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His Passionate Pioneer

Page 17

by Maggie Ryan

  "Pull your cheeks open for me. I need one hand to hold you safe on my lap and the other to insert your button."

  "Richard, please," she begged. "Please don't ask me to do something so embarrassing."

  "I'm not asking, Anna. I'm instructing you to open your arse cheeks and expose your bottom hole. Do it now."

  Did he always sound so calm, so controlled? How could he speak of such things without the slightest sign of embarrassment? Biting her lower lip, she moved to grasp her left cheek, pulling it away from her twin.

  "Both hands, sweetie. Don't worry about falling, I've got you."

  Her other hand joined the first to obey her husband. The moment she'd spread herself, she felt as if every soul on earth knew that Annabelle Rose Andrews was a very naughty, disobedient wife about to be punished in a very intimate, embarrassing manner. Tears filled her eyes as the finger he'd lubricated with her own cream pushed into her back passage. They spilled down her cheeks to drip onto the dirt as he worked his finger in and out for several long minutes.

  "Stay relaxed, Anna. Clenching will only make it hurt. This is not to hurt you, it is to remind you that there are consequences to your actions. Holding your bottom button will hopefully remind you that naughtiness will be punished every time."

  His finger withdrew from her and she took a deep breath. At his order to push back, she tried to obey, tensing when she felt the foreign object at her entrance. The button was about three inches long and tapered at both ends, but thick in the center. Since the string was threaded through the middle, she could feel its rough texture against her sensitive skin. She squealed loudly when he started seating the button within her.

  "Don't clench. This is but a small button. You'll find far larger ones—as well as thicker plugs—will also find their way up your arse if you continue to misbehave."

  She groaned at the thought of what he'd said, she couldn't even begin to imagine being able to willingly accept any such items. Richard didn't speak as he worked it further; her ring of muscle resisting until a firm push had it conceding to the pressure and opening, accompanied by her sharp squeal. The button popped inside, his fingertip following to push the button a bit deeper before he appeared satisfied. She blushed hotly when she felt him give the string a few tugs, pulling the button back just a bit as if to effectively plug her bottom hole.

  "What is up your bottom, Anna?"

  Wanting to beg him not to ask her such things, knowing he'd simply repeat the question and add a few swats if she continued to refuse to give an answer, she submitted to the lesson. "A button."

  "No, try again."

  "My… my bottom button."

  "And why is your bottom button deep inside your arse?" he went on.

  "Because I was naughty, and you are reminding me that naughtiness has consequences."

  "Good girl. We'll see whether, by the time it's removed, you'll feel that you've learned from this reminder." He patted her hands. "You may let your arse close."

  Though she removed her hands, she felt as if nothing were truly concealed. The button's presence made her feel full and strange. She realized it also had her conscious of her naughtiness, just as her husband intended.

  Richard helped her to her feet and she thought she'd die of shame when his fingers ran down the string that hung from between her cheeks. She could feel it brushing against her inner thigh.

  "How long?" she asked softly.

  He didn't pretend not to understand. "As long as I think it will take to make a very good impression."

  He helped her to dress, ignoring her whimper when he set her onto the stump so he could replace her stockings and boots. His prediction proved true when her calves began to itch the moment the skin was covered, but she dared not complain. The button in her bottom seemed to shift with her every move.

  "What if it falls out?"

  "It won't," he assured her. "It's nice and snug inside you, and will require the string being pulled to remove it." She stood and he helped her into her drawers, pulling them up her legs but not yet over her bottom. "I don't need to tell you not to touch the string, do I?" he said.

  "No, sir."

  "I don't have any soap with me right now, but after lunch, I will be washing that naughty mouth out. It won't be pleasant, but perhaps it will teach you that hearing my beautiful wife scream such words is very unpleasant to anyone within hearing distance."

  Anna swallowed hard. Mouth soaping wasn't unfamiliar to her. Her Ma had used the punishment as a deterrent to cursing, as well as screaming, sassing or back-talking. "Yes, sir."

