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Holly Jolly Lycan Christmas

Page 14

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Could be connected. It can’t have been a coincidence.” He faced her and gripped her upper arm. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you and Hannah. You’re coming with me now. Both of you will be staying with me from now on until we know you’re safe.”

  “No way,” she seethed with mounting rage. “We are not staying with you.”

  “Why the hell not?” He gnashed his teeth, and she could feel the fury building within him. “I have round-the-clock security at my building, plus you’ll have me for protection. You don’t even have a doorman.”

  “I’m not going to stay at your home! We’ll go to a hotel.”

  “You’re being ridiculous!” When she tried to wiggle away, he held her tighter. “Why are you acting like this?

  “I … I …” Rage sputtered in her. “Dante, this is all going too fast! I have to protect Hannah.”

  “From what? My apartment is the safest place …” His eyes turned stormy, and realization must have kicked in. “You don’t mean protect Hannah from who’s out to get you. You mean protect her from me?”

  “I … She’s already getting too attached!” She finally wrenched away from him. “And I can’t have her heartbroken when you leave.”

  “When?” he asked. “When I leave? Jesus Christ, this is about Janine, right? What you think you saw at the rink?”

  The name tore at her, and she suppressed the urge to hurl something at his head. “Look, I understand. Hell, I was the one who invited you to my bed. Last night was fun. But I know that’s all it was to you and—”

  “Holly, goddammit, stop!” Dante said. “Look … Janine … yes, we had a thing. A one-time thing, and I didn’t think I’d run into her there. She just kind of … ambushed me. She used to be a model, and now she’s married to one of my biggest clients, this movie exec who books the entire restaurant for his parties. She was friendly and tried to give me her number in case I wanted to hook up, but I tossed it away after she left. For God’s sake, her kid was there in the rink.”

  She stared at him, wanting to believe his words. Could she trust him?

  “I don’t want her, Holly. I want you. Yes, I have a past. You probably have one, too. And I can’t even think straight when I try to imagine you with other men. But that’s behind us now. I’m sorry you were hurt, but I’m not sorry about my past because I can’t change that anymore that you can yours. And if you can’t handle my past, tell me now and we won’t sleep together anymore. But I’m going to protect you and Hannah, even if I have to lock you both up.”

  “Dante …” She searched his eyes, trying to find a flicker of deceit. Her mind was screaming at her to run away, but her heart knew he was telling the truth. “Dante, I’m sorry. For jumping to conclusions.”

  His shoulders sagged with relief, and he wrapped her in his arms, then kissed the top of her head. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I don’t blame you. If it had been me …” A deep growl rumbled from his chest. “Anyway, we need to get out of here. I’m going to take care of everything, okay?” He glanced over at the car. Hannah had unbuckled her seatbelt and had her nose pressed to the window, wide blue eyes staring at them. “Just worry about yourself and Hannah.”

  She buried her face in his chest, inhaling his comforting scent. “I will. But what will we tell her?”

  “Whatever you think is best.”

  She nodded.

  “Let’s go.”

  As she got into the passenger side seat, Holly looked back at Hannah and shot her a reassuring smile. “Sweetie, there was some … water damage to our apartment.” She hated to lie, but it was still Christmas, after all. “I’m afraid we can’t stay there, so we’re going to stay with Dante for a bit until we get it fixed, okay?”

  Hannah looked placated and nodded.

  “You’ll like my apartment,” Dante said as he started the car and slid out of the spot. “I have a big living room and TV, a nice couch, and you’ll have your own room. We’ll get someone to grab your things okay? Or we’ll buy you new ones.” Dante glanced at Holly meaningfully, and she suppressed a smile. “Oh! And guess what? You’ll meet some new friends, too. My neighbors, Lizzie, Anthony, and Jacob. They’re friends with Adrianna and Lucas, and just as nice.”

