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Deceitful Circle (Silent Circle Book 2)

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by Cassandra Larsen

  Silent Circle Series

  Book Two:

  Deceitful Circle

  a novel by

  Cassandra Larsen

  Copyright © 2014 by Cassandra Larsen

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover Art by Kat Squibb Photography

  Cover Model: Nicolette Grenier

  For my sisters, Nikki, Danielle, and Kat —

  I don’t know what I’d do without you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  I stare into the mirror at my puffy eyes. There’s not enough concealer in the world to cover up how bad I look this morning. I try anyway, going heavier than normal on the eyeliner and mascara to make up for my lackluster appearance. I leave my black hair down around my shoulders, pull on a pair of skinny jeans and my favorite black corset style shirt, and study my reflection again. Nope, it’s not working. I still look like crap.

  My stomach roils at the thought of facing Sebastian after our explosive break up yesterday. I grab my keys and hesitate. I could just stay home today; it’s not like my dad would notice... I reject the idea with a sharp shake of my head. I’m not going to hide in my room like a coward.

  I drive to school, dreading every minute of it. I walk into the building, keeping my eyes straight ahead, hoping to run into Olivia. I called her last night after Sebastian took off, but she didn’t answer.

  Someone slams into me from behind, making me jump. I turn and catch a glimpse of Josh’s mocking grin before he disappears into the crowd. I take a deep breath and count to five.

  It’s only been a week since I found out I’m a witch and already I've almost committed murder, completely alienated my now ex-boyfriend, and single-handedly exposed the coven to a pack of murderous werewolves.

  It has not been a good week.

  Snatching my books out of the locker, I head to homeroom.

  * * *

  Olivia isn’t in class. I text her a few times throughout the day, but don’t get any response, which is weird. She always answers her texts. By now she has to have heard about me and Seb. I hear whispers about it between classes. Based on the gossip, it seems Sebastian wasted no time in alerting the student body to what a whore I am.

  In addition to all the other craziness going on this week, I also had to attend the witch’s equivalent of anger management classes after I nearly killed Sarah Bell at a party. I didn’t mean to hurt her — I just got angry. Really angry. And as I discovered, an untrained witch with a temper can be extremely dangerous to those around them. But thanks to Caiden and his training, I think I have that part of my nature under control for now. Unfortunately, all the time we had to spend together for these training sessions has caused Sebastian and the rest of the school to assume the worst.

  Crazy rumors are still circulating, each one more ludicrous than the last; they say that Caiden and I have been secretly hooking up for years; that I’m pregnant and I don’t know who the father is; that I’m addicted to cocaine and Caiden is my supplier. I even heard someone whisper that not only have I been cheating on Seb with Caiden, but I’ve been screwing Josh as well. That one pissed me off the most.

  I do my best to ignore it all, but by the time lunch rolls around, I’m ready to snap. I consider eating lunch in my car, but I won’t give Sebastian the satisfaction. I walk into the cafeteria like I don’t have a care in the world and go straight to a table in the back that’s usually empty. I keep my attention on my pizza and pretend I can’t hear the people around me whispering. I know sitting by myself is just going to start up more gossip, but I can’t stomach the thought of sitting at my normal table and seeing Josh’s gloating face.

  I’m concentrating on ignoring everything around me, so when someone sits down next to me, I jump.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask blankly.

  Caiden examines my face, taking in my red-rimmed eyes and colorless cheeks. “I thought I could use a change of scenery.”

  “Aren’t you afraid I’ll ruin your reputation?” I ask with a hint of a smile.

  Caiden nudges me with his shoulder playfully. “As long as I’m not being chased out of town by crazy werewolves, I’ll take my chances.”

  While Caiden’s been training me, he’s also been helping me find answers about my mother’s past. According to Caroline, the coven’s High Priestess, my mom had been running from the Silver Lake Pack since before I was born, and three years ago, they finally found her. Caroline tells me that my mom killed herself to keep the pack from finding out about me, but thanks to my recent, ill-fated road trip to Ashwood Creek, my mother’s hometown, the pack now knows I’m alive, and they’ll be coming for me.

  We eat for a few minutes, not talking. I hear a high pitched giggle and look up to see Olivia sitting at our normal table. I didn’t think she was in school, since she wasn’t in class and didn’t answer any of my calls or texts, but the way she’s staring daggers at me now explains why she’s been ignoring me; she’s obviously pissed, though I don’t know why. I almost march over there to see what her problem is, but stop when I notice Kayla.

  She’s sitting across from Olivia, grinning ear to ear, the source of the giggling. Sebastian has his arm around her, nuzzling her neck, her arms twined around him, hands fisted in his golden hair.

  My stomach gives a sickening lurch and I push my pizza away.

  “So, I guess you two broke up.” Caiden says, following my gaze.


  “Was it because of me?” He sounds upset at the thought.

  “It was for a lot of reasons. But, basically, yeah. He found out I was with you last night. I can’t blame him for assuming the worst.”

