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Knocked Up on Valentine's Day

Page 58

by Amy Brent

  I shoved him out the door and locked it before I turned around and pressed my back into it. I would just have to take tonight to make sure everything was put away and locked up so Johnson would stay safe. There was no kennel within 15 minutes that would take a cat like him last minute, and I didn’t have the time to call around and figure out if any of the surrounding cities had one.

  It would just be easier if I took the time to lockdown my apartment right.

  “You’re gonna be alright here by yourself, aren’t ya, little guy?” I asked. I rubbed Johnson behind his ears and he purred so well for me, and as I walked us back into my room my mind began to swirl with the impending travel plans of tomorrow.

  And the panic I felt before started churning again in my gut.

  Chapter 3


  I walked up to the woman standing at the traveling kiosk and flashed my best smile. The twinkling in her eyes illuminated her face, which went well with her tiny waist accentuated so nicely by her uniform. I slid my I.D. across the counter while she pulled up my travel plans. I felt more grounded than I did yesterday after talking with Mike, and the packing had become somewhat therapeutic. I had turned my mind over to the financial tasks at hand and memorized all the important numbers before I fell asleep last night, then I recited them back to myself in the shower before I headed for the airport this morning.

  Unlike most men in my position, I traveled comfortably. I had on a pair of relaxed jeans and a black shirt, and was carrying a sweater and coat I could pull on once we were dropped into Finland. I checked my main suitcase and told the beautiful woman with the sparkling smile I’d be carrying on my suits, and she obliged happily before she handed me my ticket.

  I looked behind me to see if I could see Charlene, and for a split second I thought I’d made a mistake when I didn’t see her. It was two hours before our flight was supposed to take off and the security line was as long as my cock, which meant we’d be fucking standing in line for a while. Even with bypassing most of the crowd after getting pre-checked, it would still take us almost an hour to clear it, then we’d have to book it across the whole fucking airport to get to our plane.

  But, I heard a familiar voice ring over at the regular traveling kiosk line, and my eyes fell upon those tits that had taken hours to erase from the recesses of my mind.

  Charlene obviously didn’t travel comfortably. I watched her check a suitcase while she carried on her laptop bag, which told me she didn’t travel much. If that suitcase got lost, she’d have nothing to wear except what she had on, which was nowhere near appropriate for Finland weather this time of year. She donned a bright yellow top that pulled against those voluptuous tits of hers and the black pencil skirt she wore teased my cock as it rounded down her thick ass.

  And holy fuck, the way her heels flexed her calves practically made me want to drool all over my damn shirt.

  “Mr. James?” the woman asked. “Is everything alright with your ticket?”

  “Yes, yes it is,” I said, turning back to the kiosk. “But, my flight partner is over there. Does she not have a first class ticket?”

  “The woman in the yellow blouse? Do you know her name?” she asked.

  “Charlene Simpson,” I said.

  “Nope. It looks as if she’s got an economy ticket.”

  “Was the ticket first class beforehand?” I asked.

  “Mr. Jeffries’ ticket?” she asked. “Yes. Yes, it was. I’m so sorry, I’m not sure what happened. Would you like me to upgrade her back to first class?”

  “Yes, and put it on my card, please,” I said. I had half a mind to tell her I wasn’t paying for the re-upgrade to the seat, but Charlene bent over in my vision and it gave me a quick glimpse of her cleavage. She obviously made it a point to keep it covered, which meant two very important things. One, she knew how to keep shit professional, and two, it meant she knew the type of body she was hiding underneath those clothes.

  I watched as the woman over in the regular line flagged Charlene down and I pulled out my work phone and slid over so the other people behind me could get to the desk. I watched the woman print off another ticket for her, and the look of confusion on Charlene’s face was priceless. She turned back to the woman and it gave me another glimpse of that beautiful, round ass she carried behind her, and I felt my cock already straining against my jeans.

  It was gonna be a long fucking flight.

  I went on over and bypassed most people through security, just so I could get ahead of her and get her off my mind. I had more important things to keep at the forefront of my brain than how long her legs looked in those heels. But, when we finally boarded the plane, I realized the mistake I had made.

  When I had the agent change the ticket, I didn’t request that she sit my coworker away from me.

  “Mr. James,” she said.

  I looked up into those piercing green eyes and, for a split second, I lost my breath. They sparkled with her smile and her red hair fell in her face, forcing her to crinkle her nose and wiggle those beautiful freckles. I had to fight the urge to push her hair back from her face, and I was thankful when she ignored my gaze and kept talking.

  “I take it you’re the one responsible for my upgrade?” she asked.

  “Yes. I’m not sure what happened. Something must have gotten mixed up when I had my secretary switch the name on the ticket,” I said.

  “Well, thank you. I’ve never ridden first class before,” she said.

  “Welcome to first class, then,” I said, smiling.