  Although the tension had passed, Dante still seemed uneasy. His grip on the steering wheel was so tight his knuckles were white, and he kept glancing behind them. The streets were clear, but they drove for at least thirty minutes, and when they arrived at his building, she realized they must have driven around in circles because they weren’t far from Muccino’s and Petite Louve. He probably did that in case anyone was following them. She didn’t press him, but she would ask later.

  “Welcome to my home,” he said as he opened the door to his loft apartment.

  Hannah stepped inside first. Holly followed behind her and, as she looked around, she realized it was exactly what she thought Dante’s apartment would look like. The loft had tall ceilings, giving it a light and airy feel. The furniture, including the large sectional sofa and the dining table at the other end were top of the line and probably cost a small fortune. Everything was sleek and modern, but still had a homey feel. She supposed after a long day at work, it was nice to be able to come home to a comfortable place.

  Or impress all those women, a voice inside her head said.

  “Let’s go see your room, honey,” Dante said, as he led them down the hallway on the right. There were two doors, and Dante opened one and let them inside. “It’s not as nice as your room, I think, but we can decorate if you want. Go ahead,” he nodded to Hannah, “why don’t you look around.”

  Cautiously, Hannah walked into the room. It was modern and sleek, just like the rest of the apartment, and she looked like she was afraid to touch anything. She put her hand on the bed, feeling it, before climbing on top.

  “So, do you think you can stand living in this dump with me for a bit,” Dante whispered in Holly’s ear as he came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist.

  She let out an exaggerated sigh. “I suppose I’ll have to slum it for a while.” He chuckled and then she turned around in his arms to face him. “It’s a nice place, really. I’m sure you worked hard for it.”

  “You’re the only girl I’ve brought here,” he admitted. “Well, now you and Hannah.”

  She smiled, the voice inside her silenced. “Now you have to show me the most important room.”

  “The kitchen?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

  She let out a laugh. “No, the other most important room.”

  He leaned down and kissed her soundly on the mouth. “I think Hannah’s ready for a nap. Let’s tuck her in, and then we can have our nap. The one that doesn’t involve any sleeping.”

  Well, it was still Christmas Day, after all.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Ready sweetie?” Holly asked.

  The little girl nodded.

  “Alright, I’m gonna drop you off at Aunty Selena’s first, then Dante and I will pick you up when we come home, okay?”

  Another nod.

  She took Hannah’s hand in hers, grabbed her purse, and left the loft. Taking the elevator, they went up one floor to Quinn and Selena Martin’s apartment. She rang the doorbell and waited.

  “I know it looks like a murder scene in here,” Selena said as she answered the door, little Jacob at her hip, “but I swear to you, I haven’t killed my children. Yet.”

  Holly glanced around, barely suppressing a laugh. Two easy chairs were turned on their sides and the coffee table had been cleared of its knickknacks. The couch was smeared with small red handprints which looked suspiciously like strawberry jam. “Looks like breakfast time was interesting.”

  “It’s always interesting in the Martin household,” she said with a sigh. “Hello, Hannah,” she greeted. “Lizzie and Anthony are in time out for about an hour. Maybe you and I can play with Jacob until they’ve learned their lesson?”

  “I’ve learned my lesson!” a high-pitc
hed voice called from down the hallway.

  “You shush, Elizabeth!” Selena called back. “One hour. No less.” She shook her head. “I had to put Anthony in time out, too. He didn’t want to rat out Lizzie, and I’m proud of him for that, but I couldn’t give him any less of a punishment even though I know she started it. He was crying, though, because he was looking forward to playing with Hannah today.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be a good lesson.”

  “I hope so. So, did you need to get going? Sorry, Quinn’s running a little late,” Selena said. “I’m sure you have a pretty busy day today.”

  “I can’t thank you enough,” Holly said. “For everything.”

  Selena waved her hand. “You’ve thanked me a million times already. Like I said, just give us a couple of free meals when you’re up and running and we’ll be even. I promise to leave the kids at home.”

  “Hey Holly,” Quinn, Selena’s husband greeted as he jogged down the stairs from their loft bedroom. “Sorry about the wait. Hey, baby doll,” he said to Hannah as he ruffled her head playfully. “Alright, I’m ready.”

