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Beautiful Moves: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 3)

Page 13

by Stephanie West

  Although she hated her curse, it had also given her a sense of security that wasn’t easily shaken. Ella relaxed back into her chair, crossed her legs at the ankle, and adopted her best innocent yet reproving expression. She sat quietly as Drake pulled out a cord and powered up her phone.

  “Your pin?”

  “Your reason?”

  Drake typed on his keyboard, then spun his computer monitor around. Ella watched herself on camera, as her four hundred dollars steadily turned into the small fortune it was now.

  “That’s quite a feat.” Drake pointed to the screen.

  “I’m pleasantly surprised, or was,” she replied.

  “No, this is excitement.” Drake showed her the clip of the bouncy birthday girl, who Ella had helped win, when she first arrived. “You on the other hand are rather calm for winning so much, particularly considering, as you say, it’s your first time. It’s almost as if you expected to win.”

  “I’m sorry, Drake. I’m mild mannered,” Ella shrugged.

  “Yes, you are.” Drake smiled smugly at her. “Most people who are innocent of cheating my casino are not so calm, when approached like this. In fact, most of the cheaters I have these private discussions with aren’t either.”

  Ella decided she should probably be worried about her safety, considering the stories of what happened to cheaters in the back rooms of casinos. But all she was concerned about, was the money sitting on his desk. Drake was trying to intimidate her. It was getting on her nerves more than anything.

  “Am I supposed to be afraid of you? If so, again, I apologize for not behaving as you think I should. My boyfriend did call me Ice Princess when we first met.”

  Drake laughed, though the mirth didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Miss Roulant, if you have nothing to hide, then you don’t mind if I check your phone for anything that would influence my tables.”

  “1990,” Ella replied.

  Drake keyed in her pin and started combing through her phone. He then popped off the back and examined the inside, before setting it aside. The flashy man went through her purse again, feeling the leather for something incriminating, but found nothing. Drake got up and rounded his desk. He approached Ella, gripped both of her arms, and roughly pulled her out of the chair.


  “Hands on the desk,” he gruffly demanded, as he forced her to bend over the desk. “Miss Roulant, it’s not about the money. I’ve had guests who have won more. It’s the principle. I don’t like cheaters in my club.”

  Drake started to frisk Ella. His hands groped her sides, then moved around front, to feel between and beneath her breasts. Drake could tell she wasn’t hiding anything in her bra, but he prolonged his disgustingly thorough inspection.

  “Mind your manners,” Ella growled indignantly, her ire reaching the point where she was starting to have difficulty restraining her curse.

  When Drake’s hands moved up her thighs and cupped her crotch aggressively, she could no longer control the energy that eked out. The chips on the desk started rattling. To cover her slip Ella slammed her hands on the desk, scattering the contents.

  “Stop! I am not hiding anything, you grabby bastard.” Ella reared back.

  Drake stepped back. The placid smug expression on his face had been replaced by one of surprise, mixed with intrigue, and an almost maniacal excitement.

  “Ella, you are right, you aren’t concealing a device of any kind. I apologize. I usually have a nose for cheaters. This way,” he indicated toward the door.

  Ella relaxed marginally. Drake grabbed her purse and started to escort her out of the office.

  “What about my chips?”

  “I will have a cashiers-check cut for you,” he said as he sent a text message on his phone.

  Ella didn’t know what else she could do but comply, so she followed him back to the elevator.

  Just get your money and get out of here. It was way too cramped in the small metal box. Ella wanted to be free of the smarmy man.

  “I hope you can understand that we must be vigilant with such things. Perhaps you’ve heard about the recent case at the Bellagio, with the Craps scheme,” Drake said as the elevator descended.


  The doors opened and Drake pulled her out of the elevator. Ella’s eyes widened when she was greeted by a stark concrete corridor.

  This isn’t the main floor of the hotel. Drake had deceived her.

  The hair on the back of Ella’s neck stood on end. This situation was going from bad to worse. Drake gripped her arm tight, and led her toward a metal door, flanked by a couple of large goons.

