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Succubus Summoning 101

Page 23

by M. E. Hydra

  You’re going to kill me.

  “If that is your desire.”

  And Verdé now:

  “Is this what you want?”

  He thought back to that room in Wargsnouts’ east tower and the ill-fated ritual that had got him into this mess in the first place. He knew how dangerous succubi were rumoured to be. He’d been extra careful in performing the ritual. He was sure of that.

  “Is this what you want?”

  Why would she ask?


  A sadness settled in Verdé’s eyes. She started to lower herself down on Phil’s cock.

  “Stop! I command you,” Phil said.

  Verdé looked at Phil and smiled. Her pussy released its tight grip on his cock.

  “As you wish...master.”

  She dismounted and lay next to him on the bed, her head nestled against his neck. She could have been his lover, albeit one with horns, wings and a tail.

  Phil lay back. For the first time he noticed just how fast his heart was beating. He struggled to adjust to the fact he was, against all probabilities, still alive. He ignored the grumbles from his cock and balls as another potential orgasm was starved of sensation. They’d had enough fun already this night. His erection slowly deflated and the essence Verdé had concentrated in his balls dissipated back into the rest of his body.

  A swarm of questions whirled through his mind. How? Why?

  “I’m your master?” he asked, still not quite believing the words could be true.

  “You did summon us,” Rosa said, landing lightly on the bed next to them. “I assume that was your intention.”

  “But the ritual...”

  “Was fine,” Rosa said. She lay down on Phil’s other side so he was pleasantly sandwiched between their bodies.

  “Apart from the protective circle,” Verdé said.

  “Yeah, that was a bit crappy,” Rosa said. “We’ll get Cέrμləa to help you with those.”

  Phil’s mind span with the new information. He was their master?

  “Why bring me back here? Phil asked. “Why nearly kill me?”

  “The summoning forms a special link between warlock and succubus,” Cέrμləa said from her perch up in the alcoves. “It allows us to satisfy their every desire.”

  “Even the ones they don’t know they have,” Nÿte said.

  Phil contemplated their words.

  “My desire was to die?” he said, chilled by the thought. “What about Jake? What about all these people,” he looked at the piles and piles of skulls around the room, “they wanted this to happen?”

  “They desired pleasure beyond all pleasure, regardless of the consequences, as do all humans that summon us,” Nÿte continued.

  “We satisfy their desires,” Nurse Honey said.

  “Why didn’t I die as well?” Phil asked.

  “You never desired it,” Rosa answered.

  “You never gave yourself fully to us,” Verdé elaborated. “No matter the pleasure we gave you, your mind always refused to take that final step.”

  “I think someone might have been cheating a little at the end there,” Rosa said.

  “Are you insinuating something?” Verdé responded.

  “Oh no, nothing,” Rosa said. “I regularly wait ice ages before taking that final stroke.”

  “I was waiting for him to make up his mind,” Verdé sniffed.

  Rosa said nothing, merely arching an eyebrow.

  Phil paid no attention. His head was still spinning. Not only was he not dead, but he was now, or rather always had been, their master? Him?

  His state of confusion was compounded as a ghostly figure suddenly appeared in the room. Not a ghost, he realised once he’d got over the shock, but an image, a little like a hologram from an old science fiction film. The projection was grainy and flickered like an old black and white TV picture.

  “Ah there you are, boy,” the image said. It looked like the figure was peering into something that displayed this room rather than looking at them directly. “You’re a difficult person to find. Imagine, gallivanting off to hell like that. I’d nearly given up on you. I thought you must be dead for sure.”

  Phil recognised the shadowy figure. It was The Scrote! What was he, or rather his image, doing here?

  “I see you’ve successfully agreed terms with your daemon. Well done boy,” The Scrote said.

  “You let that book fall into our hands deliberately, didn’t you?” Phil said. He hadn’t given it much thought at the time, but it shouldn’t have been that easy to take such a dangerous book from the library.

  The Scrote smiled, revealing a mouthful of rotten teeth. “Correct, my boy. While I respect our esteemed Praetor Quivocat, I don’t have much patience for these new-fangled philosophies on education. I’m a firm believer in the practical approach.”

  The practical approach didn’t work out so well for Jake, Phil thought.

  “Skips all the fannying around and gets straight to sorting out the wheat from the chaff,” The Scrote added.

  “That’s not so good for the chaff,” Phil said.

  “Magic’s dangerous,” The Scrote said, flashing another rotten smile.

  “But you’ve come through, boy. You’ve shown you’ve got the skills to be a real warlock by successfully binding your first daemon, and a very attractive succubus she is as well, if I may say so.” The Scrote noticed Rosa for the first time. “A pair of succubi,” he corrected. “My my, aren’t you a lucky chap. I can see why you took your time. Well I won’t rush you, but after you’ve finished dallying come back to Wargsnouts. I have a special program for talented students like yourself. You’ll find it to be most interesting I’m sure. I’ll teach you about real power.”

  With that the image flickered out.

  “He looks greasy. I bet he would burn real easy,” Rosa whispered in Phil’s ear. He wondered if she was picking up on his desires again.

  So what happens now, he thought.

  “We get to go to Earth and have lots and lots of fun,” Cέrμləa said, back in her young girl form and bouncing on the bed in excitement.

  “Not just yet,” Verdé said. “Our master needs to rest and get his strength back.” She helped Phil to his feet.

  “Can I have sex with him first?” Rosa asked.

  Verdé shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Nurse Honey and I took him right to the brink. Any more arousal will be messy.”

