  His mind desperately slithered and dug, looking for an answer before her final blissful embrace overtook him. It was words and summoning. Rosa and Verdé had summoned these spirits. He had to figure out how to unsummon them.

  The foam succubus’s thighs trembled. She pushed and pillows of the thickest, creamiest foam flooded out of her vagina and rolled up his body. Her breasts swelled then pumped thick dollops onto his chest. She cocooned him completely and Phil shivered and shuddered in ecstasy as his whole body tingled with bliss.

  “You’re hers now,” both nymphs whispered sibilantly in his ears.

  The succubus on top of him started to solidify. Beneath the foam a devastatingly beautiful woman was emerging. She stared down at Phil with icy blue eyes.

  Words. Rosa and Verdé had dismissed the undines. He had to find the correct words for these spirits of foam.

  Oh fuck. He groaned.

  The succubus rocked slowly on his cock. Her walls stretched and contracted as she pumped more blissful foam around his cock and gently massaged and kneaded it into his erection.

  Phil’s balls swelled and twitched as felt an enormous orgasm building in his body. This would be the last he realised. If he started he wouldn’t stop until every last drop was drained from his body.

  The succubus squeezed another thick pillow of foam around his cock and let her vagina undulate slowly, letting the cream melt through his skin.


  He could feel it coming.


  “Exhalarat dom Fomulessencae!” Phil yelled.

  The foam succubus cried out her frustrations as her body lost its cohesion and fell apart into small conglomerations of wobbling bubbles. Phil spurted a generous rope of semen over the piles of inert foam falling on his body, but the orgasm had an end. His balls throbbed painfully in the aftermath.

  “Exhalarat dom Fomulessencae.” The succubus on his right gave a disappointed moan as her body fell apart.

  Phil turned to the left. The remaining succubus didn’t show any fear.

  “Call us any time,” she whispered.

  She took his outstretched finger between her lips and gently sucked. Her bubbles crackled and popped against his skin.

  “Exhalarat dom Fomulessencae.”

  The girl disappeared and wavy clots of foam drifted across the surface of
the pool. Phil sank back into the foam bed and sighed with relief. He felt weak, but he was still alive. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax.

  A warm weight climbed on top of his body. Two breasts, ripe and full, rested on his chest. Phil opened his eyes and saw Rosa’s blue eyes staring down at him.

  “This is a comfy bed,” she whispered huskily.

  Oh shit, Phil thought, guessing what was about to come. He tried to wriggle out from under her, but he still felt too weak.

  Rosa looked over to where Verdé languidly rested against the side of the pool.

  “Fuck?” she asked, bearing her fangs.

  “Fuck,” Verdé confirmed.

  Fuck, Phil thought. She leaned down to kiss him and his lungs filled with her hot breath. Her labia opened up and her vagina swallowed his cock whole. She pumped her hips up and down, letting her silken inner walls slide up and down Phil’s aching erection.

  “Those little wannabe spirits are only pale imitations of what we are,” Rosa said, bouncing on his cock.

  Phil’s balls had already been fully juiced by the foam nymph’s secretions. Rosa only needed a few quick pumps to get Phil gushing inside her.

  “I hope you didn’t give too much to those pitiful little half-wretches,” Rosa said. “I’m feeling rather peckish.”

  Her wings extended and plunged through the foam, scooping Phil up and enfolding him in her hot embrace. He bucked and twitched and fired another bolt of semen into her ravenous pussy.

  Rosa growled with pleasure and picked up speed.

  Phil was fading into blissful darkness. Dark wings enveloped his thoughts.

  “Rosa,” Verdé said, tapping the other succubus on the shoulder.

  Rosa looked down. “Oops. Um…uh…I think we should send for Nurse Honey.”

  Phil slid into welcoming blackness.

  Extracurricular Philosophy

  “What I don’t understand,” Phil said one night as he lay on his bed in the dormitory room he shared with Jake, “is how no one knows about all this.”

  “Secret society, innit,” Jake answered. “Just like the freemasons.”

  “Yeah, but we know the freemasons exist. We might not know what they get up to, but we know they’re there. Warlocks and magic, I never suspected any of that existed before I came here. I thought it was all make-believe.”

  “Maybe they’re better at covering it up.”

  “Yeah, but how? This is magic—real magic—and daemons. Freaky shit. How can they keep all of that hidden?”

  “Maybe they don’t have to,” Jake said. “Okay, put it this way. Say you’re out on the piss and you see a real-life daemon. I dunno, one of The Scrote’s succubi, say. So you’re out, drinking, and you see this chick. Only she isn’t a chick. You can see she has horns, wings and a tail. What do you think?”

  Phil stared up at the ceiling.

  “She’s in costume,” he admitted. “Or it’s some kind of special effect—like a movie or something.”