  “Take a hike. But don’t go far.”

  The two men nodded and left. Ella was really starting to lose her composure. It was getting to the point where she didn’t know if she had any recourse, but to lash out with her gift.

  Drake tugged Ella into the small concrete room, then kicked the door closed. Ella jumped at the ominous clang. Her curse pushed outwards, shoving at Drake’s slimy grip. His hand only tightened on her arm.

  “Ella, Ella, Ella, I sorely underestimated you. I thought you were a pretty face being manipulated by some money hungry nerd, with a new gadget. I can see that I had it all wrong.”

  Drake pushed Ella up against the wall, his body smothering hers. Ella pushed at him with greater intensity, using both her hands and her curse. Still he didn’t budge, much to her dismay and confusion.

  “You’re going to have to try harder than that,” Drake chuckled. “Actually, I wish you would.” Drake leaned in, his face inches from hers. “You know, Ella, you’re not the only one hiding something.”

  Drake’s canines elongated and his eyes took on an inhuman bluish glow. The ghost of a beastly image shifted across his face. Ella shrunk in fear and trepidation, even as her gift surged forth. Claws bit into her biceps, shredding her blouse, but holding her firmly in place.

  What the fuck is he?

  Ella pushed harder. She’d never intentionally unleashed her curse on anyone, this was the first time. The lone chair in the room smashed against the far wall, sending splinters of wood flying everywhere. The fluorescent light swayed violently, the bulbs exploding plunging them into darkness.

  “Oh, yes. That feels fucking amazing,” Drake growled.

  Drake’s hot breath skated over her neck, and she felt his sharp fangs graze her skin. He ground his hips into her and Ella could feel his erection.

  “No!” Ella screamed.

  The room started to vibrate, raining dust down on their heads, as Ella’s mind reeled, overwhelmed with panic. She felt a sharp pain in her neck then nothing at all.

  Ella awoke and bolted upright. Her hand flew to her sore neck.

  “You’re fine,” Drake stated.

  Drake was sitting in a new chair, blocking the metal door. Beside him stood the two goons she’d seen earlier. Instantly her gift surged, and the light started flickering overhead.

  “None of that,” Drake grimaced at her, baring his fangs. “See what I was saying boys. The way her power washes over you. It’s invigorating, though rather messy.” Drake rolled his head from side to side, like he was bathing in the unseen force she threw at him.

  The two burly guys smiled menacingly, baring fangs like Drake’s. As frightened as Ella was, she instantly put a lid on her curse. Whoever, whatever these men were, her gift had little effect on them. They even derived some sort of pleasure from it.

  Ella looked around. She was in the same concrete room, though the light she shattered had been replaced, and the glass cleaned up. Ella looked down to see she was sitting on a bare mattress. A horrific thought entered her mind.

  What did they do while I was passed out?

  Ella was relieved to see her skirt and blouse didn’t look like they’d been messed with, and she wasn’t sore, besides the spot on her neck.

  “Do you think you can behave?”

  “What the hell are you, and what do you want?” Ella demanded ignoring Drake�
�s question.

  “What the hell are you?” Drake countered.

  Ella was silent, because she had no answer.

  “We,” Drake gestured to his companions, “are Shifters. Jackals to be precise.”

  Shifters? Jackals?

  “You, my little treasure, are going to be my guest. I’m sure you will prove invaluable. I think it’s only fair since you were attempting to steal from me,” Drake replied casually, as if holding someone prisoner was an everyday occurrence.

  Ella closed her eyes as the weight of the situation pressed down on her. This was exactly what she feared when she thought about being discovered. Except this nightmare had a twist. Her captors were aberrations, who were just as odd as she was. Ella felt her panic rising again.

  “Calm down! If you wreck this room again, you’ll be left in the dark, and can sleep on the hard concrete,” Drake snarled.

  Ella took several deep breaths and reeled it back in.

  “So, I’m to remain in this prison? As what? Your slave?” she spat out.

