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Knocked Up on Valentine's Day

Page 80

by Amy Brent

  He had been on my mind all evening, and I wasn’t sure I’d make it through the night without working one off. I tossed and turned another hour after the idea crossed my mind. I wouldn’t stop wondering where I’d be staying and just how much time I’d be spending with him. I was also afraid of the trial and hoped that I hadn’t gotten myself into something dangerous or that would make me sick. I knew the risks were minimal, but one could never be too careful. By the time I’d finally decided to slip my hand down into my panties, I’d decided that Dr. Evan Black was what scared me most.

  I rubbed a finger across my aching bud and bit my lip so I wouldn’t moan out loud. Courtney was doing enough moaning for the both of us, and I didn’t need to give those two any further ammunition or worse, the idea that it was time to extend another invitation.

  I slipped the other hand up my night shirt and found my tight nipple and pinched it sending waves of pleasure down to my little slit which I stroked nice and slow.

  I could imagine Dr. Black naked, his thick erection jutting out from his hips and me taking it into my hands. It seemed strange calling him Evan, and I didn’t think I could call him anything but Dr. Black. How weird would that be? If I couldn’t call him by his first name, then I couldn’t fuck him even if I ever did get the opportunity.

  I imagined myself working his cock, pumping it in my fist and then leaning forward to suckle the tip. I could imagine how he’d taste and how much pleasure he’d give me as well. I could see us spread out together, lying in a sixty-nine position and sucking each other. I’d done that once before, and that was my very first taste of a man’s pleasure. Once the guy was finished, he stopped working me and fell asleep. At the time, I hadn’t even minded, my heart had been so full of love and hopes of what was to come. Silly me.

  I’d had limited sexual experiences, all being oral and none being satisfying, but I imagined him being much more capable. I wondered what it would be like to have him above me, and I imagined him taking his hard cock and putting it right inside my slit, rubbing it gently against me up and down to spread the juices around and coat his cock. Then he’d slip it inside me, nice and slow, inching it deeper. I wondered if he’d be a gentle lover or a man-handling sex machine who would make me scream and claw my way through my first orgasm. I wasn’t sure which I’d prefer, so I imagined having him both ways.

  I even pictured myself straddling his hips, sitting right down on his cock, letting it fill me to my limits, stretching me and breaking me apart to steal my virginity.

  I’d always heard it hurt the first time, and I was okay with that. I wanted to feel everything, the entire experience, from that first pinch of pain to the final break of ecstasy. I wanted my toes to curl, my eyes to roll back in my head.

  My legs started to tremble, and I picked them up, bending my knees and spreading wider as if he were really there. Part of me wondered if he really would want to be with me, with some ounce of hope lingering, but I shut it down. I wasn’t going to let me get my hopes up for something that wasn’t ever going to happen, not only because he’d never want me, but because I wasn’t going to pursue it.

  Something inside told me to go for it. And that defiant voice was just what I needed to push me over the edge. I muffled my moans with my pillow and bit it as the pleasure ripped through me. And in my head, I screamed his name. Evan.

  Chapter 5: Evan

  Once I got lined out on the highway, it was smooth sailing, and we were well on our way. I’d picked Harbor up from her apartment and was surprised to find her wearing a short black skirt and purple silk blouse. Unsteady on her feet, she’d walked around the car and gotten in, and for the last ten minutes she’d been shifting in her seat and tugging at the hem of the skirt.

  It was a battle to keep my eyes on the road with her thighs and modest tugging attracting my attention. Her thighs were the silkiest peaches and cream, and I wondered if they tasted as sweet. My cock punched at my zipper as she crossed her legs and tugged the hem down once again.

  I placed my hand on hers and gave it a pat. “You’re fine. There’s no need to be so fidgety.” I gave a soft chuckle trying to put her at ease, but as soon as I’d made contact, she’d tensed. I’d have to get her to lighten up if I wanted myself between those thighs.

  She pulled her hand away and raked it through her hair causing it to fall out of place. “I’m not fidgety, it’s just this skirt is too short. I don’t know what I was thinking wearing it.” She kept her eyes averted to the window beside her.

  “You look stunning in it.” I couldn’t believe she owned something so nice considering what I’d seen her in the other day, but then she clarified.

  “I had to borrow it. I really don’t own many skirts or dresses for that matter.” She turned her head to the side and gave a shrug.

  “Well, you should. You certainly have the legs for it.”

  She lifted her ass and straightened the skirt beneath her, this time angling away from me. I switched lanes and focused on the road for half a second and then reached over and tucked a stray hair from her face to get her attention.

  “Do you always touch all over people?” Her face screwed up, and she rolled her eyes away shaking her head.

  “I’m comfortable with people. If you want to be in my field, you really should learn to be too.”

  “Believe me. I know my way around a body.” She held her hand up and snapped the words at me.

  I chuckled. “I’m sure you do, and I’ll keep that in mind.” I flashed a wink as she turned to me and huffed.

