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Deceitful Circle (Silent Circle Book 2)

Page 9

by Cassandra Larsen

  *What was THAT all about?* Arianna wiggles her eyebrows at me from across the field and I feel my cheeks warm. Apparently I hadn’t imagined those heated moments.

  “Alright,” Caiden’s steady voice calls our attention. “It doesn’t look like we’re getting anywhere with this, so maybe we should move onto something else. Any suggestions?” He looks around at everyone.

  “Wait, I have an idea.” Arianna rushes forward and picks up the heavier of the two dumbbells. “Ready Em?”

  “Ready for what?”

  Arianna hurls the dumbbell as hard as she can, straight at Caiden.

  I’m too far away to get to him in time. It’s flying right at his head, about to crack his skull open.

  I react instinctively, flinging my arm out and using my mind to launch the weight away from him, sending it soaring twenty feet up in the air, into the trees and out of sight. Then my hand shoots towards Arianna, tossing her onto her back in the leaves, pinning her in place.

  “What the hell was that!?” I scream at her. I haven’t moved a step. I’m ten feet away from Arianna, keeping her pinned in place, not hard enough to hurt, just enough to make sure she can’t get up and start chucking any more objects at Caiden. “Are you crazy?”

  Ethan runs up to her frantically, but I ignore him. Arianna laughs in response, setting my temper off even more.

  “I’m fine, Ethan. Don’t worry.” She looks at me and chuckles again. “It worked.”

  “You could have killed him! What were you thinking?”

  She’s grinning from ear to ear, enraging me further.

  Ethan jumps towards me, eyes flashing. “Let her up,” he growls. “Let her up or so help me...”

  “It’s okay Ethan. Really.” Arianna tries to calm him, still flat on her back. “Em, Caiden’s fine. It never would have touched him. Can you let me up now? Ethan’s getting a little worried.” She laughs again. “Seriously, I wouldn’t have hurt him. Come one, let me up and I’ll explain.”

  I take a deep breath and try to force my rage to subside. Slowly, inch by inch, I release Arianna, making sure to keep my body between her and Caiden, just in case.

  She sits up, still chuckling, and Ethan helps her to her feet, staring daggers at me. I stiffen my muscles, focusing on controlling my anger. Caiden comes up behind me and puts a comforting hand on my shoulder, rubbing out some of the stiffness.

  “Why don’t you explain what that was all about.” Caiden’s cold voice rings out. I look back and see him glowering at Arianna.

  “Emerson just needed a little incentive to access her powers.” She grins.

  “That was stupid. You could have gotten hurt,” Caiden snaps.

  “I’m fine. She wouldn’t have hurt me. This was the only way to do it.” Ethan turns away from her angrily, but she continues. “Haven’t you noticed that the only time she’s been able to move anything is when she’s acting on instinct? Just like last night. I knew that if she thought you were in trouble, she’d stop thinking and just react. And it worked!”

  My anger starts to subside and I try to relax my muscles. Caiden still looks mad, but I think he’s angrier at Arianna for upsetting me than the fact that she nearly dented his head with a dumbbell.

  Arianna starts walking over to me, Ethan hovering protectively behind her.

  “Really, Em. It never would have hit him. I was aiming way off to his right. He was never in any danger.”

  I look at Caiden and he nods. “She’s right,” he agrees. “Even if you didn’t stop it, it wouldn’t have hit me — wait,” he interrupts himself, looking at Arianna. “What do you mean, ‘last night’?”

  Arianna’s eyes pop wide open. “Oh, nothing — just something we were practicing,” she says quickly, trying to cover up her slip.

  Caiden’s eyes narrow as he studies her, but for whatever reason, he doesn’t press the issue. I know it’s just a matter of time before he confronts me about it.

  Arianna steps closer to me, ignoring Ethan, who’s trying to keep her back. “I’m sorry I scared you. But if you knew what I was doing, it wouldn’t have worked. Am I forgiven?” She holds out her hand to me, trying to suppress another grin.

  I nod my head and take her hand. “Fine. Sorry about throwing you to the ground.” I say tightly, still on edge.