  She and Selena chatted for a bit, then she kissed Hannah goodbye as Quinn gave his son and wife a kiss. She followed Quinn to the elevator and down to the garage. As they did every morning for the past few days, Quinn drove her to the restaurant before heading off to work.

  The day after Christmas, Holly and Sharice had talked over the phone regarding the future of Petite Louve. Though the insurance would pay for the repairs and renovations, their people still needed work, especially during the holidays. Dante had a solution: he offered to take in some of their staff and to call up other restaurants in the area to see if they could help the displaced employees.

  Much to her surprise, the response had been overwhelming. Several restaurants in the neighborhood took on their waiters, cooks, and even busboys temporarily until Petite Louve re-opened. It had been a big weight off her shoulders, and she was glad Dante had suggested it.

  With their people taken care of, Holly and Sharice were free to oversee the repairs and renovations. Except for the smoke and the big hole in their window, the dining room was left relatively unscathed. However, the kitchen was a mess. Everything had to be replaced and redone. It had broken her heart the first time she saw it the day after Christmas. Dante had been there to support her, holding her hand as she inspected the damage.

  The contractor had told them they could be ready in a month, which was fine considering it could have been worse. Of course, Holly still had to worry about Hannah, and a renovation site certainly wasn’t a place for a little girl. And, again, Dante provided the solution—their neighbors, Selena and Quinn. Selena was off from work for the holidays and was only happy to watch Hannah during the day for a couple of hours since she was home with her kids. It also meant she could get a ride from Quinn, instead of taking a cab to the restaurant every morning.

  They still hadn’t found out what had happened at her apartment. They called the police and reported the break-in, but it obviously wasn’t their top priority. That’s why Dante had hired a private firm, Lone Wolf Security, to look into it and provide added security for her and Hannah. Incidentally, Quinn worked there with his brothers, who also happened to be Lycans. He and Killian had interviewed her for over an hour, trying to find out who was attempting to hurt her. She still felt uneasy knowing whoever it was was still out there, but being around Dante and the Lycans, she and Hannah couldn’t be any safer.

  When Quinn dropped her off, she headed to Muccino’s first to check in with Dante. She went around to the back, entered through the kitchen door, and found Dante in the middle of the room, his back to her, talking to Andres and Jorge.

  “… And has anyone seen Enzo?”

  Andres shook his head. “No, Chef. But he said he was running an errand.”

  “All right, when you do see him, tell him I need to talk to him about the guest list for New Year’s.”

  “Sure, Chef,” Jorge answered. When she locked eyes with the line cook, he nodded toward her.

  Dante turned around. The serious expression on his face turned bright when he saw her. He crossed the distance between them and hugged her. “You’re a sight for sore eyes,” he said, kissing her square on the lips. Behind them, Andres and Jorge gave them appreciative whistles and whoops. He turned his head. “All right you degenerates, get back to work,” he said, a hint of humor in his voice.

  “Yes, Chef.” They laughed as they went back to their workstations.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, just the usual. Enzo thought it would be nice if we shut down early on New Year’s Eve and have a party for everyone and the staff, yours and ours. Well, whoever’s in town, anyway. He wants to make it kid-friendly, too, so Hannah can come and we won’t have to worry about a sitter.”

  “Oh, that would be lovely.” Holly’s heart was practically bursting with joy. Dante’s family and extended family had accepted her and Hannah and made them feel welcome. Just the other day, while they were having dinner at the restaurant with Frankie, Grant, and the kids, Lucas had called her “Uncle Dante’s girlfriend” and no one corrected him. Dante simply smiled, while his sister gave him a knowing look.

  “Yeah well, it’s his damn idea, so he better help with the planning,” he grumbled. “How’s everything? Hannah?”

  “She’s over at Selena’s.” Holly relayed to him what had happened with the kids.

  “Hmmm, I don’t like how that Anthony looks at her and follows her around like a lost puppy.”