  “You prove you can behave yourself and do as your told, and we’ll see.” Drake stood and left the room, leaving his two thugs behind.

  Ella dropped her head into her hands as she fought to maintain her composure. It wasn’t just that she’d been discovered and was now the prisoner of some psychotic creature. Her failure had far broader consequences.

  I’m sorry Sabine.

  9 Lost and Found


  “Ella didn’t say a word about where she was going?” Wolf demanded.

  “No. She just said she’d be back in a few days.” Char sat nervously petting Wright, who was curled on her lap.

  “Well it’s been more than a few days. This isn’t like her.” Wolf paced his apartment. “I’m going into her place to see if I can figure out where she went. Maybe I can find out which hospital her sister’s in. She might know what’s going on.”

  Wolf didn’t like the foreboding feeling he was getting. Ella would’ve called him by now, for sure. After the party, when he and Ella reached a truce, they had talked or seen each other daily. Of course, there was always the possibility Ella got cold feet about their relationship. Maybe she was using this time to clear her mind.

  No, I don’t think so. Something isn’t right.

  Wolf shoved his keys into the lock and entered Ella’s apartment. He walked over to her desk, in the corner of the living room. There wasn’t any clutter or papers sitting out. She was as neat in her housekeeping, as she was in her personal appearance. Wolf didn’t expect anything less from his Little-Miss-Straight-Laced. There wasn’t a lock on the two-drawer filing cabinet, so he slid open the first drawer and thumbed through the manila folders.

  Sabine’s Hospital Bills. Wolf pulled open the folder and paused.

  “Holy fuck.”

  “What?” Char asked, as she put Wright down.

  “Her sister’s bills are astronomical, and that’s with insurance.” Wolf glanced at the most current statement. “It looks like Sabine is at The University of Chicago Medicine.”

  “Um, Wolf.”


  “I think I found something.”

  Char stood at the kitchen counter holding the box of dog treats in one hand and a letter in the other. Wolf took the letter and read it, then glanced back at Char.

  “When I asked Ella if someone died, she said not yet.” Char’s chin quivered.

  Wolf couldn’t believe a hospital would send a letter like this.

  “This is criminal! How the fuck do they expect anyone to come up with this kind of cash so quickly? I’ve met drug lords that are more forgiving.” Wolf slammed his hand on the counter, cracking the tile.

  “But why would she leave town so suddenly?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” Wolf took a picture of the letter then looked up the hospital number and placed a call.

  “Sabine Roulant’s room.” The phone rang several times before it was picked up.


  “Sabine Roulant?”

  “Yes. Who is this?” the woman asked.

  “My name’s Wolf.”

  “Oh, uh, hi. Ella mentioned you.” Ella’s sister spoke with a slight slur.

  “Have you talked with Ella since Friday night?”

  “No. What’s going on?” Sabine’s voice suddenly filled with panic.

  Wolf closed his eyes. Sabine obviously didn’t know Ella had left town.

  “Is there someone she’d go visit? Someone who might help you out?”

  “Help us out? Oh, god she owes you money. That’s why she was doing that job for your motorcycle club. Where’s Ella? What have you done?” Sabine started coughing violently.

  “Fuck.” This conversation turned to shit fast.

  “I’m sorry but Sabine can’t speak right now,” a nurse said.

  Wolf still heard Sabine coughing in the background.

  “Alright. Let her know I’ll call back.” The phone clicked before he finished the sentence. “Char I’m real fucking glad we don’t get sick,” Wolf growled.

  “Her sister sounds awful, but they’re going to kick her out of there anyway, aren’t they?” Char frowned.

  “Not if I can help it,” Wolf replied. He dialed the only person he could think of.

  “Hey Wolf. You getting sweet on me?” MD asked when he picked up the phone.

  “Funny. MD, I need a big favor. My girl got on a plane and disappeared. I think it’s because of a letter she got in the mail about her sister, Sabine. The fucking hospital is demanding money or they’re going to kick the sister out. I don’t know shit about it, but I need you to go down there and make sure they don’t fuck with my girl’s family.”