  He nodded, pulled her drawers to her waist and tied the ribbon. She smoothed down her dress and stood still, her lips quivering as he gently pulled her bonnet over her hair and retied the ribbons. She remembered him doing so on that first day at the picnic, and felt her heart hurt at the trouble she had caused.

  "Thank you, Richard. I promise I'll try to learn the lesson."

  "Thank you, sweetheart. I'd rather hear you say you'll try than to hear you make promises we both know are impossible to keep." When he pulled her to him, she lifted her face for his kiss. It was a gentle kiss and yet with it, she felt forgiven and loved. When he pulled back, she also felt a new determination to truly attempt to learn the lessons he was patiently attempting to teach her.

  * * * * *

  Richard took her hand and they walked back towards the wagons. He heard her give a soft gasp with the first few steps, and looked down to see her face had turned scarlet and her gait was off. "Anna, you can walk normally, darlin'. I promise your button is secure."

  She nodded but didn't meet his eyes. He squeezed her hand and they continued and, by the time they'd walked half way back, she seemed to have better adjusted to the unwelcome invader. He only hoped she was adjusting to the much-needed lesson as well.

  He helped her prepare their meal and watched as she moved around their wagon, still walking a bit awkwardly. She squealed when she sat down on her pillow. Richard made no comment, knowing the button was being pushed deeper into her as her arse took her weight. She blushed bright red and concentrated on eating.

  After they were done, he was surprised and proud when she brought him the bar of soap, a rag, and a cup of water. He took her onto his lap. "Open wide."

  She obeyed, and was soon gagging and retching as he washed her mouth out with the soap. He made sure to scrub every inch of her mouth, including her teeth and tongue. He scrubbed the soap onto the roof of her mouth and inside both cheeks. When he removed the rag, she was foaming at the mouth, soap suds dripping down her chin. She held her mouth open.

  "Close your mouth, Anna. You'll let that soap work out those dirty words," he said.

  She closed her mouth, the look on her face showing her misery. Richard stood up and led her to the wagon. He turned her to face the canvas. "Put your nose to the canvas and stay there. I'll let you rinse out in a few minutes."

  Her head bobbed her understanding and she stood, gagging occasionally. From his memories of having his own mouth soaped as a boy, he knew some of the soap would make its way down her throat and he ignored her mewls of discomfort, nodding as several people walked by and calling out greetings. Though many looked at his wife, standing like a naughty child in the corner, not a one made a single comment. Richard finally allowed her to rinse, only to discover she had swallowed most of the soap. She rinsed her mouth again and again, spitting the water out.

  "Good girl. You did very well obeying me. Do you still want to find Charity and pick berries?"

  "Yes, if I may," she said, and then smiled. "Perhaps eating a bunch of berries will make the soap taste go away."

  He grinned. "There were bushes down where I took you. They looked pretty loaded to me." At her nod, he added, "I'm going to go help the others with repairs." He bent to give her a quick kiss, only to see his little wife looking very forlorn, her eyes watering. "Oh, Anna, don't cry. I know this is hard but I promise, it will become easier."

  "But I want to be a good wife.
I don't want you to have to punish me all the time."

  "You are a great wife, little one. We'll figure it out, I promise." He brushed an escaped tear from her cheek with his fingertip before he kissed her properly, lifting her from her feet with one arm, a hand behind her head to hold her lips to his. He felt her arms wrap around his neck and her mouth open beneath his lips. He deepened the kiss, his tongue pressing into her mouth and even though he tasted soap, he didn't release her for several moments. Breaking away, he was glad to see her eyes brighter, the tears gone.

  As he lowered her to her feet, she said, "Thank you. I love you, husband."

  Richard grinned, kissing her again. "I love you more, wife. Tonight I shall show you how much." He adored the blush that suffused her cheeks as one of his hands cupped a small bottom cheek while the other caressed a breast.


