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Holly Jolly Lycan Christmas

Page 11

by Alicia Montgomery

Hannah was sitting on the counter, watching Dante as he stood over a pan by the stove. His hair was mussed, and he wore a tight white T-shirt that clung to his chest and torso. His sweatpants were slung low over his hips. She stifled a groan as she remembered his rock hard six-pack abs and the warmth of his taut skin. Did the man not have any flaws?

  “Oh, hey,” Dante greeted, flashing her a bright smile that sent her insides melting. “I was just making breakfast when Hannah walked in. I thought I’d show her my secret French toast recipe.”

  “Is that so?” Holly bit her lip to keep from smiling and looked at Hannah.

  Hannah nodded in agreement.

  “So, what’s the secret?”

  “Nuh-uh,” Dante shook his head. “That’s why it’s a secret.”

  “But you told Hannah?”

  Dante winked at Hannah. “Because she’s the best secret keeper in the world, right, hon?”

  Hannah’s face broke into a big smile, and she nodded enthusiastically.

  “That’s my girl,” he said, giving her a thumbs-up. He turned back to the pan and began placing the toast onto a plate. “Why don’t you set the table, and I’ll have these right out?”

  “Let’s go, sweetie,” Holly said, helping Hannah down from the counter. “Actually, Hannah,” she opened the fridge door and took out a carton of milk, “could you take this to the table and start setting up? I need to talk to Dante for a second.”

  Hannah took the carton and then headed out to the other room.

  “You really shouldn’t have,” Holly said, turning to him. “I should be the one making you breakfast after last night. To say thank you.”

  “You can make it tomorrow,” he said with a grin.

  “Or we can send you a gift basket.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “It better be a nice gift basket.”

  “Well, I—oh poop!” She slapped her hand over her head.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, crossing the distance between them. “Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head. “No, no, I’m fine. It’s just that … it’s Christmas Eve and I completely zoned out about planning for the holiday.” Her shoulders dropped. “This is her first without her mom and dad.”

  “Shit,” he said. “I’m sorry.”

  “I didn’t even get a Christmas tree.” She let out a laugh. “I wouldn’t even know where to get one. Sean used to get us one when I lived with him, but after that, I never bothered with the holidays. I usually spent Christmas in the kitchen or at home, passed out after a long night of working. I went to visit Sean, Brenda one time for the holidays, when Hannah was three.” She shrugged. “I keep asking Hannah if she wanted to celebrate Christmas here or if I could take her somewhere, but she just sits and stares at me. And now I haven’t even gotten her any gifts. I’m a terrible person.”

  “Shhh, stop saying that,” he said, then gathered her into his arms. “You’re not terrible.”

  Holly took a deep breath, breathing in his scent. She wondered now if he had that distinct smell because of what he was. Did Lycans give off unique pheromones that made them appealing? Whatever it was, it made her want to burrow deeper into his arms and it took all her strength to pull away. “Sorry to dump this on you. It’s fine. I’m fine. Maybe I’ll take Hannah skating at Rockefeller Center, and we can look at the Christmas tree there.”

  “Don’t even think about it,” Dante warned. “Look, you guys should come with me. To Jersey.”

  “What?” She looked up at him, and his face was dead serious. “But you’ll be spending time with your family. I can’t barge in on your celebration.”

  “You’re not,” he assured her. “Frankie and the kids will be there and so will Nonna Gianna and Enzo, plus everyone else. They’d love to have you and Hannah. We always make way too much food anyway.”

  “Still, we don’t want to impose.”

  “Look,” he said, placing his hands on her shoulders and looking her straight in the eyes. “I’d feel much better if you both came with me. I’m not leaving you alone, not with whoever’s trying to hurt you still out there. I’ll stay here if I have to and miss dinner and saying goodbye to my sister and her kids before Christmas.” His lips turned up into a smile. “But you have to tell Nonna Gianna why I’m missing the holidays with them.”

  She smirked. “Nonna Gianna would probably make another poor Uber driver come all the way to Manhattan just to drag you back there.”

  “So you agree? The only solution is to come with me,” he said with a boyish grin.