  Rosa pulled a face.

  “The conjunction has passed, but I’m still feeling horny.” She rubbed a finger between her labia.

  Her face suddenly brightened.

  “Ah ha, the wargen will be slinking from their hiding places about now.” She launched herself into the air and was gone in a flurry of wings.

  “Come on, Verdé. We need to get ready for the trip to Earth,” Cέrμləa said.

  She grabbed Verdé’s hand and pulled the succubus away. Both of them took to the air and swept out of the room.

  Phil stood shakily on the bed. His mind was wobbling as much as his knees were currently doing. He wasn’t dead. Not only that, but his life had suddenly twisted off into strange, uncharted realms.

  “Master,” he murmured more to himself, scarcely believing it to be true.

  Nÿte and Mamǝḵā Bēyˁṯān were still there. They sat above him in the alcoves and looked down at him—one with eyes of purest white, the other with eyes of deepest black. Those same eyes had witnessed the passage of centuries. Now they were his to command, to satisfy his every whim or wish no matter how trivial or inconsequential? No, he couldn’t see that, not at all.

  “The word doesn’t mean what I think it means, does it?” he said.

  “No, it doesn’t,” Nÿte said. “The first warlocks misunderstood the nature of arrangement and that misconception persists to this day. Think of it as a partnership, for the mutual benefit of both parties.”

  Gracefully she swooped off the ledge and vanished up into the dark shadows of
the ceiling.

  That left Phil and Mamǝḵā Bēyˁṯān. She left her alcove and elegantly glided down to the bed, landing just behind him.

  “I’m glad you’re still alive,” she said, running a hand across his shoulders. “I might get to take your soul after all,” she breathed in his ear.

  She kissed him lightly on the cheek and then she too was gone.

  Phil was left standing alone on a gigantic red bed, surrounded by the bones of the succubi’s past victims and illuminated by the flickering flames of candles mounted on their skulls, in a room that at once resembled both boudoir and charnel house.

  Not everything had changed, he reflected morosely.

  An End… For Now…


  The infamous M. E. Hydra has been writing his own special brand of twisted horror erotica for a few years now. Online examples of his work can be found under the pseudonyms manyeyedhydra and Many-Eyed Hydra. Succubi and other dark seductresses feature prominently in his stories and he enjoys juxtaposing erotica with horror to evoke a mixture of arousal and fear in his readers. He has previously published three collections of short stories: A Succubus for Christmas, A Succubus for Valentine’s Day and A Succubus for Halloween. Succubus Summoning 101 is his first novel.

  If you enjoyed SUCCUBUS SUMMONING 101, you might also enjoy:

  A SUCCUBUS FOR HALLOWEEN and other tales

  By M. E. Hydra

  Tempting, wanton, enticing, gorgeous…lethal.

  Halloween is a time for chills and thrills. A time for femme fatales to sharpen their claws and take to the night in search of fresh prey. Cuddle up in front of an open fire as M. E. Hydra brings you a delectable dirty dozen of tales about ravishing succubi and other sensual predators. They'll give you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams, and terrors beyond your darkest nightmares...

  Warning: This title contains graphic language, sex and elements of horror. Sex with demons can be extremely hazardous to your health!

  Excerpt from A SUCCUBUS FOR HALLOWEEN and other tales:

  The source of that extra excitement was also trivial to work out. There was clear evidence the young man had been engaged in vigorous sexual activity right before he’d died.

  With who, now that was the interesting question.

  It should have been ‘with what’, as Landis was to discover later that night as he was sewing the corpse back up.

  “He’s dead, isn’t he?”

  Landis jumped in surprise. There was a girl sitting on the next autopsy table. Where had she come from? You needed a keycard to get into the lab and Landis was the only one on duty tonight.

  “I only wanted to give him pleasure,” the girl said. Tears ran down her cheeks. “I didn’t know his heart was weak.”

  She was quite a pretty girl, if dressed a little provocatively in a black leather bra and panties.


  Landis looked more closely. Were those horns on her head? And her eyes...what was up with her eyes?

  He thought it was shadows at first, but then his eyes accustomed and he realised those inky black pools really were her eyes.

  Something moved behind her, dark and leathery like the wing of a bat.

  “What are you?” Landis asked.

  He looked at the box—the black candles were still safely wrapped up in clear plastic bags—and then at the corpse. Could an airborne hallucinogen be involved here? Some kind of exotic drug evaporating from the corpse?

  He didn’t feel like he was under the influence of any foreign substance. Everything felt as it should be...aside from the semi-naked girl with horns and empty black holes where her eyes should be who’d appeared out of nowhere.

  ...and a tail.

  He saw it, red and long like a whip or snake, dangling over the side of the stainless steel table.

  “I’m a succubus,” she answered. “He summoned me.” She looked at the cadaver, currently split open from crotch to sternum, on the next autopsy table. “He was to be my master,” she added, more tears running down her pale cheeks.

  “Summoned you, to do what?” Landis asked.

  “To give him pleasure, in any such way he desired,” the girl answered.

  She stared directly at Landis and for a moment he felt the full force of her sexual attraction burning on him like the light from an interrogation lamp. Only for a moment, before she glanced coyly away.

  Landis gulped.

  “I didn’t mean for him to die,” the girl said, her petite frame rocked by a series of sobs. “Now I have no master and without a master I can’t stay here. I’ll have to go back...unless...”

  She looked back at Landis and gave him a smile winsome enough to melt the craggiest of hearts.

  “Will you be my master?” she asked.


  “THE END!”


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