  As she placed her laptop bag in the overhead compartment, I could’ve sworn I felt her body heat radiate over me. If she bent forward any more, her nipples would graze my ear, and I wasn’t so sure I could keep my hands to myself if that happened. I had only seen her in passing in the office, but holy fuck she was sexy as hell up close.

  “I’m so sorry, let me just scoot on into my seat,” she said.

  I made no effort to move my legs while hers brushed against mine, and I had to bite back a growl while she was temporarily straddling me. I relaxed my legs and made her step over my knees, and for a split second I thought I could smell her scent wafting from between her legs. I smirked at the thought of making her wet, and wondered if she would let me swirl my fingers in her milkiness just to see if I could pull more from her body.

  “So sorry,” she said breathlessly.

  “Not a problem. Sometimes, even first class doesn’t have enough leg room,” I said. “However, I would like to go over the meeting during the flight since you probably haven’t had time to prep.”

  “Oh good, I was actually hoping we would have some prep time,” she said.

  “I’ll take the lead, so there isn’t much for you to do directly, except to take notes and volley questions. The old investors won’t be there for the information, but this is the first time in company history that we’ll have as many new investors showing up as we do. That means you’ll need to know our sales numbers dating back ten years, as well as basic information on the newer products you have coming out.”

  “Something tells me Mike broke his leg on purpose,” she said, smirking.

  “What makes you say that?” I asked.

  “Because Mike doesn’t like numbers, just money,” she said.

  “He says he broke his leg falling down the stairs, but I think he broke it trying to keep his balance during a fun little session with his girlfriend.”

  “Wouldn’t shock me. I watched him literally trip over nothing a week ago,” I said.

  “Wait, seriously? How do I not know this?” I asked.

  “It really was perfect. I was sitting at my desk and he came by to give me something. Then, he turned, took a step forward, and was on the ground before I could even catch what happened. He says he tripped over his foot, but I think he just tripped over the wafting of his own hot air.”

  She was sexy as hell, sharp, and she had a sense of humor. Holy hell, this trip had all the makings of a doozy.

  “But, back to the meeting, if you have this many new investors, they probably already have confidence in your new material. They wouldn’t be investing this late in the game if they didn’t. And by ‘products,’ I assume you mean the new properties you want to build. I saw something in here last night about the company branching out into the luxury hotel business?”

  “So, you did get a chance to go over the file my secretary sent you?” I asked.

  “I got about halfway through it before I fell asleep on the couch,” she said.

  “That boring, huh?”

  “Nope. Just worried myself to death over Mike,” she said.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because hospitals have a lot of doctors, that’s a lot of hot air spewing around for him to trip over,” she said, smirking.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her while she cocked her body towards me. She was vibrant and full of life, and her personality matched the fiery fusion of her red hair and green eyes. I saw her mouth moving, but I was so invested in the smell of her perfume that I didn’t come to until she said my name.

  “Mr. James? You there?” she asked.

  “L,” I said.


  “Drop the ‘Mr. James,’ please. It’s fine in a formal environment, but in something as laid back as this, you can call me ‘L.’”

  “Okay, it’s ‘Charlie,’ for me then,” she said.

  “Alright, Charlie. Now, would you run that by me again, what you just said about the new investors?”

  “My top too bright?” she asked, grinning.

  No, your tits are just too tempting.

  “Yeah, why didn’t you travel more comfortably? This is a long flight to endure in heels,” I said.

  “I figured a man like yourself would travel in a million-dollar suit or something, so I figured going braless and wearing a t-shirt, pajama pants and flip-flops, was a no-go.”

  “I don’t know, I hear braless is pretty comfortable,” I said.

  “You don’t even know the half of it. That’s the first thing to go when I walk through the door every evening,” she said.

  My eyes connected with hers and I could feel my dick growing thick against my pants again. The mere thought of her wiggling out of a bra while kicking her heels off was nothing short of salacious, and for a split second I thought I saw lust flicker behind her eyes.

  I took a deep breath in through my nose before I ripped myself from my trance. It didn’t matter what she felt, what she saw, or how she dressed. Coworkers were off limits, especially on a business trip as important as this one. If we played our hand right during this meeting, we wouldn’t need another single investor for our endeavors this year, and we’d be good until the financial summit next January.

  And that was a big fucking deal, considering the plans I had for my real estate empire.

  See, the thing about real estate is that it’s not just about selling property. It’s also about owning the right ones. Real estate moguls of all shapes and sizes knew how to sell the best properties at the highest prices, then invested their money wisely. But, not me. I wanted to sell the best places at the highest prices, invest that money, and then still have money to throw around whenever the fuck I wanted.

  So, for that type of thing, I turned to purchasing real estate property I could then rent and make a pretty penny from.

  My first ever purchase was a hotel right on the coastline of Miami. I’m the majority stockholder of the company, and I’ve easily gotten back seven times the money I originally put into my investment. That success encouraged me to keep going, and soon I not only sold the most incredible places in Miami to some of the richest people alive, I also held majority stock in most of the major coastline hotels in the state of Florida.

