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Blessed Vows

Page 12

by Jillian Hart

  “It’s hard to find the right person. You know how it is.”

  “I do.” She sighed, disappointment sifting through her like the cold air through her parka. She’d been right—he was making conversation, not trying to tell her that he was her best man. She took a slow breath, finding her dignity. There was no reason he needed to know that she was hurting. “It feels impossible to find that one person that lights you up inside and shares your values and your faith and wants the same things from life.”

  “Yep. Aside from being compatible and loyal and good.”

  “Exactly. That’s why I’m still solo.”

  “So, you’d like to get married one day. Maybe have a couple of kids.”

  “Definitely.” Rachel felt something brush her cheekbone. It was featherlight and cold. A snowflake. She tipped her head to stare up at the sky and dots of white tumbled toward her, falling as if sent from heaven. “I suppose it’s not very modern of me, but I’m an old-fashioned girl. I’ve always wanted to have a good marriage and a happy family. Maybe because I lost my folks when I was young. It’s been elusive. But maybe it won’t always be that way.” God willing.

  “Good. I’m glad I’m not wasting time.” Jake stopped in the middle of the grassy park and cupped her chin with his free hand. His gaze was unreadable; his face was set as if in stone.

  Wasting time? What did that mean? Her mind began to swirl like the snowflakes as a light wind hit them. She realized as he leaned ever closer that he was speaking about her. About him. Incredibly, his lips slanted over hers in a tender brush. Their first kiss. Quiet, sweet joy filled her heart unbroken, until he lifted his mouth from hers.

  Her future shone in his eyes as he gazed down at her, solemnly, for she knew that he felt this, too.

  She didn’t know how long they stood together, with Sally asleep on Jake’s shoulder, gazing into one another’s eyes. The distant blare of car horns and the shrill shrieks and cheers of teenagers rejoicing came distantly, and hardly important at all.

  “Guess the game’s over.” Jake spoke first. “We’d better get you to the diner. Judging by the sounds of things, it’s gonna be busy.”

  Like a dream, he took her hand.

  It’s a sign, she thought as she twined her fingers with his. Snow was falling everywhere, frosting the world as if making it new. She remembered to thank the Lord as she let Jake lead her through the storm and the dark.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jake sipped his second cup of decaf and watched Rachel over the rim. He’d chosen this booth and this seat on purpose because he could see her through the order window. And every time he saw her, he remembered the gentleness of her kiss. The scent of her perfume clung to him, cinnamon and wholesome. He couldn’t stop the tenderness building within him; and it was that tenderness that scared him. It would make him vulnerable if he let it. He wasn’t a man to give up control.

  “Aw, she’s such a cutie.”

  Jake hadn’t noticed one of the teenage girls approach the table, but there she was with a carafe and chomping her gum. She topped off his cup. “Hey, if you, like, ever need someone to babysit, you should call me.”

  “Or me,” chimed her twin who bustled down the aisle with a plate of French fries. “So you could, like, go out with Rachel again. I mean, if you wanna date her.”

  “Which you should totally do, because there’s no one nicer than Rachel. She’s, like, way cool.”

  “Do you like her?”

  Jake looked up at the girls and tried to remember being a teenager. It was too long ago, and he felt his age as he reached for the sugar canister. “If you’re serious about babysitting, I’ll take you up on it.”

  “Great,” they said in unison, with identical grins, before breaking up and going separate ways.

  “What do you think, Sal? Is it about time to take you upstairs?”

  His niece gave a big yawn. “Do I hafta see Rachel first?”

  “She looks pretty busy in the kitchen. You like her, don’t you?”

  “I guess.” She didn’t sound too enthusiastic. “Oh, she’s coming.”

  How did he miss that? Sure enough, when he looked up, there she was breezing toward him. The tender ache in his chest, the one he’d better figure out how to control, sharpened as she drew near.

  “I brought you another cup.” She slipped a big mug onto the table in front of Sally, blushing as if she were remembering their kiss.

