Unwrap the Truth
Page 8
My cheeks burned with the memory. When the door opened, I jumped and clutched my chest.
Luke walked into the room and smirked. “Did I startle you?”
For some reason, I couldn’t meet his eye. “You did.”
He strode over to me, and before I could say anything else, he kissed me. The strong minty taste of his toothpaste swirled in my mouth, and the scent tickled my nose. I lifted up on my toes to deepen the kiss. Even last night, my mind numbed every time Luke kissed me. He had a power over me, and I wasn’t sure if I would ever tire of it.
When we finally broke apart, my heart thrummed in my chest.
“Good morning,” he said.
“Mornin’,” I drawled.
He pecked my lips and took my hands in his. “I’m glad you’re ready.”
“Are we going somewhere today?” I asked. “I thought you wanted to stay home with your father?”
He shook his head. “I need to go back to England.”
My heart sank. “Oh.”
“Father insisted that I check on the company,” he said, avoiding my eyes.
The conversation from before didn’t make any sense. Was he still pretending? I couldn’t keep track. I also couldn’t leave without a story.
“You’re okay with coming back to London with me?” he asked. “You can stay in my flat.”
“You want me to stay with you?” I asked.
“Of course,” he said. “Did you think I was going to leave you here?”
“I didn’t know if you wanted me to go back to the States while you handled business,” I said.
His eyes burned into mine. “Sophia.”
My breath caught in my throat. Was this the moment he would tell me how he felt? I still wasn’t sure what I was going to say.
“Do you want to go back to the States?” he asked. “I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to.” He hesitated before saying, “I thought after last night—”
“No!” I said. “I want to come with you. Of course, I do.” The thought of leaving Luke again made my insides ache. While I could sort through naming my feelings at another time, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere without him.
“Good,” he said with a smile. “I’m sorry to do this. I know you had a long flight on the way over here.”
“As long as I don’t have to deal with people in coach, I’ll be fine,” I said. “Do we have time to eat before we leave?”
“I’ve already ordered the pilot for the jet. There will be food on the flight. I want to get there and back as soon as possible. If that is okay?”
“As long as I’m with you, it’s more than okay,” I said.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he said.
“How was your father this morning?” I asked.
“Better than I’ve seen,” he said. “Which is why I want to get my business duties over with before I return. I’d like to stay for a while. Until—” He cut off there. We both knew what he meant, but no words needed to be said.
I went over to my suitcase with the burning desire to force him to tell me that he loved me. I had to know. I wasn’t sure if it was the reporter in me that wanted the scoop on how Luke felt, or if I wanted him to tell me he loved me so I would know our status. But I pushed anyway.
“Did you see your mother this morning?” I asked as I folded the clothes I’d worn yesterday and placed them in my suitcase.
He sighed. “Briefly.”
I waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t.
I chewed that over for a minute before going into the bathroom to grab my toiletries. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became. Why was it so easy for him to say it to his mother but not to me? Was he waiting for a special moment?
Staring at myself in the mirror, I smoothed my hair down and took a deep breath. When had I turned into this woman? Was it because I hadn’t previously met the right man? I wasn’t into the lovey-dovey things that other women in the newsroom were. They gossiped about their dates and the meaning behind every single word their potential partners said.
Since I always focused on my work, I ignored them, but maybe I shouldn’t have. I could have picked up on some tips for dealing with a situation like this.
Coming out of the bathroom, Luke was sitting on the bed, flicking his finger over his phone screen.
He looked up at me and smiled. “You ready?”
“Almost,” I said and stuffed my toiletry bag into my suitcase. “Should we say goodbye to Abir and your mother?”
“Maybe Abir,” Luke said. “I’d rather not deal with my mother until I return. Her actions were ridiculous yesterday, and I won’t subject you to that two days in a row.”
“I don’t mind,” I said. “I should say goodbye so she doesn’t think we’re sneaking away again.”
“I already informed her of our plans. You will see her again next week.”
I couldn’t help pushing one more time. “What did she say when you told her?”
“Not much,” he said, standing up and shoving his phone into his pocket. “It was Father’s request to tend to the business, and she doesn’t have a say in the business side of my life. Which is a blessing.”
I forced a smile.
He walked over, took my hand, and kissed the top of it. “I’d rather not think of her unpleasantness right now. I can’t wait to get you back to England and away from this toxic environment, even for a little while.”
As we walked to Abir’s room, I watched Luke as he spoke to me about his conversation with his Father earlier that morning. His eyes were wide, and they sparkled with love for his father.
There was love between us, too, and even though he couldn’t say it, I felt it deep in my core.
With the long flight and the time change, Sophia and I arrived in England late in the afternoon. The flight home was much different than the last flight we had together. Previously, she’d been distant and cold with me. Presumably, it was because of the conversation she had with my mother at the banquet, but we were way over that. I hoped she knew Mother’s dislike of her existed only in Mother’s mind. Abir and Father liked Sophia just fine, and I loved her. My opinion was the only one that counted anyway.