  “Can’t you?” He asks quietly. After a few heartbeats, he changes the subject. “Are you ready for the circle tonight?”

  “Not really, but it’s not like I have much of a choice...”

  “You always have a choice. If you’re not up for it, I’ll talk to Caroline. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  I give him my first genuine smile today, small though it is.

  “Thanks, Caid, but I’d rather not sit in my room and brood all night.” I purse my lips in thought, trying to distract myself. “So, why don’t you tell me who else will be there tonight? I’m assuming Lydia, Ethan and Arianna.” I nod my head toward the table Caiden normally sits at.

  All three of them are watching us, but I can’t get a read on their expressions. Are they annoyed that Caiden’s over here with me? Worried? I don’t know. They must have taken lessons from Caiden in honing their poker face.

  “Yeah, they’ll be there, as will Mirowski–”

  Kayla giggles again and I can’t stop myself from glancing up.

  Now Sebastian is full on making out with her, one hand groping her ass, the other sneaking up her shirt. He moves his head to the side and looks me straight in the eye as he begins to nibbl
e on her ear.

  My stomach drops and the pizza threatens to come back up. This is so much worse than I would’ve imagined. Despite the stuff we’ve been going through, I still care about him. Watching him with someone else — someone I considered a friend — is unbelievably painful.

  My blood roars in my ears, the frantic whooshing sound drowning out the rest of the room. Then Caiden’s steady, warm hand begins rubbing circles on my back. I try to breath but my chest hurts too much.

  “Em, look at me.”

  I want to drag my gaze away from Sebastian and Kayla, but I can’t. It’s like a car wreck; I can’t look away.

  “Em.” Caiden places his other hand on my cheek and gently turns my face away. “It’s alright,” he soothes.

  I look into Caiden’s deep green eyes, my own brimming with tears I try to fight. I will never forgive myself if I cry in front of everyone.

  “I can help you,” he whispers so only I can hear. “I can calm you down, take away the pain, but I’ll need to use my gift on you.”

  I vaguely remember him telling me that his talent deals with the mental and emotional, but he never said exactly what he’s able to do, other than healing and memory alteration.

  “It’s not dangerous or anything — it’ll wear off by the end of the school day — but it’ll calm you down,” he continues. “Do you want me to do it?”

  If he can keep me from breaking down in front of everyone, then I’ll try anything. “Please...”

  “Alright, then look into my eyes. It’ll be okay. You’ll feel better in a minute.”

  As I stare into Caiden’s eyes, warmth begins flowing into me from where his hands rest on my collar bone and cheek. My muscles start to relax, inch by inch. There seems to be endless layers behind the crystalline depths of his eyes.

  A buzz of commotion sounds somewhere off to my right, but I ignore it as I lose myself in Caiden’s gaze.

  The leaden feeling oppressing me moments before begins to lighten. I feel a smile form on my lips. I’ve never paid much attention to how handsome Caiden really is. I’ve know he was good looking, but right now, with his messy, dark chocolate hair forming a halo around his head and his serious eyes focused entirely on me, he’s beautiful.

  I’m dimly aware that my thoughts are a little loopy. Caiden’s face shifts slightly, his gaze becoming hooded and more intense. I wonder if he knows what I’m thinking.

  A shadow falls across us and Caiden’s warmth is ripped away. As my thoughts clear, I try to make sense of what I’m seeing.

  Sebastian has Caiden by the throat, pinning him down to the table, growling incoherently while he punches him, keeping his other hand wrapped tight around Caiden’s neck.

  Sebastian’s going to kill him.

  I lunge toward them, but before I can figure out what to do, Caiden throws Sebastian through the air, slamming him into the windows behind. The glass rattles, but thankfully nothing breaks.

  Sebastian growls again and lowers his head, about to charge, but Josh jumps into his path, blocking him.

  “Forget about them Seb. The slut’s not worth it,” he says, wrapping his thick arms around Sebastian’s chest to hold him back.

  At the word slut, Caiden’s demeanor changes and he leaps forward at Josh. I can’t let this happen. I remember Caiden’s guilt from the last time he lost control. I can’t let him do something he’ll regret later. Not for me.

  I jump the few feet separating me from Caiden and wrap my arms around him tightly from behind, my chest pressing into his back.

  “No, Caiden! Stop! It’s okay. Stop.”

  At my first touch, Caiden freezes, breathing heavily.

  “It’s okay,” I say soothingly. “Come on. Let’s just go.”

  I take a few steps backward, still keeping my arms locked tight around him. He lets me pull him away as teachers start swarming in.

  “Well, what do we have here?” I slowly let my arms drop as Caiden and I turn around to face Mr. Davidson, his wire-rim glasses slightly askew. “Causing more trouble, Miss Greenwood?”

  “She didn’t do anything,” Caiden says, seething.

  From behind me, Sebastian snarls something unintelligible. I hear Josh murmur to him, trying to calm him down.

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Davidson says sharply. “You both go straight to my office.” He walks away from us to deal with the others.