  Sal took one look at the mug frothing with whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate syrup. “Thanks. I guess.”

  “Good. I aim to please.” Rachel’s unguarded spirit shone for one brief moment as she gazed on the child.

  He would love her forever, just for that. For caring so much for Sally.

  “Is there anything else I can get you two?”

  “You’re always doing for us. What about you?”

  “Me? I work here. I’m supposed to cook and wait on people.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Jake, being a man of action, knew exactly what he had to do. “It’s nearly eleven. Isn’t that when you close?”

  “Lock the doors, yes. But there’s work enough to keep me here for another hour at least. Why? You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want, but Sally, you’re looking droopy.”

  Was it his imagination or was Rachel avoiding his gaze? He patted the seat next to him. “Sit down here for a second.”

  “I, uh—” Her eyes sparkling with humor, she glanced down the aisles at the half dozen full tables where groups of teenagers munched on fries and slurped down milk shakes. “Why should I sit down? Maybe you have a complaint for the manager?”

  “Yeah. I do, so you’d best sit on down here and listen up.”

  Oh, he looked like trouble itself as he laid his arm along the back of the booth, waiting for her to slip in beside him. How could she refuse? She still tingled as if filled with the gentlest light, and all from his single kiss. She obliged him and it felt wonderful as his arm hooked over her shoulders. She felt whole, as if she were made to be at his side. “Was there something wrong with your order?”

  “You didn’t serve it to us.”

  “That’s because I was in the kitchen.”

  “Come closer.” He pulled her so they were practically hugging. It was wonderful to lay her head on his shoulder and just to be.

  So this is what it’s like to truly come home, she thought with a contented sigh. The silence in her deepened as his arms came around her and his chin pressed against the top of her head. She was right. No place could feel safer than being in Jake’s arms.

  “How much more do you have left to do?” His question vibrated pleasantly through her.

  She pressed more tightly against his iron chest. “I’ve got the kitchen mostly cleaned up. The twins are off in a few minutes, so they won’t be around to help with the mopping. I still have to do the deposit and deal with the twins’ over-rings. That could take hours. Although sometimes I take that work home with me.”

  “Those are some pretty long hours you put in.”

  “The life of a businesswoman. When Paige hands over complete responsibilities, I don’t want to think about how many more hours, but then…” She shrugged, not finishing. She’d almost said, “I don’t mind because what else do I have?”

  Tonight, things had changed. But her responsibilities had not. The phone at the front counter rang. “Oops, I need to get that.”

  Jake pressed a kiss to the crown of her head before she slid away from him. “Are those twins good babysitters?”

  “They’re very reliable, believe it or not, except with the cash register.” Her grin sparkled and then she bounded down the aisle.

  One of the twins looked up from refilling cola glasses with a big pitcher and laughed. “Hey, I heard that!”

  Then Jake understood. This diner was important to Rachel because it was about her family. Family was everything to her. He respected that because it was important to him, too, and now he had one of his own. Across t
he table, Sally was drooping again. It was way past her bedtime. “Hey, princess. Are you done with that cocoa?”

  She nodded, her eyes drifting closed again.

  That was the final sign. She needed to be put to bed, and he’d have to wrench himself away from Rachel’s presence. He didn’t want to. It was a nice feeling, strange for a man who lived his rugged life, but not unwelcome. Funny how a few months ago he’d been happy with the challenge of being in the Middle East, with the missions he’d been assigned, and couldn’t have imagined this. Being here, in this peaceful hometown diner with a kid needing to be tucked into bed. He would never have guessed he’d be wishing to hold sweet Rachel in his arms a little longer.

  God sure moved in mysterious ways, but always for the best. Jake believed that. Rachel wanted her own family. Sally needed a new mother. And he needed…well, he didn’t need anyone. It was hard to need anyone when he had a heart of iron.

  The twin who’d laughed at Rachel’s comment skidded to a halt at his table. “Oh, were you asking about tonight? I could watch her and stuff. You’re just staying upstairs, right? You like Rachel, don’t you?”