Even though we’d had plenty to eat on the plane, I was anxious to blot out the last date we had, when she picked up and left for America without another word.
Since we slept on the plane, we were wide awake, and I had already called in a reservation for a place near my flat.
“What is the dress code?” Sophia asked.
“Don’t worry about that,” I said.
“Of course, I’m going to worry. I want to look good for you.” She smirked.
If we weren’t about to disembark from the plane, I would have taken her into my bedroom and thanked her properly for that remark. But I had other plans for her.
“Besides, I didn’t pack much, other than my carry-on.”
I kissed her deeply before saying, “Then let’s go shopping.”
She pressed her lips together. “Now?”
“You said you needed clothes,” I said. “What better time than now?”
“What about work?” she asked.
I checked my watch. I wasn’t about to invite Maddox out on my date with Sophia, and if we started talking about the business, I was sure to be preoccupied all night. I had almost a week to get everything straight, so tonight, Sophia and I could enjoy ourselves without worrying about servants, family members, or flight attendants in a place where no one knew that I was a prince.
Here, I could finally remove the metaphorical crown from my head. I was just a run of the mill CEO. Little did anyone know I was worth billions and was heir to a kingdom.
I made another phone call to the boutique that Sophia and I had gone to before our first trip. It all seemed so long ago, but it had only been two weeks. Everything was happening so quickly, which meant that there had to be something different between us. In m
y time being single and dating—before taking over the company—I had never felt this way about a woman. Sure, I wanted to spend time outside of my bedroom with a few of them, but I never had the connection or chemistry that I felt with Sophia. She challenged me as a person and was beautiful and kind. She wasn’t who my mother wanted as my wife, but I could see a future together with her, regardless of my mother’s consent.
The moment we stepped off the plane and into the waiting car, I had the driver take us to the downtown area.
The entire way, I held Sophia’s hand, and she talked about the sights in the area.
My shoulders relaxed as the two of us spoke like any old couple, instead of a brand new one. I supposed we’d come into this situation backward, fake dating while we were still acquaintances. We were so comfortable with each other, it was a little unsettling and amazing at the same time.
“Do you think we’ll have time to do anything this week?” she asked.
“Like what?” I asked. I wasn’t sure how long it would take to get everything in order, but I wanted to make her happy if I could.
“I didn’t get to see the sights when I was here last,” she said. “Anything besides my hotel room and your office building.”
“And a palace,” I reminded her.
“That too.”
“If we have time, I’ll take you wherever you want,” I said.
She leaned her head against my shoulder and snuggled closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her tight against me. I would give her the world if she’d let me.
* * *
“Welcome back!” the saleswoman, Katherine, said when we arrived. I was surprised that we had the same woman as before. Either that girl worked long hours, or she wanted the commission badly. The previous set of outfits weren’t cheap, so I guessed it was more likely the latter. But I only wanted the best for Sophia.
Katherine indicated for us to follow her into the back room where we’d been in the private dressing area before. It all was the same setup but felt different. I already knew what Sophia looked like naked, and I could openly appreciate how she looked instead of trying to hide it from her.
How things had changed in such a short amount of time.
“Since you didn’t specify things you needed, I pulled out several styles and types of outfits for you to try on today,” Katherine said. “Let me know what you like and don’t like and if you’re planning for any special occasions.”
“Sophia would like a dress for tonight,” I said. “Something elegant but not too formal.”
Katherine nodded. “Brilliant. I have several choices in the mix. Shall we?”
Sophia gave me her handbag and smiled.
“Pick as many pieces as you like,” I said to Sophia, grabbing her hand. I pulled her close and kissed her. “In case you want to stay longer.”
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” I said, catching a glimpse of myself in the trifold mirror in front of me. My happiness was unmistakable in my mirror image.
“Thank you,” she said before following Katherine past the divider and into the dressing room across the way.
I sat down and placed her bag next to me. Sinking into the love seat, I unbuttoned my jacket and placed my arm on the top of the sofa. I imagined most men would be bored by this, but any situation that made Sophia smile like that wasn’t boring for me. Watching Sophia come out of the room with each outfit was like opening a new present. Her brilliant smile warmed my heart as she spun around to make sure all of her angles were good. And they were.
Katherine had a real talent for picking pieces that highlighted Sophia’s assets, although there wasn’t much of Sophia that I didn’t want to look at.
Sophia chose some pieces for Qatar—the more modest shirts and long pants—but she picked a few outfits for the cooler weather in England. Even though she was more bundled up in some of the cashmere sweaters, the softness of the fabric made me want to touch her even more.
“Just one more,” Sophia said after modeling a sexy red dress that I was going to force her to buy even if she refused. She needed that in her closet.