  “Don’t worry about it. You were just protecting your man.” Then she winks and darts into the trees to find where the dumbbell went.

  Ethan stays where he is, still giving me a dirty look.

  “I’m sorry, Ethan. I wasn’t hurting her; I was just trying to stop her from throwing something else at Caiden.”

  He glares at me another moment before walking stiffly away. He joins Lydia, far off to the right, and starts talking to her in a voice too low for me to make out.

  Lydia hasn’t moved a muscle throughout any of this. She’s just standing there, face pale, staring at me like I’m some kind of monster. It’s so reminiscent of the way Sarah looked at me the other day that I flinch.

  Caiden takes me by the shoulders and turns me to face him. “You sure you’re okay?” He asks, studying my face.

  I take another deep breath and relax even further. “Yeah, I’m alright. I just...” I shake my head. “I got scared for a minute, that’s all.”

  “When she threw that weight, or when you tossed her to the ground?”

  I huff out a laugh. “Both,” I admit. “I was afraid she was going to crack your skull, and I wouldn’t be able to heal you, but I was also terrified that I was going to hurt her, the way I did Sarah. I was afraid I was gonna lose it, you know?”

  He studies me another moment, his face softening, eyes glowing warmly. “But you didn’t lose it. You kept control. You’re a lot stronger than you think.”

  “Wow, you guys should see how far this went!” Arianna emerges from the trees, carrying the bright blue dumbbell. “So, what should we do now?” She continues. “Should I toss it up in the air and she if she can throw it again?

  Ethan and Caiden whip their heads toward her, looks of horror on their faces.

  “I think we’ve practiced enough for today,” Caiden answers sharply.

  “Yeah, we need to get back anyway. Later.” Ethan turns away without looking at me, herding Arianna and Lydia ahead of him.

  “I’ll be at your house later for guard duty!” Arianna calls back over her shoulder. I hear Ethan growl as he hustles her away even faster.

  Caiden watches Ethan walk away with narrowed eyes. “Come on, we need to go see Caroline anyway. She still doesn’t know about Lydia’s prophecy.”

  And to my surprise, he wraps an arm around my waist as we slowly make our way back through the woods.

  Chapter 13

  Caroline invites us in, as friendly as ever, and makes us tea as we sit in front of her massive fireplace. As she smiles, her bright eyes sparkling with warmth, I have a hard time staying angry at her. It’s not her fault that she believes what she does about my mom. She didn’t know her very well, after all. She wouldn’t know any better.

  “So, how is it going, Emerson? I know this has been a very confusing time for you. It couldn’t have been easy, what I told you about your mom.”

  I feel a flare of anger, but as I stare into her eyes, it subsides, blowing away like smoke. There’s no reason for me to be angry. I’ll figure out my own answers; let her believe whatever she wants. No biggie.

  “Yeah, it’s been difficult, but I’m alright.” I look at Caiden, waiting for him to explain why we’re here, but he’s studying me, his brows creased, not paying any attention to Caroline, so I continue.

  “Um, the thing is, you know how you said last time that the Silver Lake Pack will be coming here for me? Well, yesterday Lydia went into a trance or something, and said some strange things... Something about a war starting again. We thought it might have something to do with the pack.”

  Caroline’s sits back in her chair, shocked. “Lydia had a prophecy? What did she say?” She looks at Caiden, her face serio
us. “What were her exact words?”

  Caiden finally shifts his attention off of me to answer. “She said that Emerson is tied to The War Gods, and then she said, ‘The Great War has been renewed, resurrected from ancient blood feud. Darkness unfurls on Raven’s wings, death and destruction with it brings. Only the Changeling guards against doom, All-Father’s seed in Dark Mother’s womb. To bring an end to the feud requires a price, blood to be paid in sacrifice.’” Caiden recites it precisely, not pausing for a moment, as if he’s memorized it.

  Caroline’s face remains still, the only change a slight widening of her eyes. “I can’t believe Lydia had a partial prophecy already. That is quite impressive.”

  “Partial?” Caiden asks.