  He could see Rachel out of his peripheral vision, chatting to someone on the phone, and the sight of her made the affection inside him flare dangerously. It was hard to admit, but he could understand the girl’s question. Of course Rachel’s family would be protective of her. “I like her very much.”

  “I thought so.” Brianna—it said on her name badge—cracked her gum. “She’s, like, the nicest person ever. You could marry her. Oh! Then she could move to Florida with you and, like, Ben lives there too, so she’d know people there. Rachel loves pale-pink roses. Just in case you want to give her some. Oh, want me to take Sally up for you?”

  To be a teenager again and have that much energy. He fished the door key out of his pocket. “Her nighttime storybook is on the nightstand by the bed. Sal, is it okay if you go with Brianna?”

  But Sally was gazing up at the teenager in awe. She nodded and silently gave her hand when the twin reached for her.

  “C’mon, sweetie. I’m a great reader. I do voices and everything. Okay?”

  Sally clambered to her feet. She cast a worried look across the table.

  “I won’t be long, princess.”

  “’Kay.” She trotted off alongside her newest heroine.

  Rachel hung up the phone and knelt to say goodbye to Sally.

  Bingo, he thought, watching how Rachel seemed to melt as she smoothed back the girl’s stray curls with an affectionate hand. This path his life had taken was a good one, he decided. Rachel was the sort of woman a soldier like him needed, someone strong and independent, but so wonderful he couldn’t wait to come home to her. Think of how great she’d be for Sally, and Sally for her.

  Thank you, Father, he remembered to pray as Rachel released the girl, waved her through the door, and then disappeared into the office.

  “Hey, I need to talk to you.” Paige was no-nonsense as she slid into the booth across from him, her voice low but firm. “I know you’re Ben’s best friend and we are grateful for you hauling him to safety when he was shot, but you listen up. I don’t want you using Rachel.”

  “That’s not my intention, ma’am.”

  “What is your intention?”

  “I’m going to marry her.” He waited while Paige’s eyes narrowed, as if she were trying to peer into him to see if he was worthy.

  She frowned, as if she thought he came up short. “This isn’t some kind of quick solution to your situation, with that little niece of yours, is it?”

  “Still not convinced, huh?” Avoidance was better than admitting that on one level, Paige was right. But only because God had led him here and it was as if by heaven’s grace that he realized how good Rachel could be for Sally.

  And maybe Sally for Rachel. “Your sister would be a great wife. Why hasn’t anyone swept her off her feet before this?”

  “Rachel is shy and she’s a homebody and a lot of men overlook her.”

  “Well, I’m not a lot of men.”

  “That remains to be seen.” There was no mistaking the warning she sent him as she stood. “You’d better not hurt her.”

  “I would never hurt her.”

  Footsteps padded in their direction as a party of teenagers headed for the door. “Thanks, Miss McKaslin,” one of them said. “The sundaes were real good.”

  “Good game, boys. See you next time.” Paige grabbed a tall blond boy from the crowd and gave him a squeeze. “I know, not in front of your friends, but I’m proud of you, running the winning touchdown. Are you going straight home?”

  “Yes, Mom.” He rolled his eyes, but he was clearly a good kid, and shook his head, apparently used to public humiliation as he wiggled away from her. “Bye.”

  “Boys.” Paige glared right down at Jake. “I give the team free sundaes if they win, although it’s probably a bad decision. Never give a male an inch, he’ll take ten miles.”

  Someone has an attitude, Jake thought, as she marched away.

  “Rache?” The remaining twin called out at the front door. “Do you want me to stay and mop?”

  “No,” came the answer from down the hallway. “Escape while you can.”


  The last customers in the place, a clean-cut teenage boy and his girlfriend, crawled out from their booth, their voices low and tender as they ambled down the aisle hand-in-hand. Jake felt alone, not solitary as he always had, but lonely. See what caring for Rachel had done to him? He had to fight the urge to head into the kitchen just to see her. Just to be near her.