  “Dante!” She swatted him on the chest playfully. “He’s five and she’s seven. I think you can put the shotgun away for a couple of years.” Of course that comment made her blush because of what it implied. That Dante would be around to watch Hannah grow up into a teenager. She cleared her throat. “Uhm, I should really go over now and check on Sharice.”

  He nodded. “I’ll come with you.”

  Hand in hand, they went over to Petite Louve, greeting the workers as they stepped around piles of lumber, tools, and workbenches scattered all over the kitchen. Since they just wanted a re-creation of the old kitchen and it was being done by the same company, the work was going to be done quickly. They only had to delay their original grand opening date by two weeks.

  Holly and Dante walked down the hallway to the offices. Holly felt a shiver down her spine remembering the last time she had been here and where she and Hannah had nearly lost her lives. Dante put a reassuring arm around her, and his mere presence and delicious scent calmed her down.

  And possibly made her horny. God, the sex had only gotten better in the last few days. She still felt weird about having sex with Hannah in the same apartment, and even though she had her own room and Dante’s lofted bedroom upstairs was enclosed, she still insisted on being quiet.

  “What are you thinking of?” Dante asked.


  He gave her a lascivious smile. “I’m thinking of nothing, too.” His hand moved down her waist to cup her ass.

  “Dante!” she admonished as they reached Sharice’s office. She grabbed the door handle. “Can you please behave in front of Sharice? She is still my boss.”

  As she opened the door, loud moans, a gasp, and the distinct sounds of kissing filled the air.

  “What the—Sharice!” Holly exclaimed as she saw two people entwined on top of the desk. Still locked in a passionate embrace, Sharice and Enzo’s heads turned toward them when they entered. Sharice let out an undignified squeak, then pushed Enzo away.

  “Holly!” Sharice scrambled off the desk and shoved her dress down. “You’re here early,” she said with a nervous laugh.

  “Not more than usual,” Holly said with a raised brow. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  “I told you we should keep this off hours,” Sharice hissed at Enzo.

  “Babe, you can’t come to work looking like that and expect me to keep my hands to myself,” Enzo said, giving her a wink.

bsp; “This is how I always dress,” she pointed out.

  “I know.”

  “Ahem.” Dante cleared his throat. “If you’re done with your errand, Enzo, we have work to do. And for fuck’s sake, zip up your fly.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He looked to Sharice. “I’ll be by at seven, babe. See you, Holly.” He gave Holly a two-fingered salute as he walked past them.

  Dante shrugged. “I’ll see you later.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Sharice.”

  “Dante,” she acknowledged with a slight nod.

  With a last look at Holly, Dante left with Enzo in tow.

  Holly pivoted to Sharice. “So … too young for you, huh? An ‘arrogant SOB’?”

  “Oh please,” Sharice said, regaining her composure. “We’re just having fun.” She shot Holly a pointed look. “At least I’m not moving in with him.”

  Warmth crept up her cheeks. “That’s only until my landlord finishes fixing the water damage.” Since they ruled out Sharice and the restaurant as targets, they decided not to tell her about the break-in.

  “Uh-huh. Girl, you haven’t stopped smiling all week. I thought I was going to have to send you to the hospital. Or the exorcist. But then again, it’s probably not a demon that’s inside you.”


  Sharice walked behind her desk. “All right, c’mon now, let’s go look at those modifications to the kitchen.”

  “Eww.” Holly wrinkled her nose. “I’m not getting anywhere near your desk. Let’s go find a surface where you and Enzo haven’t been making out on.”


  “Really, Enzo?” Dante berated as they left Petite Louve.

  “What?” his brother asked. “You the only one who can play footsie with the neighbor?”

  Dante shook his head. Enzo didn’t mean it in an insulting way, of course. But still, he knew his brother’s reputation. “There’re a million girls in Manhattan, and you go after her?”

  “She’s one of a kind, bro,” he said with a wistful sigh. “You understand, right?”


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