  But now, I was ready to own my own. I wanted to own it, operate it, and pull in 100% of the profits from it, and I wanted to put it in the Bahamas.

  “Anyway,” she said, ripping me from my thoughts. “All I was saying is the new investors don’t care about your past financial earnings, because that’s not what they're investing in. They’re investing in this luxury hotel you want to erect in the Bahamas, so give them all the figures on that. Do you have potential blueprints you could possibly show them? Projected earnings? That sort of thing?”

  Did she just say ‘erect?’

  “Those would be in the second half of the document you have yet to read,” I said.

  “Then it sounds like I’ll need my laptop for the flight,” she said.

  “No, no, no. Even though we don’t actually have a layover, the plane will land and refuel before it gets up in the air. Enjoy the plane ride. You’ll still have a bit of time to prep before the meeting, you can read it then,” I said.

  “Well, if you insist,” she said.

  The first part of the ride was filled with basic conversation. We talked a bit about Mike and she asked a few basic questions about Finland. You know, the usual stuff for someone who’s nervous about what they’re getting into. I kept my eyes away from her and tried not to let her voice rush right to my dick, but when we landed and I told the stewardess we would simply stay on the plane, she offered us a cocktail and I couldn’t refuse.

  And that was it. The moment I saw Charlie’s lips wrap around that straw, I was done for.

  Those thick, luscious lips pulled at the fruity cocktail, rushing the red liquid up to her lips. She gulped it down, obviously nervous for the second part of this plane ride to Helsinki, but the only thing I could think about was her gulping my dick down. I bet that sweet throat of hers could pull a gallon of cum from my balls, and I had to divert my gaze and shift myself around so my dick didn’t get uncomfortable and obvious.

  With the alcohol flowing in my system and Charlie asleep next to me for the second leg of the flight, I couldn't help but steal a glance at her legs. Her thick thighs were spread out all along her seat and her calves glistened with their smooth skin, and the only thing I could picture was me diving my tongue in between her milky white thighs and lapping her juices up. I thought about plunging my dick into her soft depths and shaking her tits in my face while I marked her breasts with my teeth.

  And holy fuck, how wonderful it would be to watch that ass jump for me while I pounded into her from behind. I bet she was a screamer—a howler in bed once you got her going. I bet if I pumped her with enough alcohol she’d call me ‘daddy’ or let me spank her ass, or even sit on my face and ride me off into the sunset.

  I was gonna have a very tough time finishing out this flight with her asleep next to me, and I had to shove my hand down my pants to rearrange my dick just so I could endure it. I rubbed my hands down my face, trying to forcibly push the thoughts in my mind to the back of my brain for later, but the more I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes, the brighter her shirt got as I gazed upon her body that had now been fully imprinted into my brain.

  And even my mind’s eye couldn’t stop gazing at her tits.

  Chapter 4


  By the time the plane touched down in Helsinki, it was the next morning. Thanks to a two-hour layover, a delay, and a fucking massive time difference, I felt like I’d been up for the past two days straight. I grabbed my laptop case and walked with L off the plane, and I worked my way to my suitcase before we headed for the taxis out front. L was standing by a limo, obviously waiting for me, but the only thing I could do was gaze out over the city as the snow slowly began to fall.

  The outside of the airport was smattered in snow, and the flakes that fell from the sky reminded me of the powdered sugar my mother used to sprinkle on her homemade lemon squares when I was a child. I smiled and turned my nose up towards the snow, giggling as the flakes melted onto my cheeks, and for a split second I’d forgotten what brought me here.

  I’d forgotten about the business trip and my boss waiting for me by the limousine. I’d forgotten how tired I was and how much my legs ached in these heels. All that had been instantly replaced by my wonde
r at how exotic this place was.

  Well, compared to the likes of Miami, anyway.

  I sighed and opened my eyes, a smile gracing my cheeks while L simply stared at me. I blushed underneath his gaze before he nodded me over, and I knew we had to get to the hotel and settle in. I was ready for a hot shower and a bed to lay on, but I was even more ecstatic to find that we had the next couple of days to ourselves.

  “Enjoying Finland?” he asked, as we settled into the limo.

  “I’ve never been outside of Florida before, so yes,” I said.

  “Never?” he asked.

  “Never,” I said.

  “Well, welcome to the rest of the world,” he said, grinning broadly. I could feel myself shivering, even though I pulled my coat closer around my body, and for a split second I thought I’d seen L steal a look at my legs. I could only imagine how ridiculous I looked, standing in the snow with a pencil skirt on, but his voice soothed my nerves and confirmed what I’d hoped would be true.

  “There are plenty of shops for you to buy suitable clothes over the next couple of days. Get yourself some warmer clothes. This is supposed to be the warmest day that we’ll have while we’re here, and you’re freezing.”

  “I’ll make sure to do that,” I said, “thank you.”


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