  “I didn’t—”

  “C’mon,” he said before she could protest. He grabbed the plate of French toast with one hand and took her arm with the other. “Hannah’s probably starving and the food’s getting cold.”

  Holly let out a sigh. “Fine.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dante didn’t know why, but he felt nervous as he pulled into the driveway of his childhood home in Barnsville, New Jersey. He glanced over at Holly, and though her pretty face looked serene, he could see her wringing her hands in her lap. In the backseat, Hannah, on the other hand, looked outside with an excited expression on her face.

  He wasn’t worried about his family liking Holly and Hannah, of course not. They were all going to love them because who wouldn’t? No, he was anxious about Holly’s reaction to his family. He wanted her to love them.

  She had already been so reluctant to spend even more time with him, and now he had coerced her into coming to dinner to meet his entire family. He sensed she would try to back out, so as soon as they sat down to breakfast that morning, he told Hannah they were invited to Christmas Eve dinner and that Adrianna and Lucas would be there as well. The little girl looked overjoyed and even let out a squeak of excitement. Dante himself would have had a hard time saying no to her. Holly had seemed so shocked by her niece’s reaction, she just nodded when he asked her if they could be ready by two p.m.

  Dante left their apartment after breakfast, telling Holly he had an errand to run and that he’d be back soon, but to call him if she felt scared or if anything suspicious happened, even if it was a small thing.

  He wasn’t lying; he did have an errand to run, but he didn’t want to tell her what it was exactly. He had a surprise for Hannah and Holly and asked a favor of Killian, the leader of the former Lone Wolves. Killian and his family were staying put in New York City this year and agreed to help him out. So, Dante ran his errand, stopped by Killian’s place, and then went back to Holly’s apartment so they could drive out to Jersey.

  “Okay, we’re here,” he said as he cut the engine. “Hold on.” He slipped out of the driver’s side, then opened the door for Holly.

  “Wow, this is a nice house,” Holly said, looking up at the Victorian-style mansion. “You grew up here?”

  “Yeah, my grandmother and grandfather bought it a couple of years after they started the restaurant,” Dante explained. “They raised my mom here, and then she raised us here, too. None of us live here full time now though, so Nonna Gianna moved in. We all take turns visiting her every weekend and help her at the restaurant.”

  “It’s beautiful,” she said. “Can you help Hannah out?” She had her hands full with two big pastry boxes. When he had gotten back to Holly’s place, she had whipped up a huge batch of French macarons in a rainbow of colors. She said that she had spent an entire summer working on her recipe when she was in school, refusing to give up until she got it perfect.

  Dante opened the rear passenger door and then helped Hannah out. She was still clutching the stuffed wolf, refusing to leave it at home. He held her hand and guided her up the steps to the porch. Holly was already waiting for them by the front door.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Would it be rude if I left the box by the door and ran?”

  He chuckled. “It’ll be fine.” He turned the knob, knowing the door was unlocked. “Hello?” he called out.

  All the lights were on, and the house had been decked out in a
ll the Christmas decorations they owned, some even his grandmother had brought over from Italy. Evergreen garlands decorated with lights and baubles wound down the bannisters on the staircase, as well as the windows. Wreathes hung on all the doors and boughs of evergreen hung over every entryway. He led Hannah and Holly into the living room room, where a huge tree sat in the corner, decorated with all kinds of ornaments, tinsel, and lights. There were a group of adults next to the fireplace, chatting and sipping wine while a couple of children played in one corner.

  “Uncle Dante! Uncle Dante!” Adrianna and Lucas chorused as soon as they entered.

  “Mama said you had a surprise for us,” Adrianna said. “It’s Hannah and Holly, right?”

  “Smart girl,” Dante said.

  “Hannah!” they cried when they realized who was hiding behind him. They both surrounded Hannah and enveloped her in a tight hug.

  “Yay!” Adrianna cheered. “I’m going to tell Daddy and Auntie Alynna!” She ran out of the living room.

  “Dante, Hannah, Holly!” Frankie greeted as she approached them. “I’m glad you could make it. Merry Christmas.” She gave her brother a kiss on the cheek and then embraced Hannah and Holly. “Sorry, I know it’s kind of a weird time for dinner. But, we’re leaving for Paris at nine p.m., and my sister-in-law and her family are leaving for Chicago around the same time.”