  "Yes, I promise." This time, when he stepped back, she went to the back of the wagon for her gathering basket. He waited to leave until she had given him a smile and a wave as she moved towards Charity's wagon. Watching her hips sway and remembering her response to his kiss and his promise, he grinned. Yes, he'd make sure she never had any doubt that he would always keep his promises.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Anna waved at Charity who was sitting on a small stool, Hope sitting on a blanket at her feet, her small arms and legs kicking about as she gurgled.

  "Hi! Ready to pick berries?" Charity called out, rising from her seat.

  "Yes. I'm, um, sorry I wasn't ready earlier." Anna answered.

  "That's okay, we'll just walk a bit further to find bushes that the others haven't stripped."

  Anna instantly felt bad. Charity could have easily gone with the others but had instead waited patiently for her. Not only had she waited, she was smiling and not mentioning the reason for Anna's tardiness.

  "I promised Harriet we'd come to get her," Charity said, settling Hope in a sling that wrapped around her body before picking up her basket. "Oh, I need the blanket. Hope can either nap or play when we take a break."

  "I'll get it," Anna offered, setting down her basket and giving a small gasp when she bent to gather the blanket. Looking up, she saw Charity giving her a look that made her blush as she folded the blanket and draped it over her arm.

  The women walked through the circled wagons, activity all around them. Children were playing, women straightening up their areas, men busy with minor repairs or making sure there would be enough firewood for that evening. The sound of hammers and men's raised voices could be heard, and the lowing of cattle drifted on the air. When they arrived at Harriet's wagon, the older woman gave them both a huge smile.

  "There you are," she said, reaching out to capture and kiss one of Hope's small fists. "How's my little angel today?"

  Anna smiled at the obvious pleasure the woman found in the baby. Harriet grabbed her basket and the three turned towards the river.

  "Which way?" Harriet asked. "I've seen a great deal of women going downstream."

  "Um, Richard saw some berry bushes upstream. It's a bit far, but maybe no one has found them yet."

  "That sounds promising," Charity said and with the decision made, Anna led them back in the direction Richard had taken her. They heard the sound of the river and after Anna had taken a few moments to orient herself, she successfully found the bushes they'd seen.

  "These are great, I'm so glad you saw them even if…" Charity's words died away, her face flushing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say anything."

  Anna knew she could pretend not to understand and neither of these women would say a word. But if they were true friends, friends who would be able to share everything in a place where few people were settling, she knew honesty was vital.

  "Don't be," she said, reaching out to touch Charity's arm. "I should be apologizing to you both for keeping you from joining the others. I was naughty and Richard punished me." Looking towards the river, she could shook her head. To her surprise, she smiled. Yes, she'd been switched and 'buttoned', but it was done, and Richard's promise to make love to her that night allowed her to release the shame. Looking back to her friends, she gave them a smile. "At least he found a spot near some great berry bushes."

  Anna's words cleared the air and the three were soon picking fat, juicy blackberries. Harriet had reminded them to make a lot of noise and to push some long sticks beneath and around the bushes to make sure no snakes were hiding. They moved through the brush, their conversation centering on recipes; Charity offering to show Anna how to use the berries in combination with dried apples to make dumplings.

  "I'd like that," she said, taking a moment to stretch from the bending position required to pluck the berries from the lower branches. "I missed the last lesson." At Charity's quick smile, she giggled. "I'll try not to get into any more trouble and miss this one as well."

  With baskets that were almost full to the brim, Anna saw Harriet swiping her sleeve across her brow. "Why don't we take a break? There's a clearing down by the river. We can spread the blanket out for Hope. It has to be at least a bit cooler by the water," she said.

  The others were quick to agree and Anna led the way back through the dense bushes to lead them a little way back the way they had come before moving towards the river. Within a few minutes, they had the blanket spread out on the grass, giving Charity a chance to remove Hope from the sling on her hip.

  It was definitely cooler by the water. Anna saw Charity go to the river's edge and bend to place her hands into the water. Looking down at her own fingers, she saw they were smudged with the deep purple juice of the berries. Harriet joined them as they washed what stains they could off their hands and splashed cool water onto their faces.