“Katherine!” Sophia called a few minutes later.
Katherine launched away from the wall, her post while Sophia changed, and hurried over to the divider before knocking. “I’m here.”
Katherine entered the dressing room, and she let out a gasp.
“Is everything okay?” I asked, sitting up straighter.
Katherine closed the door, and both she and Sophia said “Yes!” at the same time.
I wondered if the zipper on the dress ripped or something. If it were the red dress, then I would demand a tailor to fix it.
The women spoke in hushed voices, piquing my curiosity, but I wasn’t about to intrude into whatever they were talking about. Katherine was no threat to me, and I had to give Sophia some distance or else I might crowd her too much.
A few minutes later, Sophia came out of the dressing room in her normal clothes.
“Didn’t fit?” I asked.
She glanced at Katherine. “Something like that.”
I narrowed my eyes but didn’t pry. Sophia and Katherine seemed amused by something, and I wasn’t going to ruin their fun.
* * *
After Katherine packaged all the clothes and I paid for them, I instructed our driver to take us back to the flat to get ready. Dinner wasn’t for another hour, and I wanted to see Sophia in that red dress again.
When we reached my flat, my pulse spiked. As much as the palace had been my home for the majority of my life, bringing Sophia to my home in England took our relationship to the next level.
Sophia got out of the car, and I watched for her reaction. She looked up at the building then tore her eyes away to glance at me.
“Nice place.”
I grinned. “The inside is even better.”
Her eyebrows lifted. “I can imagine.”
I asked the driver to remain outside while we changed. While I wanted to take Sophia inside and strip her down, there wasn’t much time before dinner. I didn’t plan on getting up early in the morning to get back to work, so there was time for us to get intimately acquainted with my second home.
I adjusted the hardness between my thighs and walked over to Sophia, taking her hand in mine as I brought her to the front door.
It had been so long since I had brought a woman here, I didn’t recall if it had been months or closer to a year.
Since I wanted my privacy after coming from a life of servants and valets, there were none at my flat. I had a cleaning woman, but she came when I wasn’t home.
Sophia and I lugged her suitcase and the many bags from the boutique into my place. For a brief moment, I knew what it was like to be a man in love with a woman. Not a prince in love with a commoner. Our paths would have never intersected otherwise, but it was a nice thought. And yet another reason I had to thank my parents for adopting me.
I opened the front door and held my breath, waiting for her reaction.
The automatic lights turned on, illuminating the front entry and hallway. Since it was already dark outside, my eyes squinted against the lights until they adjusted.
I rolled Sophia’s suitcase behind me as I walked the familiar hallway. The end opened up to the living room, kitchen, and dining room with a broad view of the London Bridge.
“Holy cow,” Sophia said, clutching her bag. She strode past the eight-seat dining room table and stared at the view. The lights of London twinkled in the distance. Sophia’s silhouette against the windows made me pause as I drank her in. How I wanted this view for myself every single night for the rest of my life.
“This is your view?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said, quickly realizing she meant the view outside the windows.
She let out a low whistle as she spun on her heels, taking in my home.
I checked my watch. “We should get ready.”
Sophia nodded.
l have plenty of time to explore,” I said. “And snoop.”
She grinned. “I’ll find all your little secrets.”
I laughed. “I hope you won’t be too disappointed. I’m afraid I’m rather boring. All work and no fun and all that.”
She walked over to me and lifted up onto her toes to kiss me. “Where do you want me to get changed?”
I drew in a breath. Sadly, it would be inappropriate for me to ask her to change right then and there so I could see her naked again. I pointed to the guest bedroom. I didn’t intend for her to stay the night in there, but I had to change, too. If I was anywhere near her while changing, I might have said screw the dinner and screwed her instead. I forced the thought away.
I needed to replace the date that we’d had last week with a much better memory. There was so much drama with my family; I wanted to have one nice evening with Sophia to hold onto while I dealt with the rest tomorrow.
Sophia took her suitcase from out of my hand and only one of the bags from the boutique. She winked at me and then walked away.
I had to force myself to move in the other direction, or else I might not have been able to continue with the evening as planned. I wanted her more and more with each passing second. How was I going to get through an evening with her in that red dress?
I imagined it pooled at the end of my bed in the morning, and that put a little spring in my step.
I changed quickly and came out, unable to wait any longer to see Sophia. It had been less than ten minutes for me, but it felt like an eternity.
I wondered if Sophia was the type to spend hours getting ready. While normally that wouldn’t annoy me, we were on a tight timeframe, and I wanted to start our evening right away.
I was about to say something when the guestroom door opened. My jaw dropped as Sophia stepped out of the room.
She wasn’t wearing the red dress, but now I knew why she and Katherine had the reaction they did. Sophia hadn’t come out of the dressing room for one of the pieces, and this was it. If she had, I wouldn’t have let her change out of it.