  “Anything man. Which hospital?”

  “University of Chicago Medicine. I’ll send you an image of the letter. Thanks man. Try to calm Sabine down, and let her know we’ll find Ella. Sabine kind of lost it before I could explain much.”

  “I’m leaving now.”

  Wolf hopped on Ella’s computer. His fingers flew over the keys as he hacked into her bank account, using her internet history and saved passwords. Wolf felt guilty, but in his line of work, following the money trail was the quickest way to locate someone.

  “Ah hell,” Wolf exclaimed seeing Ella’s last few transactions.

  “What?” Char looked over his shoulder.

  “She went to Vegas.”


  Insanity was counting concrete blocks in the small room, and inventing ludicrous names for the color gray, like the paint companies do. Only her names weren’t absurdly cheery for an otherwise dull color.

  Acrimonious Drab. Choleric Cloud. Immolation Ash.

  Ella was past her initial crippling fear. Not that she wasn’t afraid… she was. She just couldn’t hold that level of dread for so long. The first few days, it made her physically sick. Just the thought of food caused her to retch. It wasn’t till the second full day of her food strike, that Drake threatened to force feed her.

  Besides that initial encounter, Drake hadn’t physically hurt her. But Ella was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Drake had yet to show his hand, or make more than the quick occasional visit. Not knowing what he planned for her was maddening. For all she knew he was starting some sort of circus freak show. Except she wasn’t the only freak here.

  Now, more than anything, she felt alone, depressed and guilty. Not only had she exposed herself, she let Sabine down.

  I have to get out of this place. Maybe there is still time.

  Of course, she had tried to force her way out, but the beastly men that guarded her were able to withstand her curse. Granted she hadn’t unleashed everything she had in her. Honestly, Ella wasn’t really sure of the magnitude or reach of her gift. She just knew that when the walls and ceiling trembled, like they were ready to come crashing down, it frightened her. Ella wasn’t quite ready to end it all in a crush of concrete. And she certainly wasn’t about to chance co
llapsing a part of the hotel, hurting others.

  Ella wished she spent more time practicing and learning about herself, rather than fearing what she was capable of. She had unanswered questions that were hard to tease out, particularly since she was locked inside four concrete walls. She always thought she had to have a straight line of sight to move things, but Ella didn’t know if that was truly the case. Could she shut her eyes and picture a place she’d been before, then give things a shove?

  Most often her gift acted like a pebble dropped in a pond. It seemed to move outward in ripples. When Ella was close to an object she had higher accuracy and precision, than when she was further away. If she practiced could she fine tune and focus her skill, or would it always act like a shockwave?

  Ella glanced over at the pair of guards sitting by the metal door. One was reading some magazine, while the other played on his cell phone.

  Perhaps you’re going about this all wrong. Maybe instead of brute force you need to try finesse.

  But what could she do? When she attempted to repel Drake, he forced his way past her unseen defenses and held her tight, as if her curse was no more annoying than a swarm of gnats. Something about the beasts blunted her gift. Maybe they had inhuman strength, like she had an inhuman skill.

  Still Ella wanted to knock the two brutes on their asses, and throw anything she could get her hands on. Unfortunately, there was nothing in the room besides the lumpy mattress she sat on, and the two chairs her babysitters occupied. They caught on fast to her tricks.

  Ella smiled as a childish idea occurred to her. She looked at the screws holding the chairs together, and imagined she held a screwdriver as she willed them to move counter clockwise. Ella rolled over on her mattress, facing the opposite direction as she worked on loosening the hardware. It required a mental dexterity that was more taxing than pushing dice one way or another.

  She glanced at her progress, and had to turn away again before one of the brutes saw her proud smile. Ella worked on the other chair. Then tried them both at the same time, hoping the chairs would collapse at once. The closer Ella got, she had to turn over and watch the fruits of her labor. They would know she was to blame once it happened. There’d be no hiding it.


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