  A bell rang at the front counter, calling Rachel from the back. “Are you ready to go?” she asked the young couple.

  “Yes, and you promised to give me your hot chocolate recipe,” the teenage girl answered.

  “Jot down your e-mail address and I’ll send it to you.” Rachel gestured to the cup of pens on the counter as she took the order ticket and the boy’s ten-dollar bill. The register chimed as she rang in the sale. “William, if you’re still interested in the busboy job, give Paige a call sometime this weekend.”

  “Gee, thanks. I will.” He took his change, grabbed a toothpick and held the door for his girlfriend.

  Jake watched, not the boy, but Rachel. She gazed at the two with a wistful sigh. She was a romantic at heart, he realized. Pale-pink roses. Snowflakes and kisses. He knew next to nothing about romance, since his interests tended to be geared toward skydiving, motorcycle-riding and guns, but hey, he could figure it out as he went. He wanted to make her happy. He wanted to take care of her.

  He didn’t do true love, but he did responsibility just fine. And he cared deeply for her. How could anyone not?

  “You’re still here.” She studied him over the top of the register while she pulled out the cash drawer. “It’s going to be a long while until I’m done.”

  “You would be worth the wait.”

  His reward was her smile. She looked beautiful, fresh and bright in her simple worn jeans and a white long-sleeve T-shirt. There wasn’t a thing fancy or sophisticated about her, not that he could see, and yet she rendered him speechless. “I have a slice of chocolate pie left in the case. Interested?”

  “Tempted, yeah. But I’ll pass. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten this well.”

  “Then my work is done.” Small dimples pinched into her cheeks, and his heart rolled over.

  He hadn’t lied to Paige. He cared for this woman more than was wise. He wanted to take care of her. He wanted to care for her. As she bounded away, he wanted to protect her from every heartache. Defend her from any trouble. Put more happiness into her life than she’d ever known before.

  I’ve always wanted to have a good marriage and a happy family. Maybe because I lost my folks when I was young. He remembered what she’d said on their walk. He could give her what she wanted and more.

  There was no time to waste. He slid out from the booth, bussed his cup and Sally’s. He was rea
dy to move this to the next level.

  She had to be dreaming, that’s what this was. A big wonderful dream where a fantastic man of integrity and honor was falling in love with her. Rachel squirted toilet cleaner around the bowl and beneath the rim. As she grabbed the toilet brush, she had to reconsider. She’d never been cleaning a bathroom in any of the dreams she’d had about the man she would marry. Which meant this night was real and no dream.

  “I’m going to take this mess home with me so you don’t have to deal with it.” Paige poked her head in the ladies’ restroom. “One day the twins are going to master the cash register. I suppose we have to be patient until then. If it doesn’t drive us crazy first.”

  Rachel recognized the smile in her sister’s voice. “I owe you big-time. I’d never get the deposit together. Those girls ran the till most of the night.”

  “I know. Are you going to be okay here alone? Should I take that man out with me when I go?”

  “You don’t like Jake?” Rachel knelt and gave the bowl a good scrub.

  “I don’t dislike him. Just thought I’d ask you what you wanted. I’m headed home, then. I’ve checked all the doors and windows. Everything’s locked up. All you need to do is set the alarm.”

  “Thanks for your help tonight. Drive safely, okay? It’s slick out there. Call me when you get home so I don’t worry.”

  “That’s my line, sweetie. I’ll see you tomorrow early. Good night.” The door swung closed, cutting out the tap of Paige’s shoes on the tile.

  Rachel gave the toilet a flush and scrubbed some more. As the water swirled, realization struck. She’d been so determined to keep from letting anyone know how much she liked Jake, and then so surprised that he felt the same way, she hadn’t thought about the ramifications. Of course she knew Jake lived in Florida. He was stationed there. He was rarely stateside.

  But she’d made a promise to Paige. What if this relationship progressed? He’d sounded as if he wanted it to, and heaven knew she was hoping. Then she would be forced to choose between a promise she’d made her sister and the encouragement she’d given to the man she was falling in love with.


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