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Knocked Up on Valentine's Day

Page 125

by Amy Brent

  Lila and I had been best friends with since our freshman year when I’d moved in with my grandmother just after losing my mother to a horrible addiction. We went out after our ceremony to celebrate our freedom and hopefully find a good time. My goal had been to sleep with Champ Cummings, the high school football star, but he’d been so busy throwing back beers and sucking funnels to worry about getting laid. Lila had spent the night throwing back shots and dancing on tables, and by midnight I could tell she needed an intervention.

  “Come on; let’s get you home.” I reached up and offered her a hand after she’d stumbled on the wobbly patio table. “You’re going to break your neck.”

  “Sh. Don’t jinx me!” She threw her head back and laughed, and for a moment I thought she would fight me. I wasn’t in any kind of mood for an argument, especially with drunk Lila. Drunk Lila was impossible to deal with and didn’t know why anyone would want to dull her shine.

  “Come on; I’m bored with this. Let’s go.” It had been the same old scene for months, and I didn’t know why I’d expected anything to change just because the school’s super-intendant had handed me a piece of paper and shaken my hand.

  “Fine,” she said in a reasonable tone, which had me suspicious.

  I helped her down before she had too much time to change her mind and as soon as she righted with both feet on the pavers, she leaned over and puked in a plant.

  I let loose a sigh and crinkled my nose as I waited for her to finish. She’d worn her hair up, so my job was easier than usual. It sucked being the only sober person at the party, but since I didn’t care much for drinking, I’d promised to take care of Lila yet again. We’d spent the better part of our senior year doing the same thing every weekend, and I had our routine down perfectly.

  I helped her to the car, and by the time I drove us to her gate, she was passed out. I had punched in the passcode hoping that her father hadn’t changed it again. He’d done that before and caught us when the alarm finally sounded from failed attempts. I made sure to enter the numbers correctly and help my breath, not releasing until the gate opened up.

  Their mansion was so big, that even though I’d been there many times before, I’d never seen the entire house. Lila and I had kept to our usual path to the third floor, and her father’s wing was in the second. I took the back stairs and roused her enough to get her up to bed and luckily, I didn’t have to carry her.

  “Did you have any fun at all?” she asked as I pulled back her covers and she stripped off her clothes.

  “No, Champ is an idiot, and I’ll be a virgin forever. What was I thinking? He’s a total loser, and once he blows out a knee, he won’t have a brain to fall back on. He’s already had two concussions.” I rambled on as she dressed and crawled into bed, burying down in the fluffy white comforter.

  “You’ll find someone, Gemma, and when it happens, it will be amazing, not some backseat romp with a sweaty jerk.” She’s never approved of Champ, but since he was the most popular guy in school, I had set my sights on him. She’d lost her virginity at the first of the school year, and though she’d had a nice relationship with the boy for several months after, they’d only done it a few more times. Maybe I was just trying to catch up. It wasn’t like I hadn’t had other guys interested, but I had wanted that moment to be perfect.

  “Yeah, I think I should stop trying. Maybe if I give up, it will hap—

  The soft purr of her snoring made me feel lonely, and I sat in her room for a while after changing into my night clothes feeling restless. My tummy growled, and my throat was dry because it had been hours since I’d had anything to eat or drink. The party didn’t have food, and the only drinks had been alcoholic, so I decided to go down to the kitchen and grab a snack knowing Lila had told me many times to make myself at home.

  Voices downstairs made me take a pause on the second-floor landing, and I ducked down behind the banister when I saw Mr. Porter with a woman I recognized as his newly hired cook. She sat between his legs with her back to him, and his strong hands massaged her shoulders. They were whispering so low, that I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but now and then he’d give a soft chuckle, and she’d giggle.

  He leaned down and kissed the woman’s neck and from what I could tell, from my near overhead view, he reached around to her front with one hand and slipped it beneath her shirt.

  Earlier that day, Lila had told me how much she disliked the woman and that she felt she’d only wanted the job to hit on her father. She was very picky about the women her father saw, and I wondered how she’d feel to know that he was with the woman who had served us our waffles that morning. My stomach growled, and I put a hand to my stomach as I sat on my bottom wishing I could make it to the kitchen. I tried to think if there was another route, but the only way was passed Mr. Porter who was now cupping the woman’s breasts and kissing her.

  I couldn’t peel my eyes away, and warm tingle bloomed between my legs as she turned around and from what I could see, she rubbed his crotch. He eased back, and she undid his belt, and before long, I could see his impressive cock. It was huge compared to Champ’s who’d been the recipient of three different blow jobs, and my mouth watered as the cook took him into her mouth.

  They were an attractive couple, and I couldn’t help but be turned on as she worked her mouth on him, her head bobbing up and down in his lap. She was a petite blonde, and Mr. Porter, who I’d always thought was the hottest dad living, was tall, dark, and handsome, with chiseled features and a winning smile. He was also a very successful businessman, and from what I’d been told, his fortune was worth billions.

  We got along okay, and because I was around so much, I’d become like another member of the family. He’d often praised my sketches when he’d see me doodling, and had just that morning told me what a talented girl I was. The truth was, his encouragement and praise are the reason I had made plans to go to art school for design and one day I hoped to work for him.