  “That’s what I mean,” Jake said. “It’s easier now. We’re conditioned to think magic and the supernatural is all superstitious nonsense. Most people wouldn’t even recognise magic or a daemon even if they saw them for real.”

  “To a certain extent, maybe,” Phil said. “At some point they’re going to see something so weird it can’t be rationalised away.”

  “If they get close enough to a real daemon to see it’s a real daemon, they’re going to end up being eaten by it.”

  “True,” Phil said.

  “And if they escape, who’s going to fucking believe them. Papers? TV news? I don’t think so. Off to the nuthatch with you, along with all the other nuts.”

  “Yeah, but you’d think there’d be someone credible, someone with actual evidence. I mean, there’re cameras everywhere now—CCTV, phones…”

  “As threats go, being able to send someone to hell to be tortured for eternity by hideous daemons is a lot fucking scarier than threatening to cut someone’s tongue out.”

  Phil shivered. It would keep him quiet.

  “There’s something else as well,” Jake said. “One of the older students told me. If they need to, the senior warlocks can call upon some kind of special society. Apparently they know magic that can completely remove all traces of a person. Wipe them right out of existence, even out of the memories of people who knew them. Untrained people, obviously. We know magic, so we’re resistant.

  “This student said it happened to his roommate during their first year. Dude was killed—some kind of summoning accident or other. He was outreach, like us, but his parents had some status in the outside world. His death would have kicked up a stink. So the senior lecturers brought in this spooky clean-up squad and erased all traces the dude had ever existed. The other dude, the one telling me the story, he said he saw the dude’s parents some months later. Said they didn’t even remember ever having a son. Dude said it was well freaky.”

  Phil shivered again. He could think of a lot more words to describe that scenario and all of them were a good deal stronger than freaky. He wondered if he’d made the right decision in coming here. One misstep and he’d be gone without anyone ever knowing he’d existed. Even his parents…

  “There’s no need to worry about any of that stuff anyway,” Jake said. “We’re special now. We get to be warlocks. We’re going to be the people behind the curtain that really run the world. The ordinary Joes don’t matter anymore.”


  “Think about it. We’re going to be able to have anything we want. Look at The Scrote. He looks like a fucking slimy creep and yet he has sex bomb succubi waiting on his beck and call. No way a dude looking like that would have girls that gorgeous anywhere near them unless they were as rich as Warren Buffet.”

  “They’re really hot,” Phil conceded.

  “Super fucking porn star hot,” Jake said. He paused. “That’s what I’m going to get,” he said, “my own harem of super-gorgeous sex daemons.”

  “Yeah, but…” Phil paused. “Actually, that would be fucking awesome.”


  Phil opened his eyes.

  He was lying on a cushioned bench. He felt perfectly relaxed. His body was surrounded by a warm pleasant glow. He looked up and stared into the face of a beautiful woman with long, flowing blonde hair. She was a vision of radiance.

  Had he died and gone to heaven? Was this an angel come to welcome him?

  He groaned in pleasure as an orgasm shuddered through his body. A surge of relief flowed through him as his hips bucked upwards and he spurted his seed into a soft, welcoming vagina. Warm walls lined with thick honey squeezed and undulated around his cock, teasing out both the orgasm and his pleasure.

  No angel, Phil thought as the orgasm finally subsided and he lay back spent. Nurse Honey.

  He looked up into the milky pools of her eyes. She smiled and kissed him lightly on the brow before dismounting from his body with soft squelching sounds. Phil stared at the voluptuous curves of her body as she walked over to a shower set in a black marble alcove. Hot water gushed over the tanned curves of her body and steam billowed up around her.

  “You should take more care, fledgling,” she said as she emerged from the spray, “unless you’re in a rush to know me more intimately.”

  A pair of tiny hands pushed out against the skin of her exquisitely curved bottom. They were followed by a tiny anguished face, its mouth open in a soundless scream. Nurse Honey looked down and smiled. The struggling figure was pulled back beneath the surface and the tanned skin of her ass was unblemished and perfect once more.

  Phil knew exactly what Nurse Honey meant by more intimately. The room suddenly felt colder and he shivered.

  Honey squeezed herself back into her skin-tight rubber nurse outfit.

  “Until next time,” she said. She blew him a kiss and then walked away past a line of black marble shower cubicles.

  She met Rosa and Verdé coming from the other direction.

  “Thanks, Nurse Honey,” Verdé said, looking ahead at Phil.

  “The fledgling should show more restraint,” Nurse Honey said, looking back at him.

  Show restraint, Phil thought. Like he had any say in the matter.

  “Yummy,” Rosa said, running her finger along Phil’s chest. She lifted her leg in readiness to climb up on top of him.

  Verdé tapped her on the shoulder and waved her finger.

  Rosa pouted and put her leg back down.

  “Come on, fledgling,” Verdé said. “Chop chop. We need to get you cleaned up. We’ve got places to see.”


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