  I take in Caiden’s appearance. His lip is split, blood dripping down onto his chin. One eye is beginning to swell shut and there are dark purple bruises already forming on his throat.

  “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” I say, taking his hand and leading him to the girl’s bathroom.

  I position Caiden in front of the sink and wet some paper towels. “I’m so sorry, Caid; I didn’t think. I should've known that Sebastian would go off the deep end if he saw you with me.”

  I dab the towel at his lip to stem the oozing blood. I expect him to pull away, but he doesn’t.

  “This is pretty deep. Can you heal it?”

  “Can’t. It’d be too obvious if I suddenly showed up without a scratch. It’ll heal on its own.”

  His voice is slightly garbled due to his fat lip. I gently wipe the blood away. Caiden’s hands come up to rest on my hips, but other than that he stays perfectly still. I try to concentrate on what I’m doing, but the heat of his hands is distracting.

  When I press the damp towel to his bloody mouth, my index finger slips, grazing his lower lip. It’s surprisingly soft. I lean in closer, imagining what those lips would feel like pressed up against mine...

  I pull back at the last second, embarrassed. He just got attacked by my ex, when all he was trying to do was help me. What am I doing? I back up slightly, putting some distance between us. Caiden’s hands fall away, eyes locked on mine, but he doesn’t say anything. He just stands there, watching me.

  His lip isn’t bleeding too badly anymore, so I throw away the towels and scrutinize the rest of his injuries. The bruising on his throat looks painful.

  “I know that you have to leave a few marks, but you don’t have to leave all of them, do you?”

  I gently touch his throat, tracing the purplish marks with my fingertips. His breathing gets heavier as he stares at me, but he doesn't stop me from touching him.

  “Do you want to try to heal it?” His voice is rough, gravelly.

  “Do you think I can?” I ask, surprised.

  “One way to find out.” He reaches up to my elbow, sliding it softly up my arm and wrapping around my hand, keeping it pressed against the strong column of his throat. My heart pounds in my ears.

  “I want you to close your eyes and imagine a bright white light inside you, here.”

  He places his other hand on my upper chest, just skimming the top of my breasts, the warmth from his hand making me catch my breath.

  “Focus on this light, imagine it spinning and growing, getting brighter and brighter.”

  His voice takes on a hypnotic tone. I lean into his touch. I can see what he’s describing, feel it burning inside me.

  “Let this light travel up your arm.”

  The hand at my wrist drops to my shoulder, and slowly slides all the way back up to my forearm. The light flows along the same path as his caress.

  “Bring it up here.” His palm moves to cover my hand again. It feels hot and tingly. “And then let it flow out of you, gently, a little at a time.”

  I do as he says and am rewarded with a sharp gasp. Caiden’s breathing becomes unsteady, his pulse racing. I move in closer, my upper thighs lightly pressing into his.

  Strange images appear behind my eyes. It looks like a faceted emerald glowing with the light I created. I reach in further and I feel my own hand on my neck, warmth seeping into my skin, easing the pain of my throat. Trust and desire and longing wrap around me.

  Then, like a splash of cold water, I’m back in my own head. I open my eyes and find myself pierced by Caiden’s intense gaze.

  “Good. That
’s enough. Anymore and you’ll fix all the visible marks.” His voice is still gruff, his breathing ragged and uneven.

  I look down to where my hand is joined with Caiden’s. He moves them away from his throat and I stare in awe. The bruises are completely gone.

  “I did that?”

  He smiles a little, but looks troubled. “Yeah, you did.”

  I survey the rest of him. “Your eye is a little less swollen too. It might not even bruise. You’re lip is still cut, but not as badly.”

  He turns away from me to look at his reflection, forcing me to step back.

  “You did a good job.” I beam under his praise. “Now we need to get to the office before Mr. Davidson comes looking for us.”

  “I really am sorry about this, Caiden.”

  He turns to face me again. “This wasn’t your fault.”

  “I know, but you were just trying to help me. You didn’t deserve to get dragged into my mess... I feel terrible. What if you get suspended?”

  He smiles at me, his cut lip giving him a sexy, roguish look. “Well, I knew you’d ruin my reputation sooner or later.”

  We get to the office just as Sebastian is leaving it. The glower he gives us has me backing up until Caiden places a hand on my lower back. Sebastian’s eyes flash and he looks like he might explode again, but luckily Josh comes out and drags him away.

  When we’re called in, I let Caiden do most of the talking. Davidson eyes me suspiciously, but doesn’t challenge Caiden’s story. He lets us off with detention next week.

  By the time we leave the office, English is already ending. Caiden walks me to my last class of the day, Chemistry, and tells me he’ll pick me up for the circle after school. I stare after him as he walks away, unable to take my eyes off him.

  By now, word of the fight has spread all over the school, but the gossip and taunts don’t faze me. I’m too preoccupied with daydreaming about the scene in the bathroom. I imagine what it would have felt like to press myself into him a little harder... to grab hold of his dark hair and force his mouth to meet mine... to run my hands over his strong back...


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