  I was fortunate to know them. Even though my grandmother’s money was nothing to sneeze at, the only reason I’d met Lila and became friends was that she’d insisted on going to public school. She’d already gotten in trouble at the last private school she’d attended. Being a single dad, her father usually gave her whatever she wanted and so I came and went as she pleased.

  Things below were heating up, downstairs and in my panties. I couldn’t help but rub my knees together, and soon I decided that I had to touch it. I cupped my mound and moved my hips, hoping to ease the ache, but then all of a sudden, the two stood up, and he took her hand and led her to the stairs. They were coming up!

  As they paused to kiss, I darted down the unfamiliar hall and into the first room I came to assume it was her father’s office, but then I turned around and realized that I’d gone to the wrong door. This was his bedroom.

  I heard them approaching, their voices getting louder and so I ducked into the closet leaving the door open just enough to see what was going on and praying I wouldn’t be caught.

  The two walked in, and he shut the door as she took off her clothes. She had the hottest body ever, and I wished my own was as filled out. She also had on the sexiest bra and panties set, and I made up my mind then and there that I would never wear cotton panties again. Mine was soaked and getting wetter by the minute as Mr. Porter slipped off his shirt and then undid his pants and let them drop. Holy mother. He was gorgeous. I knew he spent a lot of time in the gym, but damn; he was in better shape than most of the boys at school, and his body was more developed and mature.

  As he took her to the bed and she lay back, spreading her legs wide for him, I covered my mouth. My panting had grown loud, and it was then I decided I had to rub my pussy. I slipped my hand down inside my panties and stroked the tender bud as he put his hand her to hers and she moaned.

  Then he centered his cock at her entrance and pushed his hip, burying deep inside her. It was then that I realized he was what I needed. Not some boy, but a man like Mr. Porter.
  It was all I could do not to make a sound, especially when the woman came and my release followed. I pulled my lips in tight and covered my mouth as my slender fingers worked my slick pussy.

  Mr. Porter picked her up against him, and she threw her head back as his large cock penetrated working like a piston, driving hard. The noise was growing louder, and as he talked dirty to her, it occurred to me why he had his own suite. He was relentless, and she loved it. I wanted to love it too.

  “You like my fucking cock, don’t you? It’s what you’ve wanted all along isn’t it?” His voice was so harsh, but it was so sexy, and she nodded and whimpered as she admitted he was right. “Yeah, I’ve wanted it too. Why do you think you got the job?”

  I looked at the woman wondering how I could be like her, desirable in his eyes. The kind of woman he wanted to hire. Her breasts were no larger than mine, but she held herself with more confidence, and while her hair was a slightly different blond, my strawberry blond was prettier. I suddenly wanted to be a woman and not a girl, to give up the childish clothes, sandals, and ponytails, and to make myself sexy enough to attract a man like Mr. Porter. Or better yet, Mr. Porter himself, and he’d give me the job I wanted too.

  I was even more convinced that he was the one for me when he worked the woman thoroughly through a series of orgasms, which seemed so much more intense than the ones I’d been giving myself. Then he jerked his cock out from her glistening pussy and shot his come all over her boobs. His load was incredible, and I had no idea men could come so much. Champ had never given me anything like that before, and I suddenly felt cheated.

  The cook, who lay there with her legs scissoring together, raked her finger across her breasts and brought the digit to her mouth. She gave a little mm sound, and I realized she’d tasted it. As my tummy growled again, I wished I was her.

  He brought her a towel from the bathroom, and they cleaned up and dressed. I sat back hoping they’d hurry so I could run back up to Lila’s room.

  I had given up on a snack, knowing there was only one thing I craved. And I knew with certainty that I wanted Mr. Porter to be the man I gave myself to.

  As he walked her out of his room, I found my opportunity to make a getaway and opened the closet door, but I’d only taken two steps out of it when he walked back into the room.

  Chapter 2


  I would let the little slut walk herself out and hit the showers, or at least that was my plan. I walked back into my room to see my daughter’s friend, Gemma, standing near my closet door wide-eyed with fear and embarrassment.

  “Gemma? What the hell are you doing?” The girl had been like family to my daughter for years, and though I hadn’t been around her as much, I had always seen her a good kid.

  She stuttered and stammered, “I’m uh, I—

  “You were in the closet?” I stepped forward and grabbed her arm and looked down at her small frame. She was in a cotton camisole top, and boy shorts like my daughter wore, and I couldn’t help but notice the little wet spot in the front between her legs.

  My cock twitched as I realized what she’d been doing and suddenly she found her voice. “I’m sorry, I was on my way down to the kitchen, and I saw you on the couch. Then you came up, and I was trying to—

  “You were trying to see more, weren’t you?” She must have been curious about the sex she’d seen downstairs, and I wondered how much of the blowjob she’d witnessed.

  “No, I really wasn’t; I swear, Mr. Porter.” She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and pouty lips, and I glanced down to see her tight nipples pressed against her little camisole. She was aroused.

  “I think you’re lying, Gemma. What were you doing in that closet?”