  Charity moved to the blanket and looked down at her daughter. Hope was rocking back and forth on her hands and knees, her shift riding up to expose her diaper. "I'm going to give Hope a bath," she announced, sitting down to remove her shoes and stockings in preparation of wading into the water. After the baby's clothing had been stripped off, Hope laughed, her hands and feet churning in the air. "Poor little thing, she must get so hot sitting in that sling."

  Anna was about to take a seat on the blanket next to Harriet when Charity grinned at them. "Let's go swimming."

  "Do you think it's safe?" she asked, though she found she wanted to do nothing more now that the subject had been suggested.

  "Sure, we've been here for quite some time and haven't been bothered by anyone. Besides, I asked James, and he said we could if we were alone and were sure it was a safe spot. Those big rocks form a cove. This is about a perfect spot as you could find. Besides, I haven't had a proper bath in forever."

  "You know, the last time I went swimming, someone stole my clothes," Anna teased.

  Charity laughed. "What happened?"

  "I got my arse strapped, but that was also the day Richard fell in love with me."

  "I adore a good love story, tell us," Harriet prompted.

  Anna laughed; the memory no longer painful as the story had a happy ending. She told them everything; how mad she had been and how hard it was to attend the auction. She told then how Richard had saved her, and how she felt as if she'd been hit by lightning when he'd touched her hand. As she completed her tale, she grew a bit despondent.

  "I suppose Richard thought that he'd married a woman who knew how to behave. It seems I'm disappointing him in so many ways. I was just awful today. How could I say things that hurt him? He is such a good man—I really don't deserve him."

  Harriet shook her head and reached out to pat Anna's arm. "Child, you will learn, and must accept that once you have been forgiven, you need forgive yourself. There is no lesson to be learned in continuing to fret or feel guilty. Accept the forgiveness, and let each lesson help you in your journey. I assure you, marriage is not a fairytale but, Anna, I've seen you with Richard and can promise, you will have your happy ever after."

  "Do you think so?"

  Harriet nodded and smiled. "Yes, I
do. That man adores you. Every marriage has its ups and downs. Learn from the downs and really appreciate the ups."

  Charity laughed. "And, on that note, who's up for a swim?" She gave Anna a quick hug before she began unbuttoning her blouse.

  "I don't know," Anna said. "You might have permission, but I don't."

  "Oh come on, I'm sure Richard wouldn't mind. Besides, when was the last time you had a proper bath? I brought soap; we can share."

  Harriet looked between the two. "Anna's right, Charity, and we should be pleased to see that the lessons her husband is teaching are taking root."

  Charity still looked unconvinced but nodded. "Okay. We're not that far from the camp. Why don't you go find Richard and ask?"

  "I don't want to keep you from your swim," Anna said. "I'll just watch."

  "Nonsense, child," Harriet admonished. "I'm sure Richard would be quite pleased to know that you took the time to think this through. I'll stay with Charity. You can be there and back in two shakes of a lamb's tail."

  Anna considered it for another moment, looking towards the water. Smiling, she nodded. "Okay, I'll be right back. I'll take my basket back so I can carry Charity's later." Snatching up her basket of berries, she climbed the small rise that led up from the bank. Turning back, she smiled. The women were already undressing, tossing their clothing down onto the blanket.

  "I should steal your clothes," she teased.

  "Don't you dare," Charity retorted as she dropped her drawers. "Unless you want to explain to James why his wife is buck naked walking back to camp."

  Anna laughed. "I don't believe so; I can't even imagine the strapping Richard would give me." As they laughed, she gave them a wave, pushing through the bushes again.

  She began humming as she walked and abruptly stopped when she saw someone walking towards her. Looking over her shoulder, she realized that, while the bushes and leaves of the trees concealed the clearing, she could see Charity and Harriet waist deep in the water, Hope splashing them as her mother lowered her into it.


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