  Caroline gets up and walks over to the mantle to stare at the statue of Morrigan. “Yes, as I told you last time you were here, I have seen visions of this war as well. The prophecy I’ve received was a bit more expansive than Lydia’s, but the message is the same: The War has begun.”

  She turns back around to look at us. “How is the training coming along? Have you made any progress?”

  “Caroline, it’s only been two days...” Caiden says.

  “And? We do not have much time. Silver Lake could make their move any day now.”

  “We’re working on it, but she only came into her powers a little over a week ago. It’s going to take time.”

  “Unfortunately, time is a luxury we don’t have. There is another way...”

  “Another way for what?” I ask.

  “Another way to defeat those animals who hunted your mother. Caiden is right, you are too inexperienced and it will take more time than we can afford to train you up properly. If they attack before you can defend yourself...” She lets her sentence trail off.

  “What’s your other suggestion?” Caiden asks, shooting worried glances my way.

  “Emerson could consent to a blood bond.” Caroline says.

  “What’s a blood bond?” I ask warily.

  “A blood blond is when one witch shares her blood with another. All I would need is a few drops during a ritual,” she answers, her eyes steady on mine.

  “And what would that do?”

  “It will give Caroline the ability to use your gifts,” Caiden answers quietly. “You’ll still have your powers, but Caroline will be able to use them too.”

  “If I were to be able to access your warrior abilities,” Caroline says, “It would give us the advantage over the pack. We could destroy them all. What do you say, Emerson? Are you ready to get revenge on these animals?”

  Caroline’s promise of revenge strikes a chord deep within me. This pack hunted my mother her entire life. They were responsible for her death, whether she committed suicide because of it, as Caroline believes, or murdered by them, as I suspect. Either way, they are responsible.

  However, something about Caroline’s ferocious expression unsettles me. I pause to think a minute.

  “Yes, I want revenge,” I answer slowly, trying to sort out what she’s saying. “But are you really saying that my abilities are strong enough to wipe out an entire pack? How is that possible? I mean, I’ve seen Arianna do some pretty impressive things. If anyone can destroy the pack, it’s her.”

  “Yes, Arianna is powerful as well,” Caroline says slowly, as if she’s thinking her words over carefully before answering. “However, the prophecy isn’t about her.”

  “What? Lydia’s prophecy is about me?” I gape at Caroline, but I’m the only one who seems surprised by this revelation. Next to me, Caiden calmly waits for Caroline’s answer. He suspected this.

  “You are the Changeling,” she answers quietly.

  My heads starts to spin. “Changeling? What does that mean?”

  “It means that without your powers, the coven is doomed.”

  My stomach drops, my chest constricting, making it difficult to take a deep breath. Shaking my head in denial, I give a nervous laugh. “Right. The fate of the coven rests on me, an inexperienced witch whose only been practicing a couple of weeks.” I laugh again.

  Neither of them laughs with me.

  “This doesn’t make any sense.” I get up and begin pacing in front of the fireplace. “It’s insane. Me, versus a pack of wolves? Right.”

  “Insane or not, you are the only one who can do this,” Caroline answers calmly. “And you don’t have to do it alone. Let me help you. A few drops of your blood, and I can take care of them for you.”

  “I don’t understand,” I shake my head in frustration. “I’d be sharing my abilities with you? That’s possible?”

  “Yes, it’s difficult but it can be done. But all things in life come with a price. It will weaken you. Not a lot, you will still have access to your abilities, but they won’t be as strong as before. And for some witches, that is a blessing. It will guarantee that you won’t lose control again, the way you did with Sarah. It will keep you from hurting anyone, ever again.”

  My chest tightens even more at her mention of Sarah. Keep me from doing that again? I study Caroline warily. I don’t know what to think about this. As she calmly meets my gaze, a cold, shivery feeling starts up my spine. I break eye contact and resume my pacing.

  A week ago I would have begged her to take it. I would’ve done anything to be normal again. But now that the opportunity is here, staring me in the face, everything in me instinctively rebels. Give up part of my ability? I look at Caiden to see what he thinks about this.