  “It’s like I said, sir. I promise I wasn’t trying to do anything. I just didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t know it was your room.”

  “You could have made yourself known. Did Lila put you up to this?” I hoped my daughter had nothing to do with it and the last thing I wanted her to know was that I was fucking someone on the staff again. She had been so upset the last time she’d caught me with the housekeeper.

  “No, sir. She’s asleep.” Her eyes trailed down to my cock, and even though I had on a robe, I had a feeling she could tell it was hard. Her eyes were puffy red, and I was afraid she’d start to cry.

  I tried to soften my voice. “Gemma, you can’t just hide in my closet while I have sex. You should have made yourself known from the beginning and suffered the embarrassment; you’re not a little girl anymore.” I glanced back down to her slender frame and thought of all the ways I could take her, knowing full well if I wanted to fuck her I could have her down on the bed and beneath me in a heartbeat.

  She must have played with her pussy in the closet while watching and I wondered if she had a crush. What I really needed to know was, would she run and tell Lila. I had to bribe her to keep her quiet, so I decided to question her. “Did you and Lila drink at the party?” She shook her head, but I gave her a knowing glance.

  “Lila had a few, but she’s sleeping them off.” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts which pushed them together. “Please, don’t punish her.”

  I had a right mind to punish them both, starting with Gemma. I could make her suck my cock or let me fuck her and dare her to tell Lila anything, but I couldn’t do that. I didn’t have to in order to keep her quiet. “I don’t want Lila to know about Felicity, the cook.”

  “I promise I won’t tell, but could I ask you for something, Mr. Porter?” She stepped closer and placed her hands on my arms as she let my eyes with a seductive look.

  “Maybe. But I think I need to know what you saw, Gemma.” Her face reddened even more, and I pinched her chin and lifted her eyes to mine.

  “I saw everything.” She tilted her head, and I knew she meant my cock and my grand finale.

  “And how did that make you feel, Gemma. I have a feeling you were doing more than watching. And that little wet spot in your panties is how I know.” I hoped to shock and embarrass her so she’d go.

  She gasped and glanced down at herself and then lifted her chin. “So, it’s only natural for me to be turned on and I think you’re very sexy.”

  I couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride through my cock but cursed it beneath my breath. “You’re a beautiful girl, Gemma. But you have so much growing up to do. An adult wouldn’t have hidden in the closet. And just because you have sex, doesn’t mean you are grown up.”

  “I’m a virgin, and if you don’t want me to tell Lila, I won’t. But would you kiss me?” She pushed her shoulders back and pressed her chest out. She was a bold one, and I was surprised that she’d not lost her cherry with all that fire. The thought of being the one to take it from her had me even more conflicted than before.

  My better sense won out. “I can’t kiss you, Gemma. You’re too young. That would be inappropriate.”

  “I’m not a little girl. I’m eighteen and perfectly legal.” She batted her lashes at me and leaned in closer. “And I’m very willing.”

  “You’re Lila’s age.”

  “What if I wasn’t her friend; what if I was older? Would you lay me back like you did your cook and put your big, thick cock inside my tight little hole?” She was a breath away from that kiss when she stopped and gave me a challenging look. Her dirty mouth needed a big fat cock in it for sure, but it wasn’t going to be mine.

  “If you were older, you’d still be Lila’s best friend.”

  “I can keep a secret, Mr. Porter. What’s one more?” She had me there, but I couldn’t do it. Every ounce of decency in me was warning me it was a bad idea.

  “It’s not going to happen.” I shook my head, but she stood up on her tiptoes and pulled me down to her mouth. I let my mouth open, and my tongue slipped inside for a short moment, but then I pulled away, prying her arms off of me. “Gemma!” I gave her a hard glare, and she stepped back and crossed her arm as if she were about to pout.

  “Am I
so horrible?” She lifted her shoulders, and her eyes ringed red with tears. I felt horrible for rejecting her in such a harsh way and brought her into my arms.

  “Gemma, you’re a gorgeous girl, and yes, if you were a bit older, I’d violate you in every way possible, but baby, you’re so young.”

  “I’m not though, everyone I know has had sex and I—

  “My Lila?” I stiffened, and she looked up at me but didn’t make a move to confirm or deny. I knew she’d slipped. “Dammit. Don’t tell me; I don’t want to know.”

  “I want it to be you, Mr. Porter. I saw you tonight, you know what to do with a woman, and I need someone who will make it special.” She had seen it all. The thought of her watching me, that I’d have a little voyeur in the closet spying was a total fucking turn on. Especially since she’d been so hot, she had to take care of business.

  “It will be special with someone you care about, not some old man who could be your father.”

  “You know I don’t have a father.”

  “That’s what I should be, Gemma. Like a father.”

  “Kiss me, and I promise, I’ll be a good girl.” She stepped back up to me and put her hands on my chest and gave me a pouty look.

  “One tiny kiss, Gemma. And nothing will ever come of it.” I took a deep breath telling myself over and over that it could only be one small kiss. I’d give it to her to keep her quiet, and that would be the end of it. “I do this, and you go up to bed, and we never speak of it again or anything else that happened tonight. Deal?”


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