  “It’s fine,” Holly said. “I made these. I hope they’re okay. And that it’s okay we’re intruding on your family Christmas celebration.”

  Frankie clucked her tongue. “Nonsense. We’re glad to have you.”

  “So, what’s this I hear about Dante bringing a girl?” Grant Anderson said as he entered the room, Adrianna tugging at his arm. Alynna, his sister, followed from behind.

  “Actually,” Dante said, pulling Hannah up into his arms and putting an arm around Holly. “I brought two girls. This is Hannah and Holly.”

  “Woohoo, Chef McHottie,” Alynna Westbrooke, Grant’s sister, joked as she elbowed her way forward. “You’ve done well for yourself. Too good, I think, and I already know she doesn’t deserve you.” She gave Holly a warm smile. “Hello, I’m Alynna Westbrooke,” she introduced herself.

  “Holly Taylor,” she said, taking the other woman’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “This is a good look for you, Dante,” Alynna said with a wink.

  Grant rolled his eyes. “Excuse my sister; she has no filter whatsoever. Grant Anderson.”

  If Holly was intimidated by the Alpha of New York, she didn’t show it. She shook Grant’s hand warmly and looked him in the eye as she introduced herself. Dante felt pride swell in his chest.

  “Now,” Frankie began. “Nonna’s in the kitchen. She’s banned us from entering and helping, so you’ll see her in a bit. But let me introduce you to the rest of the family.”

  Dante followed them as Frankie introduced them to the adults she hadn’t yet met. Enzo and Matt she knew, but not Rafe and his wife Jenny, who was about six months pregnant with their first child; there was also Alex, Alynna’s husband. Then there were the kids, who all seemed delighted to have found a new playmate in Hannah. There were seven kids now (soon to be eight), and they welcomed Hannah with open arms. The shy little girl seemed reluctant at first, but was easily taken into the fold.

  “Now, are we ready to eat?” Enzo asked.

  “Almost, I think,” Frankie said. “We’re just waiting for—” A loud, revving sound from a motorcycle engine cut her off and a cheer rang out from the kids. “Noah,” Frankie said with a smirk.

  “Your father knows how to make an entrance,” Alynna chuckled.

  “Your father?” Holly echoed, looking up at Dante.

  “Yeah, didn’t I mention he’d be here?” he said with feigned innocence.

  Holly narrowed her eyes at him.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t want her to meet Noah. He wasn’t mad at his father, despite him having been gone most of his life. He just didn’t know how to explain it to Holly and not scare her away at the same time.

  The door opened, and heavy footsteps plodded through the front hall, making their way to the living room.

  “Grandpa Noah! Grandpa Noah!” The Anderson and Westbrooke children ran toward the man entering the doorway.

  Noah walked into the living room in his usual red leather riding gear, carrying a large sack Dante knew would be filled with presents. He had texted his father earlier in the day, asking him to bring an extra present for Hannah. Noah had agreed and didn’t even ask him any questions.

  Now, however, his father glanced over at Holly, then to Hannah, who was clinging to Dante’s legs, and raised a quizzical brow at him. Noah finished greeting all the kids, promising them they would all have presents, then walked over to Dante and Holly.

  “Dante,” he greeted. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas, Noah,” Dante greeted back. “I’d like you to meet Holly and Hannah Taylor.”

  “Nice to meet you, Holly,” Noah said.

  “Nice to meet you too, Noah,” Holly said, extending her hand, which he shook.

  Noah bent down to Hannah’s eye level. With his red jacket, long white beard, and massive frame, Noah would have looked intimidating to anyone, especially a little girl. Hannah shrank back further behind Dante.

  “Hannah, honey, it’s okay,” Dante urged. “This is my dad. He rides a motorcycles and loves bringing gifts for everyone. Kinda like Santa. Maybe he’ll show you his motorcycle.”

  Hannah looked up at him with her big blue eyes, then back at Noah. Slowly, she moved closer, her eyes narrowing as she inspected Noah.

  “Hello Hannah,” he said. “You can call me Grandpa Noah. All the kids do.”

  “She doesn’t talk,” Holly said, her tone embarrassed.