  *Do you think this is a good idea? It sounds dangerous...*

  *I know how you feel. But she’s right; it can be a great thing. You have so much more control afterwards...*

  My mouth falls open.

  “You’re blood bonded to her?” I stare at him incredulously. “When? Why?”

  Caroline looks back and forth between us, realization dawning in her eyes. “You’re getting quite good at telepathy. Yes, Caiden has gone through the ritual.”

  He looks down, not meeting my eyes. “It was right after Jim... My mom’s boyfriend...”

  He doesn’t have to say anything more. Years ago, when Caiden first came into his powers, he lost control and killed his mother’s abusive boyfriend. I know exactly why he would choose to give up part of his power in order to gain more control.

  But is this what I want? Am I dangerous? I’ve improved this past week. I may not be perfect, I still need to concentrate to rein in my temper, but I don’t think I’d hurt anyone again...

  Caroline’s gaze seems to pierce right through me, like she knows exactly what’s going through my mind right now.

  “Take some time and think this over Emerson. This isn’t something I take lightly; it’s a big decision. I don’t expect you to choose right now. However, the Silver Lake Pack is coming for you. The sooner you make a decision, the sooner we can take care of them.”

  Chapter 14

  When Caiden and I get into his car to head home, I stare out the window and brace myself for his sales pitch on all the reasons why I should go through with this blood bond.

  “So,” he begins. “Want to tell me what happened last night?”

  I whip my head around in surprise. “Last night?” I stall. I knew he was going to ask about Arianna’s little slip up, I just didn’t expect it after the bomb Caroline just dropped.

  He smirks, pleased with himself for catching me off guard.

  “Yeah, last night. You said you talked to Sebastian, but more happened than just that, didn’t it?” His face smooths out, clearing of all emotion as he focuses his eyes back on the road. “Did he come over?”

  “Um, yeah...”

  His fists grip the steering wheel, his knuckles white against the black vinyl. “And?”

  “And...” I trail off, trying to decide how much to say.

  “Whatever it is, just tell me,” he growls through clenched teeth.

  “Fine, I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to be mad, okay?”

  “Not okay,” he says coldly. *Is it that bad?* H
e sounds devastated, and I know he didn’t mean for me to pick up that thought.

  “It wasn’t a big deal or anything,” I answer quickly. “I just don’t want you to be mad at Arianna.” Or go and do something stupid, like attacking Seb and the others, I think to myself.

  “Arianna?” He looks over at me in confusion.

  I take a deep breath. “Yeah, and you can’t tell Ethan. Promise?”

  He looks even more confused at this, but nods his head. “Fine, I promise I won’t get angry at Arianna or tell Ethan.” I notice that he doesn’t promise not to be mad at me...

  “Well, last night, Seb, Josh, and Chris decided to drop by.”

  He doesn’t say anything, just waits for me to continue.

  “They were pretty hammered, and I guess pissed off about earlier, at the fair... So, they kinda decided to egg my house...”

  “They what?” He gives me a dark look. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Wait,” I hold up my hand to stop him. “There’s more. When I went outside to confront them–”

  “You promised not to leave the house,” he says coldly.

  “No, we promised not to open the front door. We climbed through the window.”

  He glares at me and I know I’m not helping my case.

  “But that’s beside the point,” I say quickly, waving it away. “Anyway, they were yelling and being jackasses, but then Arianna mentioned you, and that pissed Sebastian off even more, and when he threw an egg at me, well, Arianna sorta snapped and–”

  The car veers off onto the shoulder, horns blaring behind us. Caiden rolls to a stop on the side of the road, taking deep breaths, eyes squeezed shut.

  “Caid?” I place a hand on his shoulder, feeling the muscles bunch up and flex as he struggles for control. “You okay?” I lean closer and gently massage his shoulder and the back of his neck.

  Inch by inch, his shoulders relax, and he slowly lifts his head to look at me, his eyes blazing with fury.

  “He threw an egg at you?”

  Uh oh. I really shouldn’t have mentioned that.


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