  “That came out wrong.” She folded her arms across her front and then gave the skirt another quick tug.

  “I’m sure it did.” I had a feeling this cold act was what most people got from her when they tried to get too close and considering her age I had my suspicions about how much experience she had, or perhaps didn’t have.

  Her head shot around, and I glanced over to see her eyes narrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing, you’re just a little ray of sunshine. I’m sure I’ve got you all wrong.” This time she tugged at her blouse.

  “It’s burning up in this car.” She leaned forward to study the controls, but couldn’t find the air.

  I reached over and turned it on with one quick movement. “Here, that should do it. I would put the top down, but you might not want your hair a mess.”

  “No thanks. I feel quite the mess already.” She tugged at the damned skirt again, and I let out a long breath.

  “It’s not going to get any longer, you know. Why do you care if I see a little bit more thigh? Consider it a payment for the free ride.” I knew the words would keep her rattled and I enjoyed the game I was playing.

  My grin widened as she gave me another hard glare. “If I had known I was going to be treated like a prostitute I would have stayed home.”

  “Or maybe you wouldn’t have dressed like one? Not that I’m complaining.” I laughed out loud at her shocked expression. “Damn, girl do you even loosen up? You’ve got to toughen up a bit.”

  “I’m not used to people to being so rude.”

  “You’ve clearly not seen many patients or visited the geriatrics ward. Some of those little old men are going to have fun with you.” The nurses had always claimed the little old men were the worst flirts.

  “I’ve seen plenty.” She lifted her chin as it daring me to challenge her confidence.

  “Have you? You have a thing for older men?”

  “See, there you go again with your dirty mind.” She rolled her eyes. “I bet your bedside manner is a sight to see.”

  “I’ve never had any complaints. And none from my patients either.” I reached over and tugged down her hem, and she pushed my hand away.

  “You’re not getting to me if that’s what you’re trying to do. I mean, you’re a good-looking man, and all and I can see why you’d normally get away such things, but I’m not one of your little cheap toys you can use for the weekend. I’ve come for one reason, and
that’s to get my tuition paid.” She met me with a challenging glare.

  “When I come, it’s usually for pleasure, but maybe that’s your problem. When was the last time you did?” Her face went blank and pale as her eyes widened. “If you want to accuse me of being dirty minded, I figure I should at least play the part, especially since you don’t seem to have a sense of humor.”

  “I might laugh if you’d say something funny, but your idea of humor is dismal and might I add, quite predictable.”

  “Oh? All that shock on your face says otherwise, Harbor.” I have a feeling I’ve already gotten under that skin of yours.” Her face flashed another look of guilt as if she had a secret she wouldn’t dare admit.

  “You think every woman wants you, I bet. With your looks, you probably think you can have any woman you want too.” She lifted a shoulder and looked at the road ahead.

  “That’s the second time you’ve said I’m attractive. Careful or you’re going to make me blush.”

  “Please, like you don’t know it. Congratulations, your reputation for the hospital’s most arrogant doctor is still well intact.”

  I switched lanes and put my foot down, causing her to push back against the seat. “Now you’re just being mean.” I chuckled. If she thought all that scolding was going to turn me off, she was mistaken. I knew my reputation, and call me arrogant, but I didn’t care what anyone thought.

  “Like you don’t know how handsome you are.” She shook her head and reached down to her bag in the floorboard.

  “Of course I do. But you can keep reminding me since you’re an expert on beauty.” Her gorgeous eyes widened, and her face was red with blush behind her big glasses.

  She tucked her chin and straightened her hair. “Not all of us are so fortunate.” Her comment was so short that I realized I’d hit a nerve and hurt her feelings.

  My shoulders slumped, and I reached across to touch her cheek. “Hey, I was only kidding around and when I said that about your beauty, it was sincere. You’re a gorgeous young lady. I’m just trying to get you to loosen up and have some fun.”

  She huffed. “You think I’m gorgeous? Yeah, right, even I know I’m awkward. What I’m not is easy.”

  “Well, I happen to trust my opinions, and I feel I should warn you as well; I love a challenge.” That seemed to relax her for some reason, and I couldn’t help but wonder why. Maybe she wanted to be pursued and hoped playing hard to get would win me over. “And as for this damned skirt,” I reached down and rubbed my hand across her knee and up, pushing her skirt until I could see at least two more inches of thigh. “You may as well give up. It’s not going to cooperate.”

  She looked down at my hand and squirmed in her seat, but she didn’t push it away, so I left it in place all the way to the hotel room where I had much more in mind for the two of us.

  By the time we parked our conversation had changed tones, and she seemed much more at ease.

  “This place is amazing.” She craned her neck and looked around taking in the view. I’d chosen this hotel for its luxury suites, and I hoped she liked her room just as much.

  “I’m glad you like it.” I pulled to a stop, and after turning my baby over to the valet, I walked around to join her. She kept her fingers laced, and I could have sworn I spotted her wringing them.