  “Oh. You don’t like to talk?” Noah asked. “Sometimes when I’m on my motorcycle and I’ve been riding around for days, I don’t say a word neither. It’s okay, pumpkin, you talk when you’re ready, okay?”

  Hannah’s face broke out into a smile and Noah gave her a gentle pat on the head before standing up.

  “Hello, Noah,” Frankie said as she hugged her father. “How was your ride over?”

  “Cold but beautiful. There’s snow everywhere up north, and we’ll probably be seeing a couple inches tonight,” he answered, then turned to Grant. “Alpha.”

  “Merry Christmas, Noah,” Grant said. “Glad to have you with us. Sorry about the change of plans. You’re welcome to join us in Paris; we have plenty of room on the jet.”

  Noah chuckled. “Nah, I’m not into fancy shmancy stuff like that. I’ll see you all again for New Year’s Eve. I’m just glad I caught you, so the kids can get their gifts.”

  “Grant,” Frankie began. “Did you know Holly lived in Paris for a couple of years?”


  Holly nodded. “Yes. I went to culinary school there on a scholarship.”

  “Didn’t you say you wanted to take your mom and stepdad to dinner somewhere special before we leave?” Frankie wiggled her eyebrows at Grant.

  “Oh. Right.” Grant cleared his throat. “I think the kids are helping set the table. Let’s go drop Hannah off, and then maybe you can recommend some good restaurants.”

  “Of course,” Holly said. “C’mon Hannah, let’s go.”

  As soon as Grant, Holly, and Hannah were out of earshot, Frankie turned to Dante. “So? What happened last night?”

  “Frankie, did you just make your husband distract Holly so you can interrogate me about her?”

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “You slept over at her house, and now you’re bringing her here for Christmas Eve to meet everyone. Tell me, are things serious?”

  “Nothing happened, if that’s what you’re asking,” Dante said wryly. “I didn’t have sex with her.”

  “So, it is serious,” Noah interjected, which prompted a giggle from Frankie. “Who is she?”

  Dante gave Noah the short version about how he met Holly and Han
nah. “And so, she didn’t really make plans for Christmas Eve, and I didn’t want to leave her alone, so I brought her here.”

  “You’re feeling protective toward her?” Frankie asked with a raised brow.

  “She nearly died last night. They both did, of course I am.”

  “Hmmm …” Frankie tapped her chin with her finger. “And tell me … do you feel anything else? Like when you first touched her? And does she smell really good to you?”

  “Frankie, what are you talking about?”

  “She does, doesn’t she? And your wolf reacts around her, right?” Frankie didn’t even bother to wait for an answer before she blurted out, “Holly is your True Mate.”

  “Excuse me? Who’s a True Mate?” Alynna said, as she popped up from behind Dante.

  “Holly and Dante,” Frankie said.

  Alynna squealed with excitement. “Oh my God! I knew it! You’ve never brought a girl over to meet us!”

  “What?” Dante exclaimed. “No, you got it all wrong. She’s a human.”

  “Duh,” Alynna said. “That doesn’t make a difference. Cady’s a human. And so are Quinn, Connor, and Killian’s mates.”

  Dante glanced toward the doorway where Grant and Holly had disappeared, his jaw dropping. It hit him like a ton of bricks. Holly was his True Mate. Possibly, anyway.

  “You don’t believe us? There is one way you’ll be able to know for sure,” Alynna said with a sly wink.

  It took a moment for what she said to sink into him. “I’m not going to knock her up,” Dante said quickly.

  Aside from knowing them by scent and touch, there was one other surefire way to tell if two people were True Mates. Lycans and their destined partners always conceived the first time they had sex without any physical barriers. According to Frankie, she had been religiously taking her birth control when she got pregnant with the twins.

  “Aww, but you’d have the most gorgeous babies!” Alynna said.

  “You mean, not now, right?” Frankie said. “But you will, eventually?”

  “It’s meant to be,” Alynna added. “You can’t stop fate.”

  The vision of Holly pregnant with his child quickly made its way into his mind’s eye. His wolf growled with pleasure. Would it be that bad? They could be a family. Him, Holly, Hannah, and all the kids that came after. The thought made his heart swell, and in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to make it come true.


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