  I met her eyes, and she released a long breath like just being inside the place made her nervous. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, it’s just so amazing I’m a bit overwhelmed. I had no idea the university would spring for this nice a place.” She looked at the high ceilings and as we were led to the elevator. “Are our rooms close?” Her question caused the attendant to glance at her and grin which caused her to give me a curious shrug as we exited the elevator and walked down the hall.

  “I’ve arranged for us to be neighbors. I hope you don’t mind.” The door to her room opened, and she sounded an audible gasp and missed half of what I’d said.

  “It’s gorgeous.” I quickly sent the attendant away while she was busy opening doors and cabinets. She spun around. “There’s a whole other room in here.” She disappeared into my room, and I followed her in flipping on the lights.

  “This is my room. As I was saying, I took the liberty of assuring we were neighbors. What better way to keep my eye on you?”

  She turned one knee in against the other and gave me a sideward glare. “Joining rooms? It’s not like I’m going to trip over the expensive rug and bruise a chin. I don’t need a babysitter.”

  I stepped closer, keeping myself between her and her room. “Is it such a bad thing that I want you close?” Her chest rose and fell a bit more rapidly, but she didn’t change her expression.

  “I should really get a move on. I’ve got to have the procedure today. I should get out of this damned skirt.” She walked around me and headed for the door.

  “Harbor?” She stopped on the other side of her door and turned to peek as she pulled it to. “Let me know if you need any help with that.”

  Though she tucked her chin, I still caught a glimpse at her smile turning up the corners of her lips.

  Chapter 6: Harbor

  Joining rooms? Who did this guy think he was? Sure, I’d given in and let him keep his hand on mine, but I figured I’d give him the brush off after we got to our separate rooms, and besides, I needed the comfort. Today was more than a standard meeting for me. I was about to have my procedure, and the last thing I wanted to do was argue all the way there.

  I wasn’t sure how to feel about where I’d be sleeping on this trip. On the one hand, it was super flattering that someone so handsome was going through such troubles to flirt with me. On the other hand, he was being totally inappropriate. There was no way I could let things get out of hand. At least he’d never know what I’d done while thinking about him. His flirting and teasing had made me so damned nervous as it at any moment he would read my mind and know that I’d pleasured myself to him.

  I decided not to let it get to me too much and went into the bathroom to freshen up and change. I made sure the door was locked before going in so that I wouldn’t walk out to see him standing in my room bare ass naked. I wasn’t sure the man had any limitations. The thought made me heat up, and I pushed it away. I couldn’t let myself get sidetracked. We had to go to the first day of our event, and I had to get my damned device implanted. I hadn’t wanted to think about it much and kept pushing it to the back of my mind. At least I’d have a nice big bed of my own to come back to if it made me sick. The chances of that were slim, but knowing my luck, it would do a number on me.

  I tugged that damned skirt down one last time because as pretty as it was, I was never wearing it again. Courtney and Scott had told me it looked amazing and though I agreed, it hadn’t felt much like me. I should have gone for comfort over style for the drive in. Okay, and maybe I had wanted to look good for Dr. Black.

  I jumped in the shower and rinsed off, careful not to wet my hair, and when I was done, I dressed in something more comfortable. The paperwork that gave me my instructions for the procedure had recommended jeans, so I pulled on a pair of comfortable skinnies that showed off my figure. Courtney had helped me with this outfit too, and I liked it much better. She’s insisted I wear them with her favorite heels and then dared me to scuff them.

  I pulled them on and then I heard a knock at the joining door. “I’ll be right there.” I crossed the room and opened the door.

  He stood there buttoning his shirt but stopped to take me in. “I like the jeans with heels.”

  “Do you think it’s too much for where we’re going? I’ve got to have my procedure, so I want to be comfortable.”

  His eyes trailed down and then back up, lingering his gaze toward my breasts. “I think it’s fine. There will be people from all over dressed a million different ways, but you,” He stepped closer. “You’ll be the sexiest woman there.”

  “I’m going to a clinical environment. Maybe flats are more appropriate.”

’s a conference center, not a hospital. You’ll be fine, trust me. You should see some of the administrators and how they dress. You’d think their trying to land their next husbands and don’t think I haven’t been hit on more times that I care to remember.”

  “You love it.” I rolled my eyes and started to step away, but he caught my arm and pulled me close.

  “I like attention well enough, but I like to give it even more, and I have to say, Harbor, you in those jeans, with those heels, you’re going to get all of my attention.” His mouth was close enough to kiss and being in his arms sent a tingle to my core.

  I wanted to capture his mouth and run my fingers through his hair and grind against him, but I couldn’t let myself go to that place, not even in my mind again.

  The pleasure I’d had dreaming of him would be nothing compared to having him against me, above, and inside me. The throbbing ache between my legs was building, and as I hitched a breath, he smiled.

  “I like the effect I have on you.” The back of his hand brushed against my cheek and then he reached and tucked another strand of hair behind my ear like he had on the drive over.


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